LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY Programme Specification B.Sc. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/ The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Awarding body/institution: Loughborough University Teaching institution (if different): Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory British Psychological Society, for Graduate body: Membership of the Society (GM) and Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR) Name of the final award: B.Sc. (Honours) Programme title: Social Psychology UCAS code: C880 Subject Benchmark Statement: Psychology Date at which the programme specification was written or revised: April 2003 1. Aims of the programme: to provide an intellectually stimulating environment in which students can develop the critical and practical skills of the social psychologist; to provide students with the opportunity to study social psychology in the multidisciplinary context of a Social Sciences Department where the value of interdisciplinary analysis is explored; to enable students to gain a theoretically and empirically well-grounded understanding of how people develop and think, how they interact with one another as individuals or groups, and how they affect, and are affected by, the cultures in which they live; to enable students to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of particular aspects of social psychology; 1 2. to introduce students to multiple perspectives in a way that fosters critical evaluation of psychological theory and research, both academically and in its application to the everyday world; to develop students’ understanding of the role of empirical evidence in the creation and testing of theory and also in how theory guides the collection and interpretation of empirical data; to enable students to acquire a range of quantitative and qualitative research skills and methods for investigating experience and behaviour; to develop the ability of students to conduct independent enquiry in the field of social psychology, using appropriate methodologies; to provide a high quality honours programme in social psychology, which maximises students’ opportunities to graduate with a good degree and enhance their employability. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes: 3. The draft Benchmark Statement for Psychology The National Qualifications Framework Requirements of the British Psychological Society which undertakes regular two-yearly ongoing monitoring and a full Review once every five years University Learning and Teaching Strategy Departmental teaching and learning policies The research interests and specialisms of the teaching staff and their professional involvement in the discipline. Intended Learning Outcomes Knowledge and Understanding: The Social Psychology degree teaches the broad range of psychology, but necessarily emphasises the social psychological base of the discipline. In keeping with the British Psychological Society requirements for GBR, students will have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of psychological topics in these areas: 1. Social psychology: core topics in, for example, attitudes, prejudice, intergroup relations, interpersonal relationships, gender and society. 2. Cognitive psychology: core topics in, for example, perception, memory, thinking, language, consciousness. 3. Personality and individual differences: core topics in, for example, abnormal and normal personality, psychological testing, intelligence, emotion. 4. Developmental psychology: core topics in social, cognitive and linguistic development. 2 5. Biological psychology: core topics in the biological bases of behaviour, the central nervous system, neuropsychology. 6. Research methods in psychology: qualitative and quantitative methods, research design, statistics, information technology. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated: Core knowledge and understanding of areas 1 to 5 is acquired by lectures, seminars, and guided independent study. The more practically-oriented knowledge in 6 is imparted through practical classes. Areas 1-5 are assessed by examination and coursework, and 6 by coursework alone, including a substantial independent Project. Skills and other attributes: (a) Subject-specific cognitive skills: On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: 1. locate and understand accounts of human experience in a variety of sources, and establish connections between them. 2. evaluate primary and secondary data. 3. critically analyse methods and theory in psychology. 4. apply psychological theory and research methods of psychology to problems in the daily world. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated: Cognitive skills are promoted by lectures, practicals, seminars, small group supervision of advanced work in the Final year, and by guided independent study of scholarly material. Cognitive skills are assessed by coursework and examinations. Examinations show how well the student can demonstrate their mastery of an area of scholarly knowledge by selecting appropriate material from memory and applying it to an unseen question in a limited time-period. Coursework allows the student to demonstrate wider academic skills of focused scholarly research, drafting, editing and polished writing. In the Final year, the student demonstrates their ability independently to design and execute a substantial empirical investigation and present its findings in a written dissertation. 3 (b) Subject-specific practical skills: On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: 1. observe, record accurately and give an objective account of human behaviour in natural settings. 2. design an experiment which compares behaviour or experience under at least two conditions of at least one experimental variable. 3. interpret qualitative data rigorously. 4. collect and organise quantitative data for statistical analysis. 5. communicate ideas in different genres and for different audiences: long and short essays, practical reports and a major dissertation; to peers and teachers; in writing and orally. 6. act professionally and in accordance with ethical propriety. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated: Practical skills are promoted through practical work in the laboratory and in the field. In Years 1 and 2 students are taught in practical classes and undertake increasingly more demanding empirical projects in small groups. In the Final year the student undertakes a major independent research project under the supervision of a member of staff. Assessment is via coursework (including class tests), ranging from small-scale practical reports through to the major write-up of the student’s independent Final year project. (c) Key/transferable skills: On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to: 1. Information technology: use instructional material (e.g. experimental demonstrations) and research tools (e.g. statistical packages) on computers, and search for relevant material on the internet. 2. Numeracy: collect data in numerical form, present it in tables and graphs, and analyse it with a range of statistical tools. 3. Problem solving: clarify questions, consider alternative solutions and evaluate outcomes. 4. Teamwork: share responsibility for a task with others; agree common goals and methods to achieve them; co-ordinate the use of common resources. 5. Communication skills: write or speak clearly to topic; to draft, edit and polish presentations; to contribute actively to group discussion. 4 6. Manage self-learning: seek out sources of information, plan time to make the best use of resources and review priorities in the light of deadlines. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated: Key skills 1-4 are promoted by the requirement in practical classes and in the Final year project that students use computers, become proficient at statistics, research design and implementation, and work in teams. Key skill 5 is embedded in the teaching methods used in tutorials and practical classes and in the assessment system, which is based on written and (to a lesser extent) oral reporting. Key skill 6 is fostered by guidance given in Handbooks and in personal consultations with students. Assessment of key skills is embedded in module assessment, and is explicit in endof-module student evaluations. 4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards: Credit weightings of modules are shown in brackets. Students are required to take modules amounting to 120 credits in each of the three years of the programme. YEAR ONE YEAR TWO SEMESTER ONE Introduction to Social Psychology A (10) Brain and Behaviour (10) Psychological Statistics 1A (10) Practical Social Psychology 1A (10) Introduction to Sociology A (10) Option (10) SEMESTER TWO Introduction to Social Psychology B (10) Perception and Cognition (10) Psychological Statistics 1B (10) Practical Social Psychology 1B (10) Introduction to Sociology B (10) Option (10) Practical Social Psychology with Statistics (40) Compulsory Social Psychology Social Psychology Option (20) module(20) Social Psychology Option (20) Free Option (20) (or in Semester Two) (or in Semester One) Social Psychology Project (40) YEAR THREE Compulsory Social Psychology Social Psychology Option (20) module(20) Social Psychology Option (20) Free Option (20) (or in Semester Two) (or in Semester One) 5 Year 1 Options Available: Social Policy and Social Issues, Communication & Media Studies, Politics, Economic History, French Language, German Language (10 credits in each subject per Semester) Compulsory Social Psychology Modules (taught in alternate years to Years 2 and 3 together): Thought and Language 1: General Themes Development and Socialisation Social Psychology Options Available: To meet BPS requirements, 3 of these 6 must have been studied by the end of the degree programme: Abnormal Behaviour and Mental Illness Children with Difficulties Forensic and Criminal Psychology Health and Illness Human Sexualities Personality and Psychotherapy Further social psychology options: Close Relationships Discourse and Social Psychology Feminism and Psychology Identity and the Self Intergroup Relations Mass Communications Material Culture Persuasion and Rhetoric Thought and Language 2: Developmental Themes Years 2 & 3 Free Options Available: (A 20 credit Free Option can be two 10 credit modules offered by other Departments) A further Social Psychology Option or Modules offered at the time in Sociology, Social Policy, Communication & Media Studies, Politics, Languages, other subjects approved by the Department 5. Criteria for admission to the programme: A typical offer would be: A Level qualifications: 300 points from two subjects at A level plus either a third subject at A level or two subjects at AS level. General Studies is accepted as an A level subject. Vocational Certificate of Education (VCE) qualifications: 300 points from a minimum of 18 units (any combination of VCE units/AS level units/A level units). 6. Information about assessment regulations: Most modules are assessed by a mixture of written examination and coursework, although there are exceptions in Year 1 where some modules are assessed entirely by coursework and others entirely by examination. First year assessment is for progression to the second year. 6 Second year and third year results are equally weighted at 50% each in calculating final degree classifications. Students follow modules weighted at 120 credits each year. In order to progress to the next year of the programme, or to be awarded the degree at the end of Year 3, students must, each year, accumulate at least 100 credits and obtain a minimum of 30% in remaining modules. Any student who fails to meet these requirements has the automatic right of reassessment on one occasion only in any module which is causing them to fail the year. Students who have achieved a minimum of 60 credits for the year can opt for reassessment in either the September following the end of the academic year or during the course of the following academic year. Students with less than 60 credits must wait until the following academic year to be reassessed. The Practical Social Psychology 1A and 1B modules are barred from September reassessment and so any student who fails either of these must wait until the following academic year to be reassessed in all fail modules. Full details of these arrangements are contained in the official Programme Regulations (attached as an appendix). 7. Indicators of quality: The programme is the responsibility of the Department of Social Sciences, which received a near-perfect score of 23 out of 24 in the national Teaching Quality Assessment of all its programmes in 1995-96. 8. Particular support for learning: Library: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/library/ The University Library provides advanced support for student learning in a purpose-built building and electronically via the web. It is open for upwards of 80 hours per week during semester and holds a stock of more than half a million volumes and an extensive serials collection. Numerous PC workstations (100+), networked printing facilities and self-service photocopiers are also available. The Library is designated EDC (European Documentation Centre). The Library catalogue is available on-line, as are electronic versions of reading lists. Over 180 subject-specific electronic databases can be accessed by users both on campus and elsewhere. The Library organises induction sessions for first year students and librarians can provide flexible training for students and researchers throughout their time at Loughborough. User support is also available from the Library information desks, via printed and online guides and through a series of ‘Lunchtime in the Library’ and other training sessions. There are a variety of study environments in the Library, including individual and group study desks, private carrels and group study rooms. Social Psychology staff regularly order new material for the Library, including both books and journals. Students receive a detailed reading list for each module, and popular texts are placed in the Short Loan collection to ensure ready access. 7 Computing Services: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/computing/index.html Computing Services provides the University IT facilities and infrastructure. General purpose computer resources across campus are open 24 hours and more specialist computer laboratories are provided in partnership with departments. Students in halls of residence are supported in connecting their computers to the high speed network. The University’s virtual learning environment “LEARN” provides on and off campus access to web-based teaching materials provided by lecturing staff. The Social Sciences Department has three technicians who provide IT support for both staff and students. The Department has an open-access IT laboratory for student use, and several others which can be booked when not in use for teaching purposes. Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Computer Assisted Learning Centre: The Social Sciences Department supports the Faculty’s CAL Centre. Students can make use of the laboratory for accessing the Learn server, and user help and support is available. Professional Development: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/pd Professional Development (PD) provides continuing professional development and support in teaching and a wide range of other areas. New lecturers attend a personalised programme of PD courses and, in the final year of probation, Quality Enhancement assesses their teaching through direct observation and a portfolio. Accreditation for this process has been awarded by the Institute for Learning and Teaching (ILT). PD works directly with staff who wish to develop more effective teaching and learning methods - including the area of learning technologies - and provides resources to support the learning skills development of students. Other development opportunities are provided in institutional strategic priority areas and in response to discussions with departments in the context of their needs. Counselling Service and English Language Study Unit: The Counselling Service and English Language Study Unit are able to support individual students in resolving problems and in improving communication skills for international students. Within the Social Sciences Department individual members of staff are always willing to assist students with their study skills, and the Personal Tutor system gives students a first port of call if they have personal problems to resolve. Disabilities & Additional Needs Service: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/disabilities/ The Disabilities and Additional Needs Service (DANS) offers support for students and staff including: advice both on matters relating to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act (SENDA); adaptation of course materials into Braille/large print/tape/disk/other formats; organising mobility training; BSL interpretation; provision of communication support workers; note takers in lectures/tutorials; assessment of specific support, equipment and software needs; individual/small group tuition for students who have dyslexia; representing students’ needs to academic and other University departments; organising adapted accommodation to meet individual needs; helping to organise carers to meet any personal care needs; organising appropriate support for students who have a mental health problem. 8 DANS has links with the RNIB Vocational College, Derby College for Deaf People and the National Autism Society to offer effective support to students at the University. It regularly takes advice from other national and local organisations of and for disabled people. Where a student has complex support or accommodation needs, contact with DANS is strongly advised prior to application. The University Examinations Office makes special provision for students who need extra time for their examinations, for instance because of dyslexia. At Faculty level, provision is made for students who need special facilities for taking examinations, whether as a result of mobility problems, health problems, accident or injury. At Departmental level, staff work in collaboration with DANS to take account of students’ special needs when preparing teaching materials. A Departmental Disability Co-ordinator (currently Dr Dennis Howitt, D.L.Howitt@lboro.ac.uk) acts as a source of advice and help for both staff and students. Careers: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/careers/section/careers_service/welcome.html The Careers Service provides support and advice for students seeking careers guidance and help with job-searching techniques, together with a library of careers resources, careers fairs, employer presentations, management and skills courses and a comprehensive website containing vacancies and information. In the UK Graduate Careers Survey, sponsored by the Times Newspaper, Loughborough University Careers Service was rated as one of the most impressive with over 80% of students rating it as good or excellent. The service has also been identified by employers as amongst the top ten Higher Education careers services in the 2003 Association of Graduate Recruiters/Barkers survey. The Careers Service organises a successful work-shadowing programme specifically of interest to students in the Department of Social Sciences, including those on the Social Psychology programme. 9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning: The University has a formal quality procedure and reporting structure laid out in its Academic Quality Procedures handbook, available online at: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/admin/central_admin/policy/academic_quality/contents.html and directed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching). Each Faculty has an Associate Dean for Teaching responsible for all learning and teaching matters. For each Faculty there is a Directorate (responsible for the allocation of resources) and a Board (responsible for monitoring quality issues within each department). Support is provided by the Professional Development Unit and the Quality Enhancement Unit. Student feedback on modules and programmes is sought at regular intervals, individual programmes are reviewed annually, and Departments review their full portfolio of programmes as part of a Periodic Programme Review (every five years). 9 Minor changes to Module Specifications are approved by the Associate Dean (Teaching) on behalf of the Faculty Board, and ratified by the University Curriculum Sub-Committee in accordance with the University's quality procedures. Major changes are considered by the University Curriculum Sub-Committee. All staff participate in the University's staff appraisal scheme, which helps to identify any needs for staff skills development. Both probationary staff and those seeking promotion to Senior Lecturer are subject to a formal teaching evaluation scheme, administered by the Quality Enahncement Unit and accredited by the Institute for Learning and Teaching. 10