ACTION PLAN WORKSHEET – 90 DAY GOALS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Discuss with your team some changes you’d like to make specific to at least 3 of the Change Concepts listed in the table. Use the information you’ve heard in the presentation, data from your site or organization, or observations you’ve made about how things currently work in your site to guide your discussion. 2. List three changes that your team agrees are important to make in the table. 3. For each listed change write a 90-day goal. Remember to write your goals in a SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time bound) format. 4. In the final box, list a few ‘testable ideas’ that will help you get to your goal. Use the Key Activities List to help you generate ideas. EXAMPLE: CHANGE CONCEPT CONTINUOUS, TEAM-BASED HEALING RELATIONSHIPS CHANGES WE WANT TO MAKE We want to improve our continuity measure by working with the front desk staff on how to best facilitate patients getting their appointment scheduled with their care team. 90-DAY GOAL MAKE IT SMART: SPECIFIC, MEASUREABLE, ACTIONABLE, REALISTIC AND TIME-BOUND By January 8th, we will have improved our continuity rate for at least two care teams to 75%. TESTABLE IDEAS Provide scripts for the front desk staff to use when patients call in to make appt. (We need to train the front desk staff on the new focus and importance of ensuring that patients see their own care team. As we do that, we will solicit their ideas for things to test.) ACTION PLAN WORKSHEET – 90 DAY GOALS SITE: CHANGE CONCEPT ENGAGED LEADERSHIP QUALITY IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY EMPANELMENT CONTINUOUS, TEAM-BASED HEALING RELATIONSHIPS CHANGES WE WANT TO MAKE 90-DAY GOAL MAKE IT SMART: SPECIFIC, MEASUREABLE, ACTIONABLE, REALISTIC AND TIME-BOUND TESTABLE IDEAS CHANGE CONCEPT ORGANIZED, EVIDENCE-BASED CARE PATIENTCENTERED INTERACTIONS ENHANCED ACCESS CARE COORDINATION CHANGES WE WANT TO MAKE 90-DAY GOAL MAKE IT SMART: SPECIFIC, MEASUREABLE, ACTIONABLE, REALISTIC AND TIME-BOUND TESTABLE IDEAS