84 trace elements - Asheville Salt Cave

Each of the 84 trace elements found in our salt cave microclimate
positively influences the physical and mental health of people
visiting the cave. Here is some information about many of them.
ALUMINUM: Aluminum is very abundant in the earth and sea,
but only small amounts are present in animal and plant tissues. It
is however commonly ingested in foods, and medicines such as
antacids, and is also used in cosmetics. Many scientists feel that
because of its prevalence in the earth and its common uses it is
not actually very toxic.
ARSENIC: Often used as a part of extremely diluted homeopathic
remedies that are good for digestive disorders, food poisoning,
sleep problems (insomnia), allergies, anxiety, depression, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Arsenic is also used in
traditional Chinese medicine formulas used for psoriasis, syphilis,
asthma, joint pain (rheumatism), hemorrhoids, cough, itchiness,
cancer, to reduce swelling (as an anti-inflammatory); and as a
general tonic and pain-killer.
BICARBONATE: Maintains PH balance and limits the production
of lactic acid.
BORON: Enhances brain function.
BROMIDE: Heals and relieves skin disorders.
CALCIUM: Helps build bones, nails and teeth; strengthens cell
membranes and is necessary for nerve transmission.
CARBON: Carbon makes up a large part of practically every part
of the human body. It serves as a bonding agent that facilitates
the construction of complex chains of molecules. In this sense,
carbon can be thought of as a building block for biological
molecules. Without carbon in the body, biological molecules
would not be able to bond together
CHLORINE: Vital for cell metabolism.
CHLORIDE: Controls fluid levels and electrolyte balance in the
body, reduces acid levels, helps break down food for digestion in
the stomach, and assists the liver in removing waste.
CHROMIUM: Essential for normal metabolism; healthy skin &
circulatory system.
COBALT: Aids in hemoglobin formation
COPPER: Required for energy production, regulation of blood
pressure & heart rate; also aides iron absorption
FLOURIDE: Promotes healthy teeth.
GALLIUM: Found in trace amounts in our bodies.
GERARNIUM: Stimulates the immune system, treats cancer and
Epstein-Barr virus.
HYDROGEN: the cells are able to remain hydrated, toxins and
waste are able to be eliminated from the body, nutrients are able
to be transported to the cells that need them, your joints are
lubricated, and your body's immune system is able to send
defensive cells to fight of infection-causing fungus, bacterias and
IODINE: Regulates
balance required for
nourishment & expels
function and improves
metabolic energy, maintains the water
cell metabolism, allows cells to absorb
waste products, influences nerve & muscle
nail, hair, skin, and tooth condition.
IRON: Occurs in the body in greater amounts than any other
trace mineral; critical to many body functions including carrying
oxygen to cells, oxidation of fatty acid and production of a
number of enzymes; affects the production of melanin, helps
provide extra fuel to muscles during exertion, aides in the
production of thyroid hormones, and promotes a healthy skin
LITHIUM: Increases brain cell survival with both long and shortterm benefits to the health of the nervous system.
MAGNESIUM: Accelerates cell metabolism & is necessary for
neuromuscular transmission, transmission of nerve signals,
protein synthesis & helps prevent hearing loss, gallstones and
kidney stones.
MANGANESE: Essential for formation, maintenance of bone,
cartilage, & connective tissue & assists in blood clotting, helps
eliminate fatigue.
MOLYBDENUM: Detoxifies cancer causing chemicals, food
preservatives, & alcohol; acts as an antioxidant & is important for
healthy sexual function.
NICKEL: Required for lipid, hormone, & membrane metabolism,
& for membrane integrity.
NITROGEN: is a vital body messenger for relaxing the muscles.
Nitrogen is one of the elements which constitute proteins.
Proteins are considered to be the building blocks of our body
since they are present in all cells. Actually, they form the basic
skeleton of each cell.
You also need Nitrogen for DNA & RNA (nucleic acids)
OXYGEN: Essential to cell life, helps convert food to energy,
PHOSPHORUS: Involved in nearly all biochemical reactions
including blood clotting, bone, nail, & teeth formation, normal
kidney function & heart rhythm, muscle contraction, nerveimpulse transmission and cell growth.
POTASSIUM: The third most abundant mineral in the body,
maintains pH balance & fluid distribution; regulates nerve signals,
muscle contractions, blood pressure, heart rhythm, & the transfer
of nutrients through cell membranes; required for carbohydrate
metabolism, protein synthesis, insulin secretion, glucose storage,
& excretion of body wastes.
RUBIDIUM: Reduces the incidence of cancer and aids in the
growth process.
SELENIUM: Protects cell membranes by destroying free radicals
& maintains healthy eye lens function, protects against cataract
formation, & help prevent many diseases including stroke,
cirrhosis of the liver, viral infections, arthritis, cardiovascular
disease, hypertension, and emphysema. It assists in production
of white blood cells, maintains tissue elasticity, protects against
dandruff & dry skin, alleviates hot flashes & menopausal
symptoms, and promotes healthy prostate function for male
SILICA: Stimulates the immune system and helps prevent
cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Osteoporosis.
SILICON: Aides normal bone growth, healthy immune system
function, thickness & strengthening of the skin, arteries, trachea,
& tendons, and for production of collagen in connective tissues.
SILVER: Silver has germicidal effects and kills many lower
organisms effectively without harm to higher animals.
SODIUM: Beneficial in maintaining PH balance, protecting the
body against fluid loss, & aiding muscle contraction & nerve
STRONTIUM: Found primarily in the skeletal structure and
promotes bone formation and decreases bone absorption.
SULFUR: Helps regulate blood sugar levels & is necessary for
synthesis of collagen & healthy skin keratinization; stimulates bile
secretion in the liver & acts as a blood disinfectant.
TITANIUM: Reported to increase blood circulation and muscle
relaxation, helps relieve pain and enhance performance.
TIN: Lack of it can cause poor health and hearing loss.
VANADIUM: Necessary for the improvement of insulin action,
protection against diabetes, decreased cholesterol production,
protects against tumor development & some forms of cancer. A
chemical element required for heart muscle contraction, cellular
metabolism, hormone production, formation of bones and teeth,
as well as normal growth & reproduction
YYYERBIUM: Found in trace amounts in our bodies.
ZINC: An antioxidant that protects & promotes a healthy immune
system; aids in wound healing & tissue repair; required for
normal vision, smell, taste, appetite, & bone growth; also aides
the reproductive cycle by aiding in hormone metabolism, healthy
prostate function, sperm formation & motility, fetal and infant
growth, development of reproductive organs, & milk production
during lactation.
ZIRCONIUM: Found in trace amounts in our bodies.