Language Objective - ESL

Examples from former Innovative Methods classes of Theme, Topic, Overarching
Understanding (big idea) Topical understanding (both are often not required in ESL
Methods) with related Content and Language Objectives
Note: Examples from two years are included. Each year is .
Write examples of the following that are appropriate for your class.
Theme ___Plants Topic Vegetables
A broader overarching understanding (often called big idea).
I understand that __There are many cycles in nature. _____________
An important topical understanding (also a big idea, but not as broad)
I learned/understand that _Plants have a life cycle_____
(Remember a topical understanding is about the topic of study and is written as a complete
sentence. It is broader than a detail. It would be possible to give several examples of this
Write a content objective that describes what students will do to demonstrate they
understand the topical understanding.
Students will sequence pictures of the stages in the life cycle of a bean.
(Be sure to write student objectives with words that describe observable behaviors.)
Write a language objective that describes specific language that would promote
development of language skills.
Students will use the sequential words: first, then, next, finally.
Note: Some objectives are both content and language objectives. Example: Students will
sequence pictures of the life cycle of a bean and match sentences to each phase of the
For this assignment, I would like you to use language objectives that demonstrate language
modeling or specific focus on language.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Caharistina Abdelhadi
Theme: Safety
Grade: preschool
Topic: Fire safety
Overarching understanding: I understand that there are many dangerous things around
me and that I should be careful.
Topical understanding: I understand that fire is not safe.
Content objective: Students will group pictures into categories of dangerous and not
Language objectives: Students will name an object and tell their group members if that
object is dangerous or not dangerous.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Eunice Park
Theme: Friendship
Topic: Making friends
 Overarching understanding:
I learned that people can make friends.
 Topical understanding:
I learned that there are actions people take to make friends.
 Content objective:
Students will sort pictures that show actions people take in making and playing with friends and
actions that will not help to make friends. They will sort the pictures into a T-chart.
 Language objectives:
Students will talk about the pictures saying “Friends do ____________” and “Friends do not
______________” in their groups and as a class.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Jennifer Block
Theme: Patterns in Math
1st ESL
Topic: Odd and Even Numbers
Overarching understanding: I understand that there are patterns in math.
Topical understanding: I understand that some numbers can be divided into two equal
groups and some cannot.
Content objective: Students will pair up (partner) Unifix cubes to determine if a number is
even (they all have a partner) or odd (there is one left without a partner).
Language objectives: Students will use the words odd, even, pair, partner, and equal to
describe the number of Unifix cubes they have.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Janet Peters
Theme: Landforms
Grade: 2nd
Topic: Geography
Overarching understanding:
I understand that there are many different types of landforms in the world.
Topical understanding:
I learned/understand that each landform has unique characteristics.
Content objective:
Students will complete a landform project. Each student will pick a landform to further study
about and then make a visually representation and a written description about their
Language objectives:
Students will give an oral presentation to the class describing their landforms & its unique
features. They can use the landform vocabulary word bank to help them describe their
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Jennifer Zitella
Grade: Third
Theme: Geometry
Topic: Triangles
Overarching understanding:
I understand that two-dimensional figures (or plane figures) are classified based on common
characteristics. The common characteristics can include, but are not limited to, connected
figures with curved or straight lines, shape of curved lines, number of straight lines, length of
lines, equality of lines, whether the lines are parallel, number of angles, and number of
Topical understanding:
I understand that triangles are two-dimensional shapes (or plane figure) made of three
straight connected lines, three connected points, and three angles (all can be different sizes
and take different forms).
Content objective:
Students will be able to manipulate and draw triangles (having three vertices, three sides,
and three angles) of various sizes and forms.
Language objectives:
Students will be able to use the vocabulary triangle, sides, vertices (vertex), and angles
when speaking about and labeling triangles.
Ellen Oskvarek
Third Grade language arts
Author’s Purpose
Topic: Fables(lesson or moral)/
Fairy Tales (good rewarded;evil punished)
I understand that authors write for a variety of reasons or purposes including to inform, entertain, and persuade.
I understand that many authors reflect their cultures and use stories (fables, fairy tales) to communicate
the culture’s values.
Students will be able to compare characters, plot, and author’s purpose using Venn diagrams.
Students will sequence main events by drawing and labeling pictures for two stories that
communicate similar values
Students will use the following list of words: same, different, in common, character, plot, moral,
similar, good, evil, author’s purpose, lesson, moral, values
Little Red Riding Hood and Lon Po Po will be used initially to compare common story elements and
Brenda Housley, Reading Specialist / G. Stanley Hall K-5 / Glendale Hts.
Theme: Comprehension Strategies Topic: Questioning
Overarching Understanding: I learned/understand that good readers ask questions as they
read to help them think deeper about the text.
Topical Understanding: Good readers ask questions about things they wonder about,
things they don’t understand, things that they think might happen next in the text, and what
the author’s wants them to know about the text.
Content Objective: Students will ask questions before, during and after reading the text.
Language Objective: Students will use the question words who, what, when, why, and
how to ask questions during think-pair-share after listening to the think aloud.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Language Range: Developing to Bridging
Name: Marge Harter
Grade: 5th
Theme: Communication
Content: Language Arts
Overarching understanding
Communication is receptive and expressive:
A question is an interrogative statement that requires a thoughtful, appropriate
Topical understanding:
A question has key words or ideas that can support and enhance an answer with an
appropriate response
Content: Language Arts Objectives
Students will be able to formulate questions to pose both orally and in writing to
other students
Language objective:
Students will be abe to identify and highlight the key words in the questions.
Students will be able to say and write appropriate responses to student generated
questions using the key words from the questions.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Theodora Megremis
Grade: 6
Theme: Studying Earth
Topic: Earth Science - Geology
Overarching understanding: I understand that planets are composed of layers.
Topical understanding: I learned that the Earth is made of different layers.
Content objective: Students will label the parts of the Earth.
Language objectives: Students will match the names of the parts of the Earth with a
cross-section picture of the Earth.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Lyn Comer-Jaworski
Struggle for Change
Grade: 10th Grade
Topic: Protestant Reformation
 Overarching understanding:
I understand that many people struggle for various reasons as a result of their situation.
 Topical understanding:
Reformers faced many obstacles in their struggle for change within the Catholic Church.
 Content objective:
I will begin using a hook for the lesson. Using the strategy of think-pair-share, students will
provide examples of struggles they have encountered in their life. Students will then be asked to
compare the motivations for change among two reformers during the Protestant Reformation.
Using their books, they will complete a Venn Diagram on the lives on Martin Luther and John
 Language objectives:
At the conclusion of the lesson, using the sentence prompt below, students will orally discuss
one similar struggle and one difference. Their Venn Diagram will assist them in completing the
sentence prompts.
A significant similarity between Martin Luther and John Calvin’s struggle for change is that they
both shared __________________________. Yet they are also very different in their struggle
for change within the Catholic Church. Marin Luther created change by _______________
whereas John Calvin created change by __________________.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Andy Butler
Grade: HS
Illinois State Learner’s Permit Test
Roadway Signs
Overarching understanding:
a. I learned that the “Rules of Road” are important to maintain safe driving.
Topical understanding:
a. I learned that Roadway Signs are used to communicate laws, direction, and
warnings to drivers.
Content objective:
a. Students will match vocabulary words with pictures of signs through a quiz to check
for student understanding of sign shape, color, and size. After students finish the
quiz, we will go over the quiz as a class to ensure understanding.
Language objectives:
a. Students will connect new vocabulary words with appropriate signs such as: Yield,
Merge, Regulatory, Crossing, Zone, Pedestrian, Authorized, Vehicle, Divided,
Crosswalk, Curve, Intersection, Detour, and Destination.
Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: John Cronfel
Grade: 9
Theme: Revolution
Topic: Scientific Revolution
Overarching understanding:
I understand that __ ideas can dramatically and permanently change the world.
Topical understanding:
I learned/understand that different 17th century scientists challenged and changed the way
that the Catholic Church controlled learning in Europe.
 Content objective:
In pairs students will research a specific scientist (ie, Galileo and Newton) using books, their
text, and the internet to create a power point presentation. Following the research, students will
be able to identify how their scientist expanded scientific knowledge and challenged the
accepted belief system of the time.
Language objectives:
While completing their research, pairs will summarize their findings in a graphic organizer using
complete sentences. Then, students will orally share their research with the rest of the class.
Students will focus on both verbal and nonverbal presentation skills, including pronunciation,
posture, eye contact, and summarizing without reading from the power point.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Kristi Mulheim
Theme: “Here in My Home”
Grade: 1
Topic: Family Traditions
Overarching understanding:
I understand that people have many types of traditions.
Topical understanding:
I learned/understand that traditions build shared experiences among family
Content objective:
Students will create a project demonstrating a family tradition. It could be a cultural,
religious, or a unique family tradition. The project could be in the form of a storybook, poster,
shoebox diorama, videotape, game, or any other idea that would present a family tradition to the
Language objective
Students will give a “show and tell” report explaining their family tradition and project to the
rest of the class. Classmates will have the opportunity to ask questions and give compliments at
the end of the show and tell presentation.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Kris Kiesel
Theme: Matter
Grade: 1
Topic: Liquids
I teach Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Health. Range of ELL students span from
Beginning to Bridging. About one-third of my students are in the ELL program, but
approximately one-half of my students speak another language at home. Reading ranges in my
room vary from non-readers to approximately 3.0. I have one student who is in Special Ed for
LD and one is currently going to Special Ed for RTI. I also have a student who attends
Kindergarten half-day. Approximately one-third of my class is on free or reduced lunch.
Overarching understanding:
Matter has properties that can be observed and described.
Topical understanding:
Properties of matter such as shape, color, and state can change.
Content objective:
Students will be able to sort pictures of the three states of matter.
Language objective
Students will use the words matter, solid, liquid, and gas to name the three types of matter.
Students will use the words weight, space, color, and shape to differentiate some properties
of matter.
Assignment :
Lucy G’Fellers
!st grade bililgual
Topic : Animals
An important topical understanding
I learned that animals can be classified as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and amphibians.
A broader overarching understanding
I understand that there are 5 groups of animals and every animal fits into one of the groups.
Write a content objective that describes what students will do to demonstrate they
understand the topical understanding.
Students will sort animals into groups of mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, and birds.
Write a language objective that describes specific language that would promote
development of language skills.
Students will use the words: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and fish.
Students will use sentences modeled. This is a bear. It is a mammal.
Challenge sentences: This is a ________ because___________.
Vicki Bock
Assignment . Write examples of the following that are appropriate for your class.
Theme ___Animals
Topic Animals in winter
An important topical understanding
I learned/understand that animals act differently in winter than other seasons.
A broader overarching understanding
I understand that due to the seasons, animals’ habitats change and the animals have to change
to survive. _
Write a content objective that describes what students will do to demonstrate they understand
the topical understanding.
Students will color animals and put them on a graphic organizer according to what the animal
does in winter, matching the animals with --stay active, hibernate or migrate.
Write a language objective that describes specific language that would promote development
of language skills.
Students will use the words hibernate, migrate, stay active/grow a thicker coat, to describe what
animals do in winter.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Mary Lattas
Theme: Meaning Making
Grade: 1st/2nd Mix
Topic: Reading Strategies
Overarching understanding: I learned that using visualization enhances understanding. (
Visualization helps me think.)
Topical understanding: I learned that visualization skills are often needed to understand
text and author’s meaning.
Content objective: Students will close their eyes and visualize what is happening in a story
as an excerpt from the story is read aloud. They will then draw what they visualized on
construction paper. Students will share and explain their drawings.
Language objective: Students will use the terms “visualize” and “see” along with descriptive
words as they share their pictures and participate in the class discussion.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Lynne Richer
Theme: Making a difference
Grade: 3
Topic: Citizenship/citizens
Overarching understanding:
Citizens make a difference in society by working for the common good and
exercising their rights and responsibilities.
Topical understanding:
Citizens have responsibilities to make their communities a better place to live.
Content objective:
The students will be able to explain citizenship by:
- Sorting pictures which model positive and negative examples of citizenship
- Complete a word web using “citizen”
a. Design a logo or symbol to illustrate one of the freedoms and rights
citizens have.
Language objective
Orally and in writing explain the rights and responsibilities of good citizens
- Number-heads-together what they think a citizen is and explain.
Explain their reasoning for picture sort by matching sentences with
pictures or completing sentence prompts that match pictures.
NAME: Camille Martha
GRADE: 3RD Grade
Theme Interdependence Topic: Habitats for plants and animals.
An important topical understanding
I learned/understand that _Animals get their food, water and shelter from different land and
water environmnents
A broader overarching understanding
I understand that __animals and plants are dependent on their environment and on each other
for their survival.
Write a content objective that describes what students will do to demonstrate they understand
the topical understanding.
Students will be able to tell how an animal interacts with their environment for survival. Children
will be able to match a picture of an animal to a picture of its habitat.
Chilren will be able to create a group picture of a particular environment such as desert, tundra,
rain forest, and forest with appropriate animals and plants in place.
Write a language objective that describes specific language that would promote development
of language skills. Students will be able to name the four habitats, desert, tundra, rain forest,
and forest. They will be able tell about some of the plants and animals that live in these
environments. Specific animals mentioned in the textbook are
polar bears and artic fox in the tundra, lizard, owl, and cactus in the desert, tree frog. Snakes in
the rain forest, and raccoons, bears, cougars, and woodpeckers in the forest.
Students will be able to identify the two water environments mentioned Turtles and beavers are
specifically mentioned in the pond environment and dolphins and lobsters are portrayed in the
ocean environment.
Students will be able to tell and or write about the different adaptations that animals exhibit that
helps it live in it’s environment. The following adaptations are covered: camouflage,migrate,
movement, body coverings, and hibernation.
Note: Some objectives are both content and language objectives. Example: Students will
match pictures of animals to their environment. Students will be able to match pictures of an
animal to it’s adaptation label. Students will be able to tell and or point to the edge, surface and
water on a picture of a pond.
Kelly Peterson
3rd Grade
All students are at native language level
Theme: Energy
Topic: Thermal energy
Topical Understanding: I learned that thermal energy moves in three different ways:
conduction, convection, and radiation.
Broader Understanding: I understand that different types of energy move in different ways.
Content Objective: Students will be able to identify and give examples of the three ways that
thermal energy moves.
Language Objective: The students will use the words conduction, convection, and radiation
when identifying the three ways that thermal energy moves. They will use the vocabulary when
giving oral examples and when matching them to pictures.
Kelly Peterson
3rd Grade
All students are at native language level
Topic: Thermal energy
Topical Understanding: I learned that thermal energy moves in three different ways:
conduction, convection, and radiation.
Broader Understanding: I understand that different types of energy move in different ways.
Content Objective: Students will be able to identify and give examples of the three ways that
thermal energy moves.
Language Objective: The students will use the words conduction, convection, and radiation
when identifying the three ways that thermal energy moves. They will use the vocabulary when
giving oral examples and when matching them to pictures.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Name: Erica Gruber
Theme: Observation
Topic: Matter
Overarching understanding: People make observations using their 5 senses.
Topical understanding: Matter has physical properties. Scientists use 4 of their senses
(not taste) to make observations about the properties of matter.
Content objective: Use 4 senses (not taste) to complete an observation chart about 5
mystery powders.
Language objectives:
a. Use specific adjectives to describe the given substances (e.g. fine, coarse, rough,
soft, powdery, white, etc.)
b. Use the scientific words for the senses (visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, auditory)
when describing the observations made.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Amy Haber
Grade: 4th grade
Topic: Electricity
 Overarching understanding:
I understand that electricity surrounds us everywhere.
 Topical understanding:
I learned/understand that in electricity there must be a complete circuit for electricity to work.
 Content objective:
Students will draw a picture of what their complete circuit looks like.
 Language objective
Students will label their picture of the circuit with the terminology.
Challenge: Students will orally and in writing explain a complete circuit.
Katrina Cook
(She submitted 3 examples.)
Grade 5
Theme: Pollution, Topic: Water Pollution
An important topical understanding:
I learned / understood that water pollution enters our environment in many different ways.
A broader overarching understanding:
I understood that pollution has many negative effects on our environment.
Content Objective:
Students will build a model of a lake and through the use of the model will show how water gets
Language Objective:
Students will use the science words pollution, seepage and water.
Example: Students will draw their model of the lake and label the parts in the drawing with
pollution, seepage and water.
Katrina Cook
(2nd example)
Grade 5
Theme: Fractions Topic: Conversion to Decimals
An important topical understanding:
I learned that fractions can be converted to decimals.
A broader overarching understanding:
I understood that there are different ways to explain part to whole relationships and which is
used depends on which seems best for the task.
Content Objective: Students will complete in a series of steps a math word problem involving
fractions and decimals.
Language Objective: Students will label the math problems with the words denominator,
numerator, divisor, dividend and quotient. Students will then convert decimals to fraction form.
Katrina Cook
(3rd example.)
Theme: Narratives, Topic: Story Elements
An important topical understanding:
Grade 5
I learned that story elements can be identified by asking who, where, when and the why
A broader overarching understanding:
I understand that story elements are a part of every fiction story.
Content Objective: Students will match pictures of the story’s elements with the character,
setting, the time of the story and solution of the story. For example, if the setting of the story
takes place in a backyard, the students would take a picture of the backyard and match it with a
sentence strip that had the word where written on it.
Assignment : Theme, Topic, Understandings and Objectives
Lynn Pahl
Contact and Conflict
5/6 E+ Classroom/Regular Ed
Topic: Europeans meet the Native Americans in the New World
 Overarching understanding:
I understand that when two different cultures meet, there is change and often conflict.
Topical understanding: I learned that the lives of both the Native Americans and the
Europeans changed greatly when their cultures met in the New World.
Content objective: After class discussion and a shared whole group reading, students will
write an essay about both the benefits and drawbacks each culture experienced when they
met in the New World. They will reflect on who gained the most, and who lost the most.
Language objective Students will use the words from the class reading to write their
essay. Some of the words include: benefit, drawback, musket, medicinal plants, crops,
livestock, pirates, war, diseases, cruelty, slavery, way of life, barley, and wheat.
We actually did this assignment a few weeks ago. The students were given a reading which we
read together and discussed. Then the students were asked to use four different marker colors
to highlight the benefits and drawbacks each cultural group faced. Then the students used the
reading to write their own essay. I was very pleased with their writing. They were given a lot of
information to work with, and we talked about it a lot so they understood the concept. Some
needed teacher support to complete the essay, but most did it independently.
Sara Ann Feken
6th Grade
Topic – Justice for All
An important topical understanding
I understand that justice relates to being treated fairly.
A broader overarching understanding
I learned that there are many forms of injustice including childhood cruelty, racial prejudice, and
homelessness. I also understand that there are many other forms of injustice that take place in
Content Objective
Students will read a variety of short stories and identify different forms of injustice. They will
respond to the following prompts in a journal after reading each story:
10 word summary of the story
How does this selection relate to the overall theme Justice for All?
I could relate to this selection because…
Language Objective
Students will write their journal responses in complete sentences and demonstrate their
understanding of the theme in relation to each story while also applying this understanding to
themselves and society.
Students will match the pictures of a story with the words: where, who, when and why.
Students will do these steps on a variety of different stories to realize that these story elements
are in all different kinds of fiction.
Melissa Flores
7th grade
Assignment . Write examples of the following that are appropriate for your class. (An example is
in italics below and in your handout for the PowerPoint presentation on SIOP Building
Theme _Power__ Topic American Revolutionary War
An important topical understanding
I learned/understand that several incidences contributed to the start of the American
Revolutionary War.
>A broader overarching understanding
I understand that __ whoever has the power can enforce their will upon others.
Write a content objective that describes what students will do to demonstrate they
understand the topical understanding.
In pairs, students will research a specific cause of the war (ie stamp act, Boston Massacre,
Intolerable Act) using a variety of books from the Public Library that are at their readability level.
Following the research, students will be able to identify how a specific act contributed to the
onset of the Revolutionary War.
Write a language objective that describes specific language that would promote
development of language skills.
While completing their research, pairs will summarize their findings in a graphic organizer using
complete sentences. Then, students will use the jigsaw method to teach their reason to a new
This was day one of a four day project where they completed research, a poster board and
finally an oral report.
Kendra Bivens
Grade 7th grade
1. Theme: Classification
Topic: Animal Classification
2. An important topical understanding
I learned that scientists classify animals to facilitate studying them.
3. A broader overarching understanding
I understand that classification is the arrangement of things or ideas
groups based on their similarities.
into orderly
4. Content Objective
Jeanette’s Note: This would be a preview objective to prepare students for objectives later in the
lesson related to animal classification.
Students will organize grocery store items into groups and subgroups
classification system of shared characteristics.
based on the
5. Language Objective
Students will answer the three conclusion questions at the end of the
grocery store
classification activity. The answers must be in complete sentences. The answers must also
demonstrate the student’s
understanding that objects may be grouped by their similarities or
separated by their differences.
Name: Michael Petrov
Grade: 7th Grade
Theme: Earth System Topic Hydrosphere
a. An important topical understanding
I learned/understand that the earth’s hydrosphere contributes to erosion in
many ways.
b. A broader overarching understanding
I understand that there are many systems that make up the earth System.
c. Content Objective
Students will use little books to draw pictures of the different forces of
d. Language objective
Students will use the following vocabulary in a paragraph: Lithosphere,
hydrosphere, biosphere, erosion, crust and atmosphere.
Challenge: Students will use cause-effect sentence prompts to increase
sentence variety when explaining cause-effect relationships.
Assignment Theme, Topic, Understandings, and Objectives
Name: Paul Ceisel
Class: (6-12 English/Language Arts)
Theme: Values
Topic: Personal Values
Topical Understandings:
Personal values often influence who we associate/identify with.
Personal conflict often results from a clash in values.
Overarching Understandings:
These personal values are often a product of greater cultural values; therefore
the two often resemble each other.
Content Objective:
Students will use roundrobin to brainstorm a list of values present among
members of the group.
Students will use think-pair-share to group similar values together and consider
which values are potentially conflicting.
Language Objective:
Students will compare and contrast a variety of abstract concepts.
Students will use oral language to describe and categorize these concepts.
NAME: Lesa Friedrich
GRADE: Sophomores
THEME: Problem Solving
TOPIC: Quadratics
I learned that there are many different strategies to find solutions or solve problems.
I learned that I can find solutions to quadratics by using graphing, factoring, completing
the square, and the quadratic formula.
Students will match graphed solutions of quadratic equations to the stated solutions of
the quadratics.
Students will use words pertaining to the graphs of quadratics and solving quadratics:
vertex, x-intercepts, y-intercepts, axis of symmetry, solution, evaluate.
Kara K. Arison,
Mostly freshmen and sophomores, Math
I have one section of Pre-Algebra Restart and two sections of Pre-algebra
Support (PAS), and these are the three classes I hope to focus on throughout
this course. I also teach Geometry, but I only have one student who is in
ESL, and he is Bridging. In PAS, I have 2 students currently in ESL (one is
developing, the other is beginning), but a number of my students have low
reading abilities. In my regular Pre-Algebra Restart class, I have a handful
ELL’s at various levels of language development, though none have reached
Topic: Simplifying Expressions
 An important topical understanding
I learned/understand that the order of operations matters when simplifying a numerical
A broader overarching understanding
I understand that there is a mathematical and logical thought process to use when I
approach problem-solving.
Write a content objective that describes what students will do to demonstrate they
understand the topical understanding.
Students will successfully simplify numerical expressions using the correct order of
Write a language objective that describes specific language that would promote
development of language skills.
Students will orally explain the process for simplifying numerical expressions with
emphasis on the order of operations.