Lab 6: Chi-square & Binary Logistic Regression 1. Open the file Smoke.sav. This is a file of questionnaire data on symptoms and smoking status. 2. In the Smoke.sav data calculate the age of the subject in decimal fractions of years. 3. In the Smoke.sav data calculate a new variable SMOKE (NeverSmokers = 0, Current Smokers = 1). 4. Calculate the means and standard deviations of age of the four male and female by SMOKE subcategories in the sample. Split file by sex and smoke. 5. Test the hypothesis that there is a significant difference in the frequency of never smokers and current smokers between the sexes. 6. Using Binary Logistic Regression determine the odds ratios of sex and smoking status (SMOKE) separately and together for each of the three symptoms. Run one analysis for each symptom, entering sex alone, and then another with smoke alone as covariates. Finally, run one analysis for each symptom, entering sex and smoke simultaneously as covariates. Note the difference in odds ratios when covariates are entered separately or together. __________________________________________________________________________ BPK 304W – Measurement & Inquiry in Kinesiology Summer 2015