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Natural Remedies for Anxiety
Although stress is an inevitable and sometimes healthy part of life, when it becomes
excessive, it can lead to debilitating anxiety, fear, worry, or even panic attacks.
Therapeutic gemstones are natural tools for relieving anxiety and helping with stress
management. These gently supportive remedies can help you release stress and feel more
calm and secure.
Dr. Ada González discusses Natural Remedies for Anxiety Relief.
Therapeutic Gemstones for Anxiety
Immediate and long-term relief of anxiety is possible by wearing the following
therapeutic gemstone necklaces:
Stabilizes and soothes anxiety symptoms and emotional stress, bringing order to feelings
of panic and helping you feel calmer and more secure. Learn more about Rhodonite
Helps you feel more grounded and focused and less overwhelmed, anxious, or scattered.
Learn more about Rhodonite
Balances emotional extremes while reducing the harmful effects of stress. Learn more
about Amethyst
Mother of Pearl
Produces an overall calming effect to ease emotional distress, worry, and fear and help
you feel more safe and protected. Learn more about Mother of Pearl
Helps you feel and express positive emotions more easily while infusing you with
vitality. Learn more about Carnelian
Unwinds tension and anxiety from your body, mind, and emotions, so you can let go of
worrisome thoughts, feelings, or difficult situations. Learn more about Citrine
Natural Anxiety Remedies: An Effective and Long-Lasting Approach to
Anxiety Relief
by Dr. Ada González
Over 30 million Americans suffer from anxiety. That’s one in ten of our neighbors
experiencing a stress-related condition. Fortunately, anxiety is one of many conditions
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that respond well to therapeutic gems. In my practice as a naturopathic doctor, I've found
that when my patients wear certain therapeutic gems as necklaces, they receive real,
ongoing support that helps stabilize emotions and reduce nervous energy and anxiety. I've
seen great results with therapeutic gemstones.
What Happens When Stress Becomes Chronic?
Our bodies have a built-in way to respond to a stressful or threatening situation: it quickly
secretes hormones to make us more alert, focused, and ready to react quickly. Thus, a
short-term dose of stress can give us the energy and motivation to do our best and even
survive a life-threatening situation. But when life becomes too full of stress, frustration,
and anxiety, the body's stress response is triggered almost continually, and a state of
hyper-alertness and fear can become chronic. This state of tension and anxiety is not only
emotionally difficult, but it also can negatively impact our long-term health. When the
body is in this emergency mode, it doesn't take time to properly restore and repair itself–
just as when we are in an emergency situation, such as an earthquake or hurricane, we
don’t choose to fix a small tear in the carpet. Over time, a stressed body doesn’t take care
of the small “tears.” It doesn’t have the time or energy to heal and restore itself—and big
problems can result.
If you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, you can wear certain
therapeutic gemstone necklaces to feel more balanced, calm, and grounded.
Rhodonite Helped Relieve Her Panic
For acute emotional stress or strain, with sudden anxiety, I recommend Rhodonite. The
person using Rhodonite feels calmer and more able to cope with any situation at hand.
I've seen it ground and center people instantaneously. A nine-year-old girl came to my
office in pain with a severe infection. She was panicked, crying, and unable to sit still, so
I handed her a Rhodonite necklace. Within a few moments, she became peaceful and
answered my questions calmly. It was a dramatic shift in her demeanor.
Yet, a few minutes later she became agitated and started crying. I realized she had taken
off the Rhodonite. As soon as she put the Rhodonite necklace on, she was peaceful again.
Her mother and I were amazed at how quickly she had become calm. Rhodonite can work
this rapidly and effectively to calm the emotions and help us feel balanced, even in very
stressful situations.
Amethyst Eased a Businesswoman’s Anxiety
Another interesting gem for anxiety and stress is Amethyst. It's often the best gem to
calm and relax the nerves. The energy of Amethyst nourishes the nervous system and
allows it to move into a more relaxed state. Amethyst can be useful when we are going
through emotional extremes or when we feel easily thrown off balance emotionally.
Wearing a therapeutic Amethyst necklace can help bring the nervous system into balance
and reduce the harmful effects of stress, with no negative side effects.
A woman described how Amethyst helped her. She had started a new business and was
concerned about money and the success of her project. She was exhausted with stress and
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worry about getting things done. When she began wearing Amethyst, she was able to
relax and start to enjoy the work that had previously stressed her. Now each little thing
didn't cause her to panic, and she felt more ease as she successfully grew her business.
Onyx Offers Support for Grounding
Onyx is another gem that is helpful for anxiety. Wearing a therapeutic Onyx necklace
can help us become more grounded, especially when we're feeling overwhelmed. It helps
us focus and multi-task, so it's great for easing the anxiety that can come from tight
deadlines or the need to focus on details. I've seen many people experience positive
effects with Onyx. Whether anxiety comes from fear and shyness, or the stress of work or
school pressures, Onyx can help.
Therapeutic gems also work well for pets. I have even seen Onyx work for a dog with
separation anxiety. His owners, who happened to be physicians, decided to try Onyx on
their black Labrador. When he wore Onyx, he stopped his anxious barking when left
alone. He was calmer and more relaxed, and so were they!
These are just a few of the gemstones that can help with anxiety. I suggest visiting for even more suggestions.
Reliable Source for Therapeutic Gems
I recommend using only therapeutic quality gems, because that's what's required for
gems to be healing. I recommend one source of therapeutic gems for all my patients:, because Gemisphere offers the best, highest quality gems in the world
for therapeutic results.
Enjoy, and be healthy!
If you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, you can wear certain
therapeutic gemstone necklaces to feel more balanced, calm, and grounded.
Rhodonite can work rapidly and effectively to calm the emotions and help us feel
balanced, even in very stressful situations.
Wearing a therapeutic Amethyst necklace can help bring the nervous system into balance
and reduce the harmful effects of stress, with no negative side effects.
Whether anxiety comes from fear and shyness, or the stress of work or school pressures,
Onyx can help.
Anxiety Landing Page
I have to type some text here to make this meta data recommendations appear below.
Meta Title: Anxiety Treatment Relief | Natural Remedies | Gemstone
Meta Description: Therapeutic gemstones, a unique form of energy
healing medicine, can ease anxiety, worry, stress, and tension
symptoms and treat their underlying causes, without harmful side
Meta Keywords: anxiety, worry, stress, tension, natural, alternative,
treatment, relief, remedies, therapy, gemstones, gems, gemisphere,
rhodonite, onyx, amethyst, mother, pearl, carnelian, citrine