The active principle of Aquaroll®
How Aquaroll® works
Description - Design.
Aquaroll® is an innovative bead hydromassage system
The active principle of Aquaroll®
Water, beads in movement... well-being
An Aquaroll® massage is based on a simple principle: the feet, ankles, hands or wrists
are immersed in a mixture of moving glass beads and water.
It is the conjunction of four elements which provides Aquaroll®'s innovative benefits:
- The liquid medium.
- The temperature of the liquid medium.
- The controlled, permanent pressure of the glass beads linked to the speed of movement.
- The constant, permanent percussion of the glass beads during the hand, foot or ankle
By combining the hydromechanical action and reflexotherapy generated by the pressure of
the moving beads and stimulation of the microcirculation, Aquaroll provides a dynamic
massage of the reflexive zones of the feet and hands, generating intense relaxation.
The innovation consists in a unique combination of friction, percussion,
kneading, exfoliation, pressure therapy and hydrotherapy, while providing
effective cleansing between two users.
The concomitant action of these different techniques rejuvenates and embellishes
the skin, lightens the legs and slims the ankles while relieving joint pain.
The bead mixing, flux and reflux of the liquid medium, pressure and percussion
the weight of beads on the dermis, epidermis, tissues, joints, muscles, ligaments
cartilage, as well as the vibration of the bead-water medium all combine
provide a dynamic massage affecting the entire limb or joint concerned and
activate blood and lymph flow.
Aquaroll® systems are used to:
Procure an intense feeling of well-being and relaxation.
Slim and drain heavy, swollen legs.
Generate a feeling of lightness in swollen feet, ankles, hands and wrists.
Rejuvenate and embellish the skin of the hands and feet
Attenuate pigmentation marks
Improve the appearance of the skin and scars.
Improve joint flexibility.
Relieve certain joint pain.
Reduce swelling of ankles, calves, fingers, hands.
Aquaroll® systems are designed for spas, beauty parlours, wellness
thalassotherapy centers, fitness centers, thermalism, spa fun and sports clubs.
How Aquaroll® works
The pressure exerted by the movement and density of the bead-liquid mixture squeezes
the immersed limb, either partly or completely, creating a flux and reflux which promotes
blood and lymph circulation. This intermittent pressure decongests and drains muscle
masses both superficially and deeply, and resorbs swelling and œdema of the feet, ankles,
hands and wrists
30 000 glass beads in the water massage, contact, scrub the skin depending on
the intensity and pressure controlled by the speed of movement. This contact
provides many advantages: it leads to a distinct improvement in the skin's
trophicity, its flexibility; the production of collagen is reactivated, the skin is
better nourished, revived by the improvement in peripheral blood circulation.
The flux and reflux of the bead-liquid mixture massages the skin and muscle layers to relax
them. This kneading releases the tension in both superficial and deep muscle masses,
ligamentary and tendinous structures, improving joint flexibilty.
The movement of beads and liquids mobilises cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues and all
interposing structures as well as the muscular or tendinous region to be treated. The
desired effect is to relax these structures and reduce local oedema and swelling. This also
helps improve flexibility and the appearance of scars on the feet, ankles, hands and wrists.
The vibrations engendered in the bead-liquid medium are characterised by successive
pressure and release throughout the skin, tissues, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and
Finally, the temperature acts on the immersed member and, for example, heat relaxes the
feet, ankles, hands and wrists, whereas a cold liquid stimulates the body, contracts vessels,
reduces inflammation and tones the muscles.
Aquaroll® bead massage systems include a removable bowl, filled with glass beads and
fresh water, set in motion by rotation while the feet, ankles, hands and wrists are
Aquaroll® works with mains electricity. Mounted on castors, it is easy to move. It was
designed by an agency which specializes in shapes, ergonomics, colors and dimensions so
that the equipment blends in well with most types of decor.
Removable bowl containing 11 litres of glass beads and 4 litres of water.
Control panel:
It is used to set the rotation speed to reduce or increase the massage speed, control the
supply of hot or cold freshwater, seawater or spa water depending on the model.
They make it easy to move the device to the required position. Built-in locking system.
Hot water supply and shower head: it is used to fill with water at a set temperature and
fast, practical drainage, for frequent use or as needed.
Specific equipment for seawater and spa water (Aquaroll® Thermer) including automatic
filling and emptying with a specific corrosive water circuit.
Mains power supply:
Power consumption 2 Kw/h.
Height 106 cm
Depth 103.5 cm
Width 69 cm
Aquaroll® was developed and is manufactured in France. It meets European standards and
French and European health authority criteria, which are amongst the most demanding in
terms of safety and health.
Aquaroll® systems are CE market.
The Benefits of Aquaroll® in terms of beauty and well-being relaxation
The Benefits of Aquaroll® in medical terms
Aquaroll® provides:
- Intense relaxation and a deep feeling of well-being.
- High-performance lymph drainage and more effective elimination of fats and toxins.
- Light, slimmer legs through better circulation.
- An improved appearance and better trophicity of the skin on hands and feet.
- Rejuvenation and embellishment of the skin.
- Attenuation of pigment marks
- Scars less red, less inflammatory.
-Relief and reduced swelling in feet after a day's skiing.
- Reduced swelling and resorption of oedema.
- Reduced pain and a feeling of relief (arthrosis).
- Greater flexibility and increased joint movement.
AQUAROLL SAS has developed a range of devices which meet the specific needs of health
professionals (physiotherapists, functional rehabilitation centers) under the trademark
Opinions of professionals and users: 96% found the system to be good or very
Several studies have been carried out by professionals to analyze the benefits of Aquaroll®.
A study of foot hydromassage testifies to the deep feeling of well-being, relief, relaxation
and light legs for 99% of people during a massage session and 93% after the session.
Other studies have revealed that more than 92.5% of people using Aquaroll® experienced
an improvement in the appearance of the skin and scars, reduced swelling (oedema), less
pain (arthrosis) and increased joint movement.
Aquaroll®, history, encounters.
Aquaroll® was an unexpected development, as is often the case with major inventions.
It was when delivering a machine called a burnisher, used to clean silverware - a machine
which uses moving beads in water - that Mr Alphonse slid in snow, the machine fell onto his
right hand and cut three tendons. After an emergency operation, the surgeon told him that
his hand would be handicapped for life.
Once back to work, on dipping his hand into his burnishers while they were working, Mr
Alphonse had an immediate feeling of well-being and noticed that the swelling on his hand
went down. He then took daily baths. Gradually the mobility and flexibility of his hand
returned and the scars were attenuated, to the great surprise of his surgeon and
Intrigued by these surprising results, the medical body decided to test and use the
principle of bead massage for other health problems, post-operative complications and
rehabilitation sessions... The performance here was also spectacular and users spoke of an
intense feeling of well-being.
Following a meeting with Mr Alphonse, Thierry Favreau decided to design and develop a
new range of innovative massage systems for the hands, feet, ankles and legs in France
and set up the company AQAROLL SAS.
The machines are low water and electricity consumers and meet essential cleaning and
hygiene requirements, through a patented design based on a new principle: a removable
bowl sets beads and water in movement.
Today, the benefits generated by Aquaroll® systems are available to beauty and wellness
professionals and therefore to private individuals.
The company
Aquaroll SAS, with its head office at Noirmoutier-en-l'ile (85) France, is headed by Thierry
Favreau, CEO, EDHEC, aged 56, previously a director of various groups in the health
He works with three associates:
- Jean-Marc Le Rudulier, Vice-chairman, aged 48, international executive in various Groups
in the Health Industry.
- André Habryne, aged 59, previous director (engineering, turnkey plants)
- Jean-François Chaperon, aged 57, previous EURO RSCG, founder and head of
JFC Communication (communication consultancy)
8 rue de la Prée-aux-Ducs
85330 Noirmoutier-en-l’Ile
Tel: 02 51 39 39 29 – Fax 02 51 39 33 77