LANDSCAPING SPECIFICATIONS Payment terms for landscaping are April through December of said contract year. The following proposal is for: Ridgewood at Middlebury The Contractor submitting the bid is: ________________________________________ The purpose of this proposal is to submit a quote for maintaining the grounds of the entire complex beginning April 1, 201_ and ending November 30, 201_ or until last cleanup of leaves. The format of the proposal will include six basic categories: 1. Spring Clean Up $_______________________ 2. Lawn Maintenance $_______________________ 3. Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control $_______________________ 4. Shrub & Bed Maintenance $_______________________ 5. Mulch & Stone $_______________________ 6. Fall Clean Up $_______________________ 7. Irrigation System $ TOTAL PRICE PER SEASON INCLUDING SALES TAX $_______________________ 1. SPRING CLEAN UP: In the early spring, all debris will be removed from the entire exterior grounds – to include but not limited to lawns, shrub beds, walks and paved areas. All sand, from snow removal, will be removed from the exterior grounds – to include but not limited to lawns, shrub beds, walks and paved areas. The first edging will done at this time – to include all end of lawn areas, beds, walks, drives, roads, stone trails, and stones under decks. Process must be completed by April 30th. TOTAL PRICE $____________________ 2. LAWN MAINTENANCE: The lawn area of the entire complex will be mowed weekly and maintained at a minimum height of 2” and a maximum height of 4”. While cutting the lawn, all debris and litter will be picked up and discarded. Clippings will be removed from all lawns, beds, walks, patios and paved areas after each mowing. If you need to dispose of these clippings you MAY NOT use the Associations dumpster or grounds. If clumping appears after mowing, a blower or rake must be used to disperse them. TOTAL PRICE 3. $____________________ LAWN FERTILIZATION, SEEDING AND WEED CONTROL: State registration number for pesticide application is _____________________________. Supervisory license number for person responsible for the application of the pesticides is _____________________. Step 1 = Early Spring application of lawn fertilizer. Step 2 = Early Spring application of pre-emergence herbicide for crabgrass control. Step 3 = Late Spring spraying of ornamental trees and shrubs (up to 12 feet) for control of insects (i.e. leaf minor, bores, aphids, mites, etc…). Step 4 = Prior to June 1st, broadleaf lawn control application. Step 5 = Summer slow release lawn fertilizer. Step 6 = Prior to August 15th, insecticide for control of surface and subsurface insects (to include grubs). Step 7 = September - fertilization. Step 8 = November application of lime. TOTAL PRICE 4. $____________________ SHRUB AND BED MAINTENANCE: Throughout the contract year all beds, under-decks and walking trails will be kept weed free and edged. In the early spring, all winter damaged shrubbery and ornamental trees (12 feet high or less) will be rid of any broken branches or dead wood. Edging will be done twice during the season and weeding will be done as necessary to keep the beds, walking trails, and under-decks weed free throughout the season. Edging will be done on all perimeter lawn areas. Power edging MAY NOT be used near pavement areas. First edging by April 30th. Second edging by August 30th. Regular pruning of shrubs as required between June 1st and August 30th. Plant fertilizing as required by plant species. TOTAL PRICE 5. $____________________ MULCH and STONE: Install SHREDDED HARWOOD MULCH by April 30th. This proposal includes the amount of mulch needed to replenish the existing beds to a 2” depth. All beds will be cleaned and weeded at this time and before the new mulch is installed. This complex specifically requires that you use SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. Failure to use the specified product will cause you, at your cost, to remove and replace it. Any existing stone areas, such as islands or under decks, etc must be replenished with matching stone to a depth that completely covers all ground area. TOTAL PRICE 6. $____________________ FALL CLEAN UP: During the fall, all leaves and debris will be removed from the lawn, beds, walks, patios and paved areas WEEKLY. During last visit of season, entire lawn area is to be raked. Fall clean up must be completed by December 31st and reported to REI. TOTAL PRICE $____________________ Additional services may be added to the proposal as needed and may be billed on a time and material basis. Please provide your hourly rate for these services and percentage of markup for materials. HOURLY LABOR RATE: $________________ MATERIAL MARK UP: %_________________ ________________________________________ Signature of Contractor _______________ Date