IP/00/83 Brussels, 27 January 2000 Humanitarian aid: News in brief The European Commission has made available funding for humanitarian aid projects in the following countries: India (Euro 5.2 million), Venezuela (Euro 3.2 million), Indonesia (Euro 3 million), North Korea (Euro 800,000), Russia (Euro 2 million), Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine (Euro 1.9 million). The aid, channelled via the European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will enable United Nations organisations, the Red Cross and non-governmental organisations to carry out projects over the next three to six months. India (Orissa, Andhra Pradesh) - victims of cyclone: Euro 5.2 million This funding is dedicated to meeting the ongoing needs of people affected by the cyclone that devastated eastern India in October. It covers the basics for survival: food aid, basic healthcare, shelter and water/sanitation. ECHO's partners: the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies (IFRC), Mensen in Nood/Caritas (Netherlands), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Germany), Oxfam (UK), HelpAge International (UK), World Vision (UK), Movimiento por la Paz el Desarme y la Libertad/MPDL (Spain) and the Dutch Relief and Rehabilitiation Agency. This new funding brings the total earmarked for this disaster to Euro 7.2 million so far. Venezuela - victims of flooding: Euro 3.2 million Torrential rains hit Venezuela in late December, resulting in mudslides and catastrophic flooding. Up to 50,000 people may have lost their lives. This funding covers emergency assistance for survivors. ECHO's partners: French, German and Spanish Red Cross Societies and European non-governmental organisations. This funding brings the total allocated for this disaster so far to Euro 3.6 million. Further assistance is in the pipeline. Indonesia (Aceh, Molucca Is, Madura) - victims of conflict: Euro 3 million Ongoing ethnic conflicts in parts of Indonesia have resulted in thousands of people fleeing violence. Shelter and water/sanitation are major problems, and the following NGOs are mounting projects to assist: MPDL (Spain), Oxfam (UK), Action contre la Faim (France), Medecins sans Frontieres (Belgium). North Korea - aid for the winter: Euro 800,000 Winter temperatures go down to -20 degrees C in parts of North Korea, where the public health and social security system has virtually collapsed. This programme covers distribution of warm clothes, as well as coal to heat creches, orphanages, health centres, hospitals and other institutions. ECHO's partners: Children's Aid Direct (UK), Concern (Ireland), CESVI (Italy). Russian Federation - winter aid for remote communities: Euro 2 million The weakening of social security systems in the former Soviet Union has hit those vulnerable in remote communities particularly hard. This one-off decision will cover assistance for institutions looking after children, for prisons, and for vulnerable groups such as elderly people living alone, and the homeless, including street children. ECHO's partners: Action contre la Faim (France), Finnish and German Red Cross. Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine - response to winter appeal: Euro 1.9 million These newly-independent states are having enormous difficulty covering social security for their citizens. This funding will support children's daycare and health centres, and provide food aid for those most vulnerable through the winter. ECHO's partners: Danish Red Cross, Comite d'Aide Medicale (France), UNICEF and Caritas Netherlands. 2