The Biopolymer/Genomics Core Facility University of Maryland School of Medicine Phone 410-706-8553; Fax 410-706-0287; E-mail DNA SEQUENCING ORDER FORM CONTACT INFORMATION: (incomplete or illegible information may result in reporting delays) Principal investigator (print last name, first name): ________________________________________________________ Signature of P.I. or authorized person: __________________________________________ Date:_______________ UMGCC Member PCBU & Project ID #’s: ______________________ GCRC Funded Research Department and School: _________________________________________________________________________ Name of Requester: (if other than P.I.)_______________________________________ Phone: - E-mail Address: Please read and follow the detailed instructions on the back of the page. **Templates and Primers must be IN WATER** SERVICE REQUESTED (Check ONLY ONE box): [] Run with Specified Primers ONLY (no additional runs, raw data returned) [] Complete Single Stranded (assembled sequence returned as text file, additional primers/runs may be necessary) [] Complete Double Stranded (assembled sequence returned as text file, submit 2 primers min., additional primers/runs may be necessary) [] Dye Already Attached (submit in 96-well plate, see instructions on back of page) [] Return Unused Samples/Primers UNUSED SAMPLES/PRIMERS Will be Discarded in 5 business days, unless the above box is checked If Samples/Primers are not picked up within 10 business days, they will be discarded TEMPLATE INFORMATION (list all that apply, indicate which samples & primers should be used together): [] ds Plasmid [] PCR Product [] Single stranded [] High G/C content [] Other________ Template name: ______________________________________________________________ Insert or fragment size (required for Complete Single/Double) : ___________________________________ Volume(l) ______ Conc.( ng/uL) _______ OR A260____ A280____ Dilution____ Please make sure that all tubes are clearly marked with sample or primer name, date, & your initials! PRIMER INFORMATION (check all that apply): M13-Forward T7 M13-Reverse T7 Terminator BGH Reverse TKpolyA Other BPGC Primer:________________ pGex5’ EGFP-N CMV-Forward pGex3’ EGFP-C SP6 T3 Custom Primer (provide at 1M):______________ CMV Promoter To Be Completed By BIOPOLYMER STAFF ONLY: ____ Full reactions at $8/run (we attach the dye) ________ ____ Full reactions, 96 well trays $600/tray ________ ____ Full 96 well trays, ready to run at $75/tray ________ ____ Single runs, ready to run at $3.00/sample ________ ____ Primers at $8.00/primer (for primer walking) ________ _______________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ________ Biopolymer-Lab Sequence No.: Form: DNA SEQ ORDER Modification Date:01/09/2014 Invoiced By and Date: Page 1 of 2 The Biopolymer/Genomics Core Facility University of Maryland School of Medicine Phone 410-706-8553; Fax 410-706-0287; E-mail DNA Sequencing Ordering Instructions 1. Please note that failure to fill out the order form completely may result in delay of your order. Failure to submit samples and/or primers in adequate quantity may result in poor quality data. 2. Samples should be delivered to room HH560A. 3. A minimum of 300ng plasmid DNA or 50ng PCR product is required for each run. A “run” equals one sample tested with one primer (forward or reverse, not forward and reverse). 4. Samples with high G/C content maybe difficult to sequence. Please check the box “high in G/C content” if this applies to samples you submitted. 5. Custom primers should be submitted at 1 M. A minimum of 3.5 L per run at 1 M is required. 6. When submitting multiple sample and/or primer, list each on the form and indicate which samples and primers should be used together. You may write in the margin if necessary. 7. When submitting dye attached samples in a 96-well tray (plate): A. Ensure that the tray is not warped. A warped tray can cause serious damage to the detection instrument. The tray should lie flat when placed on the counter. If it does not lie flat, please transfer samples to a new tray. Warping can be avoided by not exposing the tray to excessive heat when drying down samples. B. Place 25 L of sterile water in all unused wells of the 96-well tray. Empty wells may cause poor quality data and/or damage to the detection instrument. 8. Sequencing results will be returned to the email address provided on the order form. 9. If Return Samples/Primers was requested, residual samples and/or primers may be picked-up at room HH560A. Form: DNA SEQ ORDER Modification Date:01/09/2014 Page 2 of 2