Decimals Part I Decimal is a real number expressed in base 10. It is composed of digits and one decimal point. Each digit in relation to the decimal point has a particular value. Since decimal is a base 10 number, each place has a value that is either ten times larger than the one on its right, or ten times smaller than the one on its left. Writing Word Names for Decimals Steps: 1. 2. 3. Read the whole number Read the decimal point as “and” Read the decimal fraction (where it is placed on the base 10 line) Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Example 4: Example 5: The number 7.9 is read as “seven and nine tenths” The number .02 is read as “two hundredths” The number 15.08 is read as “fifteen and eight hundredths” The number 0.8 is read as “eight tenths” The number 49.056 is read as “forty-nine and fifty-six thousandths” Convert the following decimal numbers to word names Convert the following word names to decimal numbers 1) 8.87 6) Four and two thousandths 2) 32.092 7) Five Hundred thirty-five and five hundred thirtyfive thousandths 3) 101.101 8) Eight Million eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eight and eighty-eight hundredths 4) 4973.497 9) Seven Hundred seventy million seven hundred seven thousand seven hundred seven and seven hundred seven thousandth 5) 608995605.059 10) Nine Million Ninety and Nine Thousandths MONEY VALUES DECIMAL NUMBER EXAMPLE______________ ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS ONE MILLION DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS THOUSAND DOLLARS FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS HUNDRED DOLLARS FIFTY DOLLARS TWENTY DOLLARS FIVE DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS DOLLAR FIFTY CENTS QUARTER DIME NICKEL PENNY 100,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 20.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .25 .10 .05 .01 6 x $100,000,000 = $600,000,000.00 5 x $1,000,000 = $5,000,000.00 2 x $100,000 = $200,000.00 8 x $10,000 = $80,000.00 4 x $1,000.00 = $4,000.00 7 x $500.00 = $3,500.00 3 x $100.00 = $300.00 9 x $50.00 = $450.00 5 x $20.00 = $100.00 6 x $5.00 = $30.00 59 x $2.00 = $118.00 48 x $1.00 = $48.00 30 x .50 = $15.00 200 x .25 = $50.00 225 x .10 = $22.50 400 x .05 = $20.00 894 x .01 = $8.94 Money Problems 1) 18 Ten dollar bills, 4 One hundred dollar bills, and 6 fifties is how much money? 2) If John had 227 hundred dollar bills, 73 fifties, 26 tens, and 39 fives how much does he have? 3) Kindra has ten thousand four dollars and one cent. If she spends nine thousand nine hundred ninetynine dollars and ninety-nine cents, how much does she have left? 4) Mr. Yang spent $899.99. If all he had was 10 one hundred dollar bills and a dime, how much does he have left in change? 5) 1,000,001.1 - 6) 145.07 - N = 126.2 Find the value of N. 7) B 8) H - .06 = 2.9. Find the value of H. 9) T + 10) Mark makes $95,789.79 per year. If he makes the same amount for the next nine years, how much will he have made? + 999.999 = ? 79.09 = 401.1 Find the value of B. 1,969,789.91 = 1,005,017.3. Find the value of T.