Place Value Place - Where something is, location Value - What something is worth (In our case shown by the digits 0-9) Place value -The value of a digit determined by its place in a number Place Value Here we have the digit 1 . Its worth (value) will be determined by where it is placed in a number. One Ten One Hundred One Thousand Place Value period - each group of 3 digits in a number separated by commas Place Value Each period is broken down into ones (thousands, millions), tens (ten thousands, ten millions), and hundreds (hundred thousands, hundred millions). Place Value 103,649 Standard Form 103,649 Expanded Form 100,000+3,000+600+40+9 Word Form one hundred three thousand, six hundred forty nine Short Word Form 103 thousand, 649 Place Value What is the standard form for twenty-two thousand, one hundred thirteen? (left click your mouse for the answer) 22,113 What is the word form of 1,394? (left click your mouse for the answer) One thousand, three hundred ninety-four Place Value What is the value of the digit 2 in 263? (left click your mouse for the answer) 200 or two hundred What is the value of the digit 6 in 260,002? (left click your mouse for the answer) 60,000 or sixty thousand