Animal Reproduction PPT and Presentation: 50 points

Animal Reproduction PPT and Presentation: 50 points
You will be assigned an animal by your teacher. You’re responsible for educating the
class about your animal’s reproductive method.
Determine whether your animal reproduces asexually or sexually, or possible both. Once
determined, create an educational PowerPoint to be presented to the class. To receive full
credit, you will want to include the following items:
Type of asexual method
Type of sexual reproduction method
Location of reproduction
Courting behavior
Environmental conditions required
Structural Parts/Organs Involved
Seasonal Issues
Time of Year
Length of time
Structural units involved
Unique Mating Techniques
Type of birth
Other Interesting Facts
Gestation/Length of time for birth
Time to reach sexual maturity
Other Interesting Facts
You will also be graded on your presentation. DO NOT READ your PowerPoint. The
class can read. We want to be taught!
Points Possible: 50
Graded on:
Content (Covers ALL items listed above and MORE!) – 20 pts
Creative/Entertaining PPT (very visual and organized) – 10 pts
Presentation (exciting, not read, well prepared) – 20 pts
All PowerPoints MUST be emailed to me ( in the .ppt
form. PowerPoints saved as .pptx will not be graded.
Due Date: ____________________
Your animal: ______________________