How to get list of databases from multiple servers

How to get list of databases from multiple servers
Sounds very easy then done. When some one ask you to get a list of databases from
server we do remember “sys.databases” and if some one ask from 5-10 servers we
connect to each instance in sql server and get the list of databases. Query will be like
“Select name as [database name] ,@@servername as [server name]from sys.databases”
But what if some one asks you to get list of databases from 100+ servers. It will take
days to finish manually but powershell can get this done in a click
So how to do this
1. First find a server in domain having powershell installed
2. Create directory “X:\Monitoring_Automation\”
3. Create files in above directory
a. Serverlist <servers.txt>
b. Powershell script <dblist.ps1>
c. Batch file to call PS1 file <GetDBlist.bat>
d. Output file to collect list of database <Output.csv>
4. In “X:\Monitoring_Automation\Servers.txt” write all server name separated with
enter from which you want to get database list
5. In “X:\Monitoring_Automation\ dblist.ps1” place below code
/*********** Code Start****************/
#File name : X:\Monitoring_Automation\dbdetail.ps1
#Initializing output path
#$FilePath = "X:\Monitoring_Automation\"
#$OutFile1 = Join-Path -path $FilePath -childPath ("dblist_" + (getdate).toString('yyyyMMdd_hhmmtt') + ".log")
$OutFile = "X:\Monitoring_Automation\output.csv"
#Running code on each server
foreach ($svr in get-content "X:\Monitoring_Automation\Servers.txt")
$con = "server=$svr;database=master;Integrated Security=sspi"
$cmd = "select name , @@servername from sys.databases"
$da = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ($cmd, $con)
$dt = new-object System.Data.DataTable
$da.fill($dt) | out-null
$dt | Format-Table -autosize
#$dt | export-csv -noType $OutFile1
$dt >>$OutFile
#$dt | export-csv -noType $OutFile1
$end = get-date
write-host "End: " $end
/*****************ENd of Code***********************/
6. In “X:\Monitoring_Automation\ GetDBlist.bat” place below code
/************** CODE START **************/
Powershell.exe “ X:\Monitoring_Automation\dbdetail.ps1”
/************* CODE END *******************/
7. If you will not even create “X:\Monitoring_Automation\output.csv” , powershell
will take care of step
8. Now open command prompt : Run -> CMD -> Go to X:\Monitoring_Automation\
9. Once execution is completed, you will get output in command prompt screen
and in “X:\Monitoring_Automation\output.csv” as well.
10. Copy the output in excel , use data -> text to column option to format and your
report is ready to be sent
You can find same in my blog also for reference: