CURRICULUM VITAE - Egyptian Neonatal Network for Training

Professor Safaa Abd EL Hamid Nasr EL Meneza , is Professor
and head of Neonatal intensive care unit and pediatric department,
Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al Azhar University ,Cairo,Egypt.The
subspeciality is Neonatology /Perinatal Pediatrics.
Birth date: 2/9/1952
Country of birth: Egypt-Alexandria.
Degrees: of Medicine and Surgery, Very Good with
Honors, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, AL Azhar University, Cairo
Egypt. December 1976
2-Master of Pediatrics, Very Good with Honour, Faculty of
Medicine for Girls, AL-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. November/1980
3-Doctorate of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, AL
Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. November .1983
4-Diploma of Total Quality Management of health care.
American University of Cairo, January 2008
5 - Certificate ITEC-040 E-learning and content
development. With grade A, 1, and 12 quality points, Engineering
services, American University of Cairo, July 2008
6-Diploma Global strategy for hospital hygiene, WHO and
Claude Bernard Lyon University , ( D Universite Strategie Globale En
Hygiene Hospitaliere ) , June 2009
7- Diploma of health professions education with honors .Sueze
canal University, October 2009
Professional Positions:
1-House Officer in AL Zahraa University Hospital from 1/March/1977
till 28/Feb/1978
Licence number: 37911, Ministry of health of Egypt in 6/March/1978
Medical syndicate registration number: 32994 , 6/March/1978
2-Residence in the Pediatric department, AL Zahraa University Hospital
from 4/June/1978 till 23/July/1980
3-Demonstrator in the Pediatric department, Faculty of Medicine for
Girls AL Azhar University from 22/July/1980 till 21/July/1981
4-Assissatnt Lecturer in the Pediatric department, Faculty of Medicine
for Girls AL Azhar University, from 22/April/1981 till 6/April /1984
5-Lecturer in the Pediatric department, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, AL
Azhar University, from 7/April/1984
6-Assisstant professor in the Pediatric department, Faculty of Medicine
for Girls, AL Azhar University Cairo, Egypt. From 4 /April/1990.
Head of neonatal unit from February 1991.
7- Professor in the Pediatric department, Faculty of Medicine for Girls,
AL Azhar University, from 2/May /1995.
8-The current position is professor of Pediatric , Head of the Neonatal
intensive care unit . Head of the Pediatrics department , Faculty of
Medicine for Girls , AL Azhar University ,Cairo ,Egypt .from March 14
/2006 till now .
9-Quality specialist, Medical syndicate registration number 199, May
10-Member in scientific board of Egyptian neonatology fellowship
program,May 2009
NB: Team member in :
- NAQAEE technical support team May 2009
- QA of Faculty of Medicine for Girls , ALAzhar University from August
- Self study team of FMG , ALAZhar University from August 2008
-Strategic planning team of FMG , ALAZhar University from August
- Audit committe of FMG , ALAZhar University from August 2008
- NAQAAE assissted trainer since Juanuary 2009
-Member in technical support team of ALAzhar University quality
assurance from December 2009
Skills and expierience related to Neonatology:
- Care of normal and sick newborn infants including :
Advanced and updated Neonatal resuscitation skills
Invasive / non invasive mechanical ventilation
-Pulmonary graphics interpretation .
Transcranial Ultrasonography
Neonatal EEG
Nitrition support of sick infants
Management of Hyperbilirubinemia
- Patients safety
- Infection control
- Development of clinical protocols and guidelines
- Use of simulator in education
- Neonatal intensive care unit development and adminstration work.
I shared actively in development and upgrading of the newborn unit
and starting the neonatal intensive care unit of AL Zhrraa University
hospital, Faculty of Medicine for Girls , AL Azhar University, during
1993-1994 and got 3 grants from Ministry of international cooperation
to buy NICU equipments , one of them were managed by me, the other 2
with help of my colleagues. Also get a new grant 2009/2010 to upgrade
the equipments in NICU and start new speciality in the Pediatrics
department as Pediatrics Neurology.
- Liver biopsy in children
Workshops/courses with certifications :
- Neonatal resuscitation training providers of neonatal care. organized by
AAP , International pediatrics conference ,Cairo September ,1995
- Neonatal skill course .The scientific meeting of the American Academy
of pediatric , San Francisco, October 1995.
- Ventilatory support of newborn ,the second congress of the Egyptian
Association of Neonatology. Alexandria Egypt. April 13-14 2000
- The advanced ventilatory workshop, University of Durham ,Stockton
Campus Stockton UK. 6-8 June 2002
- CPAP and Neopuff in Resuscitation.The ReaSoN conference,
Edinburgh , 29-30 June 2003
- HFOV workshop, 1 5 t h E S P N I C, Medical and Nursing Annual
Congress“. , Imperial College, London, UK, September 2004
- Non-Invasive ventilation, 1 5 t h E S P N I C, Medical and Nursing
Annual Congress“. , Imperial College, London, UK, September 2004
“Hands on” session
- Evidence based Medicine workshop in child health , UCL , London ,
UK june-july ,2005
- Nutrition challenges in Neonatology and TPN , 9 th international
Egyptian association of Neonatology conference pre conference
workshop , juanuary , 2005
- Central line placement ,the international conference of the Egyptian
association of Neonatology , 28 March 2006
- Simulators in resuscitation.5 th world congress of pediatrcis critical
care Geneva. June, 2007
- Pediatrics cardiovascular intensive care CME course,5 th world
congress of pediatrcis critical care Geneva.24 June, 2007
- Neonatal a- EEG .The 5 th world congress on pediatrics critical care
Geneva awitzerland, 5th World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care, June
23-28, 2007
- Postgraduate course on Neonatal and pediatrics intensive care CME
course. 5 th world congress of pediatrcis critical care, Geneva.
- Courses of TQM of health care from Juanuary 2007 to Juanuary
- Total
quality management in health care, including quality
improvement , planning , implementation ,evaluation and control .
-System thinking and managed care .
-The different quality tools as performance improve tools in health
care ; tools for planning team ,data collection ,data analysis
,confidentiality and understand most causes of performance.
Quantitative skills as basic skills and control skills .
2-ISO 9000, 14001
3-Joint commission international standard
4--People management , leadership.Empowerment and change
management .Team skills
5-Basic six sigma breakthrough improvement process
6-Planning for top quality in health care services
7-Quality/environment system standards in health care
8-Communication ,Human resources management .
9-Measure and improve organization performance
10-Managing Information in health care , use data for
11-Basic and advanced statistical process control ,methods
and theory. Combine and compare data ,data aggregation.
Scientific Activities:
-Post doctor fellowship in Geographic Medicine , Cases Western Reserve
University Cleveland OHIO for 8 months April to December 1985.
((Piece fellowship))
-Visit to Basal Kinderspital for one month August 1994.((WHO grant))
-Invited gust speaker in International Conference of Artificial organ
Taipei 1995.
-Invited gust speaker in Resair 2 for room air vs. 100 % oxygen
,Valencia, Spain 1996.
- Invited gust speaker in hot topics Neonatology, Washington D.C . 1996.
- Day Visit Great Ormond street, hospital and Saint Mary hospital NICU
and PICO , September 1998
-Invited gust speaker New Delhi India, Resair 2 follow up study ,1998.
-Wellcome trust travel grant to attend conference in UK , twice 1999
and 2003.
- One day visit to Heriot Watt University and Edinbrugh Hospital
NICI , Experience for management of VLBW June 2003
- First Resuscitation workshop in Faculty of Medicine for Girls, AL
Azhar University June 3, 4 2005
- First Mansora Neonataology workshop September 2005 presenting
Cranial ultrasonography on 7/sep/2005 , 2 hours session.
- Invited to participate in the workshop of Asphyxia committee.
Project collaboration of supreme University council/Ministry of health
and European Union. May 15/2006 Banha.
- First international IMCI preservice training workshop for medical
and paramedical schools ,Ras sidr, 16-19 july 2007
- Arab republic of Egypt Ministry of health , primary health care
IMCI planning workshop , Cairo January 2007
- Organize IMCI workshop in Pediatrics department ,FMG, ALAzhar
University , 8-9 March 2008
- Facilitator (TOT) for intergrated management child illness
February 2009 .
-Temporary advisor IMCI- WHO workshop , June 2009
- Member in consortium team of Tempus project “Neonatal
network for pediatrician” . Cobeneficiary with main
beneficiary Mansoura University 2010 .
- Conference and workshop
-I participated in 39 international conferences out of Egypt , speaker in
38 one. Invited gust speaker in 8 international conferences . Chairperson
in 6 .
Awarded research as one of ten best researches in international
Pediatrics Critical Care conference, Monterial ,Canada July 2000 .
- I participated in 31 international conferences in Egypt, speaker in 28
one. Chairperson in 14, organizer in 12 and invited in 21.
-Attended international workshop in and out of Egypt 38 workshops,
speaker in 8 , invited in 6 ,organizer in 7and chairperson in 4 .
- I participated in 43 Conferences-congress –seminars in Egypt , speaker
in 41 ,chairperson in 27 , invited in 41 and organizer in 26.
- I participated in national 21 workshops in Egypt ,speaker in 9,invited
in 6 ,organizer in 6 ,and chairperson in 2 .
-I participated in national 45 workshops related to quality of education
and health care .
-Participated in 12 round table discussion .
Certificates of appreciation:
-Certificate and award from in the pediatric critical care conference
2000 , Montréal ,Canada
- Letters of appreciation from several conferences and workshops as from
Mansoura University after participation in advanced neonatal workshop
3-9 September 2005 , and from artificial organ society and from research
center in Oslo Norway.
- Certificates of appreciation from health culture society for contribution
in health trip visits.
- Certificate from Minisrty of health as help forparticipation in activities
of IMCI 2009
- Egyptian association of Pediatrics , medal 2010
-Scientific Publication
-Published a total of 85 scientific papers ; 4 in International journals ,
26 abstracts in international journal and 2 in international proceeding of
the conference .
-Supervised 15 Master ; 14 theses from ALAzhar University and one
from Ain Shams University .
-Supervised 20 MD(doctorate ) theses, four from Biochemistry
department , one Microbiology departemnts and one from High
Institute of Pediatrics Ain shams University.
-Member in the board of discussion of:
- 24 internal Master and MD(doctorate) thesis
- 33 external thesis ; 12 of these in FMG ALAzhar University and 21
in other universities as Alexandria, Masoura, Cairo, Ain Shams and Suez
canal Universities.
- Member in permenant scientific board for promotion of
professors of ALAzhar University :
Shared in promotion of:
-10 Lecturers
-5 Assistant Professor
-Reader for 29 professors .
-Join board of Permanent scientific board for promotion of professors
and assistant professor of the ALAzhar University since January 2008.
- Member in international and national scientific societies :
-Member in the 12 scientific national and international societies.
1-Egyptian pediatric Association, 1983.
2-American society of tropical Medicine and Hygiene from 1985 till
now 1999.
3-Irish Royal Society of Medicine 1989 till 1992.
4-European Association for the study of liver since 1989 till 2004.
5-European Association of Perinatal Medicine 1994 till 2006.
6-Perinatal pediatric, American academy of pediatric 1996. Till now.
7-World Association of Perinatal Medicine 1996 till 2006.
8- Egyptian Association of Neonatology 1999, founder and member of
the board.
8- European society of pediatrics infectious diseases
from 2006 till now .
9- ALAzhar pediatrics association
10- Member in the Egyptian board of Neonatology since May 2009
11- Member in the Medical Education society and journal reviewer
12-Global Strategy for Hospital Hygiene Association (Middle East)
- Refree for publications:
Reviewed 33 articles ; 4 for Neonatology J., 28 for FMG scientific J
and 1 for ALAzhar pediatrics association J.
-Co editor of Neonatology journal.
-Member of the editorial board of the Arab Neonatology Forum Journal.
-International multicenter studies
-Participate in international multicenter study. Resair 2 “ room air
versus100 % oxygen “.
Skills in quality of medical education:
- Qulaty sepcialist 17/ March / 2008 .Medical syndicate Licence number
- Able to practice with quality assurance team of Faculty of Medicine for
Girls :
SWOT analysis
Strategic planning
Self study
Internal audit
Trainning with technical support of quality assurance of AlAzhar
- Passed all the courses and workshops for preparing the external
reviwer by NAQAEE till now .
Activities related to quality :
-Certificate in EBM
-Dipolma of TQM
-Certificate ITEC-040 E-learning and content development.
-Diploma Global strategy for hospital hygiene .
-Diploma of health professions education.: It consisted of 7 blocks;
Management and leadership,curriculum development,New trends in
Medical education,Measuring health professions competencies,Towards
quality and accreditation in health profession education,scientific
thinking and presentation skils,program evaluation.
-Participated as speaker in first quality awarness day of FMG ,
organized by health quality team in Alzhraa University hospital on
24/Feb /2008 and presented “Patient safety goals”
- Participated in quality awarness during the national congress of the
Egyptian Pediatrics association in collaboration with AAP from 1518 Juanuary 2008 ,sharm Elsheihk- Egypt ;as speaker : “Patient
Safety in the NICU and Health Care Organization Accreditation”.
- Participated as speaker in quality awarness during the annual
conference of AL Azhar Faculty of Medicne for boys, Pediatrics
department from 7-9 Feb 2008 , Ras Sedr . Talk: “Quality
improvement and patient safety and gust member”.
- Participated as speaker in quality awarness inthe 11 th Annual
conference of the Egyptian association of neonatology in March 13-14
2008 , Egypt. Talk:“ Safety in NICU”
- Participated in second quality awarness workshop of quality
assurance unit of FMG , 8 May 2008 as speaker
“Role of simulator in improving quality of pediatrics teaching”.
- Participated in self study and SWOT analysis of FMG AlAzhar
University for effective learning standards numbers (6, 7, and 8).
- Participated in strategic planing of FMG AlAzhar University effective
learning standards number (standard 6) .
-Particiapted in internal audit of FMG AlAzhar University.
(department of ophthalmology, public health , and aanethesia )
- Participated actively in workshops and technical support for self study
offered by NAQAAE to Faculty of pharmacy of Girls, Faculty of
Science for Girls and Faculty of Dentist of Boys , ALAzhar University,
since 2008;
-Assissted trainer for Faculty of sicence and Pharmacy for girls ,
ALAzhar University February 2009
- Assissted trainer for Faculty of sicence and Pharmacy for girls
,ALAzhar University May 2009
- Assissted trainer for Faculty of sicence and Pharmacy for girls ,AL
Azhar University ,July 2009
- Assissted trainer for Faculty of Dentist for boys ,AL Azhar University
workshop December 2009
Workshops related to quality of education :
- Strengthening the teaching of diarrheal diseases in medical schools.
WHO program for control of diarrhoeal diseases 1-7 July, 1995.
- Research design.The first congress of Egyptian association of
Neonatology, Egyptian association of Neonatology and George Town
Universit, 17 November 1999
- How to write article & How to evaluate articles International critical
care congress.Montréal Canada , June 2000
- Ethics in practice , 1 5 t h E S P N I C, Medical and Nursing Annual
Congress“. , Imperial College, London, UK, September 2004
- Student Assessment methods workshop . Medical Education
Unit,Faculty of Medicine (boys) , Al Azhar University ,4-5 October 2004
- Curriculum development course by Seuze Canal University in
Faculty of Medicine for Girls , from 23-24 February 2005
- Evidence based Medicine in child health course Institue of child health
, University college of London UK . 29 june – 2 july 2005 .
- How to right article. EMANE international congress and Egyptian
association of Neonatology . 31 ,October 2006
- How to make presentation Organized by British council October 2007
- Nine workshops organized by British council in Cairo on quality of
education :
ISO9001 workshop for ALAzhar Senior management staff : British
council, Cairo, 28 / 1/2007.
Development of quality system at FMG AlAzhar University: British
council, Cairo , February 2007
3Writing program and intended learning outcome: British council,
Cairo ,13/june/2007
-Guidelines for template in program specification: British council,
Cairo, 13/june/2007.
- Presentation skills workshop: British council, Cairo, August 2007 .
- Writing course Intended learning outcome: British council, Cairo,
December 2007
- Preparation of course specification workshop: British council, Cairo,
December 2007.
- Documents required for developmental engagement: British council,
Cairo, December 2007.
- Course report : British council, Cairo December 2007 , then repeated
in FMG June 2008 .
-Quality of Medical Education workshop during International CVS
congress Fairmount hotel ,Cairo Egypt ,March 2008.
- Two conjoined workshops organized by British council in Cairo &
1British council ,Cairo & NAQAAE : the UK experience of
teaching and learning training programs June 2008
2British council ,Cairo & NAQAAE :Recent trends in leadership
governance and management in higher education 21 June 2008
- Attended the workshop by NAQAAE on preparation of self study
for Faculty of Medicine for girls , August ,2008
- The principles of assessmnet: British council with Sheffield
University 16-17 December 2008
- Attended all workshops organized by NAQAAE for preparation
of external reviewers for higher education :
External evaluators tasted workshop , NAQAAE, October 12-16
Strategic planning October 20-21 2008
IT tasted workshop, NAQAAE, October 26, 2008
Advanced simulation External evaluators , January 25- 28 2009
Assessment of learning outcomes for higher education ,NAQAEE,
8-9 March 2009
Effective learning for higher education ,NAQAEE, 10-12 March
Application of NARS ,NAQAEE,5-6 April 2009
Academic quality assurance of open learning ,NAQAEE ,August
Condensed workshop for reveiwer17 -19 November 2009
Technicality of external review/audit of higher education ,Juanuary
19-20 ,2010
- Attend conjoined workshop of - NAQAA – LCME Juanuary 6-8
-Participated in integrated management of childhood illness
organized by WHO and Egyptian Minstr of health:
-IMCI Case management workshop organized in Pediatrics
department by WHO and Ministry of health, February 2009
-IMCI Facilitator Skills workshop organized in Pediatrics department
by WHO and Ministry of health , April 12 to 16 April /2009
- WHO- IMCI inter-cointry training on the regional guide on the
orientation and planing for IMCI pre –service education ,25-30 july
2009 in EMRO ,Cairo Egypt
Social and society activities :
- Visit s to villages and rural area to offer health care and support
- Health education in rural area and poor districts
- Awarnece for the importance of breast feeding and vacination .