KATHY THOMPSON WHALEY 103 Shale Stone Chapel Hill, NC 27516 kathy.whaley@unc.edu Home: (919)-968-6093 Work: (919)-962-7317 EDUCATION 1978 – 1980 Masters of Science - Child Development and Family Relations School of Home Economics East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 1974 – 1978 Bachelor of Science - Child Development and Family Relations School of Home Economics East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 1988 – 1989 Completion of the Family, Infant Specialist Training Course (12 Semester Hours towards a Master of Science in Education) Appalachian State University, Boone, NC EXPERTISE AND SPECIAL INTERESTS Early childhood transition, inclusion, preschool LRE, IDEA - Section 619 policies and programs, personnel development systems, recruitment and retention, personnel development strategies such as coaching and mentoring, identification of topical information and design of Web-pages, developmentally appropriate early childhood classroom-based practices, family support, adult learning, planned change, consultation, group facilitation and system changes strategies. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2001 – present National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) Chapel Hill, NC Technical Assistance Specialist Leads and participates in teams including collaboration with other regional and national TA providers to address identified state challenges through the development and implementation of strategic state work plans. Developed strategic work plans or intensive technical assistance strategies for each assigned state (CT, ME, MT, ID, ND, KS) with state personnel and key stakeholders. Research and analyze relevant information about state context and initiatives. Provide and/or coordinate technical assistance to implement the state strategic work plans including monitoring and evaluation of implementation. Provides TA to state clients and national audiences on planned change strategies and researchbased practice information related to young children with disabilities and their families in the issue areas of IDEA, preschool special education, early childhood inclusion and transition. Issue Chair for the Personnel Development and Early Childhood Transition issue teams including the development of technical expertise, resource identification, analysis and synthesis. Contributes to the 1 organization’s web site and print resources in the areas of personnel development systems, early childhood transition, preschool LRE and inclusion. Organizes and implements a variety of technical assistance strategies to national, state and local clients as a co-facilitator of the OSEP Preschool LRE Community of Practice Initiative. Facilitates the efforts of state teams in developing and improving inclusive service delivery systems as part of the Expanding Opportunities Federal Interagency Initiative. 1994 – 2001 National Early Childhood Technical Assistance system (NECTAS) Chapel Hill, NC Technical Assistance Specialist Provided a variety of technical assistance, facilitation and training services to the state coordinators of the IDEA Early Childhood State Programs including the Part C and Section 619 Programs including responsibility for coordinating and providing technical assistance to 20 states. Planned and implemented regional meetings for the state level Preschool Coordinators. Created and maintained two extensive Web pages with research, resources and products related to personnel development systems and early childhood transition. Developed syntheses of resources for financing inclusive service systems, early childhood transition and autism spectrum disorders. Served on an Autism Spectrum Disorder Workgroup to identify national issues, expertise and recommended practice for state systems of care through a variety of TA activities and materials development. Contributed to the implementation of the annual National Early Childhood Conference. 1993 – 1994 NC Training and Technical Assistance Project Western Carolina Center Morganton, NC Consultant Provided training and technical assistance to local education agency personnel serving preschool children with disabilities on a NC Department of Public Instruction contract. 1992 – 1993 Project SUNRISE (Systematic Use of Newly Researched Interventions by Special Educators), Family, Infant and Preschool Program Western Carolina Center Morganton, NC. Outreach Consultant Provided a variety of technical assistance and training on an EEPCD multi-state outreach project. 1988 – 1992 Project SUNRISE, Family, Infant and Preschool Program, Western Carolina Center Morganton, NC. Project Coordinator Coordinated an EEPCD (Early Education Program for Children with Disabilities) multi-state outreach grant funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Provided training to center-based early intervention programs. Outreach activities included on-site training, group training, consultation, technical assistance, dissemination, public awareness, and participation in state and regional activities. Assisted the Project Director in designing and implementing model development and program evaluation 2 activities. 1986 – 1988 Project SUNRISE, Family, Infant and Preschool Program, Western Carolina Center Morganton, NC. Educational Consultant Provided consultation, technical assistance, and on-site training to classroombased programs serving children with disabilities, ages birth through five years, in a OSEP funded multi-state outreach grant. 1980 – 1986 Early Childhood Intervention Services Catawba County Mental Health Services Hickory, NC Habilitation Specialist II Provided home-based services for families of children with or at-risk for disabilities, ages birth through five years. Provided workshops and inservice training opportunities to local and state service providers. 1979 – 1980 Farmville Child Development Center Farmville, NC Lead Teacher Coordinator Lead Teacher/Coordinator in a Developmental Day Center for preschoolers with disabilities. Programmatic supervisor of three teachers and their classroom operations. 1978 – 1979 Demonstration Preschool Program Department of Child Development and Family Relations East Carolina University Greenville, NC Lead Teacher – Graduate Assistant Lead teacher for University model demonstration preschool classroom. Assisted in training, supervision, and evaluation of undergraduate child development students. 1977 – 1977 Preschool Demonstration Program East Carolina University Department of Child Development and Family Relations Greenville, NC Teacher Aide Teacher Aide in summer preschool program for 3-5 year olds. PROFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTS, SPECIAL ACTIVITIES & AFFILIATIONS 2007 National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) Trainer and member of Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institutes’ NCBI Team 2005 – 2007 Trustee, Evergreen United Methodist Church 2006 Member of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute First School 3 Initiative Transition Committee 2001-present Co-Facilitator of the Office of Special Education Programs’ Preschool LRE Community of Practice 1994 – 1997 President, President-Elect and Vice-President, NC Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children 1991 - 1995 Practicum Supervisor for teachers completing the NC Department of Public Instruction, Division for Exceptional Children’s Preschool Handicapped Add-on Certification. 1991 - 1993 Membership Chairperson, North Carolina Division for Early Childhood. 1990 - 1992 Member of the Advocacy and Government Relations Committee, North Carolina Division for Early Childhood. 1989 - 1991 Member of the Public Awareness Task Force North Carolina Interagency Coordinating Council. 1988 - 1990 Secretary, North Carolina Division for Early Childhood/ Council for Exceptional Children. 1988 - 1989 Vice Chairperson, North Carolina Interagency Coordinating Council 1986 - 1988 Chairperson of the Needs Assessment Task Force, North Carolina Interagency Comprehensive Preschool Planning Grant (North Carolina Interagency Coordinating Council). 1985 - 1986 Advisory board member, Project HAPPEN Family, Infant and Preschool Program, Western Carolina Center Morganton, NC. 1985 -1986 President, Catawba Valley Association for the Education of Young Children. 1985 - 1986 President, Catawba County CEC. 1985 Member of a committee funded by the North Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council to develop a statewide brochure for the North Carolina Early Intervention Network. 1983 - 1986 Served on an advisory board for the FAMILIES RESEARCH PROJECT-UNC Chapel Hill, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center. 1983 - 1986 Member of an interagency committee to provide free developmental screening clinics for preschool residents of Catawba County (Publicity Chairperson). President of Catawba County Head Start Policy Council. 1983 - 1986 4 SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND AWARDS 2006 Member of the Carolina 20 Year Society, UNC –Chapel Hill 1998 Award presented by the NC Division for Early Childhood for “Contributions to NC-DEC” 1992 and 1994 Employee of the Year: Outstanding Contributions in the Area of Training Awarded by the Family, Infant and Preschool Program, Western Carolina Center Morganton, NC PUBLICATIONS Kasprzak, C., Hurth, J., Rooney, R., Goode, S. E., Danaher, J. C., Whaley, K. T., Ringwalt, S. S., & Cate, D. (2011). States' accountability and progress in serving young children with disabilities, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. Advance online publication, May 20, 2011. doi:10.1177/0271121411408119 National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2011) Evaluation Summary of the Expanding Opportunities Interagency Inclusion Initiative. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.nectac.org/~pdfs/pubs/exp_opps_eval_summary.pdf Cate, D., Diefendorf, M., McCullough, K., Peters, M., & Whaley, K. (2010) Quality indicators of inclusive programs/practices: A compilation of selected resources. Retrieved from http://www.nectac.org/~pdfs/pubs/qualityindicatorsinclusion.pdf Müller, E., Whaley, K., & Rous, B. (2009). State efforts to meet the early childhood transition requirements of IDEA. Retrieved from http://www.projectforum.org/docs/StateEffortstoMeettheECTransitionRequirementsofIDEAfinal. pdf National Early Childhood Transition Initiative. (2008). Designing and implementing effective early childhood transition processes. Retrieved from http://www.nectac.org/~pdfs/topics/transition/ECTransitionPaper.pdf Whaley, K. & Goode, S. (2005). Transitions from Infant Toddler Services to Preschool special Education: Minibibliography. Chapel Hill, NC. NECTAC. Whaley, K., Goode, S. & deFosset, S. (2005). Selected Resources on Financing Early Childhood Systems to Support Inclusive Options for Young children with Disabilities: Minibibliography. Chapel, Hill, NC: NECTAC. Rosenkoetter, S.E., Whaley, K.T., Hains, A.H. & Pierce, L. (2001). The evolution of transition policy for young children with special needs and their families: Past, present, and future. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21(1), 3-15. Hurth, J., Shaw, E., Izeman, S., Whaley, K. & Rogers, S. (1999). Areas of agreement about effective practices among programs serving young children with autism spectrum disorders. Infants and Young Children, 12(2), 17-26. 5 Whaley, K.T. & Shaw, E. (Eds.). (1999). NECTAS Resource Collection on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Chapel Hill, NC: NECTAS. Sperry, L.A., Whaley, K.T., Shaw, E. & Brame, K. (1998). Services for young children with autism spectrum disorders: Voices of parents and providers. Infants and Young Children, 11(4), 17-34. Whaley, K.T. (1992). The Project SUNRISE experience. In R.A. McWilliam, The familycentered intervention: A guide to meaningful early intervention. Tucson, AZ: Communication Skill Builders. Whaley, K.T., & Bennett, T.C. (1991). Promoting engagement in early childhood special education. Teaching Exceptional Children 23(4),51-54. Raab, M., Blount, C., & Whaley, K. (1990). Child Behavior Scale. Unpublished scale. Family, Infant, and Preschool Program, Western Carolina Center, Morganton, NC. Selected Presentations and Training Whaley, K. & Cate, D. (2011, November) Early childhood transition: National landscape and implications for practice. Presentation at the Division for Early Childhood 27th Annual International Conference, National Harbor, MD. Calahan, C., Nichols, S., Peters, M., Tuchman-Ginsberg, L., & Whaley, K. (2011, September). State TA Systems Networking Meeting. Presentation and Meeting Facilitation at the 2011 Measuring Child and Family Outcomes Conference, New Orleans, LA. Whaley, K. (2011, August). LRE for Preschool Children with Disabilities : Requirements and Updates. Presentation for the 2011 Utah Law Conference, Ogden, UT. Whaley, K. (2011, August). IDEA Early Childhood Transition Requirement: Updates, Implications and Resource. Presentation for the 2011 Utah Law Conference, Ogden, UT. Gregory, J., McCullough, K, Whaley, K. Wilberger, S., & Winton, P. (2011, July) Building State and Community Capacity for Inclusion. Presentation at the 2011 OSEP Leadership Conference, Crystal City, VA. Diefendorf, M, Whaley, K., Smith, B. & Ellis, D. (2011, July). Collaborative planning for state early learning systems. Presentation at the 2011 OSEP Leadership Conference, Crystal City, VA. Cate, D. & Whaley, K. (2011, May). Expanding inclusive opportunities - Impacts of collaborative interagency planning . Presentation at the National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute. Chapel Hill, NC. Whaley, K. Diefendorf, M & Hannigan, D. (2010, June). Expanding Opportunities: Interagency Strategies for Building Inclusive Practice. Presentation at the 2010 National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC. 6 Cate, D. & Whaley, K. (2010, November. Early childhood APP/APR transition indicators: National trends. Presentation for the 2010 Part C and Preschool Review of APR Indicators Webinar Series, Chapel Hill, NC. Kahn, L., Whaley, K. & Ringwalt, S. (2009, December) Demonstrating progress: Trends and highlights from the 2007 - 2008 annual performance reports (APR). Presentation for the OSEP National Early Childhood Conference. Washington, DC. Whaley, K.T. (2007, August). Transition from Part C to Part B, Section 619: Federal Context, Issues, Rules and Strategies. Presentation and Group Facilitation for the Wyoming Division of Developmental Disabilities EC State Conference, Casper, WY. Whaley, KT (2007, August). Managing and Sustaining Change. Presentation for the Seventh Annual Inclusion Institute. Chapel, Hill. NC. Whaley, K.T. (2007, May). Early Childhood Inclusion in Louisiana. Facilitation and Presentation for the Louisiana Department of Education Early Childhood Program. Baton Rouge, LA and Alexandria, LA. Whaley, K.T. & Benitz, C. (2006, September). Early Childhood Transition from Part C to Part B. Regional Training for the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction and the North Dakota Department of Human Services, Minot, Fargo and Grand Forks, ND. Whaley, K.T. (2006, July). Who Sees What As a Problem Anyway? Managing and Sustaining Change. Presentation at the Sixth National Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC. Hornback, M., Goosen, M. & Whaley, K.T. (2006, July). Kansas Monitoring and Technical Assistance Strategies for Inclusive Preschool Placement Options. Presentation at the Sixth National Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC. Whaley, K.T. (2005, October). Federal Context for Changing Times and Practices. Keynote presentation for the Maine Department of Education, Child Development Services Statewide Conference, Bangor, Maine. Whaley, K.T. (2005, September). Correcting Non-Compliance for Transition: Context, Issues and Strategies. Presentation for the Ohio Office of Early Childhood Education, Columbus, OH. Whaley, K.T. (2005, August) Thinking About Change. Presentation at the Federal Interagency Expanding Opportunities Initiative State Team Meetings, Chapel Hill, NC. Grisham-Brown, J. & Whaley, K.T. (2004, July). Authentic Assessment and Linked Intervention: Implications for Preschool LRE. Presentation at the Fourth National Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC. Whaley, K.T. (2003, February) Selected Regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Related to Part B and Part C. Panel presentation at the National Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Conference, Atlanta, GA. Whaley, K.T. (2002, July). Issues in Early Childhood: Considerations for Services in Natural and Least Restrictive Environments. Presentation for the Utah Special Education Law Conference, Provo, UT. 7 Whaley, K. T., Rosenkoetter, S., Hains A.& Pierce,L.(2001, December) The Evolution of Transition Policy: Past Present and Future, Presentation at the Seventeenth International DEC Conference. Whaley, K.T. (2001, November). Play Nice Together: Resources for Effective Teamwork for You, Your Colleagues and Your Students. Presentation for the Midwest Faculty Institute, Kansas City, MO. Whaley, K.T. (2001, October). The Preschool Program For Children With Disabilities: Considerations for Planning and Implementation. Presentation for the Alaska Department of Education’s Special Education Director’s Conference. Whaley, K.T. (2001, August). Delivering Inclusive Services in Rural Settings. Presentation at the Second National Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC. Fire, N., Trohanis, P. Ayankoya, B. & Whaley, K.T. (2001, April). An Overview to the NECTAC Web-based Training Model. A presentation for the CSPD Director’s conference, Alexandria, VA. Whaley, K.T. (2000, April). The NECTAC ASD Forum Activities: Implications for Personnel Development and Inservice Training for Professionals Working with Young children with ASD and their Families. Invited presentation for the OSEP ASD Workgroup of the National Academies of Science, Washington, DC. Whaley, KT & Shaw, E. (2000, January). Quality Practices: Programs for Young Children with Autism in the 21st Century. Keynote presentation for the North Carolina Preschool Coordinator’s Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. Whaley, K.T. & Shaw, E. (1999, December). Policy Options and Considerations for Young children with Autism Spectrum disorder and their Families. Presentation at the Fifteenth Annual International Division for Early Childhood Conference, Washington, DC. Whaley, K.T. (1995, June). Individual Education Plans, Presentation at the Texas Statewide Early Childhood Education Conference, Houston, TX. Whaley, K.T. (1994, October). Teamwork. Keynote presentation at the South Carolina Division for Early Childhood State Conference, Columbia, SC. Whaley, K.T. (1993, February). Promoting developmentally appropriate practice: A model for center-based programs. Presentation at the Tennessee Collaborative Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families, Nashville, TN. Raab, M. & Whaley, K.T. (1992, December). Fostering the convergence of developmentally appropriate practice and special education in preschool settings. Presentation at the Eighth Annual International Division for Early Childhood Conference, Washington, DC. Whaley, K.T. (1992, September). Supporting parent and professional partnerships through functional intervention a Presentation at the Magic Years V Conference, Albuquerque, NM. 8 Whaley, K.T. (1992, August). Ecological assessment of classroom program practices: tools for decision-making. Presentation at the Third Annual Southeastern Regional DEC/Headstart Conference, Orlando, FL. Whaley, K.T. & Davis M. (1992, July). The dynamics of change: Implications for center-based programs. Presentation at the 1992 SUNRISE Summer Institute, Hilton Head Island, SC. Whaley, K.T. (1992, June). Early intervention: Looking at the past and visions for the future. Keynote presentation at the 12th Annual Early Intervention Conference, Murfreesboro, TN. Whaley, K.T. (1992, June). Parent and professional partnerships through functional intervention planning. Presentation at the 12th Annual Early Intervention Conference, Murfreesboro, TN. Whaley, K.T. (1992, May). Supporting parent-professional communication. Presentation at the Western Regional Child Care Conference, Asheville, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1992, April). Family support and multi-systems response. Keynote presentation at the South Carolina Department of Mental Health's Sixth Annual Children, Adolescents, and Their Families Spring Conference, Columbia, SC. Whaley, K.T. (1992, March). Integrating the special needs component into classroom routines . Presentation at the annual North Carolina Headstart Association Conference, Raleigh, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1991, October). Assessing classroom environments. Presentation at the Appalachian Early Intervention Conference, Johnson City, TN. Whaley, K.T. (1991, October). Integrating specialized therapies into daily routines in centerbased programs. Presentation at the North Carolina Division for Early Childhood Second Annual Conference, Comelius, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1991, October). Effective change in child care programs. Presentation at the North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Study Conference, Winston-Salem, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1991, July). Responsive intervention in classroom settings. Presentation at the 1991 Project SUNRISE Institute, Hilton Head, SC. Whaley, K.T. (1991, October). Effective change in child care programs. Presentation at the North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Study Conference, Winston-Salem, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1990, November). Working with families for the development of educational plans for preschool children with special needs. Presentation made at the 42nd Annual Conference on Exceptional Children. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Charlotte, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1990, August). Parent-professional partnerships in the early childhood classroom. Presentation made at the 4th Annual International Portage Conference. Madison, WI. Whaley, K.T., Taylor, M., & Dollman, C. (1990, July). Integrating support services into daily routines. Presentation made at the Project SUNRISE Training for Excellence Institute. Hilton Head Island, SC. 9 Whaley, K.T. (1990, May). Challenges for child care centers: Mainstreaming young children with special needs. Presentation at the Western Regional Child Care Conference. Asheville, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1990, May). Effective parent conferences. Presentation made at the Western Regional Child Care Conference. Asheville, NC. Whaley, K.T., Raab, M. (1990, April). Assessing classroom environments: Implications for intervention. Presentation made at the 68th International Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Toronto, Canada. Whaley, K.T. (1990, April). Developmentally appropriate instructional practices for 3-5 year olds. Presentation made at the In-Tac New Visions Conference. Raleigh, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1990, February). Ecological assessment. Presentation made at the DPI Training Institute. Raleigh, NC. Whaley, K.T., Taylor, M. (1990, February). Assessing early childhood classroom environments: Implications for intervention. Presentation made at the 3rd Annual N.C. Federation CEC Conference. Raleigh, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1989, October). Best practices for child success. Pre-conference workshop given at the Fifth Annual International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs. Minneapolis, MN. Whaley, K.T. (1989, September). Strategies for teaching young handicapped children in a mainstreamed setting. Presentation made at the NCAEYC Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC. Whaley, K.T., Taylor, M., Dollman, C. (1989, August). A functional approach to developing IEP's. Presentation made at the SUNRISE Training for Excellence Institute. Wrightsville Beach, NC. Whaley, K.T. (1988, August). Project SUNRISE: A model for classroom-based programs. Presentation made for the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education, Early Childhood Special Education Outreach Fair. Calberton, MD. McWilliam, R.A. & Garwood, K.T. (1988, July). A continuum of responsive teaching strategies. Presentation made at the Project SUNRISE Training for Excellence Institute. Hilton Head Island, SC. McWilliam, R.A. & Garwood, K.T. (1988, May). Getting your ducks in a row: How to start a classroom program. Presentation made at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program Fifth Annual Forum on Young Children and Their Families. Morganton, NC. Garwood, K.T. (1988, April). How to promote an engaging classroom. Presentation for the Greensboro Association for the Education of Young Children. Greensboro, NC. McWilliam, R. & Garwood, K.T. (1988, March). Promoting engagement: Strategies for child success. Conference presentation made for the Pediatric Research and Training Center, University of Connecticut Health Center, The Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation, and The Connecticut Department of Education Training Conference. Farmington, CT. 10