CHAPTER 3 EVOLUTION AND BIODIVERSITY THINKING Objectives 1. Briefly describe the theory of evolution. Be sure to include the roles played by variation within the gene pool and natural selection, extinction, speciation, and adaptive radiation. Summarize and address three common misconceptions about evolution. 2. Define ecological niche. Distinguish between condition and resource; fundamental niche and realized niche. List the factors that determine the realized niche. 3. Distinguish between a specialist and a generalist. Evaluate the conditions that favor these two approaches. 4. Describe how climate affects the distribution of plant life on Earth. Compare the climate in deserts, grasslands, and forests. Summarize the interactions of altitude, latitude, and biome type. 5. Evaluate the significance of the ecological contributions of the oceans. Distinguish between coastal zones and the open sea. List and compare the four principal zones of an ocean. 6. Distinguish between coastal and inland wetlands. Describe the ecological functions performed by wetlands. Describe environmental problems associated with coastal and inland wetlands. 7. List and compare the four zones of a lake. Distinguish between oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes. Describe stratification and a turnover in a lake. 8. List four variables that collectively determine population size. Define biotic potential. List four factors that contribute to biotic potential. Define carrying capacity and its effect on J-shaped population growth curves. Describe two types of reproductive strategies exhibited by different organisms.