Policy for the Preparation of Theses, Dissertations, and Doctoral Research Projects Rationale The master’s thesis, dissertation, and doctoral research project embody original research that significantly contributes to knowledge within an academic field. It demonstrates that the candidate possesses research skills pertinent to the area of study, can draw logical conclusions, and make interpretive statements. These works reflect the student’s accomplishments, as well as the quality of scholarship at the university awarding the degree. It is vital that any document accepted by the university to fulfill graduate degree requirements adheres to scholarly standards, meets requirements specified by the candidate’s area of study, and be written clearly and without grammatical errors. Developing university-wide standards and protocols for master’s theses, dissertations, and doctoral research projects will help support the university’s Strategic Plan 2010-2015, which states that by 2012, appropriate oversight and infrastructure support for graduate programs and graduate students are well established. It would also move GVSU forward in compliance with the Higher Learning Commission expectations for graduate education at GVSU. Additionally, standards and protocols for these culminating works will ensure that works accepted for graduate degree completion at GVSU contribute meaningfully to scholarship in the various academic arenas. Presently at GVSU, theses, dissertations, and doctoral research projects are directed entirely by individual academic units. Processes vary from unit to unit; some require a research committee, approval of a thesis/dissertations/doctoral research project outline or prospectus by a department administrator, have set criteria and timelines, and may require the student to defend their research. Others may employ a single research advisor model. There is not a consistent university-wide practice regarding submitting theses, dissertations, and doctoral research projects for the university libraries’ collections, and in some instances, providing the library a copy of the work is not a requirement for graduation. Policy To help create a cohesive process for master theses, dissertations, and doctoral research projects at Grand Valley State University, the Graduate Council proposes the following: Masters theses and doctoral research projects must be overseen by a research committee consisting of at least three (3) members. Doctoral dissertations must be overseen by a research committee consisting of at least four (4) members. The chair of the committee must hold full graduate faculty status. At least two (2) committee members must be from the candidate’s primary program of study area. At least one (1) committee member must be from outside the candidate’s primary program of study area. The Office of Graduate Studies must endorse the committee membership. There must be a public defense of the completed document. The completed document must adhere to the Guidelines for the Preparation of Theses, Dissertations, and Doctoral Research Projects. 1 After obtaining final approval from the committee, the completed document is reviewed by the Office of Graduate Studies for formatting. Approval of the Office of Graduate Studies is required before the thesis is accepted by Grand Valley State University. An electronic version (pdf) of the completed approved document must be submitted for inclusion in the GVSU institutional repository (e.g. ScholarWorks) managed by the University Library. Exceptions to any of these requirements may occur with approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Definitions Thesis – an original body work that significantly contributes to knowledge within an academic field. The document consists of a research, scholarly, or creative activity that is approximately 12,000 to 13,000 words (roughly 50 pages). It is a single authored document that allows the student completing the work to demonstrate a mastery of their field that reflects the ability to function effectively and independently in the creative or problem solving process. Dissertation – an original body of work that significantly contributes to knowledge within an academic field. The document consists of a research, scholarly, or creative activity that is approximately 24,000 to 30,000 words (roughly 100 to 120 pages). It is a single authored document that makes an original contribution to knowledge in the discipline of study. Doctoral Research Project – an original body of work or systematic review of the literature that significantly contributes to knowledge within an academic field. The document consists of a research, scholarly, or creative activity that is approximately 24,000 to 30,000 words (roughly 100 to 120 pages). It is a multi-authored document that makes an original contribution to knowledge in the discipline of study. 2