To the referees,
MANUSCRIPT No._______________
Please send your recommendations and comments and return the manuscript till 31. August 2008 to
ICNMTA2008 Secretariat (preferably by E-mail: If you know at the outset that you will
not be able to review this manuscript within the next weeks, please return it immediately and suggest another
reviewer if possible. Extended comments and suggestions on additional sheets are helpful to the authors and
editors, and are most welcome. A checklist of questions which may be helpful as you review the paper appears
Note: The checklist is not a substitute for a report to be forwarded to the authors.
Referees must ensure that each manuscript published in NIMB has the full quality of a paper published
in an international refereed journal, whether it be as Letter, Full-size Article or Review Paper. This
means that the argument ‘but the paper is just for conference proceedings’ is never acceptable.
Below a few rules are given to help you ensure that the above basic principle is followed.
Contributed papers may not in the call for papers be limited to less than 4 (four) printed pages.
Also, authors should aim for their papers essentially not filling less than 3 pages.
These rules are to prevent published papers from degrading into extended abstracts. The NIMB format
will allow approximately 6600 type-strokes per page or an equivalent amount of figures, tables,
references, etc. Be sure to make authors clearly aware of this fact. Papers estimated to fill less than 3
pages should generally not be accepted for publication, and the authors should in such cases be
requested to amend their papers. Also, please do not feel obliged to respect the upper limit of 6 (six)
printed pages for invited papers. It will be the Organizers’ responsibility to make sure that the full
Proceedings will fit in the total number of pages that is maximized in the contract between ICNMTA
and Elsevier.
It should also be noted that references to computer simulation programs (SRIM, GUPIX, GEANT…)
must contain the version number for the program used. Please also urge authors to give proper
reference to relevant papers in the previous proceedings of the series to ensure the coherence of the
Authors and referees should be made aware that publication in NIMB presupposes the use of the SIsystem for units and nomenclature.
Comment: Subunits like mm, GW etc. are of course allowed, as is cm. A few non-SI units like eV and
Å are so engrained that use may continue. Prefixes and abbreviations must be correct, i.e. keV, not
KeV, cm, not cms, g, not mkg, etc. Finally dose may only be used where appropriate i.e. for absorbed
(deposited) energy density. Otherwise fluence should be used. Note that the dimension of dose is
energy/mass (J/kg or Gray, Gr) while the dimension of fluence is particles/area (most often cm-2). I
shall expect you in your instructions to your referees to make them aware of the points raised above.
Please, if in doubt do not hesitate to contact one of the NIMB editors.
Is the paper of good scientific quality, free from errors, misconceptions or
ambiguities? Does it contain sufficient new results, new applications or new
theoretical developments of interest to warrant its publication in NIM B?
Please indicate on a separate sheet or in pencil in the margins of the
manuscript any points which are objectionable or which need attention.
(Electronic return: if the corrections are in pencil please scan the paper, and
return it in E-mail.)
Is NIM B the most appropriate journal? If not, can you suggest a more
suitable one?
Is the manuscript a clear, concise, reasonably self-contained presentation of
the material, given adequate reference to related work? Is the English
satisfactory? Please indicate needed changes in pencil in the margins of the
manuscript if you wish.
Are the tables and figures clear and relevant and are the captions adequate?
Are there either too many or too few?
Does the paper make effective use of space, or are parts unnecessary,
unimportant, or subject to condensation? If so, which? Write in pencil in the
margins of the manuscript if you wish.
Is the title appropriate and is the abstract adequate?
Publish as is
Reject outright
Publish (with minor revision)
Refer to another journal
Publish (with major revision)