Emily L. Dooley (434) 228-1757 edooley@k12albemarle.org Education University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Education Specialist in Administration & Supervision; K-12 Admin & Supervision Endorsement University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Masters in Teaching Secondary Social Studies Certification, B.A. American Government, Minor in History University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Coursework in American Politics December 2012 December 2006 May 2003 Work & Classroom Experience School Testing Coordinator, Monticello High School, ACPS, Charlottesville, VA 2012-Present Coordinate all preparation, testing, and remediation for assessments including SOLs, WIDA, & STAMP. Initiate, organize, and participate in student reviews to identify and create plans for those at-risk of dropping out. Create a testing portfolio on each student to monitor progress to graduation. Classroom Teacher, Monticello High School, ACPS, Charlottesville, VA 2007-Present Served as assistant Social Studies Department Chair for spring semester. 100% pass rate for students on the VA SOL exam in World History I; prepare students for success on the AP exam. Facilitate an intensive service-learning program for all government students; lead and participate in professional learning communities; advise and serve as the co-sponsor of the Model United Nations Club. Experience teaching World History I & II, Model UN, Debate, Academic & AP Government. Long-term Substitute, Langley High School, FCPS, McLean, VA Spring 2007 5 sections of AP Government. Implemented a curriculum to foster understanding of the American political system. Prepared students for success on the AP exam. . Teaching Associateship, Albemarle High School, ACPS, Charlottesville, VA Fall 2006 4 sections of AP Government, 1 section of Practical Law, and a Comparative Politics Seminar. Developed curriculum and unit plans that incorporated a multidisciplinary approach by integrating political satire, theory, primary sources, and current events. Actively participated in student intervention meetings in addition to professional development, faculty, department, and content team meetings. Integrated technology in the classroom by instructing students in iMovie and Windows Movie Maker in addition to digital cameras and camcorders in order to create campaign commercials. Leadership Experience Neighborhood Leadership Institute, City of Charlottesville Ongoing Selected to participate in a 4-month course to learn about local government and the issues impacting the community. Propose and complete a project to positively impact change in Charlottesville. Master Scheduling Committee Ongoing Worked with department chairs and administration to create a master schedule for Monticello High School. Attended Pearson Master Schedule Workshop in Prince George, VA. Participated in weekly meetings to meet division and school deadlines for scheduling courses and students. Crisis Team Ongoing Organized and compiled procedures for responding to crises into a flip chart distributed to each teacher. Led biweekly crisis team meetings. Planned and reviewed drills. Attendance Committee Ongoing Created and led biweekly meetings collaborating with administration, attendance clerk, and truancy officer. Devised system to track and report students with excessive absences. Created and distributed attendance letters for students who lost credit due to attendance. Met with students and placed on attendance contracts. Social Studies Vertical Team, Albemarle County Public Schools, Member 2008-Present Align K-12 social studies’ curriculum throughout the county. Create common writing strategies and assessments. Develop essential standards to facilitate the implementation of standards-based-grading throughout the county. Develop performance-based assessments with accompanying grading rubrics. Attend CAI Institutes. Teacher Advisory Council, Albemarle County Public Schools, Member 2009-2011 Represented Monticello High School to county education officials and the Office of the Superintendent. Health and Medical Science Academy Committee Ongoing Participated in planning meetings for the HMSA. Reviewed applications and interviewed interested students. Provided insight regarding curricular and structural decisions for the Academy. Teaching American History Grant, Albemarle County Public Schools 2010-Present Selected as a teacher-scholar to conduct in-depth research of the Transatlantic Slave Trade; published scholarship on research and a series of lesson plans; Participated in a field experience in the Caribbean. Participated in a feasibility study and reviewed online textbook on the Civil War that gives students College Board Advanced Placement Annual Conference, Washington, DC, Presenter Summer 2010 Setting Students Up for AP Writing Success. Shared a longitudinal writing program to facilitate the implementation of AP writing strategies in pre-AP Social Studies classrooms. Senior Class Sponsor and Graduation Committee Ongoing Worked with administration and class leadership to plan senior events including: PowderPuff, Senior Trip, Senior Picnic, Senior Night, School Awards Ceremony, Prom, and Graduation. Worked with 12th grade teacher and school counselors to identify students in danger of not graduating and to formulate plans to help these students be successful. Clinical Instructor, Albemarle County Public Schools 2009-2010, 2011-2012 Facilitated the 588 teaching associateship of two graduate students from UVA’s Curry School of Education. Facilitated the 488 teaching associateship of two graduate students from UVA’s Curry School of Education. Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, Zeta Lambda Chapter, President 2005-2006 Chaired weekly executive board and sorority meetings; delegated philanthropy, membership development, scholarship, and recruitment activities; revitalized chapter’s connections with local alumni and the national organization. Collaborated with fraternity and sorority presidents and university administration to develop the Sexual Assault Task Force overseeing the revision of sexual assault policy at UVA. Skills Experienced in iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, PowerPoint, and Word. Extensive use of Excel and mail merges. Dr. Jesse Turner – Principal, Monticello High School (434) 244-3100 Monticello High School 1400 Independence Way Charlottesville, VA 22902 jturner@k12albemarle.org Dr. Jim Huneycutt – Social Studies Department, Monticello High School (434) 465-0883 Monticello High School 1400 Independence Way Charlottesville, VA 22902 jhuneycutt@k12albemarle.org Dr. James Esposito – Associate Professor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia (434) 924-0801 Ruffner Hall P.O. Box 400260 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4321 jpe3v@virginia.edu References