Final Exam

Syntax (1)
Final Exam
Form A
Directions: On the ANSWER SHEET, mark (X) in the square that stands for the
most appropriate choice of the four given after each of the following sentences:
I- In the sentence "The fact that ha is a film star is surprising", the underlined clause is
a. finite clause functioning as a subject attribute
b. finite clause functioning as a postrnodifier of the head noun fact
c. finite clause functioning as a subject
d. non-finite clause functioning as a subject attribute
2- If the indirect object is present in a sentence, the verb must be:
a. ditransitive
b. monotransitive
c. intransitive
d. complex transitive
3- In the question "Is it right to say that right wrongs no man?", the underlined word is
a. verb
b. adjective
c. noun
d. adverb
4- In the sentence "Huda compared her teacher with her father", the underlined
prepositional phrase functions as a/an:
a. direct object b. object attribute c. predicator complement
d. adverbial
5- In the sentence "I will buy a car faster than your Jaguar", the phrase faster than your
Jaguar is a/an:
a. adverb phrase
b. noun phrase
c. adjective phrase d. prepositional phrase
6- The word conference has a root.
a. bound
b. free
c. neutral
d. square
7- Which of the following words cannot be segmented into prefix + root?
a. miscellaneous
b. rearm
c. reborn
d. misunderstanding
8- The suffix —dom is only assigned to the word class of:
a. adverbs
b. adjectives
c. nouns
d. verbs
9- In the question "Who has been attacked?", the underlined constituent is a ________
a. monotransitive
b. complex-transitive
c. ditransitive
d. transitive predicator complement
10- The adjective ashamed can be used:
a. predicatively arid attributively with a difference in meaning
b. attributively only
c. predicatively only
d. predicatively and attributively without a difference in meaning
II- In the sentence "Only then did he understand the question", the underlined constituent
a. an auxiliary of periphrasis
b. an auxiliary of emphasis
c. a lexical verb
d. a pro-verb
12- In the sentence "I have not seen him since January", the underlined constituent is:
a. a preposition
b. an adverb
c. a conjunction
d. an adjective
13- In the sentence "The seat on the other side of the table i.s occupied", the underlined
prepositional phrase functions as a/an:
a. postmodifier of the head noun sear
b. prepositional complement
c. adjunct
d. postmodifier of the head noun side
14- In the sentence "The criminal has been taken", the underlined verb phrase is:
a. past, perfective, and passive
b. past, perfective, and active
c. present, perfective, and passive
d. present, progressive, and passive
15- In the sentence "Peter kept himself busy by reading novels" the underlined
is a/an:
a. conjunction
b. conjunct
c. adjunct
d. disjunct
16- In. the sentence "The man with a sweet smile has. akind heart", the underlined
constituent is a/an:
a. noun functioning as a head
b. noun phrase functioning as a premodifier
c. noun phrase functioning as a prepositional complement
d. adjective phrase functioning as a premodifier
17- In the sentence "This is too good to be true", the underlined constituent is a/an:
a. noun phrase
b. adjective phrase
c. prepositional phrase
d. adverb phrase
18- In the sentence "They found the proposal to be lacking", the underlined constituent
functions as a/an:
a. subject attribute
b. predicator complement
c. object attribute
d. postmodifier of the head noun proposal,
19- In the sentence "Once in doubt you should not do it", the underlined constituent is
a. finite clause
b. non-finite clause
c. verbless clause
d. appositive clause
20- In the sentence "He gave whoever came in a tight hug", the underlined constituent
functions as a/an:
a. object attribute b. indirect object c. predicator complement d. subject attribute
21- The sentence "To live happily is everybody ‘s wish" is:
a. simple
b. appositive
c. complex
d. compound
22- In the sentence "I enjoy walking", the underlined constituent is a/an:
a. finite clause functioning as a direct object
b. non-finite clause functioning as predicator complement
c. finite clause functioning as a predicator complement
d. non-finite clause functioning as a direct object
23- In the sentence "The question is where to go", the underlined constituent is a/an:
a. adjunct
b. object attribute
c. subject attribute
d. direct object
24- In the sentence "This sounds fine", the underlined constituent functions as a/an:
a. predicator
b. subordinator
c. coordinator
d. indicator
25- In the sentence "Studying syntax is enjoyable", the subject is:
a. syntax
b. studying syntax
c. studying
d. syntax is
26- In the sentence "She gave whoever attended the parry a gift", the function indirect
object’ is realized by a/an:
a. finite clause b. noun phrase
c. non-finite clause
d. verbless clause
27- In the sentence "You can name the baby whatever you like" the underlined clause
functions as a/an:
a. indirect object b. object attribute
c. adverbial adjunct
d. benefactive object
28- In the sentence "She was busy cleaning the house", the underlined clause functions as
a. postmodifier of the head adjective bu
b. predicator complement
c. adverbial adjunct
d. subject attribute
29- Which of the following sentences can be passivized?
a. Your work lacks good organization.
b. His remarks must have escaped me.
c. This blouse does nor fit my son.
d. They buy wheat from Canada.
30- The phrase the way back can be classified as a/an:
a. noun phrase
b. adverb phrase
c. adjective phrase
d. prepositional phrase
3 1- Which of the following words contains both an inflectional affix and a derivational
a. unlikely
b. disloyal
c. purifies
d. intentional
32- In the word unrealistic, the root is:
a. unreal
b. realist
c. realistic
33- In the sentence "He often tells clever jokes", the verb tells is:
a. intransitive
b. monotransitive c. ditransitive
d. real
d. complex transitive
34- In the sentence "This sack weighs well over 200 pounds", the underlined verb is
a_______ verb.
a. copula
b. non-transitive predicator complement
c. transitive predicator complement
d. monotransitive
35- The word unreasonably has _______ morphemes.
a. four
b. five
c. two
d. three
36- Which of the following statements is true?
a. All derivational affixes are class-changing.
b. Derivational affixes are class-changing.
c. Some prefixes are always derivational.
d. The majority of derivational affixes are class-changing.
37- In the sentence "He insisted on his suggestion", the verb insisted on is:
a. phrasal
b. idiomatic
c. prepositional
d. phrasal-prepositional
33-In the phrase "the day before he died", the word before is a/an:
a. subordinator
b. preposition
c. coordinator
d. adverb
39- In the sentence "Warm pan, sift dry ingredients and stir well", the word warm is a/an:
a intransitive verb
b predicative verb
c transitive verb
d attributive adjective
40- The part of the word that remains after all affixes have been removed is the:
a. base
b. infix
c. root
d. suffix
41- Which of the following is the correct phrase?
a. to be seen too quickly
c. to quickly to be seen
b. too quickly to be seen
d. quickly to be too seen
42- Which of the following is the correct phrase?
a .factories from cars in Japan
b. cars from factories in Japan
c. in Japan from cars factories
d. cars from Japan in factories
43- In the sentence "Many students enjoyed the concert", the noun phrase the concert
functions as a/an:
a. predicator complement b. subject attribute c. direct object d. indirect object
44- In the sentence "Last night,' they revealed who had done it", the function ‘direct
object’ is realized by:
a. the non-finite clause who had done it
b. the finite clause who had done it
c. the noun phrase last night
d. the noun phrase they
45- In the adverb phrase "later than my brother did", the finite comparative clause than
my brother did functions as a:
a. premodifier
b. postmoditier
c. descriptive modifier
d. discontinuous modifier
46- In the prepositional phrase" ten yards behind the house", the noun phrase ten yards
realizes the function:
a. discontinuous modifier
b. premodifier
c. prepositional complement
d. postmodifier
47- in the sentence "My mother knitted me a sweater", the underlined noun phrase
functions as a/an:
a. indirect object b. direct object c. benefactive object d. predicator complement
48- In the sentence "The clever boy helped me to cross the road", the underlined
constituent is a:
a. non-finite clause functioning as an object attribute
b. non-finite clause functioning as a predicator complement
c. prepositional phrase functioning as a postmodifier
d. non-finite clause functioning as an adverbial
49- In the sentence "On the contrary, we do believe that it is quite practical", the
underlined prepositional phrase functions as a/an:
a. conjunct
b. adjunct
c. disjunct
d. none of the above
50-In the sentence "That they passed the exam made me very happy", the underlined
phrase is an:
a. adjective phrase functioning as an object attribute
b. adverb phrase functioning as a predicator complement
c. adjective phrase functioning as a subject attribute
d. adjective phrase functioning as a postmodifier