Robert Southey School Box 460 Southey, Saskatchewan SOG 4P0 Phone (306) 726-2224 Fax (306) 726-2019 E-mail: Registration 2014-2015 Student Name:_____________________ Grade 10 10 Credits Parent Signature:_____________________ Grade 11 Grade 12 Minimum 9 / Maximum 10 Credits Minimum 8 / Maximum 10 Credits Compulsory Subjects Compulsory Subjects Compulsory Subjects English Language Arts 20 English Language Arts A30 English Language Arts B30 History 30 English Language Arts A10 English Language Arts B10 Science 10 History 10 Mathematics 10 – Foundations Mathematics 10 – Work Place (must choose 1 math, can choose both) Elective Subjects Wellness 10 Construction 10 Wildlife 10 Foods 10 Robotics 20 Work Experience 10 Computer Science 20 Tutorial Mathematics 20 – Foundations Mathematics 20 – Work Place Mathematics 20 – Pre-Calculus (must choose 1 math, can choose all 3) Elective Subjects Elective Subjects Mathematics 30 – Foundations Mathematics 30 – Pre-Calculus Calculus PAA 20 (electronics, construction, welding) Foods 20 Physical Science 20 Chemistry 30 Health Science 20 Biology 30 Physical Education 20 Psychology 30 Robotics 20 Computer Science 20 Spare PAA 30 (electronics, construction, welding) Foods 30 Physical Science 20 Chemistry 30 Health Science 20 Biology 30 Physical Education 30 Psychology 30 Robotics 20 Computer Science 20 Spare Spare Magnet Semester 1 Lipton Psychology 20 Accounting 10 Cupar Welding 10 Magnet Semester 1 Lipton Psychology 20 Accounting 10 Cupar Welding 20 Magnet Semester 1 Lipton Psychology 20 Accounting 10 Cupar Welding 30 Magnet Semester 2 Lipton Design Studies 10 Cupar Small Engine Repair 10 Magnet Semester 2 Lipton Design Studies 10 Cupar Small Engine Repair 20 Magnet Semester 2 Lipton Design Studies 10 Cupar Small Engine Repair 30 Notes: * Please choose 10 offerings in each grade * Chemistry 30, Biology 30, and Health Science 20 will not be offered in 2015-2016 * you must have a Science 20 or 30; a Social Science 20 or 30; and 2 credits in Arts Education or Practical and Applied Arts: this includes all PAA courses, Robotics, Wildlife, Accounting at level 10, 20, or 30 levels. Course Selection Considerations Subject offerings are dependent upon enrollment/staff allocation. If courses are not available or students must make alternate choices, a form indicating changes will come home to parents. Please refer to Career/Guidance Handbook at Course Planning Handbook 2014-2015 FINAL (2).pdf to be sure graduation requirements are being met. Please see below for credit requirements for high school graduation. Student Spares Occasionally in a grade 11/12 student’s timetable the choice to select a spare is available. Due to the number of credits and configuration of credits required to graduate students are strongly encouraged not to take more than one spare in grade 11 and no more than two in grade 12. There is an opportunity to use these spares to accomplish course work or for extra support upon arrangement with teachers and administration. Academic performance and behavior are considerations for the approval of spares. All spares must be approved by the administration. Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 minimum 8 credits minimum 16 credits minimum 24 credits (5 of which must be at the 30 level) Compulsory courses are: Compulsory courses are: Compulsory courses are: English Language Arts A 10 and English Language Arts B 10; English Language Arts 20; English Language Arts A 30 and English Language Arts B 30; Social Studies 10, History 10 or Native Studies 10; Mathematics Apprenticeship and Workplace20; or Mathematics Foundations 20; or Mathematics Precalculus 20 Social Studies 30: Canadian Studies or History 30: Canadian Studies or Native Studies 30: Canadian Studies; Science 10; a science 20 or 30; Mathematics Apprenticeship and Workplace10; or Mathematics Foundations 10 3 electives at level 10 or higher. a social science 20 or 30; 6 additional elective credits at level 20 or 30. 2 credits in arts education or practical and applied arts at level 10, 20, or 30; Wellness 10, Physical Education 20 or Physical Education 30. A parent meeting will be held on March 26th at 6:30 pm in the Science Lab to review the course selection process and answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free contact the office at any time. Please return all forms to the office by March 28th. Thank you