invitation to bid

Date: 2 July, 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
Request for Quotation for SERVICES – Armenia
Hydrological analysis of river flow in the Arpa, Azat and Vedi rivers, Armenia
PIMS 2271 Reducing transboundary degradation in the Kura Aras river basin
The United Nations Office for Project Services (hereinafter “UNOPS”) is pleased to invite you to
submit a quotation for supply of the SERVICES described in Annex I to this Request for Quotation.
We would appreciate receiving your quotation on or before 19 July 2013 via e-mail at to the attention of Ir. H.J.L. Leummens. Please specify the above
noted reference number in the subject line and in your quotation.
Any requests for clarification should be referred to:
Ir. Harald Leummens, Demonstration Project Coordinator / Science Officer
UNDP/GEF Kura Aras project PCU
#56 Barnovi street, Tbilisi 0179 Georgia
Telephone: +995 322 294933
Your quotation shall include the following, in response to the Terms of Reference as per Annex I:
Explanatory on the approach and methodology.
CV(s) of proposed experts.
Fixed overall all-inclusive quotation in a single, specified, currency (see Annex II).
Previous Experience Form (see Annex III).
The UNDP/GEF Kura Aras project evaluates the quotations in 2 steps towards rating for best value:
Assessment of technical quality of proposed quotations, including:
a. Suitability of the approach and methodology including firm’s capacity to undertake
the services.
b. Qualifications and suitability of the experts proposed for the assignment including
their previous experience with same type of assignment.
Assessment of cost-effectiveness of received price quotations.
The assessment of quotations shall be completed by the UNDP/GEF Kura Aras Project
Coordination Unit members.
A contract may be awarded to the bidder having submitted the quotation representing the best
value for UNOPS. However, UNOPS reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation, and to
cancel the process and reject all quotations, at any time prior to the award of contract, without
thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders or any obligation to inform the Bidders of the grounds
for such action.
UNOPS reserves the right to make multiple arrangements for any item or items.
In the event of a Contract the UNOPS General Conditions will apply. The conditions are available
at under “UNOPS
general conditions of contract”:
UNOPS Conditions of Services - For contracts of a value of less than USD 50,000
Suppliers shall not be eligible to submit an offer and to be awarded a contract when at the time of
bid submission:
Suppliers are already suspended by UNOPS, or,
Supplier’s names are mentioned in the UN 1267 list of Terrorists issued by the Security
Council resolution 1267, which establishes a sanctions regime to cover individuals and
entities associated with Al-Qaida and/or the Taliban, or,
Suppliers are suspended by the UN Procurement Division (UN/PD), or,
Suppliers have been declared ineligible by the World Bank.
Furthermore, as a condition of doing business with UNOPS it is necessary that suppliers, their
subsidiaries, agents, intermediaries and principals cooperate with the Office of Internal Oversight
Services (OIOS) of the United Nations, UNOPS Internal Audit and Investigations Group (IAIG) as
well as with other investigations authorized by the Executive Director and with the UNOPS Ethics
Officer (during preliminary reviews in line with UNOPS whistle blower policy) as and when required.
Such cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, the following: access to all employees,
representatives, agents and assignees of the supplier; as well as production of all documents
requested, including financial records. Failure to fully cooperate with investigations will be
considered sufficient grounds to allow UNOPS to repudiate and terminate the contract, and to
debar and remove the supplier from UNOPS’s list of registered suppliers.
Information regarding Bid Protest can be found at:
UNOPS strongly encourages all Bidders to subscribe to the Tender Alert Service available on the
United Nations Global Market Place ( This will allow Bidders to be notified
automatically of all UNOPS business opportunities for the products and services for which they
have registered. Instructions on how to subscribe to the Tender Alert Service can be found in the
UNGM Interactive Guide for Suppliers.
UNOPS will effect payment within 30 days after receipt of original payment documentation.
We look forward to receiving your quotation.
Yours sincerely,
Dr M.M Matthews
Chief Technical Advisor / Project Coordinator
UNDP/GEF “Reducing transboundary degradation in the Kura Aras river basin
Address: #56 Barnovi street, Tbilisi 0179 Georgia
Telephone: +995 322 294933
The overall objective of the activity is to complete a hydrological analysis of river flow in the
Arpa, Azar and Vedi rivers, located within the area of responsibility of the Ararat Basin
Management Authority in Armenia.
More specifically, the activity aims at restoring gaps in hydrological data series and describing
hydrological characteristics of natural river flows, including environmental flows, in the Arpa, Azat
and Vedi rivers and their tributaries, based on available hydrological time series from existing and
closed hydrological stations (18 in total).
The goals of the activity include:
Collect hydrological data series from all hydrological stations – operational and closed - in
the basins of the defined rivers and their tributaries.
Restore gaps in the historical data series of river flow of all hydrological stations in the
Description of hydrological characteristics of the natural flows in selected rivers and their
main tributaries based on historical river flow data taking development of water
abstraction into account.
Elaborate a proposal for seasonally specific environmental flows for the defined rivers
and their tributaries 1.
The restoration of hydrological flow data and description of main hydrological characteristics will be
based on the available historical data of closed and operational hydrological stations in the basin,
using other approaches as appropriate. Statistical analyses will be applied to evaluate the missing
data in the multiyear series and to describe natural hydrological characteristics of the tributaries,
taking the impact of human water abstractions and other flow alterations on the river flow into
account. Proposals for installing seasonally specific environmental flows regimes will be based on
the methodology of Nov 28, 2011 approved by the government of Armenia.
Project activities
(1) Stage 1 – Inception
The aims of the Inception Phase are:
Collect all available hydrological data of the 18 operational and closed hydrological
stations in the basins of the rivers Arpa, Azat and Vedi and their tributaries.
Identify the existing gaps in the hydrological data.
Summarize the findings on available hydrological time series and gaps in the Inception
Provide a detailed narrative description of methodologies proposed for:
Restoring missing flow data.
Except for the Arpa river, for which this sub-activity is undertaken within the UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s project
contract on development of the Arpa River Basin Management Plan .
Analysing of hydrological characteristics taking historical and current water
abstraction and other flow alterations into account.
Calculating seasonally specific environmental flows.
For the complete and timely execution of the activities described in the current ToR, any existing
data on hydrological measurements in the basins of the Arpa, Azat and Vedi rivers will be made
available by the Water Resources Management Agency under the Ministry of Nature Protection of
Armenia, in any free-format available.
The Inception Report will be presented for formal approval to the Head of the Water Resources
Management Agency under the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia and the UNDP/GEF Kura
Ara(k)s Project Coordination Unit.
Stage 2 – Gap-filling of data series, description and evaluation of hydrological
During this stage the Consultant will:
Eliminate gaps in data series of the hydrological stations as identified in the inception
Describe the hydrological characteristics of the 18 hydrological stations, including:
Average annual multiyear natural flow, including for distinguished periods of years
in relation to major anthropogenic events related to water abstraction having
occurred in the selected river basins and their tributaries (reservoir construction,
inter-basin transfer, large-scale abstraction of water, etc.).
Monthly/seasonal average natural flows, including for distinguished periods of
Minimum and maximum multiyear natural flows, including for distinguished periods
of years.
Quantitative description of water abstraction and other flow alterations in time in
the defined rivers and their tributaries, and the impacts on the natural river flow of
the respective river sections.
Elaborate seasonally specific environmental flows regimes for the rivers, based on the
methodology of Nov 28, 2011 approved by the government of Armenia, and analyze
whether current flows are in line with established environmental flow legislation of
Prepare a Final Report, summarizing the work done, and including attached data series.
The current activity will result in a Final Report with annexes as appropriate describing the
restoration of complete multiyear series of hydrological flow data for the selected rivers Arpa, Azat
and Vedi and their tributaries based on hydrological flow monitoring data from 18 stations. The
report will also provide a description of the hydrological flow characteristics of the selected rivers
and their tributaries in specific multi-year periods related to significant developments of water
abstraction and other flow alterations. The report will propose seasonally specific environmental
flow regimes in line with current Armenian legislation, and compare these regimes with actual
The Final Report will be presented for formal approval to the Head of the Water Resources
Management Agency under the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia and the UNDP/GEF Kura
Ara(k)s Project Coordination Unit.
The activities described under section II – Activities are envisioned to be executed by a team of
experts. The team of experts will be composed such as to successfully and timely execute the
activities indicated in section II above.
The team of experts is envisioned to include, but not necessarily be limited to:
Senior hydrologist experienced in statistical gap-filling data restoration activities.
Senior hydrologist, experienced in the evaluation of hydrological characteristics of natural
river flow and anthropogenic impacts.
Senior hydrologist experienced in evaluation of environmental flows based on the
adopted methodology from November 28, 2011.
The consultancy will be executed in the period July 2013 – October 2013, according to the
schedule presented below.
By 15 August 2013
Submission of draft Inception report and
presentation of progress to Head of the Water
Resource Management Agency of RA, and the
National Coordinator of the UNDP/GEF Project
By 31 August 2013
Inception Report
By 30 September 2013
Submission of draft final report and
presentation of progress to Head of the Water
Resource Management of RA, and the
National Coordinator of the UNDP/GEF Project
By 30 October 2013
The Final Report with attachments
Reporting requirements:
All deliverables/reports should be submitted in the English and Armenian languages, with all
reports also including summaries in both languages as well as Russian, to be provided by the
Consultant at the Consultant’s expense.
Reports should comply to / at least include the following:
Executive summary in the English, Armenia as well as Russian.
Introduction – overall description of activities executed: data collected including proper
source citations, methodological aspects, execution of field surveys (if any), etc.
Relevant qualitative and quantitative data compilation complying to the task at hand, as
described in section II.
Tables, figures and maps (historical and actual) as deemed needed.
Description of methodology and results of gap-filling in hydrological data time series.
Quantitative description of water abstraction and other flow alterations in the selected
rivers and their tributaries.
Description of hydrological flow characteristics and impacts of different anthropogenic
developments, if any, on the flow of selected rivers and their tributaries.
Elaboration of environmental flows according to legislation in the selected river basins
and their tributaries, compared with actual flow regimes.
Literature references.
Annexes as appropriate.
The final outline for any report produced under the contract will be negotiated between the
Contractor and the Client after signing of the contract.
Appendices to the report(s) shall include, as appropriate, data sheets containing quantitative
hydrological information relevant to the assignment at hand for all hydrological stations included in
the analytical activities described above. Presented quantitative information shall, inter alia, include
the description of parameter(s), including analytical procedure applied, location of
measurement/sampling using geographic coordinates, and others as appropriate.
All reports and data sheets shall be delivered as one hard copy accompanied by a digital version,
using standard versions of Word (for text) and Excel (for data sheets).
Any additional work, input needed related to above described or any additional deliverables as
deemed needed shall be based on Project needs, subject of an amendment to the present ToR,
and will be eligible for reimbursement if executed only with the prior approval of the UNDP-GEF
Chief technical Advisor / Project Coordinator.
Assessment of bids will be based on the following obligatory key criteria:
Team composition - the proposed team should include well-trained experts experienced in
hydrological studies.
Formal company registration with appropriate national authorities in Armenia.
At least 3 year experience/involvement in hydrological studies of similar nature.
Proven experience in hydrological studies including statistical analysis and data gap-filling,
basin water balance and availability assessment, calculation of environmental flows based
on the methodology adopted by the Armenia government.
Proven work experience in similar projects financed by international donors.
Good writing skills in English, Armenian and Russian.
Additional qualification assets include:
Evidence of agreement with relevant appropriate government organizations on support to the
implementation of activities under this contract.
Experience in interdisciplinary team management & coordination, excellent organizational
and analytical skills.
Knowledge of and/or working experience in hydrology, aquatic chemistry, ecology, climate
change studies as well as water resources use & management issues relevant to the area
under auspices of the Ararat Basin Management Organization.
Familiarity with the goals and procedures of international organizations, in particular those of
the GEF, UNDP, UNOPS and regional organizations related to project activities.
The client has the right to amend the contractor’s proposed team based on the required experience
and level of training. If appropriate, this will be discussed with the Contractor to reach final
agreement on the technical team prior to signing of the contract.
Additional information:
The payment procedure will be effectuated by the UNDP/GEF Project Coordination Unit (PCU)
according to the following preliminary schedule:
Payment 1 – within one month after receiving of the Inception Report, accompanied by
original payment documentation, and formal approval by the UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s
project Chief Technical Advisor/ Project Coordinator (CTA/PC) – August 2013. Value of
payment – 30% of contract sum.
Formal approval by the UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s project CTA/PC
Payment 2 – within one month after receiving the Final Report, accompanied by original
payment documentation, and formal approval by the UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s project Chief
Technical Advisor/ Project Coordinator (CTA/PC) – October 2013. Value of payment – 70%
of contract sum.
The payment procedure will be effectuated by the UNDP/GEF Project Coordination Unit (PCU)
after receiving a written approval of the Inception Report and the Final Report from the Head of the
Water Resources Management Agency under the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia.
Payment will not be made in the case of failure to timely deliver any report, or delivery of
unacceptable quality, as judged upon by assigned UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s Project Coordinating
In name of the UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s project, UNOPS will effect payment within 30 days after
receipt of original payment documentation and the formal approval of the reports by the
UNDP/GEF project CTA/Project Coordinator.
Technical and organizational guidance will be provided by the UNDP/GEF Kura Ara(k)s Project
Coordination Unit.
The incumbent is responsible to abide by security policies, administrative instructions, plans and
procedures of the UN Security Management System and that of UNOPS.
The envisioned maximum budget available for the contract will not exceed US $10,000, including
all costs borne by consultant for any reason.
Name(s) of consultant(s)
Number of
Daily fee *
Total **
(d) = (b) x (c)
The daily fee is envisioned to include any subsistence allowance as needed during task-related
Please indicate currency
Without VAT
National travels/transportation
Unit Cost
(d) = (b) x (c)
Without VAT
Other costs (description)
Unit Cost
(d) = (b) x (c)
Without VAT
Description of
services / goods /
amount of
Contract Identification and Title and
Contact details of Client: (Name,
Address, telephone, email, fax)
Year project
Authorized Signature: ________________________________________________________________