NSF BIOCOMPLEXITY PHYSICAL/BIOLOGICAL METADATA 2005 GEOMORPHIC SURVEYING PROTOCOL Andrew Pike POOL SELECTION At each node, we surveyed between one and five pools; one at the crossing itself, and the others divided equally upstream and downstream of the crossing. The number of pools sampled at each node was determined by both the availability of pools, and the number of pools utilized for human recreation. The reason for sampling multiple pools is to represent the range of pool morphology present at a site, as well as correlate to the pool locations where human and biological sampling occurred. In this dataset, geomorphic data for only one representative pool at each node site is presented. At recreation sites, the representative pool is the one with the presumed greatest human recreation. At non-recreation sites, the pool at or nearest to the bridge was chosen. GEOMORPHIC SURVEYING Within a given pool, a cross-section was measured at a uniform section that best represented the average characteristics of the pool. At each cross-section, relative distance and elevation were measured at evenly spaced intervals from bank to bank using a Sokkia Total Station Laser Theodolite (Set 530). Cross-sections extended into the adjacent woody vegetation and away from the edge of the active (bankfull) channel, which was determined by the edge of woody vegetation and high flow features (fine sediment lines). Both baseflow (wetted channel at summer low flows) and active channel widths, average channel depths, and active channel cross-sectional areas were calculated for each-cross section. Slope was similarly calculated by surveying elevation points at equally spaced intervals along the profile of the river, intending to capture the average characteristics and slope breaks of the reach. Grain size in the active channel was estimated using a modified Wolman Pebble Count method (Wolman, 1954). The size of 100 clasts, selected randomly by pacing across the width of the stream at survey sites, were measured and visually classified into the following 7 size categories: Bedrock, Megaboulder (>2000mm), Boulder (2562000mm), Cobble (64-256mm), Gravel (2-64mm), Sand (.063-2mm), and Fines (silt/clay, 0.001–0.063 mm). A high-resolution GIS analysis was performed to derive physical site characteristics for each node site. The analysis incorporates GIS spatial analytical tools to estimate a variety of landscape factors, such as elevation, drainage area, slope, flow direction, accumulated runoff, both downstream and upstream distances, and channel energetics. A 10m DEM (digital elevation model) was digitally derived from the USGS topographic quadrangle map, available at http://biocomplexity.cnr.colostate.edu/data.htm. Flow direction and flow accumulation algorithms were used in ESRI ArcGIS to calculate least resistant paths between adjacent cells to determine downstream flow direction and the accumulation of contributing cells. BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING PROTOCOL Katie Hein At each river-road node, the biological team sampled fish and shrimp upstream and downstream from the road with a variety of methods. Below, we describe the details of the study design for each method. POOL SELECTION At each node, we sampled one to four pools: the pools immediately up and downstream from the road, and a second pool up and downstream from the road within 325 m of the road crossing. If the pool extended below the road crossing, we sampled the entire thing. At low elevations where brackish water reached the road crossing, we only sampled upstream from the road. BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING 1. Snorkeling: Two people snorkeled one transect each along the length of the pool simultaneously. Each snorkeler held a 1 m long stick in front of and perpendicular to his/her body to demarcate the sampling area. He/she identified and counted the number of each fish species seen while swimming upstream. We only snorkeled when turbidity was low, where sewer water was not entering the stream, and in pools deep enough to swim (> 1 m). 2. Trapping: We used three types of traps to sample all pools at all sites. Wire mesh gee minnow traps (0.635 cm mesh, 22.9 cm diameter, 44.5 cm long) with a 3.5 cm diameter opening, gee minnow traps with a 5 cm diameter opening, and large cylindrical traps (1.4 X 2.6 cm mesh, 35 cm diameter, 65 cm long) with a 13 cm diameter opening. In small pools (< 30 m2), we set 1 of each type of trap, and we set 3 of each type of minnow trap and 2 large traps in medium pools (30-200 m2). In large pools (> 200 m2), we set 5 of each type of minnow trap and 2 large traps. Each trap was baited with 22 g of cat food and set over night. The traps with larger openings captured large Macrobrachium sp., Agonostomus monticola, Anguilla rostrata, Eleotris pisonis, Epilobocera sinuatifrons, Gobiomorous dormitor, and Sicydium plumieri, whereas minnow traps with a small opening effectively captured Atya sp., Xiphocaris elongata, Anguilla rostrata, and juvenile Macrobrachium sp. A few Eleotris pisonis, Epilobocera sinuatifrons, Gobiomorous dormitor, Poecilia vivipara, and Sycidium plumieri were also captured in minnow traps with a small opening. Each individual was identified to species, but juvenile Macrobrachium could not be identified to species. 3. Electrofishing: One person used a backpack shocker to stun and net fish, and a second person helped to net fish in each pool and/or associated riffle. The electrofishing team moved upstream, sweeping from one side of the pool to the other until they reached the upper bound of the pool. The team also shocked riffles adjacent to the pools trapped and snorkeled. When the pools were too large to electrofish effectively (> 215 m2, > 1.3 m deep), the team only electrofished the riffles. ** The total number of freshwater fish species found at a site could include (latin, English, Spanish names): a. Agonostomus monticola, mountain mullet, dajao b. Anguilla rostrata, American eel, anguila c. Awaos tajasica, river goby, saga or ciaga d. Eleotris pisonis, spinycheek sleeper, moron e. Gobiomorus dormitor, bigmouth sleeper, guavina f. Poecilia sp.(vivipara?), guppy, sardinita g. Sicydium plumieri, sirajo goby, olivo or chupa piedras or setí or tri-tri All species were native except Poecilia sp. We did not include estuarine fish in our calculations of the total number of fish present at a site. ** The total number of decapod species found at a site could include (latin, English, Spanish names): h. Atya innocous, shrimp, gata or guábara or chágara i. Atya lanipes, sinous-faced shrimp, guábara j. Atya scabra, serrei shrimp, jonga k. Epilobocera sinuatifrons, river crab, buruquena l. Macrobrachium acanthurus, ?, silgao m. Macrobrachium carcinus, giant-hand shrimp, bocú n. Macrobrachium crenulatum, pubescent-hand shrimp, camaron o. Macrobrachium faustinum, pubescent-hand shrimp, camaron p. Macrobrachium heterochirus, teeth-faced shrimp, leopardo q. Xiphocaris elongata, glass or long-faced shrimp, salpiche or chiripi or chillo All species were native. ** Rows by species give the presence or absence of a particular species at each site (0 indicates absence and 1 indicates presence). BRIDGE SCOUR ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL Kirk Sherrill A quantitative and qualitative local bridge scour and physical connectivity survey was performed at 24 RRC sites. The bridge scour survey was adopted from Johnson et al. 1999, slight modifications where made including the addition of two scour indicator variables: channel bed material and presence of a blow hole or scour pool. Channel bed material significantly determines how susceptible a site is to stream channel erosion, thus this criteria was added. Secondly blow holes and scour pools often result from deposition of streambed material flowing through undersized pipe culverts, which in turn can yield creation of a vertical barrier (Baker and Votapka 1990). Four of Johnson’s et al. (1999) variables where omitted as they where deemed inappropriate for the streams understudy, these included bed material consolidation and armoring, shear stress ratio, bridge/culvert distance from meander impact point, and percent channel constriction stability. Surveys where preformed over four days from August 8/9/05 thru 8/12/05, during what could be considered low flow conditions. Eleven indicator variables of stream bed stability around the RRC sites were evaluated along with other relevant observations including presence of vertical barriers, stream reach type, RRC type, culvert slope, length and height. Each variable was measured using a scale from 1-12, where a rating of 1 implies a site with excellent stability (little to no erosion) and conversely a rating of 12 would imply poor stability (highly degraded, much erosion potential). For the 9 variables used in Johnson et al.’s (1999) survey the same variable rating criteria was used to assign appropriate ratings. Rating criteria used for the channel bed material and blow hole/scour pool variables is shown in Table 1. Weights where assigned to each variable based upon what is believed to be the influence each respective variable has on the overall amount of alteration of sedimentation and hydrologic flow or scour around RRC. Taking the scores for each variable and multiplying by the assigned weight and adding the scores together yield the overall scour rating by site (Table 3). Works Cited: Baker C.O. and Votapka. 1990. Fish Passage Through Culverts. U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA-FL-90-006. Johnson P.A., Gleason G.L., and Hey R.D. (1999). “Rapid Assessment of Channel Stability in Vicinity of Road Crossing”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ROW DESCRIPTIONS Site Characteristics 1. GPS Coordinate N – Coordinate (deg-min-sec) of road crossing 2. GPS Coordinate W – Coordinate (deg-min-sec) of road crossing 3. Elevation (m) – Elevation of stream at road crossing, derived from the 10m DEM. 4. Road – 1 is a major 4-lane highway, 2 is a 2-lane highway, 3 is a paved road, 4 is an unpaved road, and 5 is a trail 5. Stream – stream size from small ( m wide) to medium ( m wide) to large ( m wide) 6. Human – level of human use from 0 visitors to high use 7. Watershed – watershed of the site’s location 8. Distance to Ocean (m) - Distance to the river mouth (ocean), derived from the flow direction grid. 9. Distance from Headwaters (m) - Distance to the headwater source, derived from the flow direction grid. 10. Drainage Area (km2) – Contributing basin area, derived by summing contributing upstream cells. 11. Avg. Canopy Cover (%) – Average closed canopy percentage at a site; average was taken for measurements from two pools at each site using a spherical densiometer. 12. GIS Slope (%) – Slope, in percent gradient, derived from the nearest 10m contours on a USGS 1:24000 quadrangle map. 13. Field Slope (%) - Slope, in percent gradient, calculated from the surveyed water surface slope along the length of a characteristic reach at each site. 14. Weighted Upstream Elevation [WAE] (m) – Mean elevation of contributing basin area, derived from the 10m DEM. 15. Rainfall (mm/yr) – Mean annual rainfall at site. Derived from regression equation (Garcia-Martino et al., 1996): Mean Annual Rainfall = 2300 + 3.80*Elev.(m) .0016 Elev.2(m) 16. No Rain Days – Mean number of days per year with no rain. Derived from regression equation (Garcia-Martino et al., 1996): No Rain Days = 133.30 0.09*Elev.(m) 17. Mean Annual Discharge (m3/sec) - Product of runoff (mm/yr), time coefficient (yr/sec), and drainage area (m2). Runoff values derived from regression equation (Garcia-Martino et al., 1996): runoff (mm/yr) = 3.22* WAE(m) + 816.16 18. Avg. Unit Stream Power (W/m) – Stream Power per unit bed area: ρ * S * Q, where: ρ = specific weight of water (= 9810 N/m3), Q = mean annual discharge (m3/s), S = slope (m/m) 19. GeoPotential Energy Flux (J/yr) – Potential energy of the annual water mass discharged at a given site: mgh/t = ρ * h * Qyr, where: ρ = specific weight of water (= 9810 N/m3), h = elevation (m), Qyr = total annual discharge (m3/yr) Geomorphology 20. Pool ID – ID and location of pool: D = downstream, U = upstream, Bridge = below/at bridge 21. Pool Comment – Small description of pool characteristics, for aid in identification 22. Distance to Bridge (m) – Pool distance upstream or downstream from bridge 23. Width (m) – Distance from water edge to water edge 24. Hydraulic Radius (m) – Average depth, calculated as the ratio of cross-sectional area(m2) : wetted perimeter(m) 25. Max Depth (m) – Maximum depth along the cross-section 26. X-Sectional Area (m2) – Cross-sectional area of channel perpendicular to flow 27. Ratio, Width:Depth – Ratio of width to mean depth 28. Width (m) – Distance from woody vegetation edge to woody vegetation edge 29. Hydraulic Radius (m) – Average depth, calculated as the ratio of cross-sectional area(m2) : wetted perimeter(m) 30. Max Depth (m) – Maximum depth along the cross-section, from active channel height 31. X-Sectional Area (m2) – Cross-sectional area of channel perpendicular to flow 32. Ratio, Width:Depth – Ratio of width to mean depth 33. Deepest point (m) – Depth of deepest point in the pool relative to baseflow water surface 34. C.V. Depth – Coefficient of variation (standard deviation / mean) of 5 equally spaced depth measurements across the length of the pool (front to back) 35. Pool Length (m) – Length of the pool from front to back with boundaries defined by slope breaks and/or velocity increases. 36. Surface Area (m2) – Surface area of the pool at baseflow discharge, calculated as the product of pool length and pool width, assuming a rectangular geometry 37. Pool Volume (m3) – Volume of the pool at baseflow discharge, calculated as the product of pool length and pool x-sectional area, assuming the x-sectional area is relatively constant throughout the length of the pool 38. Median Grain Size d50 (mm) – Median grain size of non-bedrock bed material sampled using a modified Wolman pebble count 39. Max Grain Size (mm) – Maximum grain size of non-bedrock bed material sampled using a modified Wolman pebble count 40. Bedrock (%) – Percentage of bedrock from Wolman pebble count 41. Megaboulder (%) – Percentage of megaboulder sized (>2000mm) bed material from Wolman pebble count 42. Boulder (%) – Percentage of boulder sized (256-2000mm) bed material from Wolman pebble count 43. Cobble (%) – Percentage of cobble sized (64-256mm) bed material from Wolman pebble count 44. Gravel (%) – Percentage of gravel sized (2-64mm) bed material from Wolman pebble count 45. Sand (%) – Percentage of sand sized (.063-2mm) bed material from Wolman pebble count 46. Fines (%) – Percentage of silt/clay sized (.001-.063mm) bed material from Wolman pebble count Biology 47. Number of fishes - Total number of fish species found in pools and/or their associated riffles at a site. All species were native except Poecilia sp. The species found are (latin, English, Spanish names): a. Agonostomus monticola, mountain mullet, dajao b. Anguilla rostrata, American eel, anguila c. Awaos tajasica, river goby, saga or ciaga d. Eleotris pisonis, spinycheek sleeper, moron e. Gobiomorus dormitor, bigmouth sleeper, guavina f. Poecilia sp.(vivipara?), guppy, sardinita g. Sicydium plumieri, sirajo goby, olivo or chupa piedras or setí or tri-tri 48. Number of decapods - Total number of decapod species found in pools and/or their associated riffles at a site. All species were native. The species found are (latin, English, Spanish names): a. Atya innocous, shrimp, gata or guábara or chágara b. Atya lanipes, sinous-faced shrimp, guábara c. Atya scabra, serrei shrimp, jonga d. Epilobocera sinuatifrons, river crab, buruquena e. Macrobrachium acanthurus, ?, silgao f. Macrobrachium carcinus, giant-hand shrimp, bocú g. Macrobrachium crenulatum, pubescent-hand shrimp, camaron h. Macrobrachium faustinum, pubescent-hand shrimp, camaron i. Macrobrachium heterochirus, teeth-faced shrimp, leopardo j. Xiphocaris elongata, glass or long-faced shrimp, salpiche or chiripi or chillo 49 - 66. Presence (1) or absence (0) of listed taxa, combined for all traps and all pools at each node Bridge Scour 67. Reach Type – Classification of reach type into 6 Categories: Waterfall, Cascade, Step-Pool, Plane-Bed, Riffle, Pool. 68. Road Crossing Type – Physical structure of road crossing: Bridge, Foot Bridge, Culvert (Box/Circular). Number of culvert openings is indicated. 69. Soil Texture – Rating (1-12) of soil texture coherence. 70. Bank Slope – Rating (1-12) of bank slope/stability 71. Bank Vegetation – Rating (1-12) of bank vegetative cover 72. Bank Cutting – Rating (1-12) of amount of bank cutting 73. Mass Wasting – Rating (1-12) of evidence of mass wasting 74. Channel Bar Development – Rating (1-12) of degree of channel bar development 75. Debris Jam Potential – Rating (1-12) of potential for debris jam 76. Obstructions – Rating (1-12) of amount and size of flow obstructions 77. Bed Material – Rating (1-12) of size and mobility of bed material 78. High Flow Angle – Rating (1-12) of high flow angle of approach to bridge 79. Blowhole/Scour Presence – Rating (1-12) of observed scour by presence of a blowhole and/or scour pool 80. Scour Score – Raw weighted scour score 81. Scour Rating – Rating (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) as a function of scour score provided by Johnson et al. 1999 82. Relative Rating – Rating (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) as a function of scour score amended to apply to study streams 83. Biological Connectivity Score – Rating (1-12) of the potential biological connectivity at a site as a function of the vertical barrier created by the road crossing Table 2: Indicator variables measured in scour survey, φ indicator variables which were added for this study. (Env) is a variable controlled by broad environmental variables, and (R/C) is a variable controlled by local road crossing structure characteristics. Indicator Variable Bank Soil Texture and Coherence (Env) Average Bank Slope Angle (Pfankuch 1978) (Env) Vegetative Bank Protection (Pfankuch 1978) (Env and R/C) Rating Excellent (1-3) Good (4-6) Fair (7-9) Poor (10-12) Clay and silty clay; cohesive Clay loam to sandy clay loam Sandy clay to sandy loam Loamy sand to sand; noncohesive < 20% average 30 to 40% average 30 to 50% average >60% average Dense understory and overstory Mostly dense understory and overstory some areas with only understory Mixture of Dense understory and overstory, with moderate patches only understory or no vegetation Little to no dense understory and overstory, large patches only understory or no vegetation Bank Cutting (Pfankuch 1978) (Env and R/C) Little or none evident, eroded banks are infrequent, short and predominately < 15cm high Some intermittent along channel out curves and prominate constrictions. Cuts are mostly < 30cm high Significant and Frequent. Cuts 30-60cm high, root mat overhangs Almost continuous cuts some >60cm high. Undercutting, sod-root overhangs, side failures Mass Wasting or Bank Failure (Pfankuch 1978) (Env) No or little evidence of potential for Evidence of infrequent and/or very small slumps. Evidence of mass wasting is mostly revegeated Evidence of frequent or significant occurrences of mass wasting, with potential for increased wasting during high water flow Frequent mass wasting easily detectable due to presence of bank failures, undercuttings, and bank slumping, often unvegetated Amount of Bar Development (Lagasse et al. 1995) (Env and R/C) None or bars are mature and vegetated, mostly coarse gravel or cobble and narrow relative to channel width Debris and potential for debris accumulation is minimal Bars are present, mostly unvegetated, coarse gravel to cobble Bars are present, not vegetated, evidence of recent deposition, bar width < 1/2 stream width Large unvegetated bars, bar width > 1/2 stream width Minimal debris present. Debris jam potential is only for small jams Noticeable accumulation of all sized debris present. Potential for a moderate sized jam downstream Moderate to large accumulation of all size debri. Debris jam potential is high. None Some flow obstruction causing flow alteration, with minimal impact on sediment Moderately frequent obstructions, causing some erosion of channel Frequent obstructions yielding unstable hydraulics and continual sediment movement within channel Vegetative and Rock Debris Jam Potential (Pfankuch 1978) (R/C) Obstructions, Presence of Flow Deflection (Pfankuch 1978) (R/C)