` PROPOSED TOPICS FOR ISPR 2013 TO BE ORGANISED ON 5TH & 6TH October, 2013 at Ahmedabad Management Association. [A] ORATION : I. DR. BIJON KUNDU. Topic: Head & Neck Syndromes in Paediatrics. [45minutes] [B] ORATION : II : DR. P.K.SRIVASTAV. TOPIC : HRSG of Paediatric Eye. [45minutes] Cardiac & Vascular: [1] Role of Multislice [256] CT in Congenital Heart Disease. DR.A.K.Sharma. [GBPANT, N. DELHI.] [2] Evaluation of Cardiac Abnormalities by MRI. DR.Kishor Taori- Nagpur. [3] Vascular Anomalies in Children.: Imaging & Radiological investigations. DR.Prof.Shyam Kumar N.K[ CMC vellore] GENERAL. [4] Humanities in Radiology. 40minutes. DR.Ravi Ramakant. [5] Anasthesia in Children In Radiology. DR.Jitendra Belani. A’hd. [6] Radiation Dose Reduction Stratigies in Paediatric CT. DR.Khushaljit Sodhi. PGI Chandigarh. [7] Problems & Preference of Imaging by Various Modalities. DR.B.B.Thukral. ` CHEST. [8] [9] Congenital Chest Conditions: DR.Aniruddh Kohli, Breach Candy, Mumbai. Mediastinal Masses in Children. DR. Rama Anand. [N.Delhi] [10 ] Broncho Pulmonary Vascular Malformation. [Sequestration & beyond] DR.Aparna Irodi. [CMC Vellore] CNS [11] Congenital CNS anomalies in Children. Dr.Aniruddh Kohli. [12] Neonatal & Infant Brain Imaging. [HRSG] Dr. Alka Karnik. [13] Imaging in HIE [ Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy] DR. Anirudh Kohli. [14] Imaging of Paediatric Metabolic Brain Disorders. DR.Deepak Patkar, Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai. [15] Pattern of Myelination & Common Leucodystrophies on MRI. DR.Manu Shroff, Sick Kids Hospital, Torronto. [16] Paediatric Stroke : DR. Srinivas Desai. [17] Paediatric CNS Infections : Are they Different ? DR.Sunithi Mathew. CMC, Vellore. [18] Imaging of Paediatric Brain Tumors. DR.Deepak Mehta, Pramukh Swami Medical College, Karamsad. ` [19] Imaging in CNS Manifestations in Aids in Children. DR.Hemant Patel, GIC, Ahmedabad. [20] Spectrum of Cranial Tuberculosis in Children: DR. Neera Kohli. [21] Neuroimaging in Phakomatosis . DR. Sunali Desai, Infocus, Ahmedabad. [22 ] Role of MRI in Spinal Dysraphism. DR. Malini Lawande. [23] Congenital Hearing Loss. [Role of CT & MRI. DR.Rajendra Solanki. Mehsana. ABDOMEN. [24] Congenital anomalies of hepato Pancreatico Ductal system. 40minutes. DR. Sunil K.Puri. [GBPant, N. Delhi.] [25] Radionuclide study in Paediatric Hepatobiliary system & urinary tract. DR.Manas Mayank. GIC, Ahmedabad. [26] HRSG in Acute Abdomen in Children: DR. Bhupendra Ahuja. Agra. [27] Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children : DR. Sudha Anupindi. [Philadelphia] [28] Imaging of Common Abdominal Tumors : DR.Seema Kembhavi. [29] Imaging the Small Bowel in Children. DR.Sudha Anupindi. [ PhilAdelphia] [30] Barium Enema in Hirschsprung’s Disease. DR.G.R.Jankharia. Mumbai. ` [31] Paediatric Uro. Masses ; DR.Satish Nawre. :D.Y.Patil Uni. Pune. [32] MR Urography : DR.Priscilla Joshi. Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune. [33] Pelvic & Sacrococcygeal Masses in Children. DR.Shabnam Grover Bhandari. [34] PET CT vs MR in Paediatric Oncochology Dr.Sikandar [35] Paediatric Gynaecology : DR.Manju Virmani [36] Ultrasound Approcah to Sex Disorders . DR.Arun Kinare. Pune. MSK: [37] Imaging of Paediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders. DR. Dipak Patkar. Mumbai. [38] Paediatric Bone Tumors : Dr.Jayraj Govindraj. Apollo Hospital, Chennai. [39] Interactive Film reading Session : 45minutes. DR.Chidambernathan & DR.Jayraj Govindraj. [Apollo Hospital, Chennai] N.B.: Topics, Sequence may change as per availability of Faculties. CONTD. ON NEXT PAGE: ` Following sessions [ talks] will be on Sunday [on 6th Oct.] They all are combined sessions of Paediatricians & Radiologists. Firstly, Paediatrician will talk for 10 minutes, followed by talk of Radiologist for twenty minutes. [A] Imaging in HIE. DR.Ashish Mehta & DR.Kamal Parikh.[Paediatricians] 10minutes. DR.Aniruddh Kohli : 20minutes. [B] Paediatric Stroke. DR.Siddharth Shah. -----------10minutes. DR.Srinivas Desai. [Radiologist] – 20 minutes. [C] Paediatric CNS infections : Are they different ? DR.Chetan Trivedi. [ Paediatrician] 10 minutes DR. Sunithin Mathew. [Radiologist. CMC, Vellore] [D] Shadows on X ray chest. What Next ? DR.Baldev Prajapati: [ Paediatrician] DR.Y.T.Patel. [Radiologist]---DR.Kalpesh Shah. [Radiologist] [E] Imaging of Paediatric Brain Tumors : DR. DR.Varsha Tripathi & DR. Satish Pandya.—10minutes. DR. Deepak Mehta. [Radiologist] ---------------20minutes. [F] HRSG of Acute Abdomen in Children: DR.Parthiv Shah [Paed. Surgeon] -----10minutes. & DR.Baldev Prajapati.[Paediatrician] DR. Bhupendra Ahuja.[ Radiologist] -20 minutes. [G] Paediatric Bone tumors : DR.Premal Nayak & DR.Maulin Shah. [Paed]—10min. DR.Jayaraj Govindraj.[Radiologist,Apollo,Chennai]—20min. ` CONGENITAL: ` [1] Congenital Abnormalities of Hepato Pancreatico ductal system : 4O Minutes. DR. Sunil Kummar Puri. GBPant,N.Delhi. [3] Congenital Chest Conditions: DR.Anirudhh Kohli, Breach Candy, Mumbai. [5] Congenital CNS Anomalies in Children. DR. Anirudh Kohli . Mumbai. CNS [6] Imaging in HIE [ Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy] DR. Anirudh Kohli. [7] Imaging of Paediatric Metabolic Brain Disorders. DR.Deepak Patkar, Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai. [8] High resolution Sonography of Spine in neonates & infants. DR.Alka Karnik. [09] Paediatric Stroke : DR. SRINIVAS DESAI. [10] Imaging of Paediatric Brain Tumors. DR.Deepak Patkar, Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai. [11] Imaging in CNS Manifestations in Aids in Children. DR.Hemant Patel, GIC, Ahmedabad. [12] Spectrum of Cranial Tuberculosis in Children: DR. Neera Kohli. [13] Role of MRI in Spinal Dysraphism. DR. Malini Lawande. ` [14] Neonatal & Infant Brain Imaging. [HRSG] Dr.Alka Karnik. [15] Paediatric CNS Infections : Are they Different ? DR.Sunithi Mathew. CMC, Vellore. [16] Pattern of Myelination & Common Leucodystrophies on MRI. DR.Deepak Mehta- Pramukh Swami MC, Karamsad. TRAUMA [17] Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children : CT Imaging. DR.Sudha Anupindi : Philadephia. [18] Paediatric Imaging from skull base to neck : DR.Bijon Kundu. Kolkatta. PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES. [19] High Resolution Sonography of Neonatal Abdomen. DR.P.K.Srivastav, Lucknow. [20] HRSG of Acute Abdomen in Children: DR. P.K.Srivastav. [25] Problems & Preference of Imaging by Various Modalities. DR.B.B.Thukral. NUCLEAR MEDICINE. [26] [27] Radionucleide study in Paediatric Hepato biliary system & Urinary tract. DR.Manas Mayank. Ahmedabad. Image Guided common Interventions in Children. ` RADIATION ISSUES IN CHILDREN. 28 [b] DR. Khushaljit Sodhi. Chandigadh. Radiatopn Dose Reduction Stratigies in Paediatric CT. A need of the Hour. [c] DR.B.B.Thukral. Delhi. Radiation Issues & Aspects in Imaging in Paediatrics. 28 28 [d] DR. Sikandar- [Alara Principle] Hyderabad. NECK & CHEST. [i] Congenital Chest Conditions: DR.Anirudhh Kohli, Breach Candy, Mumbai. [ii] Mediastinal Masses in Children. DR.Rama Anand. [N.Delhi] [iii ] Broncho Pulmonary vascular Malformation. [Sequestration & beyond] DR.Aparna Irodi. [ CMC Vellore] [29] HRSG OF PAEDIATRIC NECK MASSES: DR.P.K.SRIVASTAV. [ 30] BRONCHO PULMONARY VASCULAR MALFORMATION: Sequestration & beyond ; DR. Aparna Irodi. [CMC, VELLORE] ABDOMEN. [31] Imaging the Small bowel in Children ; ` [32] DR.Sudha Anupindi. Philadelphia. HRSG in Paediatric GIT : DR.Bhupendra Ahuja. [33] MR Enterography of Infllammatory Bowel Diseases. DR.Geetika Khanna. Philadelphia. [ 34] HRSG of Paediatric Scrotum . [including Undescended testis] DR.P.K.Srivastav. [35] MR UROGRAPHY . DR.Priscilla Joshi. Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune. [36] Liver Masses in Childern . DR. Sudha Anupidi. Philadelphia. [37] Paediatric URO. Masses; DR.Satish Naware.DR. DYPatil Vidyapeeth, Pune. [38] Imaging the Spleen. DR.Sudha Anupidi. ONCHO. [39] Imaging of Common Abdominal Tumors : DR. Seema Kembhavi. [40] Pelvic & Sacrococcygeal Masses in Children. DR.Shabnam Grover Bhandari. [41] PET CT Imaging in paediatrics. DR.Sikandar . Hyderabad. [ 42] Lymphomas & Leukaemias in Children. DR.Seema Khembhavi. [43] Paediatric Bone Tumors . DR. Jayraj Govindraj . ` [44] Update of Neuroblastoma Imaging : DR.Seema Kembhavi. Tata Memorial,Mumbai. [45] PET CT vs MR in Paediatric Onchology. DR. Sikandar. Hyderabad. MSK [24] Imaging of J.I.A. DR.Geetika Khanna. [46] Imaging of Paediatric Musculo skeletal Disorders. DR.Deepak Patkar. [47] HRSG in Paediatric MSK. DR.P.K.Srivastav. [48] Paediatric Acute Abdomen : DR.Rama Anand. [49] Mediastinal Masses in Children. DR. Rama Anand. [50] Role of CT & MR in Congenital Hearing loss. DR.Rajendra Solanki. [51] Barium Enema in Hirschsprung’s Disease. DR.Govind Jankharia. [52] Epiphyseal Injuries ; DR. Govind jankharia. [53] Film Reading Session { [ Interactive] : [DR.Jayraj Govindraj & DR.Chidambermnathan] ` 28 [d] DR. Sikandar- [Alara Principle] Hyderabad. [28] ` [a] 28 DR.Manohar Shroff. Toronto- Canada. Radiation Awareness in Children: A decade of change. [d] DR. Sikandar- [Alara Principle] Hyderabad.