gastroenterology faap

BMANA Newsletter
Bangladesh Medical Association of North America
June 2009
Dear Fellow Members:
On behalf of the BMANA, we cordially invite you to attend the 2009 Annual Convention
of the BMANA. The 29the Annual Convention will be held from Thursday, July 30th
through Sunday, August 2nd 2009/ We have arranged a 4-day official program and
opportunities for Chapters and Alumni groups to meet on their own. The last date for
discounted pre-registration is June 30, 2009. See for details at
DATES: July 31 through August 3, 2009
LOCATION: The Florida Hotel and Conference Center
1500, Sand Lake Road, Orlando, Florida 32809.
DUES/REGISTRATION FEES: please download from attach files, Current life
member $ 0.00 New life member $ 750.00 General member $ 75.00/ year Associate
member $ 35.00/ year (residents/fellows) Fees for 2009 convention ( includes CME
program): Pre-registration: $ 150.00 On site registration: $ 200.00 Physicians in-training:
Free Annual Banquet & cultural function (Buy ticket by June 30,2009): Adults $
90.00/person Residents/Fellows $ 50.00/person Physician not in training $ 50.00/person
Medical Students $ 40.00/person Children $ 20.00/person (served in different room) Trip
to Sea World, transportation and dinner (first come first served basis. Must have head
count, even for children, Buy ticket by June 30, 2009): Adults $ 50.00/person Children
(under 2 yrs) Free
Checks (non-refundable) should be made payable to BMANA and sent to:
Rafique Ahmed, MD,
Treasurer, BMANA, 12307 Cleghorn Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030
Phone: 410-252-2121 (H)/410-215-3178 (C)
Please the attach file for detail information.
Abul F. Islam, M.D
Rafique Ahmed,M.D
Maksud Chowdhury, M.D
Golam Kabir Choudhury, MD
The 28th annual convention of BMANA was held in Waterside Marriott, Norfolk , Virginia on
July 31st to August 2nd, 2008. Thursday , July 31st evening registration started with great
enthusiasm followed by buffet light dinner. The children’s program was participated by children
from all over USA . Very talented performances including songs both Bengali and English,
dances, dramas, musical instruments were extraordinary. Their parents were congratulated for
keeping up the interest in culture including Bengali culture and heritage. The member’s cultural
night was as usual mixed with high emotion and nostalgia. Members and their family’s cultural
performance was very enjoyable. Group performance from Virginia North Carolina and NY
chapter were breath taking. The coordinator of the family program was Shirin Zev,M.D.
Friday, August 1, 2008 the scientific seminar started in the morning after welcome remarks by
Dr. Abul F. Islam the president of BMANA.
The speakers of the seminar were CTA, High Speed Volumetric Assessment of Coronary
Vessels in a Moving Heart by Shoaib Bakht, M.D.,. Evaluation of Patient with Syncope by
Rafique Ahmed, M.D.,Bipolar Disorder and its Treatment By Syed M. Ahmed, M.D., Ph.D., New
Trends in Oncology by James Stark, M.D., Immunosuppressant in Renal Transplant by
Thomas McCune, M.D., Diagnostic Pearls for Look Alike Dermatologic Lesions in Children
by Judith Williams, M.D., State of Art in DVT by Vandana Patel, M.D., Endovascular
Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by Daniel M. Radack, M.D. Colorectal Cancer,
Challenges and Opportunities by Nazneen Ahmed, M.D. Updates in Oncology, Customized
and Targeted Therapy by Rezwan Islam, M.D. Hyponatremic Disorder, “What’s New” in
SIADH by Mosta G. Haque, M.D. An Overview: Inflammatory Bowel Disease by Mahfuzul
Haque, M.D. During break session there were Exhibits & Posters. Box lunch provided by Merrill
Lynch with a lecture from Aashish Matani of Merrill Lynch and David Cohen of Black Rock
Global Opportunities Team on International Opportunities.
6:30 pm to 11:00 pm: Walking trip to A night at Nauticus, the National Maritime Center Visit
to USS Wisconsin.The whole museum was reserved for the BMANA convention. There were
Appetizer Stations, Interactive Maritime Experience , beautiful Maritime Movies with Buffett
Dinner and excellent Songs by Ahsan Imam (Zilenee) of Florida . During the day there were time
for Chapter meetings, College Alumni and Class reunions
Saturday, August 2, 2008 second scientific seminar : The speakers were Chronic Hepatitis C,
Risk Factors, Treatment and
Long Term Management by Mitchell Shiffman, M.D. How to Avoid a Heart Attack by Allen
Bryant Nichols, M.D. Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Developing Nation’s
Perspective by Chowdhury Ahsan, M.D. Advances in Type II Diabetes by Aaron I. Vinik,
M.D., Managing Chronic Renal Failure Stage 3 and
Stage 4 by Richard Amerling, M.D., UFE, Non-surgical Treatment of Uterine Fibroids by
Mark I. Cockerill, M.D., An Update on MRSA and Its Management by Mohammud M. Alam,
M.D., M.S., Stress Management – An Integrative Approach by Dilip K. Sarkar, M.D. CME
PROGRAM DIRECTORS were ,Mosta Haque, M.D. Dilip Sarkar, M.D. and Muhammad
Ali Siddiky, M.D.
During the break members reviewed the Exhibits & Posters. BMANA Alliance had their
program on health care and business related issue. The lectures were1. Financial strategies for
women by Richard Woodall, 2.Life style modification with Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage by
Kim Austin-Peterman 3. Skin and facial rejuvenation by Dr.Helena Guarda.They had their
business meeting presided by Mrs. Nasreen Islam. president of the Alliance .
Box lunch provided by Abbott and a lecture from Dr. Ata . During the business meeting of
BMANA, Presentations by sponsors include Medical Education & Health Care environment in
coming decade, Hope Medical Institute, Rx for Doctors for their Financial and Family Legacy
Planning, Md. Mizanur Rahman, MBA, Financial Planner, MetLife Securities, Inc., Dr. Ed
Hansen, CEO of Apollo Hospital, Dhaka . Prof. Azad Khan President of Diabetic association of
Bangladesh presented on the state of art services of Ibrahim cardiac Hospital and Research
Institute. The BMANA business meeting was presided by Dr. Abul F. Islam president of
BMANA. Dr. Maksud Chowdhury secretary and Rafiq Ahmed treasurer of BMANA gave their
reports. Dr. Golam Kabir Chowdhury, convener of next convention invited everyone to Florida .
Dr. Atiquzzaman the secretary of Florida Chapter shared information regarding the meeting.
There were discussions on many issue including membership drive, supporting projects in USA
and in Bangladesh , involving next generation in the activities of BMANA and others.
Special thanks was given to all the members of organizing committee who worked day and night
to support the convener Dilip Sarkar, M.D. There were BMANA chapter and Alumni meetings
held afterwards. DMC USA Alumni was formed. Newly elected of DMC alumni President Sajjad
Islam and secretary Mujib Mojumdar asked for support to improve DMC academic environment.
Prof. Najmun Nahar, president of DMC alumni of Bangladesh also was present in the meeting.
At the evening during Annual Banquet BMANA Awards was presented to 1. Dr. Zafrullah
Chowdhury ( Bangladesh ) who was introduced by Ajmal Sobhan M.D. 2. Mohammad Ataul
Karim, Ph.D.( Old Dominion University , Virginia ) who introduced by Imtiaz Zaman MD, 3.
A.M.A. Raschid Thanadar, M.D.( Virginia ) who was introduced by Dilip Sarkar , MD. Dr.
Zafrullah Chowdhury could not attend the meeting. Dr. Ataul Karim shared his views with great
presentation and Dr. A.M.A Rashcid Thanadar reminiscence his excellent memories in an
emotional speech.
President of BMANA Abul. F. Islam,M.D in his speech thanked all the members of the 28th
Convention for their excellent organizational skills to make the meeting one of the best and
enjoyable opening many dimension.
Dilip Sarkar ,M.D. the Convener of the meeting in his speech described the enthusiasms of the
host members in supporting him in preparation of the meeting. He was able to energized all the
members in the Virginia area. Later he introduced the Guest of Honor - Karen Remley, MD,
MBA, FAAP, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health.
After the guest’s address and presiden- elect Nazmul Khan ,M.D. showed a short film on Sidr
Cyclone victims in Bangladesh and requested support in Construction of Cyclone Shelters in
Bangladesh . The response was enormous and about $85,000 was raised. The biggest donor were
Mrs. Sitara Khan of California ($20,00), Sajjad Islam,M.D. Odessa Texas , ($15,000) and Abul F.
Islam,M.D. Michigan ($10,000). After the dinner the grand cultural gala began by Naveed
Mahbub a stand up comedian of national reputation. He is of Bangladeshi origin and was
awarded once as the best comedian in Las Vegas . The next great performance was by a famous
visiting artist from Bangladesh Ferdous Ara. She performed mixed songs of Nazrul Sangeet
Patriotic songs, Modern Bengali and classical songs. This time a Bangla band music group was
invited to perform to add a new color to the program.
During Children’s Dinner, Magic Show was performed by Rahat Hossain, a young
Bangladeshi Magician. The function was concluded around 1 AM leaving every one a life time
memory of the whole event. Every one was invited for the 2009 BMANA convention in
Orlando , Florida .
Sunday before the departure a lunch was hosted by a M.A. Siddiqui,M.D. to give the final
hospitality on behalf of Virginia Host committee of 28th Convention o BMANA.
Members News
NY chapter meeting
NY Chapter of BMANA had annual convention in May, 2009 at LaGuardia Marriot. The
speakers in the scientific seminar were Prof. Mohammed Saduzzaman Chowdhury, Dr. Allen
Multz, Prof. Dilip Patel and Dr. Sinha Abul Mansur. The business meeting was dominated by
lively discussion regarding how to implement the Sidr Cyclone shelter project, how to support
Zaki Husain Hypertension Diabetes and Vascular center of NUMC, increase memberships and
provide assistance to new physicians etc. The children also raised fund for the cyclone shelter by
providing photography service during the convention. The cultural function along with the dinner
was very enjoyable. Dr. Tawfiq Bhuiya, President of NY chapter described many projects and
activities on behalf of NY chapter. Dr. Lutfa Khanam, secretary of the chapter thanked all the
members for actively supporting the convention and activities of the chapter.
Carolina Chapter meeting
BMANA Carolina Chapter had their 8th annual convention on April 11, 2009 at Greensboro.
There were 8 scientific presentations in the seminar by Daniel Murphy,M.D, Mahfuzul
Haq,M.D., Najmul Chowdhury,MBBS,MPH, Abu Salahuddin,M.D., Sagir Ahmed,M.D., Asif
Wahid,M.D., Usman Khawaja,M.D and Abul Imam,M.D. The seminar was moderated by Riaz
Chowdhury, M.D PhD and Asif Wahid, M.D. Simultaneous BMANA alliance meeting,
Pharmaceutical exhibition; Children’s entertainment kept every one in great spirit. The new
committee was elected in the business meeting. The chapter had donated @ $ 26,000 for flood
victims, Organized big health fair in the NC, Donated medical equipment, Computers, books (by
Drs. Salahuddin, Sagir Ahmed, Kalam Khan, Waliur Rahman, Sabbir Chowdhury), provided
rehabilitation to flood victim( Dr. Mohammed Khasru), Providing ongoing financial support and
professional assistance to free clinics in Raleigh and Fayetteville area etc.
The guests at the dinner were Sally Liner, President of Forsyth Medical center, Allen Joines,
Honorable Mayor of Winston-Salem, Timothy Lane, M.D. ACP governor of North Carolina. Few
important bilateral projects were adopted. BMNA CC donated $3000 to Sally Liner for United
Way charitable fund. She was overwhelmed with the gesture. She also earlier donated endoscopic
equipment for Bangladesh. Other guests; Dr. Golam Kabir Chowdhury , convener of BMANA
Florida convention invited every one to join the meeting and Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed,M.D thanked
every one for exemplary activities of the chapter. President Abul Azad thanked every one for
support during his tenure. A plaque was presented to him for his contribution. The new president
Dr. Hannan introduced his committee. The dinner was concluded after a great cultural evening by
the members and also performance by singer Sankar Chakroborty from Canada and Monir
Hussain from Maryland. Dr. Riaz Chowdhury, the convener of the meeting gave vote of thanks at
the end.
BMANA Missouri Chapter
BMANA MO is reorganized recently. The committee includes President: Musaddeque
Ahmad,MD,FACP, President Elect: Mohammad A.Mojid,MD,FACP.,Secretary:Zahirul
Haque,MD. Treasurer:M.Amin Zaman,MD, Scientific Secretary:Iqbal
Amin,MD,PhD,FACP and Members:Mushfeka Sharif,MD.,Salma Mannan Hilali,MD.,
Mohammad Akhtaruzzaman,MD. They have already initiated few projects including
sending journals to few medical colleges in Bangladesh.
BMANA election 2009
Election for new executive committee will be held in Orlando meeting. The election
commission usually presents a slate of nominee (after evaluation of their contribution to
the service to BMANA). The nomination by the EC takes consideration of (1) the length
of productive service in the organization and or (2) any extraordinary or significant
contribution by the member. During the meeting new nomination also is entertained and
if requires election commission will conduct the election to uphold a democratic process.
BMANA ward of 2009
This year BMANA award recipient from Bangladesh are
Professor AQM Badruddoza Choudhury. First Physician President of Bangladesh.
Multitalented extraordinary personality, An excellent teacher , a great clinician,
introduced first national TV talk show on Medicine.
Professor Mahmud Hasan . Who has dedicated his entire life uplifting medical care
and education in Bangladesh. He was president of BCPS in multiple terms, VC of
BSMMU (Former IPGMR). His contribution in the Medical research as well as
Gastroenterology . With his effort many medical college develop GI department and
Endoscopy lab
Dr. Selina Daisy and a pediatric neurologist who was trained in USA but went back to
Bangladesh to share her knowledge and skills. She got a big grant from Canada for
initiating a state of art neurology center at DMC. Her center with modern EEG and other
machines and her dedicated service providing affordable patient care is considered to be a
new era in neurology service in Bangladesh.
From USA , Professor Hamid Rabb, head of renal transplant at Johns Hopkins
University. Did his education from Canada, Fellowship at Harvard and providing
excellent leadership in the field of Nephrology in USA. He also gives lectures during his
visit to Bangladesh and involved in community service in Maryland. He showed interest
to guide young physicians to achieve excellence in USA. A Next generation Bangladeshi
American who has interest and commitment for the community.
7Th Histopathology Conference in Bangladesh
Professor Mohammed Badruz Zaman, M.D. a past President of BMANA organized his 7th Post
Graduate 4 days Course in Histopathology and Cytopathology on March 22- 25, 2009 in
Bangladesh. It was coordinated by Bangladesh Society of Pathologist. This ongoing effort and
unique seminar with hands on practice has trained few hundred pathologists and provided
significant impact in the practice of Pathology in Bangladesh.
The team consisted of M. B. Zaman, M.D; Prof. of Pathology, New York Medical College, New
York.,Dr Tawfiqul A. Bhuiya, Associate Prof of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, New York.,Dr Humayun K. Islam, Assistant Prof of Pathology, New York Medical
College, New York.Dr M. Monowar Hossain, Assistant Prof of Pathology, Dalhousie
University, Nova Scotia, Canada. Course Coordinators in Bangladesh were Prof. Mohammed
Kamal, Prof. Farooque Ahmad, Prof. AUM Muhsin, Dr. Md. Quddusur Rahman, and Dr. Nowfel
The first International Seminar on Medical education in Bangladesh was held
On December 1-3, 2008 in Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh. It was a joint project by
ECFMG’s FAIMER Institute and Bangladesh Health service. The 3 day’s seminar
was presented by 6 visiting ECFMG/FAIMER faculty to support and improve the
medical curriculum to an international level. It was intended to provide the skills and
knowledge necessary to support medical education and by sponsoring the development of
local faculty members. 50 Physician faculties from medical colleges from all over
Bangladesh attended the seminar. The ECFMG/FAIMER coordinators were Prof.
William Burdick, M.D. Philadelphia USA, Prof. Tejinder Singh FAIMER- CMC,
Ludhiana India. Bangladesh coordinator was Prof. Abdul Hanif Tablu. The Chief Patron
and the organizer was Prof. Ziauddin Ahmed, M.D. Philadelphia on behalf of BMANA
and Drexel University College of Medicine. The program was funded by Eskayef
Bangladesh Ltd, Shaheed Dr. Shamsuddin Ahmed Foundation, Dr. Sajjad Islam,
USA, and Incepta Pharmaceutical Bangladesh.
Surgical Mission
Dr. Ajmal Sobhan of Virginia led many surgical missions to Bangladesh over the years on
behalf of Project Bangladesh. The latest mission organized by him in conjunction with BMANA
also was a great success. A 12 member surgical team mostly from tidewater Virginia was
comprised of surgeons, ObGyn specialists , nurses and technicians . They had performed a total
of 115 surgical cases in Dhaka, Savaar, and Bhoirab in 2 weeks in the month of February, 2009.
The surgeons, nurses and technicians lacked many of the basic resources available in American
hospitals; still, they pulled together and improvised in many cases. They also brought significant
amount of surgical supplies for the mission.The team consisted of Dr.Elizabeth ONeil General
Surgeon,Dr.Naved Jafri OB/Gynacology,Dr.Mark Pomeranz Anesthesia, Joe Yungbluth
CRNA,Susan Yungbluth RN,Sharon Golden CRST,Annette Kock RN,Kathleen App RN,Sean
Holder CST,Emma Tribble CST, Dr. Ajmal Sobhan vascular surgeon & Team Manager, Laura
Pohl Documentarian and Freelance photography. The details can be found in website at
Physicians for Peace visited Bangladesh, February 12-25, 2009.
The team consists of vascular surgeon, M. Abidur Rahman. MD. FACS. President, Vascular
Health Center. Kalamazoo. MI, Edward L. O’Leary. MD. FACC. Associate Prof. of
Cardiology, University of Nebraska. Omaha. And Monica Murcek. RN. BSN. Cardiac cath. lab
specialist at University of Nebraska Medical Center. At NICVD they did many consultation and
procedures. Dr. Rahman performed Aorto Bifemoral Graft, juxtra renal total aortic and iliac
occlusion and revision of mal maturing brachio-cephalic fistula etc. Dr. O’Leary participated with
NICVD cardiologist to perform complex coronary PTCA & stenting. He also conducted a tutorial
on “Complications of cardiac catheterization and interventions” for the cardiology trainees. They
also perform complex vascular surgeries and interventional cardiology at United Hospital and
Heart foundation hospitals. They presented at a conference organized by Orion Medical at
China- Bangladesh conference center. They also participated in two International conference
on Emergency medicine and update in Medicine) hosted by Bangladesh Medical Association of
United Kingdom. Dr. Rahman’s presentation was “Vascular Emergencies and early management”
and Dr O’Leary’s topic was “Troponin in chest pain evaluation”.
At National Kidney Foundation Dr. Rahman presented “Central venous access placement, tips
and pitfalls”. Dr. Rahman assisted nephrologists and general surgeons in two procedures of
placement of dialysis perm catheters. Ms. Monica Murcek worked with cath lab personals and
offered her expertise to reduce post procedure complication and stream line patient flow in cath
labs. She also coordinated availability, correct size and length of guide wires, catheters and stents
supply brought from USA by the team.
1st International Emergency Medicine Conference in Bangladesh
In Association with Bangladesh Medical Association, UK , Bangladesh Emergency Medicine
Presented its 1st International Conference 2009 in Emergency Medicine, “How to save a life In
the Golden Hour” held on February 22, 2009 at Regency Hotel in Bangladesh. 16 speakers, from
UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and USA presented 16 topics on Emergency
Medicine. Dr Mohammed Ohidul Alam from UK was the main organizer and Dr. Mirza
Nazimuddin was coordinator from Bangladesh. The next Meeting is scheduled in January, 2010.
Dr. Alam has requested all physicians who are interested in contributing in this effort can contact
at email
Professor Mannan Memorial Endoscopy unit at BIRDEM
Dr. Ayesha Sikder of Kentucky, USA pursued the Olympus Company who has donated the full
endoscopy equipment (Bronchoscope, Upper and Lower endoscopes, camera and light source :
Cost of @ $100,000) Her institution Highlands Regional Medical center of Kentucky, USA act
as a sponsor and received the instrument from Olympus and also paid the transportation cost
($4000) to Bangladesh. Rotary international played a significant role in helping the process by
overcoming bureaucratic barriers of shipment and custom clearance in Bangladesh. Prof.
Mannan’s family also donated $7000 for accessories to initiate the program. Recently the
Endoscopy service was inaugurated by Dr, Azad Khan at BIRDEM. Dr. Mohammed Omar
Faruq played significant role in establishing the program. BIRDEM dedicated the unit to the
memory of late Prof. M A Mannan (Prof of Medicine and Joint Director of PG Hospital), also
father of Dr. Ayesha Sikder.
Noble Peace laureate Dr. Mohammed Yunus’s initiative
Professor Yunus’s had requested support from BMANA to implement few projects to improve
health delivery in Bangladesh Villages. Dr. Abul F Islam, president of BMANA has created a
committee spearheaded by Dr. Ehsanur Rahman to evaluate the support program. Professor
Yunus already met physicians in Baltimore, Philadelphia and Los Angeles in order develops an
understanding on the issue.
Medical supplies and Equipment were sent to Bangladesh
Recently a shipment of medical supplies and equipment was sent to Chittagong Medical College,
Chittagong Ma O Shisho Kendro and Hope Foundation hospital and Clinics in Cox’s Bazaar. Dr.
Shah Alam Chowdhury of Indiana organized the shipment with help from Children of
Abraham a charitable organization. He also contributed and raised the fund for the shipment. Dr.
Iftekar Mahmud Minar of Florida who is the founder of Hope foundation hospital and many
clinics supported the effort.
Lancet’s best paper award of 2008: Abdullah Baqui, MBBS, PhD (DMCK29) an Associate Professor of International Medicine of Johns Hopkins University received one
of the top author recognition award by Lancet editors in the year of 2008. The paper resulted
from an unique research by his NGO group is Baqui AH, EL Arefeen s, Darmstadt GL et all
“Effect of Community based new born care intervention package implemented through two
service delivery strategies in Sylhet District, Bangladesh: a cluster-randomized controlled trial”.
Lancet 2008; 371:1937-44
Tawfiqul A. Bhuiya, MD, President of BMANA, NY chapter and
Vice-Chairman, Department of Pathology Long Island Jewish Medical Centre
arranged a donation from Dr. William Gardner, Director of American Registry of Pathology
(ARP) a full set of Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) fascicles as a gift to BSMMU.
AFIP fascicles world-renowned highly acclaimed pathology text books written by some of the top
experts in the field. This set will represent essentially all the organ systems in the body. It will
also include an atlas on infectious disease. In USA and Europe AFIP fascicles are an essential
part of any pathology department and their training program. The current market value for this
series is close to US $4000.00. Dr. Bernard Wagner, the past president of ARP was also
instrumental in getting the books. All of the teachers and students of BSSMU were overwhelmed
after seeing these unique books which have added as very valuable academic resources to the
Institution. Dr. Bhuiya also arranged donation of text books on behalf of NY chapter.
Riaz Chowdhury, M.D, PhD
Riaz Chowdhury, M.D. of North Carolina gave seminars on update in Gastroenterology in
BIRDEM and DMCH. He has donated Gastrostomy tubes, ERCP accessories, colonoscopy
snares and other GI accessories to DMCH, BIRDEM and BSMMU (IPGMR). He had procured
all the instruments from Wilson-cook Company as a donation. He is committed in CME and
procedure training in Bangladesh.
Sunny Z Hussain, MD
Sunny Zahid Hussain, M.D, a Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Nutrition specialist of Shreveport,
LA during his visit in December 2008 gave lecture at DMCH on gastroenterology and
procedures. He is committed for ongoing program to improve GI specialties in Bangladesh.
Radiation Physicists of USA support Bangladesh Cancer centers
Recently Bangladeshi American radiation physicists with the encouragement by BMANA have
visited cancer centers in Bangladesh to asses the condition of the XRT therapy and to develop the
support system for Bangladesh. Dr. Tapash Roy of West Virginia visited all the cancer centers in
Dhaka, Dr. Abdul Kazi of Maryland visited NICVD and Khawaja Yunus Hospital in Enayet Pur
and Dr. Salahuddin Ahmed from Ohio visited cancer centers in Dhaka. They have shared
thoughts, delivered lectures and established an ongoing relationship to support patient care in
Donation by DMC Alumni USA
Dr. Sajjad Islam, President of DMC Alumni USA donated $5000 to buy books for DMC
library. Dr. Mujib Mojumder, secretary of DMC Alumni USA is organizing the group to ensure
necessary support to Dhaka Medical College.
BM Atiquzaman, M, .D.
a gastroenterologist of Florida recently provided Endoscopes and endoscopic accessories to
Chittagong Medical college hospital in Bangladesh. He also hosted visiting Gastroenterology
faculty members from various institutions of Bangladesh Including Prof. Projesh Roy (BSMMU),
Prof. Masud (DMC), Prof. Faruq Ahmed (CMC), and Prof. Dhor (SSMC) in Orlando, Florida
during ACG Annual conference. He had organized a round table meeting with leading ACG
thought leader, Prof. Norman Gitlin. He has also organized and financing a visiting fellowship
program in USA for Bangladeshi GI specialists.
Mohammed Sirajul Islam, MD, a gastroenterolist from Florida donated 30 Lakh taka
to BIRDEM to start "SARDER DILUPS Fellowship program" in BIRDEM. It will
provide scholarship for two Academic and research GI Fellowship position starting in 2009.
Dr. Moazzam Hussain of California has provided patient care during Sidr disaster
in Barisal area. He has also laid a foundation for a charitable hospital in Barisal.
Medical Equipment Procurement for Bangladesh
An effort has been created to procure and send new and or refurbished medical equipment to
Government Medical Colleges, Clinics and any charitable clinics in Bangladesh. Bangladesh
Government also agreed to waive customs and taxes on this equipment since prior authorization
is required to send used equipment to Bangladesh. Dr. Azad Khan of BIRDEM has kindly
agreed to release the equipment and send it to desired location to all over Bangladesh. Mr. Syed
Zaki Hossain of Long Island New York has agreed to bear the cost of shipment. We need your
support in procuring the equipment from your hospitals and send them to Long Island, NY for
packaging and shipment. This small personal effort can be of significant help in Bangladesh. You
may also end the equipment directly to your desired charitable institution using the approved list
by the Government. Contact:
Procedure center Project:
A project has been undertaken to train Bangladeshi physicians and surgeons on some important
procedures to avoid seeking treatment abroad. The initial procedures included are: Insertion of
Percutenous Gastrostomy tube for bedridden stroke patients, insertion of Porta a cath and
Hickman for Cancer Chemotherapy, Permacath for dialysis patients, Continuous renal
replacement therapy in ICU patients or where hemodialysis is unavailable and management of
sports injury Already Dr. Riaz Chowdhury of North Carolina, Dr. Sunny Hussain of Louisiana,
Dr. Abidur Rahman of Michigan have initiated the effort. Dr. Lutfa Khanam of NY and
Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed of Philadelphia are the coordinators of the project. Mrs. Sitara
Khan of California has sponsored the part of the project.
Infection Control and Prevention Program in Bangladesh (ICPPB)
ICCPB was established by BMANA and Drexel University in 2005 intended to improve
hospital acquired infection and management of infection. ICPPB has trained few hundred
physicians and nurses in 2005 and 2006 during international seminars. ICPPB is providing ongoing training of nurses in Infection control, providing resources for physicians and initiating
news letter for infection control and management. If interested to participate please Contact
ICPPB secretary in Bangladesh : Dr. Morshed at
Electrophysiology services in Bangladesh
Dr. Rafiq Ahmed of Baltimore, USA who had initiated the first EP center in Bangladesh at
NICVD is maintaining the training and services by constant support and organizing visiting
scholars from abroad including UK.
Prof. M.A. Khaleque, Prof of Medicine and past principal of Sylhet Osmany Medical College
passed away due to Ca of Pancreas. Prof. Khaleque was a graduate of DMC with gold medal. He
had earned triple MRCP from England in early 60’s. All through his life he was dedicated to
excellent patient care. A combination of his talent, excellent clinical acumen and responsibility
for patient’s wellness kept him busy in his entire life. He was a legendary physician. He is
survived by his wife also a physician and only son Dr. Khaled, a cardiologist at Square Hospital
Bangladesh Society of Surgeons
11th International congress of the Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh on December 18-21 at
Dhaka. They are inviting all the expatriate Bangladeshi Surgeons and related specialists to attend
the conference in an effort to improve surgical practice and education in Bangladesh. They
encourage also to present papers, provide hands on training, workshops etc. Society of Surgeons
of Bangladesh is the parent organization of all the surgical specialties including, general, ortho,
pediatric, plastic, ENT, Neuro,Cardiac, Vascular, anaesthesiology. Professor TIMA Faruq,
President and Professor Humayun Kabir Chowdhury, Chairman of international relation
committee. Contact
South Asian Medical Resource Center: a new initiative
A South Asian Medical Resource Center is being created to provide awareness among the USA
Physicians about the unique health care issue and management challenge of the patients from
South Asian decent. This initiative is supported by Nassau University Medical center (NUMC)
of Long Island, New York. With the logistics support from the Zaki Hossain Center for
Hypertension, Diabetes and Vascular diseases of NUMC. An office space with library at NUMC
and a web-based resource center will be an integral part of this effort. It’s global service will be
provided by electronic newsletter, annual seminar, a library/web link with the journals of South
Asian information and books, Research on health issue, Adolescence health care , exchange of
medical personnel program. Multilingual patient information and patient educational seminar
will be arranged locally. Representatives of ethnic societies including BMANA, AAPI, and
APPNA etc are invited to contribute in development of this center. Please contact if you are
interested in participated in establishing this important organization. Ziauddin Ahmed, M.D.
Convener of South Asian Medical Resource Center
A Charitable Hospital by OBGYN Society
Prof. A.B Bhuiya, project director of OGSB hospital and Institute of Reproductive & Child
health. OGSB (Obstetrical and Gynecological society of Bangladesh) has taken the initiative to
build a low cost hospital with an objective to serve the poor mother and children free. They
received a land from Govt. at Mirpur in the first phase, 150 bedded hospitals will be constructed
under the currently approved project of Tk. 157.00 million (GOB 94.03 million and OGSB 62.97
million) in the first phase. The 2nd phase (expanding up to 300 bedded hospitals) will be
followed with availability of resources later on. In July 2007 the construction of building was
started under supervision of the Department of Social Services Government of Bangladesh.
Hopefully it will be completed by middle of 2009. Estimated cost for the project is 16 crore. So
far they have collected 10 crore from Government and 3 crore from the donations. They still need
3 crore to make the hospital operational. Your support in raising fund and providing expertise will
be very much appreciated. Website . For further queries, please contact
Prof.A.Bayes Bhuiyan at Or contact: Dr. Tasbirul Islam, Wisconsin, USA
Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS)
BCPS executive Prof. Abdul Kader Khan, Prof. Ali Kawser Chowdhury and Prof
Mahmud Hasan have requested the members of BMANA to support the program of
BCPS by contributing to their question bank, updated educational materials, seminars and
hands on training and involvement in Curriculum improvement and year round seminar
during visit to Bangladesh under an organized BMANA program partnering with BCPS.
If interested to participate please Contact: Dr. Chowdhury Hafiz Ahsan at
Dr. Nadeem Ahmed (DMC K-42), from Illinois had presented three presentation
on NHA guideline on pediatric asthma care, contemporary update on bronchiolitis and on
skin and soft tissue infection at BCPS center and committed for ongoing support.
The BMANA Newsletter is edited by Ziauddin Ahmed, M.D
Rosevalley, PA Email: