5th Grade Heritage Project The fifth grade heritage project is set up for students to discover their heritage while learning why the United States is called the “melting pot” of the world. The goal of this project is for each student to research and reflect on their individual backgrounds while creating a heritage notebook and display board to share who they are with their peers. The students will bring their notebooks, display boards, and foods to share on our 5th Grade Heritage Day Friday, February, 12th. This year we have organized the project with due dates to help students complete the assignments in a timely order and not wait until the last minute. This project is worth 2 test grades, and points will be deducted for students not having items turned in by the required due dates. On Heritage Day the students MUST bring in their notebooks, display boards, and food sampling (ready to serve). Students will be allowed to invite the person interviewed as well as parents to attend Heritage Day, so… SAVE THE MORNING of FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th and plan to attend!! About the PROJECT: Students will be given several chances in school to work on the computers; however the majority of this project is to be completed at home. Please watch weekly Monday Minutes for more information on Heritage Day and how you can help us make it a success! About the NOTEBOOK: 1/2” – 1” three ring binder Pages should be 8.5”x11” (may be placed in sheet protectors) Each item should be on a separate sheet of paper Students may type or hand write their Heritage Notebook, but if typed they MUST provide rough draft Neatness, Punctuation and Capitalization will be counted. See the rubric to see the items required, along with a description and due dates About the DISPLAY BOARD: This is NOT a repeat of your NOTEBOOK! BE CREATIVE! Use this as an opportunity to DEMONSTRATE what you have learned about your heritage throughout the project, including (but not limited to) photographs, drawings, etc. Your notebook will be presented in front of your display board. ITEMS DESCRIPTION Due Date *INTERVIEW Students will create a minimum of ten questions to interview a (preferably extended) family member about their heritage. Monday, January 11th *BIOGRAPHY From the information gathered in the interview, students will write a 1 page biography about the interviewed family member. Students will present a story, or event, that has been passed down through their family. Friday, January 22nd Students will be (randomly) assigned an appetizer/snack, main dish, or dessert category. They will then choose a recipe from this category and write down the recipe, including ingredients and instructions. Students will draw ALL flags of the countries where their ancestors come from. Friday, January 22nd *ORAL HISTORY *RECIPE *FLAGS Friday, January 22nd Friday, February 5th *TRADITIONS Students will write about 3 family traditions that they have. Friday, February 5th *HERITAGE SHIELD Students will create a heritage shield (like a coat of arms) using symbols that represent their family, flags, or flag colors from ancestral countries, and their family stories. Friday, February 5th *FAMILY TREE Students will create a family tree that goes back a minimum of three generations. Monday, February 8th *POEM Students will complete a “Where I’m From” poem to tell others about their heritage. Presented on Heritage Day. Completed in class *HOME COUNTRIES’ INFORMATION Students will write down facts they discovered about the countries important to their heritage. Wednesday, February 10th *CITATION PAGE Students will create a page of all their sources, including the person they interviewed. Wednesday, February 10th DISPLAY BOARD Students will create a display board that will be presented on Heritage Day to represent all that they have learned about their heritage. (This is NOT their notebook.) Friday, February 12th Students will bring in a sample of the food that they chose to share for the recipe. Friday, February 12th FOOD SAMPLING PRESENTATION Students will have to share their “Where I’m From” poem in front of their groups (loud & clear). * Items that should be IN your NOTEBOOK Friday, February 12th POINTS *INTERVIEW Students will create a minimum of ten questions to interview a (preferably extended) family member about their heritage. These questions can be written neatly or typed (must have rough draft), along with the interviewee’s answers below each question. Be sure to include the interviewee’s name, relationship to you, and date at the top. *BIOGRAPHY From the information gathered in the interview, students will write a 1 page(hand-written, wide lined) biography about the interviewed family member. If you type your paper, include your rough draft. You may want to keep this paper in mind when asking your questions. Think about paragraphs such as; childhood, school, married life, etc… *ORAL HISTORY Students will present a story, or event, that has been passed down through their family. You may choose to present this as a video(bring on a flash drive), a Powtoon or Powerpoint with real-pictures, or reading it orally. Note: This will be presented in class. *RECIPE Students will be (randomly) assigned an appetizer/snack, main dish, or dessert category. They will then choose a recipe from this category and write down the recipe, including ingredients and instructions. (If typed, provide rough draft.) The recipe they choose should either be a dish that has been passed down through their family’s heritage or relate to their family’s home country. Remember: This will be brought on Heritage Day (Feb. 12th). *FLAGS Students will draw and color ALL flags of the countries where their ancestors came from. Each flag should take up an 8 ½ by 11 sheet of white copy paper. Label each flag with the country represented. Students will briefly explain 3 family traditions (3-5 sentences each). This may include: who started the tradition, why it was started, why does their family still follow this tradition today, etc… (If typed, submit rough draft.) Students will create a heritage shield (like a coat of arms) using symbols that represent their family, flags, or flag colors from ancestral countries, and their family stories. This must be drawn and colored on a sheet of paper. *TRADITIONS *HERITAGE SHIELD *FAMILY TREE *POEM Students will create a family tree that goes back a minimum of three generations. This can be done on the computer using a program, copied, or drawn. (You do not have to submit a rough draft for this one.) Students will complete a “Where I’m From” poem to tell others about their heritage in class. This will be done at school. Note: this will be presented to your family on Heritage Day. *HOME COUNTRIES’ INFORMATION Students will write down 5-7 facts they discovered about EACH of the countries they are from (i.e., special holidays celebrated, languages spoken, foods, traditions, and traditional dress. What makes each of the countries unique?) (If typed, submit rough draft.) *CITATION PAGE Students will create a page of all their sources, including the person they interviewed. This also includes documenting the websites they used to gather information. Be sure to keep a list! DISPLAY BOARD Students will create a display board, illustrating what they have learned about their heritage throughout the project, including (but not limited to) photographs, drawings, etc. This will be displayed at the Heritage Day. A tri-fold board works best, as we will be setting up their displays on top of desks. This is NOT their notebooks. Notebooks will be placed in front of the display board. FOOD SAMPLING Students will bring in a sample of the food that they chose to share for the recipe. PRESENTATION Students will have to share their “Where I’m From” poem in front of their groups (loud & clear) and present their Heritage display boards /notebooks to guests as they walk around.