CALL SHEET [2] PRODUCER Onute Janciauskaite [2, 11st April] NINA DIRECTOR Wiktoria Wachowiak ON SET: [6.30am] UNIT CALL: [8am] [11:50am2:50pm] Lunch Est. Wrap Weather Temperature Sunrise / Sunset [19:00pm] [Light breeze] [12 - 3] [06:20/ 8:02] Producer Onute Janciauskaite contact number 07836773521 ***ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING INSIDE THE LOCATION*** ***PLEASE TAKE CARE NOT TO DAMAGE THE FLOORS OR FURNITURE*** - Please do not leave valuables on display in your car - LOCATION: 1) 1367A High Road, N20 9LN, WHETSTONE 2) 50 Riverdene, HA8 9TD, Edgware Sc. 2 3 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 9 I.D . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Set & Synopsis D/N Pgs INT. NINA‘S FLAT (script day 1) : Emily gets into the house, takes diary, conversation with Philip, Philip „asks“ her to leave. D 2, 3, 4 EXT. STREET (script day 1) : Girl similar to Nina passes Emily after she leaves Nina’s house. This dream montage scenes will be divided into 4 parts EXT. ROOF (script day 1) : Nina and Emily on the roof of a building with crocodile and clown. EXT. CAR PARKSTAIRWELL (script day 1): Nina and Emily s having fun in the street, park. EXT. STREET (script day 1): Nina rides bicycle, Emily runs along. Clown and Crocodily fallows. EXT. RIVER (script day 1): Nina, Emily, Crocodile and Clown are resting. Nina wants to drag Emily into the river. EXT. RIVER (script day 1): Nina, Crocodile and Clown are on the one side of the river and Emily runs from the other side towards them. D 4 16 Whetstone D 1 1245 Whetstone D 1 1245 Whetstone D 1 1245 Whetstone D 1 1245 Edgware D 1 1245 Edgware Total 6 1245 6 Actor Character Abi Blears Sean O’Sullivan Agnieszka Waliszewska Anastasija Panfilova Onute Janciauskaite EMILY PHILIP NINA CLOWN CROCODILE Girl similar to Nina (extra) Onute Janciauskaite Cast Location 12 Whetstone CALL TIME M/up Wardrobe On Set 07:15 09:00 11:30 11:30 11:30 7:30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 07:30 09:30 12:00 12:00 12:00 8:00 10:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 n/a 7:30 8:00 CAMERA OPERATOR Dominik Zukauskas HEALTH AND SAFETY In an emergency First Aid will be provided. LOCATIONS As per production – Onute Janciauskaite [Further instructions: Please do not be late] PRODUCTION Runners: Sussana Bianci SOUND Anastasija Panfilova CATERING Location 1: Location 2 : 1367A High Road, N20 9LN, WHETSTONE 50 Riverdene, HA8 9TD, EDGWARE FACILITIES Location available for wardrobe and catering from 7 am TRAVEL Since Everybody travels from differen places, please let me know if you need any guidance by sending me an e-mail (see map below) 1st LOCATION NEAREST HOSPITAL: Whittington Hospital - Magdala Avenue City of London, Greater London N19 5NF, United Kingdom 020 7272 3070 2nd LOCATION NEAREST HOSPITAL: Saint Pancras Way London, Greater London NW1 0PE, United Kingdom 020 7530 3500 CALL TIME 6:30 END TIME -- Proceeding Crew on the set 8:00 9:30 Shooting scene 3 9:30 11:30 12:30 13:00 11:30 12.30 13:00 15:00 Shooting scene 2 Lunch Changing wardrobe Shooting scene 1: 1) 2) 3) 15:00 16:00 16:30 16:00 16:30 18:30 18:30 19:00 19:00 Travelling to Edgware Prepare the set Shooting scene 1: 4) AND scene 9 Snacks after shooting WRAP IT GUYS Notes Prepare the set, lightning, camera, discuss about shooting process For scene 3 needs to be shoes and hair/makeup change(same as for next scene 2) Emily and Philip Food on the set Emily and Nina Emily, Nina, Crocodile, Clown Snacks on the way Accessorize, changing between scenes. THANK YOU!!! CALL SHEET DRAWN UP BY PRODUCER ONUTE JANCIAUSKAITE