Debate Rubric Opening Comments Arguments 3 points Opening comments state your viewpoint clearly in 30 seconds or less. Your arguments are relevant. 2 points Opening comments state your viewpoint. 1 point Opening comments do not state your viewpoint. Your arguments are mostly relevant. Your give no arguments OR they are not relevant. You give no supporting facts or examples. Information You give a variety of facts and examples to support arguments from primary and secondary sources. You give some supporting facts and examples from primary and secondary sources but some of them may be inaccurate. Rebuttal You give specific examples to disprove another’s point successfully. Creativity You take the role of historical personalities debating the topic and consistently debate the topic in the terms and verb tense of the time period. Your tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to the audience. You give specific examples to disprove another’s point but were not successful. You take the role of a historical personality but do not consistently debate the topic in the terms and verb tense of the time period. You do not attempt to disprove anyone’s point OR give no specific examples when doing so. You do not attempt to take the role of a historical personality during the debate. Your tone of voice and use of gestures helped to convince the audience. You did not use gestures and were not enthusiastic about your viewpoint. Presentation Style