Seaso - Turf Grow

Seasonal Calendar
Early Spring
Divide Perennials as needed.
Complete pruning before new growth begins
Remove all protective coverings and winter mulch
Cut back ornamental grasses to new shoots
Schedule spring fertilization for your trees and
 Complete fruit tree pruning and feature tree
 Schedule your spring water feature maintenance
 Sharpen mower blades and tune up equipment
 For lawn care check that the thatch level is not
deeper than 1 in.
 Aerate if the thatch layer is deeper than 1 in to open
your soil to air, water, and nutrients.
 Spread fertilizer after aeration to feed your soil.
 Apply pre-emergent herbicide to aid in prevention
of crab grass. Apply post emergent herbicide for
weeds that were not controlled in the fall.
 Perform rejuvenation pruning on summer flowering
 Plant annuals after last frost
Early Summer
Late Summer
 Protect your family from Lyme disease with and
 Treat roses if black spots appear / Give systemic
integrated tick program
 Prune hedges and shrubs
 Weed gardens daily
 Prune climbing roses to stimulate second bloom
 Hand prune spring flowering shrubs to maintain
shape & stimulate growth
 Fertilize and keep weeds under control with a post
emergent herbicide.
 Water lawn deeply and infrequently
 Keep a close watch for pests and disease
root feeding
 Water lawn deeply and infrequently
 Prune hedges and shrubs as needed
 Mow lawn to a length of 3” or more
 Schedule your deep root feeding for the fall to keep
trees healthy
 Fertilize and keep weeds under control with a post
emergent herbicide
Early Fall
Late Fall
 Slice seed, aerate and overseed bare spots in lawn
 Plant new trees and shrubs
 Apply deer taste repellent to reduce browsing
 Mulch evergreens before ground freezes
 Mulch fallen leaves into the lawn
 It’s time to dust off the snow blower and getting
 Apply a winterizer to ensure a healthier, thick lawn
tuned up
next spring
 Protect susceptible evergreen plants from winter
injury with antidesiccant
 Prune back perennials
 Continue mowing until grass stops growing.
 Grass should be mowed to a height of 2” for the
Call Turf Grow for any questions or help with your yard tasks.
607-766-9136 or visit