BOARD OF DIRECTORS RETREAT July 21-22, 2008 Crowne Plaza Hotel, San Jose, CA Board members present: Brian Bridges, Steve Glyer, Micheline LeBlanc, Kurt Larsen, Jerome Burg, Barbara Keenoy, Debra White, Cameron McCune, and Sharon Sutton. Staff present: Mike Lawrence, Ana Marisol Valle, Dana DuRee and Nicole Clark. Guests: Keith Pickering-Walters (CTA), Cliff Rudnick, and CDE Edtech Director. I. Call to Order At 9:30 AM by President Brian Bridges. Brian began the meeting with a welcome to new board members and each member introduced him/herself. II. Book Study Discussion Johnny Bunko – the last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need. There was a lively discussion of the book, its six lessons, and it implications for our work as an organization. Not a traditional book. The medium is the message – a new audience. III. Agenda approval Additional items added to goals - in closed session. Move to approve as amended Debra White, seconded by Steve Glyer. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval of May CUE board minutes Add to the minutes, in section VI B, that Internet was still an issue; Kurt Larsen moved to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Barbara Keenoy. Motion carried unanimously. V. Closed session The board entered into closed session at 10:20 AM. Barbara Keenoy moved to end closed session, seconded by Sharon Sutton. Closed session ended at 11:15 AM. Upon the staff and guests’ return to the meeting, Brian thanked Mike for his leadership in the CUE organization. VI. Board appointments A. Executive Committee – At Large Members B. Finance Committee – Assistant Treasurer. Brian recommended Cameron McCune for the position of assistant treasurer; Steve Glyer moved to accept that recommendation, Sharon Sutton seconded; motion carried unanimously. C. Committees - No changes to the committee liaisons that were presented to the board at this meeting D. SIG Liaison - No changes to the SIG liaisons that were presented to the board at this meeting. E. Affiliate liaison - No changes to the affiliates liaisons that were presented to the board at this meeting. VII. Reports A. Executive Director Report: ILC – current numbers ILC numbers: 82 vendors, 109 booths, 172 presenters; 37 registered. Main priority is to get a more robust marketing plan. Mike mentioned CUE and FETC’s efforts in promoting this conference Brian will speak before the keynote at ILC; two Gold Disks will be awarded; there will be an affiliate leadership luncheon Reasons for problems with registrations for ILC: Lean year; new event; mid-week in San Jose. The 2009-2010 event will take place on the weekend. The Board brainstormed ideas to promote attendance at the ILC. Communications Committee - Lainie McGann will be chair of the committee CUE board members received 9 complimentary tickets to hand out for the Palm Springs conference. Steve suggested that CUE staff create guidelines for board members to consider when offering the free registrations. Board members are to send the free registration recipient names to CUE staff Representatives from CUE Southern Nevada and Mike have been talking about CUE, Inc. membership. There is no organization in Nevada that this group can join. It is no great distance from Las Vegas to Palm Springs to attend the Spring CUE conference. Mike will continue this conversation No keynote speaker has been hired for the next Lead 3.0. There was a large number of Curriculum & Instruction leaders at the 2008 conference. The partnership with ACSA and TICAL is great for CUE, Inc. B. Treasurer report: For ease of reading and referencing, Steve added the row/column letters and numbers. Some lines eliminated from the summary report to improve readability. We are in good shape financially; Line E45 was corrected. In comparing the 2007 and 2008 attendance numbers, they were the same. There was larger growth in corporate partnerships in 2008. CUEsortium with netTrekker – 1.5% of income for new districts to Nettrekker is given to CUE. For the 2008-2009, we are planning for a decrease in the conference attendance (due to budget situations and the ILC) and the budget was developed with that in mind. The vendor issue may show the change in the 2009-2010 year. The CUE reserve funds are in 7 separate CDs, each under $100,000 for FDIC protection. C. Director of Operations: Speakers: Vicki Davis is confirmed with book signing and four sessions on Friday. Four spotlight speakers: Robert Marzano, Arnie Abrams, Tammy Worcester and Vicki Davis. It was suggested that a Google Map of the new CUE office location and a photo of the staff be placed on the CUE website. Contacts: Dana will handle conference questions; Nicole will handle questions on affiliates, committees, and conference registration. D. CUEtoYOU – Mike presented the report, which was reviewed by the board. CUE is now the lead for the Google Teacher Academies E. Committee reports: Brian would like a written report (a week to 10 days in advance of a board meeting). 1. Affiliate leadership - Karl Forest and Gerald have worked to get the Elluminate rooms ready for affiliates use. They are open 24/7 – reservation will be up soon at the CUE HUB. 2. Awards committee – Mike met with Christine Olmstead; they are working with EdJoin for its use in the CUE board and awards nomination process. Awards committee would like the board’s nomination for the platinum disk: 3. Mike will send the board a list of the past Gold Disk awardees, who have not yet received the Platinum Disk. 4. Communications: New leadership under Lainie McGann. 5. Conference Planning - 1) 22 workshops chosen; 2) four all-day PD events on Thursday. Dana and Mike have been working on contacting special groups that were mentioned at the May board meeting. 6. Legislative advocacy – a. EETT - Federal house and senate bill compromise on the legislation; b. Preparing teachers for a Digital Age - the house has reauthorized the bill; the senate has not. c. NCLB – not moving – probably will not move until new leadership in Washington. d. ETAN booth very successful at NECC – they generated 3,000 letters to legislators. With NECC in Washington DC in 2009, this will be a very important event for ETAN and this committee. 7. Strategic partnerships –CUE and CETPA conversations – joint relationship on focus groups at each other’s conferences F. Affiliate Updates/reports – each board member shared experiences from last year and discussed strategies for this coming year. G. SIG Reports – each board liaison shared their experiences from last year. H. CTA – no changes at state council; no secret insight on the budget. I. CDE update – a) EETT-C round 7; awardees were notified last Friday; sorry letters should be going out soon. September 12, 2008 is the due date for end of period fiscal and program reports for Rounds 4 and 6. b) CTAP and SETS – Cliff is proposing that there should be 11 CTAP regions and 4 state projects as opposed to 11 CTAP regions and four contracts. c) E-rate – 103 districts in CA do not participate in E-rate; money will be given to the CDE (from CTF) to get more E-rate money to CA; d) K-12 voucher closed for round 1; no movement on the amended amount for this round; e) Tech planning – less plans expected (~280) in 2008-2009 for state review. f) Brokers of Expertise – a repository related to curriculum, instruction and management; K-12 HSN received some money for work in this area. VIII. New Business A. Committee Chair Recommendations: Barbara Keenoy motioned to accept the recommendations; seconded by Debra White; motion carried unanimously. B. 2008-09 Meeting Dates Barbara Keenoy moved to accept the meeting dates as proposed; Steve Glyer seconded; motion carried unanimously C. Silicon Valley CUE By-Laws - a name change only: Micheline LeBlanc moved to accept; Debra White seconded; motion carried unanimously. D. Affiliate Handbook updates -Mike, Kurt and Gerald were the ones involved in the update. Reminder postcard to vote 1. Affiliate Evaluation/Rubric E. Goals and Deliverables (brought forth from the closed session): Barbara Keenoy moved to accept the proposed changes; Sharon Sutton seconded; motion carried unanimously. F. ACTION ITEMS: Revisit by-laws o Review updates to the affiliate handbook o Update three changed documents handed to board members at the meeting o Complete business plan o Send out meeting dates to the committees (Steven) o Budget update o Get registration brochures to board members o Revisit affiliate health issue o Get names of Google academy members and ADE (Apple Distinguished Educators) to affiliate leads o Review award nominations o Submit committee, affiliate, SIG reports to Mike 10 days prior to board meetings o Get an update on the CUE Wikipedia idea (Kurt) IX. Old Business A. Board Leadership Development: twitter; each board member signed up for a twitter account to expand personal learning networks. B. CUE Business Plan 2008-2013 Board members will work in groups of three to update the plan. The board will use a Google site to do this. C. Outreach efforts – Mike shared a slideshow in Google docs that board members, affiliates, SIGs and committee leads can use at events. Mike will add speaker notes to the slideshow and the spring 2009 CUE workshops as well. It was recommended that CUE INC send a congratulatory message to an affiliate Teacher of the Year’s district to make them aware of the honor received by a teacher in their district. D. Bank accounts. The names of Scott Smith and Jan Half should be removed from bank documents since they are no longer members of the CUE Board of Directors. Three names will be added to the accounts: Brian Bridges, Board President, Steve Glyer, Board Treasurer/V.P. and Micheline LeBlanc, Board Secretary, with Ana Marisol Valles, CUE Director of Operations, and Mike Lawrence, CUE Executive Director. X. Adjournment: Steve Glyer moved to adjourn and Kurt Larsen seconded; motion unanimously carried.