Wisconsin State Standards in Math Mathematical Processes: Students in Wisconsin will draw on a broad body of mathematical knowledge and apply a variety of mathematical skills and strategies, including reasoning, oral and written communication, and the use of appropriate technology, when solving mathematical, real-world* and nonroutine* problems. Number Operations and Relationships: Students in Wisconsin will use numbers effectively for various purposes, such as counting, measuring, estimating, and problem solving. Geometry: Students in Wisconsin will be able to use geometric concepts, relationships and procedures to interpret, represent, and solve problems. Measurement: Students in Wisconsin will select and use appropriate tools (including technology) and techniques to measure things to a specified degree of accuracy. They will use measurements in problemsolving situations. Math Standards (A.4.1) Information and Technology Literacy Standards (ITL A.4.1) All Standards located at DPI Website http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/standards/index.html Kindergarten Mathematical Processes Exploring, copying and developing patterns. (A.4.1) Making picture and bar graphs. (A.4.2) Use numbers in daily activities. (A.4.3) Understand and apply symbol and vocabulary words using prior knowledge. (A.4.4) Solve problems by sequencing events. (A.4.5) Number Operations and Relationships Count to 100. (B.4.1) Count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100. (B.4.2) Read and write the numbers in order 1 – 100. (B.4.3) Identify equal groups and halves. (B.4.4) Estimating and joining groups. (B.4.5) Identify tools for measuring. (B.4.6.) Recognize that money is used in real life situations. (B.4.7) Statistics and Probability: Students in Wisconsin will use data collection and analysis, statistics and probability in problem-solving situations, employing technology where appropriate. Geometry Recognize, identify and sort basic shapes. (C.4.1) Use pattern blocks to make shapes. (C.4.2) Identify positions. (C.4.3) Identify left and right. (C.4.4) Algebraic Relationships: Students in Wisconsin will discover, describe, and generalize simple and complex patterns and relationships. In the context of realworld problem situations, the student will use algebraic techniques to define and describe the problem to determine and justify appropriate solutions. Measurement Identify tools for measurement. (D.4.1) Tell time to the hour and one halfhour. (D.4.3.) Compare hot and cold, heavier and lighter. (D.4.4.) The School District of White Lake does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. Statistics and Probability Make simple charts and graphs. (E.4.1) Collect data from daily activities. (E.4.2) Interpret simple graphs. (E.4.3) Algebraic Relationships Identify and extend patterns (F.4.1) Explore the concepts of addition and subtractions. (F.4.2) Distinguish between “more” and “less.” (F.4.5) First Grade Mathematical Processes Solve problems by finding a pattern. (A.4.1) Use picture clues. (A.4.2) Tie in mathematical learning with daily, personal experience. (A.4.3) (ITL C.4.1, C.4.4, D.4.1, D.4.2) Be familiar with Math vocabulary terms and symbols learned previously. (A.4.4) Perform and explain how to do number stories. (A.4.5) (ITL B.4.1, D.4.1, Dl.4.2) Number Operations and Relationships Break down a number into 1’s and 10’s. (B.4.1) Group items in sets by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. (B.4.2) Practice estimation with problems (B.4.2) Read, write and put in order numbers 1-100 (B.4.3) Identify and be able to divide a whole into halves, fourths, sixths and eighths. (B.4.4) Use whole numbers and be able to tell whether to add or subtract in a problem. (B.4.5) Geometry Name solid and plane figures. (circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, spheres, rectangular prisms, cubes) (C.41) Identify number of sides and corners in plane figures. (C.4.1) Describe symmetry and identify examples. (C.4.2) Describe objects by position. (C.4.3) Measurement Develop and build conceptual understanding of measuring length, liquid, time, weight and temperature. (D.4.1) Identify the value of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar. (D.4.1) Count and substitute coin combinations of different values. (D.4.1) Read temperature on a thermometer, inches and centimeters on a ruler, and tell time to the hour and half hour. (D.4.3) Measure and compare length to the nearest half-inch or centimeter. (D.4.4) Statistics and Probability Collect data from real-life situations and draw conclusions. (E.4.1) (ITL B.4.2, B.4.3, C.4.1, C.4.3, C.4.4, D.4.1, D.4.2) Obtain information from graphs, tables and charts. (E.4.3) (ITL C.4.1, C.4.3, D.4.1) Recognize possible outcomes in problem solving using the words more, less, certain, maybe and impossible. (E.4.4) Algebraic Relationships Solve adding and subtracting problems using boxes for missing numbers. (F.4.1) Demonstrate the correct use of the equal sign. (F.4.2) Work with finding missing numbers in a set pattern. (F.4.3) Describe solutions strategies when changing a quantity in one part of a problem and determine how it effects another. (F.4.4) Recognize the associative property of addition. (F.4.5) Second Grade Mathematical Processes Solve daily word problems based on real life events. (Problem of the Day) (A.4.1, A.4.3)(ITL A.4.2, A.4.4) Identify the operation (+ -) needed to solve a problem. (A.4.1) Use information from a graph to solve problems. (A.4.2, E.4.1)(ITL B.4.6) Use Mathematics as a way to understand other areas in the curriculum. (A.4.3) Write a number sentence to represent a situation. (A.4.4) Explain and support how a numerical problem was solved. (A.4.5) Number Operations Represent and explain whole numbers using manipulatives. (B.4.1) Write 2 and 3 digit numbers in place value and expanded notation. (B.4.1) Sort objects and count by 2,s, 3,s, 4,s 5,s and 10,s. (B.4.2, F.4.3) Read and write numbers to 1,000. (B.4.2, B4.3) Identify and use ordinal numbers. (1st, 2nd ,3rd ) (B.4.3) Read, write and illustrate fractions. (B.4.4) Solve addition and subtractions facts to 18. (B.4.5) (ITL A.4.1, A.4.4, C.4.3) Add using 3 addends. (B.4.5) Add and subtract using fact families. (B.4.5)(ITL A.4.1, A.4.4, C.4.3) Add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping. (B.4.5) Check addition and subtraction problems. (B.4.5) Explore multiplication and division. (B.4.5) (ITL A.4.4, C.4.3) Differentiate between odd and even numbers. (B.4.5) Geometry Identify two-dimensional figures. (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) (C.4.1) Identify three-dimensional figures. (sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, rectangular prism, pyramid) (C.4.1) Identify 2 and 3 dimensional figures in the environment. (C.4.1) Identify the properties of 2 and 3 dimensional figures. (sides, angles, edges, faces, vertices) (C.4.1) Use pattern blocks to create shapes. (C.4.1) Find the perimeter of two-dimensional shapes. (C.4.1) Recognize symmetry in shapes. (C.4.2) Compare and contrast 2 and 3 dimensional figures. (C.4.3) Use coordinate systems to find locations on maps. (C.4.4) Measurement Use thermometers to measure temperature in C and F. (D.4.1, D.4.3 D.4.4) Measure length to nearest ½ inch and nearest centimeter. (D.4.1, D.4.2, D.4.4) Measure capacity in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters. (D.4.4) Measure mass in ounces, pounds, grams, and kilograms. (D.4.4) Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes. (D.4.4) Count money combinations using coins and bills. (D.4.4) Determine measurements by using perimeter, area and approximate measurements by using estimation techniques. (D.4.5) Statistics and Probability Read and interpret bar graphs, tally graphs and pictographs. (E.4.1) (ITL B.4.6) Understand that observations about objects or events can be organized and displayed in simple graphs. (E.4.1) Collect, organize and display data (E.4.2) Identify the mode and range in a set a data. (E.4.2) In problem-solving situations read, extract, and use information presented in graphs, tables or charts. (E.4.3) Determine if future events are more, less or equally likely to occur. (E.4.4) Predict outcomes of future events and test predictions using data from a variety of sources. (E.4.5) Algebraic Relationships Use letters, boxes, or any symbols to stand for any number in a number sentence. (F.4.1) Use mathematical symbols correctly in a number sentence. (+, -, =) (F.4.2) Recognize and extend number patterns. (F.4.3) Solve simple equations by using different methods. (manipulatives, guess and check strategies, recall of number facts) (F.4.5) Recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of addition. (F.4.6) Third Grade Mathematical Processes: Use reasoning abilities to perceive patterns, identify relationships and test reasonableness of results. (A.4.1) Draw pictures to represent problems such as story problems, multiplication, division, charts and tables. (A.4.2) Connect mathematical learning with other subjects, and personal experiences. (A.4.3) Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary, symbols and notation with understanding based on prior conceptual work. (A.4.4) Explain solutions to problems clearly and logically in oral and written work and support solutions with evidence. (A.4.5) Number Operations and Relationships: Use number lines to describe whole numbers, and symbolic renaming. (43= 40+3). (B.4.1) Determine the number of things by grouping and counting by 2’s, 5’s 10’s and 100’s, combining and arranging things in a set. (B.4.2) Read, write and order whole numbers to the hundred thousands place. Use simple fractions, and commonly used decimals (monetary units), and compare these numbers using < and >. (B.4.3) (ITL A.4.1) Identify and represent equivalent fractions for halves, fourths, and eighths, and read mixed numbers. (B.4.4) Solve real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, estimation, and explore rounding off to the nearest thousand.(B.4.5) (ITL A.4.2, A.4.4) Add and subtract 4-digit numbers with and without regrouping, and add 3 or more addends up to 4 digits.(B.4.5) Multiply and divide problems involving factors of 0 -10. (B.4.5)(ITL A.4.1) Explore 3-digit multiplication by 1 digit, and 3-digit division by 1 digit with remainders. (B.4.5)(ITL.A.4.2) Add and subtract fractions with like denominators. (B.4.6) In problem situations involving money, add and subtract decimals. (B.4.7) (ITL B.4.1) Geometry Name 2- and 3- dimensional figures, identifying, classifying and labeling squares circles, triangles, rectangles, spheres, cubes, pyramids, cones, cylinders, and rectangular prisms. (C.4.1) Identify 3- dimensional figures in the environment. (C.4.1) Recognize and draw lines of symmetry in squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles. (C.4.2) Recognize when 2 shapes are congruent and similar. (C.4.2) Draw lines that are parallel and perpendicular, lines that intersect. (C4.2) Explore properties of 3 dimensional figures such as edges, faces, and vertices. (C.4.3) Use simple 2-dimensional coordinate systems to find locations on maps and to represent points and simple figures. (C.4.4) Measurement Understand the basic characteristics of weights and how they are measured. (D.4.2) Order and measure things found in everyday experience.(D.4.2) Use a table of measurement to convert units within a system. (D.4.2) Estimate appropriate measurement to check tested measurement. (D.4.2) Make effective use of a ruler, clock and scale or balance for making customary measurements. (D.4.3.) Use standard tools to measure length, capacity, time, weight, temperature, and volume in customary and metric units. (inch, feet, yard, mile, centimeter, meter, kilometer, cup, pint, quart, gallon, liter, milliliter, ounces, pounds, grams, kilograms, Fahrenheit, Celsius) (D.4.4) Identify elapsed time. (D.4.4) Count money combinations using coins, and bills; calculate and count back change. (D.4.4) Find the perimeter and area of shapes. (D.4.5) Statistics and Probability Demonstrate the concept of probability. (E.4.1) Collect, organize and display data. (E.4.1) Read and construct line, circle, and bar graphs. (E.4.1) Graph numbered pairs. (E.4.2) In problem solving situations, read, extract and use information presented in graphs, tables and charts. (E.4.3) Algebraic Relationships Use letters, boxes or symbols to stand for any number. (F.4.1) Use vocabulary, symbols, and notation of algebra accurately. (Use of symbol =, and associative property of multiplication.) (F. 4.2) Recognize, describe and extend number patterns. (F.4.3) Recognize variability by describing how a change in one quantity can produce a change in another. (F.4.4) Solve simple equations and describe solution strategies. (F. 4.5) Use >, < and = with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.(F.4.5) Recognize and use generalized properties and relationships of arithmetic. (Commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication.) (F.4.6) Fourth Grade Returned all borrowed materials on time. (ITL D 4.2) Respect the ideas of others. (ITL D4.1) Share information and ideas with others. (ITL D 4.1) Mathematical Processes (Problem Solving) Solve word problems involving multiple steps (A 4.1) Decide whether an answer is sensible (A 4.1, A 4.5) Make a table as a strategy for problem solving. (A 4.2) Evaluate the appropriate amount of information needed to solve a problem (A 4.3) Choose appropriate operation (+, , x, /) (A 4.4) Number Operations and Relationships Read and write a whole number with correct place value.(B 4.1) Add and subtract multiple-digit numbers with and without regrouping. (B 4.2, B 4.5) Solve multiplication and division problem. (B 4.5) Add and subtract fractions. (B 4.6) Round and estimate answers. (B 4.2) Compare, order, add, and subtract whole numbers and decimals. (B 4.3, B 4.5, B 4.7) Geometry Identify symmetrical and congruent figures. (C 4.2) Identify different types of angle. (C 4.1) Use appropriate geometrical terminology, such as congruent, polygon, and slide. (C 4.1, C 4.3) Calculate the perimeter and area. (C 4.2, C 4.4, D 4.5) Measurement Use appropriate terminology for measuring. (D 4.1) Calculate the volume of a solid shape. (D 4.1, D 4.2) Calculate and count back monetary change. (D 4.3) Read and interpret measuring instruments. (D 4.3) Statistics and Probability Graph numbered pairs. (E4.1) Collect, organize and display data on graphs. (E 4.1, E 4.3, E 4.4) Describe a set of data. (E4.5, F 4.4) Write the probability of a given outcome. (E 4.5, F 4.4) Algebraic Relationships Use letters, boxes, or other symbols to represent any number in an equation. (F 4.1) Solve equations and describe solutions strategies. (F. 4.5) Use >, <, and = with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. (F 4.2, F 4.6) Fifth Grade Returned all borrowed materials on time. (ITL D 8.2) Use time efficiently. (ITL D 8.1) Mathematical Operations Solve problems including those that involve: Finding needed information and multi-step solutions. Use guess and check, testing and revising. Working backward and making a table. Making diagrams. Interpreting the quotient and remainder. Choosing the correct operation and identifying extra information. Conduct an experiment. Number Operations Read, write, compare, and simplify rational numbers such as decimals, fractions and whole numbers. (B 8.1, B 8.3) Read, write, and simplify equivalent decimals to thousandths, fractions, and percents. (8.3) Read, write, and rename mixed numbers. (B 8.1, B 8.3) Find the greatest common factor or least common multiple. (B 8.6) Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers. (B 8.3 B 8.4) Determine if two ratios are equal and find the missing term given to equivalent ratios. (B 8.5) Multiply whole numbers with 2digit factors, decimals, and fractions (B 8.2, B 8.3) Divide whole numbers by 2-digit divisors; decimals by whole numbers. (B 8.2) Estimate products for decimal factors. (B 8.7) Add and subtract fractions or mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. (B 8.2) Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers. (B 8.7) Geometry Identify lines, line segments, and rays including intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines. (C 8.1, C 8.2) Classify, draw, and measure angles and name their sides and vertices. (C 8.3) Transform plane figures or identify how a figure is transformed. (C 8.4) Identify congruent, similar, and symmetrical figures. (C 8.1, C 8.2)) Measurement Use a simple calculator to solve a problem. (ITL A 8.1) Determine measurement directly using standard units. (D 8.3) Find the perimeter and area of rectangular figures. (D 8.4) Demonstrates understanding of basic measurement. (D 8.2, D 8.3, D8.4) Find the areas of triangles and parallelograms. (D 8.4) Statistics and Probability Find mean, median, mode, and range of data. (E8.3) Predict outcomes based on theoretical and empirical probability. (E 8.7) Display data using tables, graphs, charts, or plots. (E. 8.1, E 8.2, E 8.3) Algebraic Relationships Apply the commutative and identity properties of addition and multiplication. (F 8.1, F 8.5) Sixth Grade Returned all borrowed materials on time. (ITL D 8.2) Use time efficiently. (ITL D 8.1) Mathematical Processes Solve problems that include the following: Choosing the correct process using various strategies. (A 8.1, A 8.4) Read and understand mathematical instructional material in another context. (A 8.6) Number Operations and Relationships Read, write, and interpret various rational numbers. (B 8.1) Compare and order whole numbers, decimals and fractions. (B 8.4) Multiply and divide using whole numbers, decimals, percents and fractions. (B 8.1, B 8.3) Interpret divisibility rules and find the greatest common factor and least common multiple. (B 8.6) Identify exponents and write into standard form. (B 8.1) Multiply and divide using multidigit numbers. (B 8.2) Explain equivalencies among fractions, decimals, and percents. (B.8.3) Geometry Demonstrate various types of lines including concepts of intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular. (C 8.1, C 8.2) Name, draw and measure angles. (C 8.1, C 8.2, C 8.3) Identify congruent, similar, and symmetrical figures. (C.8.1, C.8.2) Identify various types of geometric shapes and use relationships among the component parts. (C 8.2, C 8.4) Measurement Find the perimeter and area of figures. (D 8.4) Demonstrate understanding of basic measurement facts using the metric system and US Customary units. (D 8.2) Use formulas to find measurements. (D8.4) Statistics and Probability Relate percents, fractions, and decimals. (E 8.7) Develop graphs and diagrams to make predictions. (E 8.2) Algebraic Relationships Evaluate algebraic expressions. (F 8.1) Solve one-step equations. (F 8.1) Recognize and use properties of addition and multiplication. (F 8.5)