Table of Published Health Visitor Products

Table of Published Public Health Nursing Products
Professional Mobilisation Products
Pregnancy to child aged 5
Midwifery to Health
Visiting Pathway
This pathway contains evidence based information and key guidance to support
professionals during the antenatal and post natal period and promotes improved
partnership working along the pathway.
Health Visiting to
School Nursing
This pathway contains evidence based information and guidance for professionals
from the pre-school to school transition period and promotes improved partnership
Maternal Mental
Health Pathway
This pathway contains evidence based information and key guidance on common
issues associated with maternal mental health and wellbeing, from pregnancy
through the early months after the birth.
Perinatal Mental
Health Training
Commissioned by the Department of Health, the Institute of Health Visiting has
developed a training package for health visitors across England. It addresses the
fundamental requirements that are necessary for health visitors to manage anxiety,
mild to moderate depression and other perinatal mental disorders and to
understand the impact of these disorders on the infant, family and society, and to
know when to refer on.
Domestic Violence
and Abuse Pathway
This guidance helps health professionals to recognise factors that may indicate
domestic violence and abuse and describes steps to ensure appropriate support
and referral where necessary. It highlights best practice, information and learning
This is a professional guidance document which defines the safeguarding
principles and professional contributions in relation to the new service visions for
Health Visitors and School Nurses. It is intended to support and inform
practitioners and colleagues working alongside these professional groups.
These guidelines are for communications between health visitors and local
authority children’s social care teams using the SAFER process when a child may
be suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm.
Preceptorship Charter
The charter outlines the best practice quality markers for newly qualified health
visitors entering employment as a health visitor in England.
This framework contains a range of key information to improve understanding of
the role and importance of the practice teacher, their preparation and
responsibilities in order to deliver improved outcomes for children, families and
communities aligned with the health visitor programme and service vision.
This document describes a suggested approach for education commissioners and
Higher Education Institutions and Lecturers to aligning education with the new
service vision for health visiting.
Health Visitor
Teaching in Practice:
A framework Intended
for Use for
Education and
Clinical Practice of
Practice Teachers
Educating Health
Visitors for a
Transformed Service
A Health Visiting
– Support in the First
Two Years
– Supporting Health
Visitors to Support
This guidance promotes understanding of the current picture, identifies areas of
good practice, and suggests ways that these can be shared and enhanced. It gives
an overview of the novice to expert journey and the pathway for newly qualified
health visitors in their first two years.
Personal and
Attributes Tool
This guidance document is intended for consideration by higher education
institutions to support and inform the recruitment and selection process for
students wishing to undertake Health Visitor Programmes. It outlines some of the
personal and professional attributes that have been agreed as important to the
successful delivery of the health visitor role.
This programme is a professional development package for health visitors, which
combines learning through education materials and practical application in the
workplace and local community.
Building Community
Capacity Programme
Early Implementer
Site (EIS) Case
The BCC programme can be accessed online, however, the complexities of the
HV role means that BCC is more than just an e-learning package, as it
incorporates regular reflection work practice as well as input from a Workplace
Case studies from organisations at the forefront of delivering the new health
visiting service model. They focus on innovation and improvements in quality.
Health Visitor Public
Health Career
The Health Visitor Public Health Career Framework has been developed to
promote career opportunities for specialist community public health nurses (HVs)
in England, however may also be relevant to other public health nursing roles. It is
intended to support newly qualified health visitors, those returning to health visiting
and those wanting to further develop their careers in public health. It also provides
information for managers and commissioners who have responsibility for the skills,
support and on-going career development of their health visiting workforce.
In draft, with a view to merging into one wider
Public Health document.
Health Visitor Public
Health Development
Initially aimed at health visiting, the development of the Health Visitor Public Health
Development Model provides recognition of the importance of re-establishing and
strengthening the role of health visitors by highlighting their unique contribution to
public health. It is intended to enhance and further develop the public health skills
of students undertaking the SCPHN programme, support newly qualified health
visitors, those returning to health visiting and those wanting to expand their
knowledge and expertise. The model introduces the use of the Public Health
Intervention Wheel (PHIW) to support education and learning to build confidence
and competence when delivering the public health agenda.
Healthy Child
Developed by the Department of Health and Department for Children, Schools and
Families in 2009, The Healthy Child Programme for the early life stages focuses
on a universal preventative service, providing families with a programme of
screening, immunisation, health and development reviews, supplemented by
advice around health, wellbeing and parenting.
e-LfH Healthy Child
Programme Modules
The Department of Health supported the development of this key resource which
was created to meet the CPD needs of current and future HVs in respect of key
aspects of delivering the Healthy Child Programme.
Special Educational
Needs Pathway
In draft
School aged children and young people (5-19)
Youth Justice
This pathway contains evidence based information on guidance for professionals
from the School Nursing and Youth Justice services and promotes improved
partnership working.
This is a professional guidance document which defines the safeguarding
principles and professional contributions in relation to the new service visions for
Health Visitors and School Nurses. It is intended to support and inform
practitioners and colleagues working alongside these professional groups.
Sexual health
This pathway contains evidence based information on guidance for professionals
from the School Nursing and Youth Justice services and promotes improved
partnership working.
In draft
Emotional health and
wellbeing pathway
This pathway contains evidence based information on guidance for professionals
from the School Nursing and CAMHs / Mental health practitioners and promotes
improved partnership working and enhanced early support.
In draft
Young carers pathway
This pathway contains evidence based information on guidance for professionals
from the School Nursing and key partners to promote improved partnership
working, early identification of need and enhanced support to improve health and
In draft
Additional and
complex health needs
pathway and training
This pathway contains evidence based information on guidance for professionals
from the School Nursing, education settings, and Children’s Community Nursing
services to promote improved partnership working, early identification of need and
enhanced support to children with additional or complex needs in education
settings. The training guide has been developed to outline suggested training
schools may wish to utilise for their staff to ensure they are equipped to support
children with addition / complex needs in school settings
In draft
School Nurse NHS
Careers Film
This film gives information about the career path of school nurses. It is aimed at
people considering school nursing as a career, and shows school nurses talking
about their day to day responsibilities and duties and young people’s experiences
of the service.
NHS Careers School
Nursing Toolkit
The toolkit takes a fresh look at what modern-day school nurses do and the difference they
make to young people and their families. It contains all the information and materials you
need to talk to young people about school nursing as a career option, perhaps as part of a
careers talk.
Health and Social
Care Professionals
Fact sheet
Aimed at Health and Social Care Professionals, this fact sheet outlines the role and service
offer from school nursing, together with how effective services can improve health outcomes
for school aged children
Head Teachers and
Governors fact sheet
Developed with and aimed at Head teachers, this fact sheet outlines the role and service
offer from school nursing, together with how effective services can improve health outcomes
for school aged children based around Ofsted requirements. This will also be of interest to
Elected Members
Aimed at Las and LMCS, this fact sheet outlines the role and service offer from school
nursing, together with how effective services can improve health outcomes for school aged
children. Published in partnership with LGA
Young people’s
Parent fact sheet
Developed with and aimed at young people, this fact sheet outlines the role and service
offer from school nursing, together with how effective services can support young people.
The poster and PowerPoint presentation can be adapted for local use
Developed with and aimed at parents (with a focus also on fathers), this fact sheet outlines
the role and service offer from school nursing, together with how effective services can
support young people and will contain key public health messages
Work in progress
School Nursing Good Practice Case Studies
Document/compendium of peer reviewed case studies including
examples on the following themes:
Workforce Development
Partnership working – integrated approaches to service
Technology – improving access
Early help
Vulnerable groups
Long term conditions
Sexual Health
Additional health needs
Co-production – summary of engagement processes that underpinned
the school nurse vision development
To be published on DH website
To be published on DH website
Working age adults
District Nursing Fact
Aimed at service users, this fact sheet outlines the role and service offer from district
nursing, and how this links to the Compassion in Practice 6 Cs
Work in progress
General Practice
Nursing Visual
Outlines the core values and behaviours of the general practice nurse and the unique
contribution they make in ensuring the inter-connectivity between the patient experience and
community nursing service provision. This scope is set in the context of the broader national
nursing strategy – Compassion in practice. This scope buildings on the six Cs, the core
values and behaviours for general practice nurses together with the six priority actions for
maintaining health and wellbeing outcomes.
Work in progress
The Nursing
Contribution to the
health and well-being of
people with Learning
Developing the culture of compassionate care for Learning Disability nurses
Work in progress
An Approach to the
Nursing and Midwifery
Contribution of ‘No
Health Without Mental
Developing the culture of compassionate care for Mental Health nurses
Older Adults and Dementia
This vision document was developed in recognition of the need for a much greater
common understanding and awareness across all fields of nursing on what the
nursing contribution to the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia is and what
constitutes good quality in dementia nursing care, public health prevention,
treatment and support.
Dementia SelfAssessment Tool
This benchmarking tool was developed by nurses and care staff, working with
carers/families who support people with dementia, to ensure implementation of the
nursing contribution to the 6Cs and dementia pathway.
Dementia Educational
A suggested approach for organisations, education commissioners, higher
education institutions and lecturers to align education with the dementia pathway
and nursing vision.
In draft
Making a Difference in
Dementia: Nursing
Vision and Strategy