Component 5b: The organization has the capacity and commitment to engage with its
identified constituencies and communities.
Assertion 1: NAU has consistently demonstrated commitment to serve its core
constituencies through numerous formal and informal working relationships with those
o Subpoint 1: NAU has developed and supported programs and organizations to
serve Native Americans, including the Institute for Native Americans
(, the Native American Business Organization
(, Native Americans United
(, and The Institute for Tribal
and Environmental Professionals ( ).
o Subpoint 2: NAU has been recognized as a national leader in Native American
Education. (look for specific references for nationwide rankings among colleges
and universities)
o Subpoint 3: The graduation rates of Native American students have shown
consistent improvement over the last few years (look for referenced citing
graduation rates)
o Subpoint 4: NAU has continued to develop and support programs and
organizations to serve statewide students. (evidence: Distance education
programs, including course offering, programs, etc. These are listed on the
Evidence Inventory under component 3c; also available from Patrick Deegan’s
o Subpoint 5: NAU has developed and supported programs and organizations to
serve alumni, such as the NAU Alumni Association.
Assertion 2: Through its strategic planning efforts NAU has demonstrated that it has
identified its core constituencies, has been historically committed to serving them, and
will continue to serve them in the future.
o Subpoint 1: The current and previous NAU mission statements specifically
address the importance of serving Native Americans, and statewide students.
o Subpoint 2: The “One Community” initiative has fostered closer relationships
between NAU and the local community (look or evidence)
o Subpoint 3: the University’s strategic planning documents show a consistent
recognition of the importance of continued engagement with its core
Assertion 3: NAU has consistently supported engagement with its core constituencies by
dedicating substantial administrative, financial, and programmatic resources to that
o Subpoint 1: In May, 2005, NAU President John Haeger was named by Arizona’s
Governor to head Committee for Teacher Quality and Support.
o Subpoint 2: NAU encourages and supports its employees to participate in
numerous local community service boards. (evidence would be websites for
various boards)
 Nonprofit Resource Center for Northern Arizona
 Coconino County Workforce Investment Board.
o Subpoint 3: NAU supports AmeriCorps programs by providing facilities,
administrative support, and infrastructure.
Assertion 4: NAU regularly makes its facilities and services available for use by the local
and statewide communities.
o Subpoint 1: NAU’s Cline Library resources and facilities are available for use by
the local and statewide communities.
o Subpoint 2: The Center for High Altitude Training, located on NAU’s Flagstaff
campus, offers high quality facilities, training resources, and programs for athletes
at all levels of ability. It draws local, national, and international participants.
o Subpoint 3: NAU’s athletics facilities are used for a wide range of activities that
are regularly attended by people from throughout the state and beyond. (the
evidence is extensive and would need to be sampled)
o Subpoint 4: NAU has invested heavily in technology to support its mission of
offering educational opportunities to residents throughout Arizona.
o Subpoint 5: The Wall Aquatic Center is used extensively by NAU students, NAU
student-athletes, the local community, and the Center for High Altitude Training