2010 - University of the Witwatersrand

The Faculty of Health Sciences comprises the following academic departments and associated
research entities:
School of Anatomical Sciences
Embryonic Differentiation & Development Research Programme
School of Clinical Medicine
Centre for Health Sciences Education
Family Medicine
Carbohydrate and Lipid Research Unit
Pulmonary Infections Research Unit
Hepatitis Virus Diversity Research Programme
Soweto Cardiovascular Research Unit
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Effective Care Research Unit
Wits Reproductive Health & HIV Research Institute
Orthopaedic Surgery
MRC/Wits Bone Research Laboratory
Birth to Twenty Research Programme
MRC/Wits Mineral Metabolism Research Unit
Perinatal HIV Research Unit
Radiation Services
Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics
School of Oral Health Sciences
Experimental Odontology
Oral Medicine and Periodontology
Oral Pathology
Paediatric and Restorative Dentistry
School of Pathology
Anatomical Pathology
Chemical Pathology
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Other publishing departments
MRC/Wits Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit
Forensic Pathology
Human Genetics
MRC/Wits Human Genomic Diversity and Disease Research Unit
Molecular Medicine and Haematology
Antiviral Gene Therapy Research Unit
MRC/Wits Molecular Mycobacteriology Research Unit Virology
School of Physiology
Brain Function Research Unit
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit
School of Public Health
MRC/Wits Rural Health in Transition Research Unit
Health Policy Research Unit
Community Dentistry
School of Therapeutic Sciences
Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine
Nursing Education
Occupational Therapy
Pharmacology, Experimental and Clinical
School of Anatomical Sciences
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Ajao MS, Olaleye OO, Ihunwo AO (2010). Melatonin potentiates cells proliferation in the
dentate gyrus following ischemic brain injury in adult rats. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND
VETERINARY ADVANCES, 9 (11), pp. 1633 - 1638.
Gibbon VE, Strkalj G, Paximadis M, Ruff P, Penny CB (2010). The sex profile of skeletal
remains from a cemetry of Chinese indentured labourers in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN
JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 106 (7/8), pp. 1 - 4.
Manger PR, Restrepo C, Innocenti G (2010). The superior colliculus of the ferret: Cortical
afferents and efferent connections to dorsal thalamus. BRAIN RESEARCH, 1353 pp. 74 - 85.
Sathar F, Badlangana LN, Manger PR (2010). Variations in the thickness and composition of
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, 293 pp. 1615 - 1627.
Fuxe K, Dahlstrom A, Jonsson G, Marcellino D, Guescini M, DAM M, Manger PR, Agnati L
(2010). The discovery of central monoamine neurons gave volume transmission to the wired
brains. PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY, 90 pp. 82 - 100.
Manger PR, Hemingway J, Haagensen M, Gilissen E (2010). Cross-sectional area of the
elephant corpus callosum: Comparison to other eutherian mammals. NEUROSCIENCE, 167 pp.
815 - 824.
Pettigrew J, Bhagwandin A, Haagensen M, Manger PR (2010). Visual acuity and
heterogeneities of retinal ganglion cell densities and the tapetum lucidum of the African elephant
(Loxodonta Africana). BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION, 75 pp. 251 - 261.
Homman-Ludiye J, Manger PR, Bourne J (2010). Immunohistochemical parcellation of the ferret
(Mustela putorius) visual cortex reveals substantial homology with the cat (Felis catus).
Pieters RP, Gravett N, Fuxe K, Manger PR (2010). Nuclear organization of cholinergic, putative
catecholaminergic and serotonergic nuclei in the brain of the eastern rock elephant shrew,
Elephantulus myurus . JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 39 pp. 175 - 188.
Bux F, Bhagwandin A, Fuxe K, Manger PR (2010). Organization of cholinergic, putative
catecholaminergic and serotonergic nuclei in the diencephalon, mibrain and pons of sub-adult
male giraffes. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 39 pp. 189 - 203.
Kruger J, Dell L, Bhagwandin A, Jillani NE, Pettigrew J, Manger PR (2010). Nuclear
organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic systems in the brains of
five microchiropteran species. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 40 pp. 210 - 222.
Dell L, Kruger J, Bhagwandin A, Jillani NE, Pettigrew J, Manger PR (2010). Nuclear
organization of cholinergic, putative catecholaminergic and serotonergic systems in the brains of
two megachiropteran species. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 40 pp. 177 - 195.
Kruger J, Dell L, Pettigrew J, Manger PR (2010). Cellular location and major terminal networks
of the orexinergic system in the brains of five microchiropteran species. JOURNAL OF
CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY, 40 pp. 256 - 262.
Kibii JM, Pan R, Tobias PV (2010). Morphometric variations of the 7th cervical vertebrae of
Zulu, white and colored South Africans. CLINICAL ANATOMY, 23 pp. 399 - 496.
Adams JW, Herries A, Hemingway J, Kegley A, Kgasi L, Reade H, Potze S, Thackeray JF,
Hopley P (2010). Initial fossil discoveries from Hoogland, a new pliocene primate-bearing karstic
system in Gauteng Province, South Africa. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 59 pp. 685 691.
Ihunwo AO, Schliebs R (2010). Cell proliferation and total granule cell number in dentate gyrus
of transgenic Tg2576 mouse. ACTA NEUROBIOLOGIAE EXPERIMENTALIS, 70 pp. 362 - 369.
Other publishing departments
Embryonic Differentiation & Development Research Programme
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Jovanovic A, Kramer B (2010). The effect of hyperstimulation on transforming growth factor β1
and β2 in the rat uterus: Possible consequences for embryo implantation . FERTILITY AND
STERILITY, 93 (5), pp. 1509 - 1517.
School of Clinical Medicine
Academic journal articles
Penfold PR, Corbett CB, Bortolan LN (2010). Amniotic fluid embolism in an HIV-positive
parturient. Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (4), pp. 1 - 5.
Lawson RB (2010). Perioperative beta blockade: A practice in need of optimisation. Southern
African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (3), pp. 71 - 77.
Morgan G (2010). Microbial growth in a mixture of hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl
prepared in a multi-dose syringe in the operating theatre environment. Southern African
Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (2), pp. 17 - 21.
Lines D, Niven DR (2010). Acute subarachnoid haemorrhage and the mysterious
electrocardiogram. Southern African Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 16 (3), pp. 10 - 13.
Non-accredited Publications
Derman W, Frohlich E, Grolman D, Hitchcock S, Hodgson E, Kluyts H, Lundgren AC, Milner
A, Mohr W, Penfold PR, Raff M, Thomas J, Travers A (2009). South African Acute Pain
pp. 1 - 120.
Paruk F, Perrie HC, Scribante J (2010). Southern African Journal of Critical Care PRIVATE
Lundgren AC (2010). Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia Johannesburg:
Medpharm Publications.
Scribante J (2010). Connect: World of Critical Care Nursing Hampshire, UK: Connect Health
Care Publishing.
Centre for Health Science Education
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Green-Thompson LP, Mc Inerney PA, Veller MG (2010). The evaluation of bedside
teaching - an instrument for staff evaluation and student experience: A pilot study at a South
African university. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 48 pp. 50 - 52.
Manning DM, McKinley D, Chipamaunga S (2010). Student learning experience in a
diversified academic environment. MEDICAL EDUCATION, 44 pp. 493 - 494.
Mc Inerney PA, Suleman F (2010). Exploring knowldge, attitude, and barriers towards the
use of evidence-based practice amongst academic health care practitioners in their teaching
in a South African university: A pilot study. WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED
NURSING, 7 (2), pp. 90 - 97.
Other publishing departments
Family Medicine
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Couper ID, Worley P (2010). Meeting the challenges of training more medical students:
Lessons from Flinders University's distributed medical education program. MEDICAL
JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 193 (1), pp. 34 - 36.
Kramer EB, Dvorak J, Kloeck WG (2010). Review of the management of sudden cardiac
arrest on the football field. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 44 pp. 540 - 545.
Couper ID, Hugo J, Truscott AG (2010). The shared consultation: A necessity in primary
care clinics?. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (3),
pp. 223 - 226.
Pfaff CA, Couper ID (2010). The consequences upon patient care of moving Brits Hospital:
A case study. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (2), pp. 109 - 112.
De Vries E, Irlam J, Couper ID, Kornik S (2010). Career plans of final-year medical students
in South Africa. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (4), pp. 227 - 228.
van Hoving D, Smith W, Kramer EB, de Vries S, Docrat F, Wallis L (2010). Haiti: The South
African perspective. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (8), pp. 513 - 515.
Heyer A, Mabuza L, Couper ID, Ogunbanjo G (2010). Understanding participation in a
hospital-based HIV support group in Limpopo Province, South Africa. South African Family
Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (3), pp. 234 - 239.
Truscott AG (2010). A method of teaching clinical problem-solving skills to primary health
care student nurses. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52
(1), pp. 60 - 63.
Hugo J, Couper ID, Thigiti J, Loeliger S (2010). Equity in health care: does family medicine
(1), pp. 1 - 3.
Nyangairi B, Couper ID, Mapukata-Sondzaba NO (2010). Exposure to primary healthcare
for medical students: experiences of final-year medical students. South African Family
Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (5), pp. 467 - 470.
Non-accredited Publications
Kramer EB (2010). Emergency medicine in football is now regarded as a sub-speciality of
emergency medicine. Continuing Medical Education, 28 (5), pp. 208 - 212.
Wells MD, Goldstein LN (2010). The polony phantom: A cost-effective aid for teaching
emergency ultrasound procedures. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 3 pp. 115 118.
Couper ID, Worley P (2010). Evaluation of the parallel rural community curriculum at Flinders
University, South Australia: Lessons learnt for Africa. African Journal of Health Professions
Education, 2 (2), pp. 14 - 16.
Authored Book
Non-accredited Publications
Wells MD, Goldstein LN (2010). Local and Regional Anaesthesia in the Emergency
Department (1st ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. 236 pp.
Chapters in books
Non-accredited Publications
Sparks BL (2010). How to do a paediatric consultation. Chapter 14. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D.
Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 110-112).
Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper ID (2010). How to cope with stress and avoid burnout. Chapter 21. In B. Mash & J.
Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp.
128-129). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper J, Jacklin LB, Couper ID (2010). How to do a developmental assessment. Chapter
25. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 143-145). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to assess growth and classify malnutrition in children.
Chapter 26. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 146-161). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to do childhood immunisation. Chapter 27. In B. Mash &
J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual
(pp. 162-166). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper ID, Saloojee H (2010). How to administer an intra-muscular injection to a child.
Chapter 28. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 167-168). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to get intravenous access in a child. Chapter 29. In B.
Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's
Manual (pp. 169-172). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to do a skin test for tuberculosis. Chapter 30. In B. Mash
& J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual
(pp. 173-175). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper ID, Saloojee H (2010). How to access gestational age at birth. Chapter 55. In B.
Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's
Manual (pp. 284-285). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to establish kangaroo mother care for preterm infants.
Chapter 57. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 292-293). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Van Deventer C, Makinde M (2010). How to take a papanicolaou smear. Chapter 63. In B.
Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's
Manual (pp. 310-311). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper ID (2010). How to deal with a medical error. Chapter 80. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D.
Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual (pp. 356-357).
Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Book & Other Reviews
Moosa SA (2010). Review of Emergency Management of Acute Poisoning by A Howard (1
Internal Medicine
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Gibbon VE, Strkalj G, Paximadis M, Ruff P, Penny CB (2010). The sex profile of skeletal
remains from a cemetry of Chinese indentured labourers in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN
JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 106 (7/8), pp. 1 - 4.
Dahab M, Charalambous S, Karstaedt AS, Fielding K, Hamilton R, La Grange L,
Churchyard G, Grant A (2010). Contrasting predictors of poor antiretroviral therapy
outcomes in two South African HIV programmes: A cohort study. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 10
(430), pp. 1 - 16.
Osei-Sekyere B, Karstaedt AS (2010). Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
involving the skin. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY, 35 (5), pp. 477-481 - .
Moche MJ, Glassman SJ, Modi D, Grayson W (2010). Cutaneous annular sarcoidosis
developing on a background of exogenous ochronosis: A report of two cases and review of
the literature. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY, 35 (4), pp. 399 - 402.
Sprung C, Zimmerman J, Christian M, Joynt G, Hick J, Taylor B, Richards GA,
Sandrock C, Cohen R, Adini B(2010). Recommendations for intensive care unit and hospital
preparations for an influenza epidemic or mass disaster: Summary report of the European
Society of Intensive Care Medicine's Task Force for intensive care unit triage during an
influenza epidemic or mass disaster. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, 36 pp. 428 - 443.
Schnitzler CM, Mesquita J, Shires R (2010). Cortical and trabecular bone microarchitecture
Other publishing departments
and turnover in alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis: A histomorphometric study. JOURNAL
Shires R, Magan A, Huddle KR (2009). Tumour-induced osteomalacia: A curable condition.
Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and diabetes of South africa (JEMDSA), 14 (3), pp. 143
- 144.
Firnhaber C, Van Le H, Pettifor A, Schulze D, Michelow PM, Sanne IM, Lewis DA,
Williamson A, Allan B, Williams S, Rinas A, Levin SL, Smith J (2010). Association between
cervical dysplasia and human papillomavirus in HIV seropositive women from Johannesburg
South Africa. CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL, 21 pp. 433 - 443.
Lewis DA (2010). The gonococcus fights back: Is this time a knock out?. SEXUALLY
TRANSMITTED DISEASES, 86 (6), pp. 415 - 421.
Lissouba P, Taljaard D, Rech D, Doyle S, Shabangu D, Nhlapo C, Otchere-Darko J,
Mashigo T, Matson C, Lewis DA, Billy S, Auvert B (2010). A model for the roll-out of
comprehensive adult male circumcision services in African low-income settings of high HIV
incidence: The ANRS 12126 Bophelo Pele Project. PLOS MEDICINE, 7 (7), pp. e1000309-1 e100309-13.
Paz-Bailey G, Sternberg M, Puren AJ, Steele L, Lewis DA (2010). Determinants of HIV
type 1 shedding from genital ulcers among men in South Africa. CLINICAL INFECTIOUS
DISEASES, 50 pp. 1060 - 1067.
Cooper R, Wiebe N, Smith N, Keiser P, Naicker S, Tonelli M (2010). Systematic review and
meta-analysis: Renal safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in HIV-infected patients .
Wallis CL, Mellors J, Venter WD, Sanne IM, Stevens WS (2010). Varied patterns of HIV-1
drug resistance on failing first-line antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF
Boulle A, Clayden P, Cohen K, Cohen T, CONRADIE FM, Dong K, Geffen N, Grimwood
A, Hurtado R, Kenyon C, Lawn S, Maartens G, Meintjes G, Mendelson M, Murray M,
Rangaka M, Sanne IM, Spencer D, Taljaard J, Variava E, Venter WD, Wilson D (2010).
Prolonged deferral of antiretroviral therapy in the SAPIT trial: Did we need a clinical trial to tell
us that this would increase mortality?. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100
(9), pp. 566 - 571.
Dheda K, Shean K, Zumla A, Badri M, Streicher E, Page-Shipp L, Willcox P, John MA,
Reubenson G, Govindasamy D, Wong ML, Padanilam XS, Dziwiecki A, van Helden P,
Siwendu S, Jarand J, Menezes CN, Burns A, Victor T, Warren R, Grobusch MP, van der
Walt M, Kvasnovsky C (2010). Early treatment outcomes and HIV status of patients with
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa: A retrospective cohort study. LANCET,
375 pp. 1798 - 1807.
Gokool S, Fabian J, Venter WD, Macphail CL, Naicker S (2010). HIV-positive kidney
transplants for HIV-positive individuals: Attitudes and concerns of South African patients and
health care workers. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (2), pp. 96 - 98.
Van Aswegen H, EALES CJ, Richards GA, Goosen J, Becker P (2010). The effect of
penetrating trunk trauma and mechanical ventilation on the recovery of adult survivors after
hospital discharge. Southern African Journal of Critical Care, 26 (1), pp. 25 - 32.
Douillard J, Siena S, Cassidy J, Tabernero J, Burkes R, Barugel M, Humblet Y, Bodoky
G, Cunningham D, Jassem J, Rivera F, Kocakova I, Ruff P, Blasinska-Morawiec M,
Smakal M, Canon J, Rother M, Oliner K, Wolf M, Gansert J (2010). Randomized, phase III
trial of panitumumab with infusional fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4)
versus FLOFOX4 alone as first-line treatment in patients with previously untreated metastatic
colorectal cancer: the PRIME study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 28 (31), pp. 4697
- 4705.
Tikly M, Govind NH, Frost JM, Ramsay M (2010). The PTPN22 R620W polymorphism is
not associated with systemic rheumatic diseases in South Africans. RHEUMATOLOGY, 49
pp. 820 - 821.
Gibbon VE, Harington JS, Penny CB, Fredlund V (2010). Mseleni joint disease: A potential
model of epigenetic chondrodysplasia. JOINT BONE SPINE, 77 pp. 399 - 404.
Hodkinson BD, Meyer P, Musenge E, Ally M, Wadee AA, Anderson R, Tikly M (2010).
The diagnostic utility of the anti-CCP antibody test is no better than rheumatoid factor in
South Africans with early rheumatoid arthritis. CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, 29 pp. 615 618.
Davids H, Ahmed AY, Oberholster A, Van Der Westhuizen C, Mer M, Havlik (2010).
Endogenous heparin levels in the controlled asthmatic patient. SAMJ - South African Medical
Journal, 100 (5), pp. 307 - 308.
Dessein PH, Christian BF, Woodiwiss AJ, Norton GR, Solomon A (2010). Public
healthcare attendance associates with enhanced conventional and non-conventional
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk burdens in established rheumatoid arthritis.
Keiser O, Macphail AP, Boulle A, Wood R, Schechter M, Dabis F, Sprinz E, Egger M
(2009). Accuracy of WHO CD4 cell count criteria for virological failure of antiretroviral therapy.
Keiser O, Tweya H, Braitstein P, Dabis F, Macphail AP, Boulle A, Nash D, Wood R, Luthi
R, Brinkhof M, Schechter M, Egger M (2010). Mortality after failure of antiretroviral therapy
in sub-Saharan Africa. TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (2), pp. 251 258.
Marais B, Raviglione M, Donald P, Harries A, Kritski A, Graham S, El-Sadr W,
Harrington M, Churchyard G, Mwaba P, Sanne IM, Kaufmann S, Whitty C, Atun R,
Zumla A (2010). Scale-up of services and research priorities for diagnosis, management, and
control of tuberculosis: A call to action. LANCET, 375 pp. 2179 - 2191.
Grimsrud A, Fairall L, Cornell M, van Cutsem G, Giddy J, Wood R, Prozesky H, Mohapi
L, Graber C, Egger M, Boulle A, Myer L, Fox M (2010). Temporal changes in programme
outcomes among adult patients initiating antiretroviral therapy across South Africa, 20022007. AIDS, 24 pp. 2263 - 2270.
Larson B, Brennan A, McNamara L, Long LC, Rosen S, Sanne IM, Fox M (2010). Lost
opportunities to complete CD4+ lymphocyte testing among patients who tested positive for
Cooper D, Heera J, Goodrich J, Tawadrous M, Saag M, DeJesus E, Clumeck N,
Walmsley S, Ting N, Coakley E, Reeves J, Reyes-Teran G, Westby M, Van Der Ryst E,
Ive P, Mohapi L, Mingrone H, Horban A, Hackman F, Sullivan J, Mayer H (2010).
Maraviroc versus efavirenz, both in combination with zidovudine-lamivudine, for the treatment
of antiretroviral-naive subjects with CCR5-Tropic HIV-1 infection. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS
DISEASES, 201 pp. 803 - 813.
Fox M, Rosen SB (2010). Patient retention in antiretroviral therapy programs up to three
years on treatment in sub-Saharan Africa, 2007-2009: Systematic review. TROPICAL
MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (Suppl 1), pp. 1 - 15.
Grant P, Komarow L, Andersen J, Sereti I, Pahwa S, Lederman M, Eron J, Sanne IM,
Powderly W, Hogg E, Suckow C, Zolopa A (2010). Risk factor analyses for Immune
Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in a randomized study of early vs. deferred ART
during an opportunistic infection. PLOS ONE, 5 (7), pp. e11416-1 - e11416-7.
Fox M, Sanne IM, CONRADIE FM, Zeinecker J, Orrell C, Ive P, Rassool MS, Dehlinger M,
Van der Horst C, McIntyre J, Wood R (2010). Initiating patients on antiretroviral therapy at
CD4 cell counts above 200 cells/µl is associated with improved treatment outcomes in South
Africa. AIDS, 24 pp. 2041 - 2050.
Sanne IM, Orrell C, Fox M, CONRADIE FM, Ive P, Zeinecker J, Cornell M, Heiberg C,
INGRAM CF, Panchia R, Rassool MS, Gonin R, Stevens WS, Truter H, Dehlinger M, Van
der Horst C, McIntyre J, Wood R (2010). Nurse versus doctor management of HIV-infected
patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (CIPRA-SA): A randomised non-inferiority trial.
LANCET, 376 (9734), pp. 33 - 40.
Long LC, Fox M, Sanne IM, Rosen SB (2010). The high cost of second-line antiretroviral
therapy for HIV/AIDS in South Africa. AIDS, 24 pp. 915 - 919.
Fox M, Ive P, Long LC, Maskew M, Sanne IM (2010). High rates of survival, immune
reconstitution, and virologic suppression on second-line antiretroviral therapy in South Africa.
Lockman S, Hughes M, McIntyre JA, Zheng Y, Chipato T, CONRADIE FM, Sawe A,
Asmelash A, Hosseinipour M, Mohapi L, Stringer E, Mngqibisa R, Siika A, Atwine D,
Hakim J, Schaffer D, Kanyama C, Wools-Kaloustian K, Salata R, Hogg E, Alston-Smith
B, Walawander A, Purcelle-Smith E, Eshleman S, Rooney J, Rahim S, Mellors J,
Schooley R, Currier J (2010). Antiretroviral therapies in women after single-dose nevirapine
exposure. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 363 (16), pp. 1499 - 1509.
Fox M, Brennan AT, Maskew M, Macphail AP, Sanne IM (2010). Using vital registration
data to update mortality among patients lost to follow-up from ART programmes: Evidence
Other publishing departments
from the Themba Lethu Clinic, South Africa. TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL
HEALTH, 15 (4), pp. 405 - 413.
Flexner C, Tierney C, Gross R, Andrade A, Lalama C, Eshleman S, Aberg J, Sanne IM,
Parsons T, Kashuba A, Rosenkranz S, Kmack A, Ferguson E, Dehlinger M, Mildvan D
(2010). Comparison of once-daily versus twice-daily combination antiretroviral therapy in
treatment-naive patients: Results of AIDS Clincial Trials Group (ACTG) A5073, a 48-week
randomized controlled trial. CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 50 pp. 1041 - 1052.
Larson B, Brennan A, McNamara L, Long LC, Rosen S, Sanne IM, Fox M (2010). Early
loss to follow up after enrolment in the pre-ART care at a large public clinic in Johannesburg,
South Africa. TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (Suppl 1), pp. 43 - 47.
Bisceglie A, Maskew M, Schulze D, Reyneke AJ, McNamara L, Firnhaber C (2010). HIVHBV coinfection among South African patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. ANTIVIRAL
THERAPY, 15 pp. 499 - 503.
Solomon A, Christian BF, Norton GR, Woodiwiss AJ, Dessein PH (2010). Risk factor
profiles for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in black and other Africans with established
rheumatoid arthritis. JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, 37 pp. 953 - 960.
Muller E, Chirwa TF, Lewis DA (2010). Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in
heterosexual South African men attending sexual health services: Associations between HPV
and HIV serostatus. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, 86 pp. 175 - 180.
Gordon DM, Feldman C (2010). CIKPLA: Cryptogenic invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae liver
abscess (and meningitis) - an emerging disease in South Africa?. Southern African Journal of
Epidemiology and Infection, 25 (2), pp. 28 - 29.
Rosen SB, Ketlhapile ME (2010). Cost of using a patient tracer to reduce loss to follow-up
and ascertain patient status in a large antiretroviral therapy program in Johannesburg, South
Rosen SB, Larson B, Brennan AT, Long LC, Fox M, Mongwenyana C, Ketlhapile M, Sanne
IM(2010). Economic outcomes of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS in
South Africa are sustained through three years on treatment. PLOS ONE, 5 pp. 1 - 11.
Van Rie A, Page-Shipp LS, Scott LE, Sanne IM, Stevens WS (2010). Xpert MTB/RIF for
point-of-care diagnosis of TB in high-HIV burden, resource-limited countries: hype or hope?.
Ickinger C, Tikly M (2010). Current approach to diagnosis and management of osteoarthritis.
South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal), 52 (5), pp. 382 - 390.
Morar R, Richards GA, Galpin JS, Herbert V (2010). Outcome of patients with severe
abdominal sepsis in intensive care - experience at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic
Hospital. Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, 25 (1), pp. 23 - 27.
Richards GA (2010). Antibiotic therapy of surgical infections. Southern African Journal of
Critical Care, 26 (1), pp. 6 - 10.
Richards GA, Sprung C (2010). Educational process. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, 36
(Suppl 1), pp. S70 - S79.
Richards GA, Michard F, Biais M, Lopes M, Auler J (2010). Using pulse pressure variation
or stroke volume variation to diagnose right ventricular failure?. CRITICAL CARE, 14 (451),
pp. 1 - 2.
Lewis DA, Paz-Bailey G, Sternberg M, Puren AJ (2010). Acute HIV infections among men
with genital ulcer disease in South Africa. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 201 pp.
1811 - 1915.
Lewis DA, Chisholm S, Mouton J, Nichols T, Ison C, Livermore D (2010). Cephalosporin
MIC creep among gonococci: time for a pharmacodynamic rethink?. JOURNAL OF
Mhlongo S, Magooa MP, Muller E, Nel N, Radebe FM, Wasserman E, Lewis DA (2010).
Etiology and STI/HIV coinfections among patients with urethral and vaginal discharge
syndromes in South Africa. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, 37 (9), pp. 566 - 570.
El-Khatib Z, Ekstrom A, Ledwaba
J, Mohapi L, Laher F,
Karstaedt AS, Charalambous S, Petzold M, Katzenstein D, Morris L (2010). Viremia and
drug resistance among HIV-1 patients on antiretroviral treatment: A cross-sectional study in
Soweto, South Africa. AIDS, 24 (11), pp. 1679 - 1687.
Non-accredited Publications
Brink A, Bizos DB, Boffard KD, Feldman C, Pretorius J, Richards GA, Senekal M, Steyn E, Welkovic N,
Grolman DC (2010). Guideline: Appropriate use of tigecycline. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL
JOURNAL, 100 pp. 388 - 394.
Moeng KR, Mahomed AD, Patel M (2010). Pathology request guidelines: Haematology questioned. SAMJ
SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (5), pp. 263 - 264.
Naicker S (2010). Challenges for nephrology practice in sub-Saharan Africa. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS
TRANSPLANTATION, 12 pp. 1 - 2.
Saleh A, Mohareb F, Rabiah F, Chaudhri N, Sharif F, Zahrani H, Mohamed S, Patel M, Rasheed W,
Nurgat Z, Bakr M, Ahmed S, Zaidi S, Nassar A, Ibrahim K, Abdely H, Aljurf M (2010). High efficacy and
low toxicity of short-course oral valganciclovir as pre-emptive therapy for hematopoietic stem cell transplant
cytomegalovirus infection. Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy, 3 (3), pp. 116 - 120.
Michelow PM, Hartman I, Schulze D, Lamla-Hillie S, Williams, Levin SL, Firnhaber C (2010). Atypical
squamous cells, cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial (ASC-H) in HIV-positive women.
CytoJournal, 7 (8), pp. 1 - 6.
Eliot M, Azzoni L, Firnhaber C, Stevens WS, Glencross DK, Sanne IM, Montaner L, Foulkes A (2009).
Tree-based methods for discovery of association between flow cytometry data and clinical endpoints.
Advances in Bioinformatics. pp. 235320-1 - 235320-9.
Azzoni L, Crowther NJ, Firnhaber C, Foulkes A, Yin X, Glencross DK, Gross R, Kaplan M, Papasavvas
E, Schulze D, Stevens WS, van der Merwe T, Waisberg R, Sanne IM, Montaner L (2010). Association
between HIV replication and serum leptin levels: An observational study of a cohort of HIV-1-infected South
African women. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 13 (1), pp. 33-1 - 33-8.
Tyndall A, Bannert B, Vonk M, Airo P, Cozzi F, Carreira P, Bancel D, Allanore Y, Muller-Ladner U,
Distler O, Iannone F, Pellerito R, Pileckyte M, Miniati I, Ananieva L, Gurman A, Damjanov N, Mueller A,
Valentini G, Riemekasten G, Tikly M, Hummers L, Henriques M, Caramaschi P, Scheja A, Rozman B,
Ton E, Kumanovics G, Coleiro B, Feierl E, Szucs G, Muhlen C, Riccieri V, Novak S, Chizzolini C,
Kotulska A, Denton C, Coelho P, Kotter I, Simsek I, Lefebvre P, Hachulla E, Seibold J, Rednic S, Stork
J, Morovic-Vergles J, Walker U (2010). Causes and risk factors for death in systemic sclerosis: a study from
the EULAR Scheroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) database. Annales of Rheumotological Diseases,
69 pp. 1809 - 1815.
Brennan AT, Maskew M, Sanne IM, Fox M (2010). The importance of clinic attendance in the first six
months of antiretroviral treatment: a retrospective analysis at a large public sector HIV clinic in South Africa.
Journal of the International AIDS Society, 13 (49), pp. 1 - 10.
Morar R (2010). Outcomes of patients with severe abdominal sepsis in intensive care - experience at
Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital.
Richards GA, Nicolaou N, Conradie D, Bloy B (2010). Image in cardiology: an unusual case of acute
pulmonary embolism. SA HEART, 7 (1), pp. 60 - 61.
Brink A, Bizos DB, Boffard KD, Feldman C, Grolman D, Pretorius J, Richards GA, Steyn E (2010).
Guideline summary: Appropriate use of tigecycline. SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY
AND INFECTION, 25 (4), pp. 5 - 6.
Chapters in books
Non-accredited Publications
Adebajo A, McGill P, Tikly M (2009). Rheumatic manifestations of tropical diseases.
Chapter 46. Eular Compendium on Rheumatic Disease (pp. 684-711). London: BMJ
Publishing Group Ltd. 978-1-905545-35-3.
Fabian J, Naicker S (2009). Renal complications of HIV infection. Chapter 34. In E. Goosby
& Z. Temesgen & A. Amoroso & R. Orenstein & B. Gilliam (eds.), Fundamentals of Global
HIV Medicine (pp. 299-314). USA: IHL Press. 978-0-9754188-2-6.
Kopp J, Fabian J, Naicker S (2010). Human immunodeficiency virus infection and the
kidney. Chapter 56. In R. Johnson & J. Feehally & J. Floege (eds.), Comprehensive Clinical
Nephrology (pp. 675-683). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Saunders. 978-0-323-05876-6.
Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism Research Group
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Krause A, Feben CL, Van Wyk C, Huddle KR, Raal FJ (2010). Unusual
Other publishing departments
phaeochromocytomas in African families: The importance of genetic testing. JOURNAL OF
pp. 92 - 94.
Ntyintyane LM, Panz, Raal FJ, Gill G (2010). Comparison between surrogate indices of
insulin sensitivity and resistance, and the hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic glucose clamp in
urban South African blacks with and without coronary artery disease. DIABETES &
VASCULAR DISEASE RESEARCH, 7 (2), pp. 151 - 157.
Raal FJ, Santos R, Blom D, Marais A, Charng M, Cromwell W, Lachmann R, Gaudet D,
Tan J, Chasan-Taber S, Tribble D, Flaim J, Crooke S (2010). Mipomersen, an
apolipoprotein B synthesis inhibitor, for lowering of LDL cholesterol concentrations in patients
with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: A randomised, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial. LANCET, 375 pp. 998 - 1006.
Stein E, Marais A, Szamosi T, Raal FJ, Schurr D, Urbina E, Hopkins P, Karki S, Xu J,
Misir S, Melino M (2010). Colesevelam hydrochloride: Efficacy and safety in pediatric
subjects with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC AND
ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY, 156 pp. 231 - 236.
Non-accredited Publications
Jivan D (2010). Difficulties in starting an MMed project. SA Cardiology & Stroke, 4 (2), pp. 46
- 46.
Raal FJ, Joffe BI, Kalk WJ (2010). The prevalence and incidence of and risk factors for,
micro-albuminuria among urban Africans with type 1 diabetes in South Africa: An inter-ethnic
study. International journal of diabetes mellitus, 2 pp. 148 - 153.
Pulmonary Infections Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Feldman C, Brink A, Von Gottberg AM, Wolter N, De Gouveia L, Perovic O, Klugman KP
(2010). Antimicrobial susceptibility of pneumococcal isolates causing bacteraemic
pneumococcal pneumonia: Analysis using current breakpoints and fluoroquinolone
- 97.
Malinis M, Myers J, Bordon J, Peyrani P, Kapoor R, Nakamatzu R, Lopardo G, Torres A,
Feldman C, Allen M, Arnold F, Ramirez J (2010). Clinical outcomes of HIV-infected patients
hospitalized with bacterial community-acquired pneumonia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 14 pp. e22 - e27.
Gordon DM, Feldman C (2010). CIKPLA: Cryptogenic invasive Klebsiella pneumoniae liver
abscess (and meningitis) - an emerging disease in South Africa?. Southern African Journal of
Epidemiology and Infection, 25 (2), pp. 28 - 29.
Non-accredited Publications
Anderson R, Tintinger G, Cockeran R, Potjo M, Feldman C (2010). Beneficial and harmful
interactions of antibiotics with microbial pathogens and the host innate immune system.
Pharmaceuticals, 3 pp. 1694 - 1710.
Feldman C, Gravett C, Tintinger G, Theron A, Anderson R, Green R (2010). Montelukast
sodium: Administration to children to control intermittent asthma Clinical Medicine Reviews in
Therapeutics, 2 pp. 1 - 10.
Feldman C (2010). Telithromycin: An overview. Modern Medicine of South Africa, 25 (2), pp.
32 - 36.
Brink A, Bizos DB, Boffard KD, Feldman C, Pretorius J, Richards GA, Senekal M, Steyn
E, Welkovic N, Grolman DC (2010). Guideline: Appropriate use of tigecycline. SAMJ
Anderson R, Tintinger G, Cockeran R, Potjo M, Feldman C (2010). Beneficial and harmful
interactions of antibiotics with microbial pathogens and the host innate immune system.
Pharmaceuticals, 3 pp. 1694 - 1710.
Feldman C (2010). Respiratory illness. The Specialist Forum. pp. 55 - 58.
Potjo M, Cockeran R, Theron A, Anderson R R, Feldman C (2010). Effects of Moxifloxacin in
human neutrophil and t-lymphocyte functions in vitro. Pharmaceuticals, 3 pp. 3570 - 2580.
Brink A, Bizos DB, Boffard KD, Feldman C, Grolman D, Pretorius J, Richards GA, Steyn
E (2010). Guideline summary: Appropriate use of tigecycline. SOUTHERN AFRICAN
Chapter in Book
Non-accredited Publications
Klugman KP, Feldman C (2009).Pneumococcal infections in E.Abrutyn & P. Brachman
(eds),Bacterial Infectious of Humans:Epidemiology and Control (pp. 613-642).New York :
springer. 978-387-09842-5
Antiviral Gene Therapy Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Gous NM, Bhimma R, Kew MC, Kramvis A (2010). Retrospective characterization of the S
open reading frame of HBV isolated from children with membranous nephropathy treated with
interferon- 2b. ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 15 pp. 61 - 69.
Revill P, Yuen L, Perrault M, Walsh R, Locarnini S, Kramvis A (2010). Bioinformatic analysis
of the hepadnavirus e-antigen and its precursor identifies remarkable sequence conservation
in all orthohepadnaviruses. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY, 82 pp. 104 - 115.
Kew MC, Smuts H, Stevenson W (2010). Does HIV infection enhance the hepatocarcinogenic
potential of chronic hepatitis B virus infection?. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE
DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES, 53 (3), pp. 413 - 414.
Kew MC (2010). Prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma. ANNALS OF HEPATOLOGY, 9 (2),
pp. 120 - 132.
Kew MC (2010). Epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B virus infection, hepatocellular carcinoma,
and hepatitis B virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. PATHOLOGIE BIOLOGIE, 58 pp.
273 - 277.
Asare GA, Ntombini B, Kew MC, Kahler-Venter C, Nortey E (2010). Possible adverse effect
of high -alpha-tocopherol intake on hepatic iron overload: Enhanced production of vitamin C
and the genotoxin, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine. TOXICOLOGY MECHANISMS AND
METHODS, 20 (2), pp. 96 - 104.
Welschinger RL, Kew MC, Viana RV, Badri M (2010). T1653 mutation in the enhancer II
region of the hepatitis B virus genome in southern African Blacks with hepatocellular
541 - 545.
Non-accredited Publications
Kew MC (2010). Clinicopathological review of hepatocellular carcinoma in Black Africans.
Nigerian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 3 (1), pp. 15 - 27.
Ferenci P, Fried M, Bruix J, Labrecque D, Sherman M, Omata M, Heathcote J, Piratsivuth T,
Kew MC, Otegbayo J, Zheng S, Sarin S, Hamid S, Barakat Modawi S, Fleig W, Fedail S,
Thomson A, Khan A, Malfertheiner P, Lau G, Carillo F, Krabshuis J, Le Mair A (2010). World
Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guideline. hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): A global
Smuts H, Badri M, Kew MC (2010). SEN virus and hepatocellular carcinoma in Southern
African blacks. Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2 (1), pp. 7 - 11.
Other publishing departments
Chapter in Book
Accredited Publications
Kew MC (2010). Interaction between aflatoxin B1 and other risk factors in
hepatocarcinogenesis. Chapter 7. In M. Rai & A. Varma (eds.), Mycotoxins in Food, Feed and
Bioweapons (pp. 93-111). Heidelberg: Springer. 978-3-642-00724-8.
Non-accredited Publications
Kew MC (2010). Liver tumors in Africa. Chapter 42. In P. Clavien & S. Breitenstein (eds.),
Malignant Liver Tumors: Current and Emerging Therapies (pp. 509-518). Oxford: WileyBlackwell. 9781405179768.
Soweto Cardiovascular Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Sliwa-Hahnle K, Carrington M, Mayosi B, Zigiriadis E, Mvungi RS, Stewart S (2010).
Incidence and characteristics of newly diagnosed rheumatic heart disease in urban African
adults: Insights from the Heart of Soweto study. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 31 (6), pp.
719 - 727.
Mebazaa A, Pang P, Tavares M, Collins S, Storrow A, Laribi S, Andre S, Courtney D, Hasa J,
Spinar J, Masip J, Peacock W, Sliwa-Hahnle K, Gayat E, Filippatos G, Cleland J,
Gheorghiade M (2010). The impact of early standard therapy on dyspnoea in patients with
acute heart failure: The URGENT-dyspnoea study. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 31 (7),
pp. 832 - 841.
Sliwa-Hahnle K, Blauwet L, Tibazarwa K, Libhaber EN, Smedema J, Becker AC, McMurray
J, Yamac H, Labidi S, Struhman I, Hilfiker-Kleiner D (2010). Evaluation of bromocriptine in the
treatment of acute severe peripartum cardiomyopathy: A proof-of-concept pilot study.
CIRCULATION, 121 (13), pp. 1465 - 1473.
Tibazarwa K, Sliwa-Hahnle K (2010). Peripartum cardiomyopathy in Africa: Challenges in
diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy. PROGRESS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, 52 pp.
317 - 325.
Ruf V, Stewart S, Pretorius S, Kubheka TM, Lautenschlager C, Presek P, Sliwa-Hahnle
K (2010). Medication adherence, self-care behaviour and knowledge on heart failure in urban
South Africa: the Heart of Soweto study. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 21 (2), pp. 86 - 92.
Becker AC, Sliwa-Hahnle K, Stewart S, Libhaber EN, Essop AR, Zambakides CA, Essop
MR(2010). Acute coronary syndromes in treatment-naïve black South Africans with Human
Immunodeficiency Virus infection. JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY, 23 (1),
pp. 70 - 77.
Non-accredited Publications
Meyer G, Labidi S, Podewski E, Sliwa-Hahnle K, Drexler H, Hilfiker-Kleiner D (2010).
bromocriptine treatment associated with recovery from peripartum cardiomyopathy in siblings:
Two case reports. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 4 (80), pp. 1 - 4.
Becker AC, Libhaber EN, Sliwa-Hahnle K, Stewart S, Essop MR (2010). Markers of
inflammation and endothelial activation in black South Africans with HIV and acute coronary
syndromes. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research, 2 (3), pp. 95 - 100.
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Modi G, Pillay V, Choonara YE (2010). Advances in the treatment of neurodegenerative
disorders employing nanotechnology. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF
SCIENCES, 1184 pp. 154 - 172.
Janse Van Rensburg AB, Olorunju S (2010). Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia in a
general hospital based acute psychiatric ward. African Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) (South
African Psychiatry Review), 13 pp. 204 - 210.
Olwoch IP (2010). The microbiology of acute complicated bacterial sinusitis at the University
of the Witwatersrand. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (8), pp. 529 - 533.
Moosa M, Jeenah F (2010). Feelings of hopelessness in stable HIV-positive patients on
antiretrovirals. SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HIV MEDICINE, 11 (1), pp. 40 - 45.
Williams SE, Whigham B, Liu Y, Carmichael TR, Qin X, Schmidt S, Ramsay M, Hauser M,
Allingham R (2010). Major LOXL1 risk allele is reversed in exfoliation glaucoma in a black
South African population. MOLECULAR VISION, 16 pp. 705 - 712.
Ngwuluka N, Pillay V, Du Toit LC, Ndesendo VM, Choonara YE, Modi G, Naidoo D
(2010). Levodopa delivery systems: advancements in delivery of the gold standard. EXPERT
OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY, 7 (2), pp. 203 - 224.
Choonara YE, Pillay V, Danckwerts MP, Carmichael TR, Du Toit LC (2010). A review of
implantable intravitreal drug delivery technologies for the treatment of posterior segment eye
diseases. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 99 (5), pp. 2219 - 2239.
Jivan KD, Mochan AH, Modi G (2010). Intraventricular neurocysticercosis causing acute
unilateral hydrocephalus. African Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) (South African Psychiatry
Review), 13 (.), pp. 315 - 317.
Non-accredited Publications
Stein D, Szabo CP, Moussaoui D, Gureje O (2010). Psychiatric sub-specialization in Africa introduction to a series. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY (AJP), 13 pp. 157 - 159.
Szabo CP (2010). Should state sector community psychiatry be hospital based? A local, and
personal, perspective. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY (AJP), 13 (1), pp. 1 - 1.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Firnhaber C, Van Le H, Pettifor A, Schulze D, Michelow PM, Sanne IM, Lewis DA,
Williamson A, Allan B, Williams S, Rinas A, Levin SL, Smith J (2010). Association
between cervical dysplasia and human papillomavirus in HIV seropositive women from
Johannesburg South Africa. CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL, 21 pp. 433 - 443.
Ndesendo VM, Pillay V, Choonara YE, Meyer LC, Buchmann EJ, Khan R, Du Toit LC,
Rosin U (2010). Investigation of the physicochemical and physicomechanical properties of a
novel intravaginal bioadhesive polymeric device in the pig model. AAPS PHARMSCITECH,
11 (2), pp. 793 - 808.
Basu D, Basu JK, Ellison G (2010). The burden of infertility among HIV-positive couples in
South Africa: The available evidence. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (6), pp. 354
- 356.
Basu JK, Jeketera C, Basu D (2010). Obesity and its outcomes among pregnant South
101 - 104.
Other publishing departments
Non-accredited Publications
Michelow PM, Hartman I, Schulze D, Lamla-Hillie S, Williams, Levin SL, Firnhaber C
(2010). Atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial (ASC-H)
in HIV-positive women. CytoJournal, 7 (8), pp. 1 - 6
Wits Reproductive Health & HIV Research Institute
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Beksinska ME, Smit JA, Ramkissoon A (2010). Progestogen-only injectable hormonal
contraceptive use should be considered in analysis of studies addressing the loss of bone
mineral density in HIV-positive women.. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE
DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES, 54 (4), pp. e5 - e5
Richter ML, Venter WD, Gray A (2010). Home self-testing for HIV: AIDS exceptionalism
gone wrong. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (10), pp. 636 - 642.
Wallis CL, Mellors J, Venter WD, Sanne IM, Stevens WS (2010). Varied patterns of HIV-1
drug resistance on failing first-line antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF
Boulle A, Clayden P, Cohen K, Cohen T, CONRADIE FM, Dong K, Geffen N, Grimwood
A, Hurtado R, Kenyon C, Lawn S, Maartens G, Meintjes G, Mendelson M, Murray M,
Rangaka M, Sanne IM, Spencer D, Taljaard J, Variava E, Venter WD, Wilson D (2010).
Prolonged deferral of antiretroviral therapy in the SAPIT trial: Did we need a clinical trial to tell
us that this would increase mortality? SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (9),
pp. 566 - 571.
Leydon N, Venter WD, Webster P, Moleko W, Osih RB, Barker P (2010). Achieving the HIV
and AIDS National Strategic Plan: A practical calculator for local target setting in district
health facilities. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (7), pp. 420 - 425.
Gokool S, Fabian J, Venter WD, Macphail CL, Naicker S (2010). HIV-positive kidney
transplants for HIV-positive individuals: Attitudes and concerns of South African patients and
health care workers. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (2), pp. 96 - 98.
Fish MQ, Hewer R, Wallis CL, Venter WD, Stevens WS, Papathanasopoulos MA (2010).
Natural polymorphisms of integrase among HIV type 1-infected South African patients. AIDS
Chersich MF, Rees VH (2010). Causal links between binge drinking patterns, unsafe sex and
HIV in South Africa: Its time to intervene. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STD & AIDS, 21
pp. 2 - 7.
Celum C, Wald A, Lingappa J, Margaret A, Wang R, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Baeten J, Mullins J,
Hughes J, Bukusi E, Cohen C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G,
Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R,
Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, DelanyMoretlwe AS, Rees VH, Vwalika B, Stevens WS, Campbell M, Thomas K, Coombs R,
Morrow R, Whittington W, McElrath M, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L (2010). Acyclovir and
transmission of HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2. NONLINEAR ANALYSISREAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, 362 (5), pp. 427 - 439.
Yotebieng M, van Rie A, Moultrie HJ, Meyers TM (2010). Six-month gain in weight, height,
and CD4 predict subsequent antiretroviral treatment responses in HIV-infected South African
children. AIDS, 24 pp. 139 - 146.
Lingappa J, Baeten J, Wald A, Hughes J, Thomas K, Mujugira A, Mugo N, Bukusi E, Cohen
C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G, Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife
K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manangi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao
M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany-Moretlwe AS, Rees VH, Vwalika B,
Margaret A, Wang R, Kidoguchi L, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L, Celum C (2010). Daily
aciclovir for HIV-1 disease progression in people dually infected with HIV-1 and herpes
simplex virus type 2: A randomised placebo-controlled trial. LANCET, 375 pp. 824 - 833.
Delany-Moretlwe AS, Jentsch U, Weiss H, Moyes J, Ashley-Morrow R, Stevens WS,
Mayaud P(2010). Comparison of focus HerpesSelect and Kalon HSV-2 gG2 ELISA
serological assays to detect herpes simplex virus type 2 antibodies in a South African
population. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, 86 pp. 46 - 50.
Hilber A, Francis S, Chersich MF, Scott P, Redmond S, Bender N, Miotti P, Temmerman M,
Low N(2010). Intravaginal practices, vaginal infections and HIV acquisition: Systematic review
and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE, 5 (2), pp. e9119-1 - e9119-11.
Munyao P, Luchters S, Chersich MF, Kaai S, Geibel S, Mandaliya K, Temmerman M,
Rutenberg N, Sarna A (2010). Implementation of clinic-based modified-directly observed
therapy (m-DOT) for ART: Experiences in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS CARE, 22 (2), pp. 187 194.
Saethre E, Stadler JJ (2010). Gelling medical knowledge: Innovative pharmaceuticals,
experience, and perceptions of efficacy. Anthropology and medicine, 17 (1), pp. 99 - 111.
Montgomery C, Gafos M, Lees S, Morar N, Mwwwmba O, Ssali A, Stadler JJ, Pool R (2010).
Re-framing microbicide acceptability: Findings from the MDP301 trial. CULTURE HEALTH &
SEXUALITY, 12 (6), pp. 649 - 662.
Reid S, Dai J, Wang J, Sichalwe B, Akpomiemie G, Cowan F, Delany-Moretlwe AS, Baeten
J, Hughes J, Wald A, Celum C (2010). Pregnancy, contraceptive use, and HIV acquisition in
HPTN 039: Relevance for HIV prevention trials among African women. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF
Fuchs J, Celum C, Wang J, Hughes J, Sanchez J, Cowan F, Reid S, Delany-Moretlwe AS,
Corey L, Wald A (2010). Clinical and virologic efficacy of herpes simplex virus type 2
suppression by acyclovir in a multicontinent clinical trial. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS
DISEASES, 201 pp. 1164 - 1168.
Delva W, Yard E, Luchters S, Chersich MF, Muigai E, Oyier V, Temmerman M (2010). A safe
motherhood project in Kenya: Assessment of antenatal attendance, service provision and
584 - 591.
Hoffman R, Black V, Technau K, Van Der Merwe KJ, Currier J, Coovadia AH, Chersich
MF (2010). Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy duration and regimen on risk for
mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Johannesburg, South Africa. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF
Chapman R, White R, Shafer L, Pettifor AE, Mugurungi O, Ross D, Pascoe S, Cowan F,
Grosskurth H, Buve A, Hayes R (2010). Do behavioural differences help to explain variations
in HIV prevalence in adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa?. TROPICAL MEDICINE &
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (5), pp. 554 - 566.
Scorgie F, Beksinska ME, Chersich MF, Kunene B, Hilber A, Smit JA (2010). "Cutting for
love": Genital incisions to enhance sexual desirability and commitment in KwaZulu-Natal,
South Africa. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS, 18 (35), pp. 64 - 73.
Michielsen K, Chersich MF, Luchters S, de Koker P, Van Rossem R, Temmerman M (2010).
Effectiveness of HIV prevention for youth in sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized and nonrandomized trials. AIDS, 24 pp. 1193 - 1202.
Vickerman P, Ndowa F, O'Farrell N, Steen R, Alary M, Delany-Moretlwe AS (2010). Using
mathematical modelling to estimate the impact of periodic presumptive treatment on the
transmission of sexually transmitted infections and HIV among female sex workers.
Yotebieng M, van Rie A, Moultrie HJ, Cole S, Adimora A, Behets F, Meyers TM (2010).
Effect on mortality and virological response of delaying antiretroviral therapy initiation in
children receiving tuberculosis treatment. AIDS, 24 pp. 1341 - 1349.
Excler J, Parks C, Ackland J, Rees VH, Gust I, Koff W (2010). Replicating viral vectors as HIV
vaccines: Summary report from the IAVI-sponsored satellite symposium at the AIDS vaccine
2009 conference. BIOLOGICALS, 38 pp. 511 - 521.
Pool R, Montgomery C, Morar N, Mweemba O, Ssali A, Gafos M, Lees S, Stadler JJ, Nunn
A, Crook A, Hayes R, McCormack S (2010). Assessing the accuracy of adherence and sexual
behaviour data in the MDP301 vaginal microbicides trial using a mixed methods and
triangulation model. PLOS ONE, 5 (7), pp. e11632-1 - e11632-9.
Pool R, Montgomery C, Morar N, Mweemba O, Ssali A, Gafos M, Lees S, Stadler JJ, Crook
A, Nunn A, Hayes R, McCormack S (2010). A mixed methods and triangulation model for
increasing the accuracy of adherence and sexual behaviour data: The Microbicides
Development Programme. PLOS ONE, 5 (7), pp. e11600-1 - e11600-10.
Viljoen M, Gous H, Kruger H, Riddick A, Meyers TM, Rheeders M (2010). Efavirenz plasma
concentrations at 1, 3, and 6 months post-antiretroviral therapy initiation in HIV type 1infected South African children. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES, 26 (6),
Other publishing departments
pp. 613 - 619.
Clayden P, Black V, Boulle A, Coovadia AH, Venter WD (2010). Efavirenz in pregnancy.
Palumbo P, Lindsey J, Hughes M, Cotton M, Bobat R, Meyers TM, Bwakura-Dangarembizi
M, Chi B, Musoke P, Kamthunzi P, Schimana W, Purdue L, Eshleman S, Abrams E, Millar L,
Petzold E, Mofenson L, Jean-Philippe P, Violari A (2010). Antiretroviral treatment for children
with peripartum nevirapine exposure. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 363 (16),
pp. 1510 - 1520.
Beksinska ME, Smit JA, Scorgie F, Dube SV, Kunene B, Martin-Hilber A, Chersich MF
(2010). Use of modern and traditional products to self-treat symptoms of sexually transmitted
infections in South African women. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STD & AIDS, 21 pp. 797
- 801.
Lingappa J, Hughes J, Wang R, Baeten J, Celum C, Gray GE, Stevens WS, Donnell D,
Campbell M, Farquhar C, Essex M, Mullins J, Coombs R, Rees VH, Corey L, Wald A
(2010). Estimating the impact of plasma HIV-1 RNA reductions on heterosexual HIV-1
transmission risk. PLOS ONE, 5 (9), pp. 1 - 7.
Lingappa J, Baeten J, Wald A, Hughes J, Thomas K, Mujugira A, Mugo N, Bukusi E,
Cohen C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G, Makhema J, Essex M,
Were E, Fife K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D,
Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany S, Delany-Moretlwe
AS, Rees VH, Vwalika B, Margaret A, Wang R, Kidoguchi L, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey
L, Celum C (2010). Daily acyclovir delays HIV-1 disease progression among HIV-1/HSV-2
dually-infected persons: A randomized trial. LANCET, 375 (9717), pp. 824 - 833.
Luchters S, Vanden Broeck D, Chersich MF, Nel A, Delva W, Mandaliya K, Depuydt C,
Claeys P, Bogers J, Temmerman M (2010). Association of HIV infection with distribution
and viral load of HPV types in Kenya: a survey with 820 female sex workers. BMC
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 10 (18), pp. 1 - 10.
Stadler JJ, Saethre E (2010). Rumours about blood and reimbursements in a microbicide gel
trial. African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR), 9 (4), pp. 345 - 353.
Osih RB, Taffe P, Rickenbach M, Gayet-Ageron A, Elzi L, Fux C, Opravil M, Bernasconi E,
Schmid P, Gunthard H, Cavassini M(2010). Outcomes of patients on dual-boosted PI
regimens: experience of the Swiss HIV cohort study. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN
RETROVIRUSES, 26 (11), pp. 1239 - 1246.
Kim H, Wang J, Hughes J, Coombs R, Sanchez J, Reid S, Delany-Moretlwe AS, Cowan
F, Fuchs J, Eshleman S, Khaki L, McMahon M, Siliciano R, Wald A, Celum C (2010).
Effect of Acylovir on HIV-1 set point among herpes simplex virus type 2 - seropositive persons
during early HIV-1 infection. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (5), pp. 734 - 738.
McCormack S, Ramjee G, Kamali A, Rees VH, Crook A, Gafos M, Jentsch M, Pool R,
Chisembele M, Kapiga S, Mutemwa R, Vallely A, Palanee T, Sookrajh Y, Lacey C,
Darbyshire J, Grosskurth H, Profy A, Nunn A, Hayes R, Weber J (2010). PRO2000
vaginal gel for prevention of HIV-1 infection (microbicides development programme 301): a
phase 3, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial. LANCET, 376 pp. 1329 - 1337.
Wallis CL, Venter WD, Stevens-Baytopp SA, Papathanasopoulos MA (2010). Case report
of the rare deletion at codon 69 of reverse transcriptase in a South Afrcian HIV-1 subtype C
infected patient. VIRUS GENES, 41 pp. 358 - 360.
Non-accredited Publications
Navario P, Bekker L, Blecher M, Darkoh E, Hecht R, McIntyre J, Nattrass N, Ramjee G, Rees
VH, Venter WD, Whiteside A, Wolvaardt G, Wood R (2010). Special report on the state of
HIV/AIDS in South Africa: The country's leading HIV experts weigh in on the status of
treatment, prevention and resourcing at the epicenter of the pandemic. Global Health
Magazine pp. 1 - 8.
Venables EC (2010). Review of Masquerades of Modernity: Power and Secrecy in
Casamance, Senegal by Ferdinand de Jong (2 ed.).
Orthopaedic Surgery
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Firth GB, Robertson AJ, Schepers A (2010). Developmental dysplasia of the hip. Open
reduction as a risk factor for substantial osteonecrosis. CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND
RELATED RESEARCH, 468 pp. 2485 - 2494.
BISCHOF FM (2010). Single event multilevel surgery in cerebral palsy: A review of the
literature. SA Orthopaedic Journal, 9 (1), pp. 30 - 33.
Firth GB, Mazibuko AD, Munir MK (2010). Traumatic dislocation of the hip joint in children.
SA Orthopaedic Journal, 9 (1), pp. 68 - 71.
Kyte RD, Wolfson R, Engelbrecht J (2010). Immediate postoperative prosthesis (IPOP)
utilisation in septic and tumour amputees in a government hospital . SA Orthopaedic Journal,
9 (1), pp. 42 - 47.
Saragas NP, Ferrao PN (2010). Achilles tendonitis: Latent foreign body. SA Orthopaedic
Journal, 9 (1), pp. 65 - 67.
Schnitzler CM, Mesquita J, Shires R (2010). Cortical and trabecular bone microarchitecture
and turnover in alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis: A histomorphometric study. JOURNAL
Mayet Z, Lukhele M, Mahomed N (2010). Risser sign - trends in a South African population.
SA Orthopaedic Journal, 9 (4), pp. 20 - 25.
Lukhele M, Buteera A (2010). Anatomic study of the atlas for surgical planning of lateral
mass screw fixation: is it safe in our population?. SA Orthopaedic Journal, 9 (4), pp. 38 - 44.
Other publishing departments
Wits/MRC Bone Research Laboratory Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Ripamonti U, Klar RM, Renton L, Ferretti C (2010). Synergistic induction of bone formation
by hOP-1, hT GHF-b3 and inhibition by zoledronate in macroporous coral-derived
hyudroxyapatites BIOMATERIALS, 31 pp. 6400 - 6410.
Ripamonti U, Roden L (2010). Induction of bone formation by transforming growth factor-b2
in the non-human primate Papio ursinus and its modulation by skeletal muscle responding
stem cells. CELL PROLIFERATION, 43 pp. 207 - 218.
Ripamonti U, Roden L (2010). Biomimetics for the induction of bone formation. EXPERT
REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES, 7 (4), pp. 469 - 479.
Non-accredited Publications
Ripamonti U, Klar RM (2010). Redundancy of osteogenetic soluble molecular signals
initiating the induction of bone formation. Science in Africa, . pp. 1 - 12.
Ripamonti U, Klar RM (2010). Quo vadis Bone Regeneration. Science in Africa, . pp. 1 - 2.
Ripamonti U (2010). Soluble and insoluble signals sculpt osteogenesis in angiogenesis.
World Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1 (5), pp. 109 - 132.
Ripamonti U, Klar RM (2010). Regenerative frontiers in craniofacial reconstruction: grand
challenges and opportunities for the mammalian transforming growth factor-b proteins.
Frontiers in Physiology, 1 pp. 1 - 7.
Chapter in Book
Non-accredited Publications
Ripamonti U, Teare J, Ferretti C (2009). The induction of bone formation from non-human to
human primates: Bone tissue engineering from laboratory to patients. Chapter 8. In R.
Schluter & V. Legard (eds.), Bone Regeneration: Growth factors, augmentation procedures
and tissue engineering applications (pp. 1-29). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Publishers. 9781-60876-621-5.
Paediatrics & Child Health
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Dheda K, Shean K, Zumla A, Badri M, Streicher E, Page-Shipp L, Willcox P, John MA,
Reubenson G, Govindasamy D, Wong ML, Padanilam XS, Dziwiecki A, van Helden P,
Siwendu S, Jarand J, Menezes CN, Burns A, Victor T, Warren R, Grobusch MP, van der Walt
M, Kvasnovsky C (2010). Early treatment outcomes and HIV status of patients with extensively
drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa: A retrospective cohort study. LANCET, 375 pp.
1798 - 1807.
Cooper PA, Bolton KD, Mokhachane M, Velaphi SC, Mphahlele RM, Bomela HN,
Monaheng L, Roux P, Haschke-Becher E (2010). Growth of infants born to HIV-positive
mothers fed a whey-adapted acidified starter formula with prebiotics and nucleotides. South
African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 23 (2), pp. 90 - 95.
Hoosen E, Cilliers AM, Hugo-Hamman C, Brown S, Harrisberg J, Takawira F, Govendragaloo
K, Lawrenson J, Hewitson J (2010). Audit of paediatric cardiac services in South Africa. SA
Heart, 7 (1), pp. 4 - 9.
Potterton JL, Stewart AV, Cooper PA, Becker P (2010). The effect of a basic home
stimulation programme on the development of young children infected with HIV.
Hoosen E, Cilliers AM, Hugo-Hamman C, Brown S, Harrisberg J, Takawira F, Govendragaloo
K, Lawrenson J, Hewitson J (2010). Optimal paediatric cardiac services in South Africa - what
do we need?. SA Heart, 7 (1), pp. 10 - 16.
Ballot DE, Chirwa TF, Cooper PA (2010). Determinants of survival in very low birth weight
neonates in a public sector hospital in Johannesburg. BMC PEDIATRICS, 10 (30), pp. 1 - 11.
Reitz C, Coovadia AH, KO S, Meyers TM, Strehlau R, Sherman GG, Kuhn L, Abrams E
(2010). Initial response to protease-indibitor-based antiretroviral therapy among children less
than 2 years of age in South Africa: Effect of co-treatment for tuberculosis. JOURNAL OF
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 201 pp. 1121 - 1131.
Hoffman R, Black V, Technau K, Van Der Merwe KJ, Currier J, Coovadia AH, Chersich MF
(2010). Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy duration and regimen on risk for mother-tochild transmission of HIV in Johannesburg, South Africa. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED
Saloojee H, Cooper PA (2010). Feeding of infants of HIV-positive mothers. CURRENT
Viljoen M, Gous H, Kruger H, Riddick A, Meyers TM, Rheeders M (2010). Efavirenz plasma
concentrations at 1, 3, and 6 months post-antiretroviral therapy initiation in HIV type 1-infected
South African children. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES, 26 (6), pp. 613 619.
Clayden P, Black V, Boulle A, Coovadia AH, Venter WD (2010). Efavirenz in pregnancy.
Sherman GG, Lilian RR, Coovadia AH (2010). Oral fluid tests for screening of human
immunodeficiency virus-exposed infants. PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL, 29
(2), pp. 169 - 172.
Coovadia AH, Abrams E, Strehlau R, Meyers TM, Martens L, Sherman GG, Hunt GM, Hu C,
Tsai W, Morris L, Kuhn L (2010). Reuse of Nevirapine in exposed HIV-infected children after
protease inhibitor-based viral suppression. JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL
ASSOCIATION, 304 (10), pp. 1082 - 1090.
Lilian RR, Bhowan K, Sherman GG (2010). Early diagnosis of human immunodeficiency
virus-1 infection in infants with the NucliSens EasyQ assay on dried blood spots. JOURNAL OF
CLINICAL VIROLOGY, 48 pp. 40 - 43.
Meyers TM, Ndung'u T (2010). Case 18-2010: a 7 year old boy with elevated HIV RNA levels
despite antiretroviral medications. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 362 pp. 2305 2312.
Pepeta L, Takawira F, Adams PE, Ntsinjana HN, Mitchell B, Cilliers AM (2010). Anomalous
origin of the left pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta in two children with pulmonary
atresia, sub-aortic ventricular septal defect and right-sided major aorto-pulmonary collateral
arteries. CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA. (First online publication), pp. 1 - 4.
Papathanasopoulos MA, Vardas E, Wallis CL, Glashoff R, Butto S, Poli G, Malnati M, Clerici
M, Ensoli B (2010). Characterization of HIV Type 1 genetic diversity among South African
participants enrolled in the AIDS vaccine integrated project (AVIP) study. AIDS RESEARCH
AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES, 26 (6), pp. 705 - 709.
Tiemessen C, Shalekoff S, Meddows-Taylor, Schramm DB, Papathanasopoulos MA, Gray
GE, Sherman GG, Coovadia AH, Kuhn L (2010). Natural killer cells that respond to human
immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) peptides are associated with control of HIV-1 infection.
JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (9), pp. 1444 - 1453.
Non-accredited Publications
Coovadia H, Mantell J (2010). Adolescents and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A timely issue
and missed opportunity.CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 51 (7), pp. 852 - 854.
Coovadia H, Ramdhial M (2010). The new WHO guidelines on infant feeding and HIV:
Bridging the gap between training, learning and doing.. SA Journal of Child Health. 4 (2), pp.
32 - 36.
White DA (2010). Paediatric pneumonia - sometimes fungal?. South African Respiratory
Journal, 16 (1), pp. 11 - 16.
Wainwright RD (2010). Retinoblastoma - to expand awareness. CME: The SA Journal of
CPD, 28 (7), pp. 308 - 312.
Cooper PA (2010). The clinical challenge of preventing and treating malnutrition. Nestle
Other publishing departments
Nutrition Workshop Series, 66 pp. 31 - 40.
Saloojee H (2010). "No, we can't": what will it take to change the "lack of" chant?., 23 (1), pp.
7 - 8.
Saloojee H (2010). Managing resources and building capacity in the context of child health.
South African Child Gauge pp. 64 - 70.
Chapters in books
Non-accredited Publications
Couper J, Jacklin LB, Couper ID (2010). How to do a developmental assessment. Chapter
25. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 143-145). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to assess growth and classify malnutrition in children.
Chapter 26. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 146-161). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to do childhood immunisation. Chapter 27. In B. Mash &
J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual
(pp. 162-166). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper ID, Saloojee H (2010). How to administer an intra-muscular injection to a child.
Chapter 28. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 167-168). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to get intravenous access in a child. Chapter 29. In
Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's
Manual (pp. 169-172). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to do a skin test for tuberculosis. Chapter 30. In B. Mash
& J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's Manual
(pp. 173-175). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Couper ID, Saloojee H (2010). How to access gestational age at birth. Chapter 55. In B.
Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse Practitioner's
Manual (pp. 284-285). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Saloojee H, Couper ID (2010). How to establish kangaroo mother care for preterm infants.
Chapter 57. In B. Mash & J. Blitz & D. Kitshoff & S. Naude (eds.), South African Clinical Nurse
Practitioner's Manual (pp. 292-293). Pretoria: Van Schaik. 978 0627 02794 9.
Birth to Twenty Research Programme
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Micklesfield LK, Evans J, Norris SA, Lambert E, Jennings C, Joffe Y, Levitt N, Goedecke J
(2010). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and anthropometric estimates of visceral fat in
black and white South African women. OBESITY, 18 (3), pp. 619 - 624.
Naicker N, Norris SA, Mathee A, von Schirnding Y, RICHTER LM (2010). Prenatal and
adolescent blood lead levels in South Africa: Child, maternal and household risk factors in the
birth to twenty cohort. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 110 pp. 355 - 362.
Naicker N, Norris SA, Mathee A, Becker P, RICHTER LM (2010). Lead exposure is
associated with a delay in the onset of puberty in South African adolescent females: Findings
from the Birth to Twenty cohort.. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 408 pp. 4949 4954.
MRC/Wits Mineral Metabolism Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Schnitzler CM, Mesquita J, Shires R (2010). Cortical and trabecular bone microarchitecture
and turnover in alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis: A histomorphometric study. JOURNAL
Kimani-Murage EW, Kahn K, Pettifor JM, Tollman SM, Dunger D, Gomez-Olive FX,
Norris SA(2010). The prevalence of stunting, overweight and obesity, and metabolic disease
risk in rural South African children. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 10 pp. 158-1 - 158-13.
Micklesfield LK, Evans J, Norris SA, Lambert E, Jennings C, Joffe Y, Levitt N, Goedecke J
(2010). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and anthropometric estimates of visceral fat in
black and white South African women. OBESITY, 18 (3), pp. 619 - 624.
Thandrayen K, Pettifor JM (2010). Maternal Vitamin D status: Implications for the
development of infantile nutritional rickets. ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM CLINICS
OF NORTH AMERICA, 39 pp. 303 - 320.
Thacher T, Fischer P, Obadofin M, Levine M, Singh R, Pettifor JM (2010). Comparison of
metabolism of Vitamins D2 and D3 in children with nutritional rickets. JOURNAL OF BONE
AND MINERAL METABOLISM, 25 pp. 1988 - 1995.
Jennings C, Micklesfield LK, Lambert M, Lambert E, Collins M, Goedecke J (2010).
Comparison of body fatness measurements by near-infrared reactance and dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry in normal-weight and obese black and white women. BRITISH JOURNAL OF
NUTRITION, 103 pp. 1065 - 1069.
Non-accredited Publications
Pettifor JM (2010). Hypophosphataemic rickets/osteomalacia - is there light at the end of the
tunnel? INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH, 131 pp. 381 - 383.
Henry H, Bouillon R, Norman A, Gallagher J, Lips P, Heaney R, Vieth R, Pettifor JM,
Dawson-Hughes B, Lamberg-Allardt C, Ebeling P (2010). 14th Vitamin D workshop
consensus on vitamin D nutritional guidelines. JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY
Chapters in books
Non-accredited Publications
Pettifor JM, Fischer P, Thacher T (2010). Dietary calcium deficiency and rickets. Chapter 34.
In M. Holick (ed.), Nutrition and Health: Vitamin D (pp. 651-667). New York: Springer Science
& Business Media. ..
Perinatal HIV Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Madhi SA, Adrian PV, Cotton M, McIntyre JA, Jean-Philippe P, Meadows S, Nachman S,
Kayhty H, Klugman KP, Violari A (2010). Effect of HIV infection status and anti-retroviral
treatment on quantitative and qualitative antibody responses to pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine in infants. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (3), pp. 355 - 361.
Grimsrud A, Fairall L, Cornell M, van Cutsem G, Giddy J, Wood R, Prozesky H, Mohapi L,
Graber C, Egger M, Boulle A, Myer L, Fox M (2010). Temporal changes in programme
outcomes among adult patients initiating antiretroviral therapy across South Africa, 20022007. AIDS, 24 pp. 2263 - 2270.
Cooper D, Heera J, Goodrich J, Tawadrous M, Saag M, DeJesus E, Clumeck N, Walmsley S,
Ting N, Coakley E, Reeves J, Reyes-Teran G, Westby M, Van Der Ryst E, Ive P, Mohapi L,
Mingrone H, Horban A, Hackman F, Sullivan J, Mayer H (2010). Maraviroc versus efavirenz,
both in combination with zidovudine-lamivudine, for the treatment of antiretroviral-naive
subjects with CCR5-Tropic HIV-1 infection. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 201 pp.
803 - 813.
Lockman S, Hughes M, McIntyre JA, Zheng Y, Chipato T, CONRADIE FM, Sawe A,
Asmelash A, Hosseinipour M, Mohapi L, Stringer E, Mngqibisa R, Siika A, Atwine D, Hakim
J, Schaffer D, Kanyama C, Wools-Kaloustian K, Salata R, Hogg E, Alston-Smith B,
Walawander A, Purcelle-Smith E, Eshleman S, Rooney J, Rahim S, Mellors J, Schooley R,
Currier J (2010). Antiretroviral therapies in women after single-dose nevirapine exposure.
Other publishing departments
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 363 (16), pp. 1499 - 1509.
Venkatesh K, De Bruyn G, Lurie M, Mohapi L, Pronyk P, Moshabela M, Marinda E, Gray
GE, Triche E, Martinson N (2010). Decreased sexual risk behavior in the era of HAART
among HIV-infected urban and rural South Africans attending primary care clinics. AIDS, 24
pp. 2687 - 2696.
Venkatesh K, De Bruyn G, Lurie M, Lentle K, Tshabangu N, Moshabela M, Martinson N
(2010). Patient referral from nurses to doctors in a nurse-led HIV primary care clinic in South
Africa: Implicaions for training and support. AIDS CARE, . pp. 1 - 8.
Celum C, Wald A, Lingappa J, Margaret A, Wang R, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Baeten J, Mullins J,
Hughes J, Bukusi E, Cohen C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G,
Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R,
Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, DelanyMoretlwe AS, Rees VH, Vwalika B, Stevens WS, Campbell M, Thomas K, Coombs R,
Morrow R, Whittington W, McElrath M, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L (2010). Acyclovir and
transmission of HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2. NONLINEAR ANALYSISREAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, 362 (5), pp. 427 - 439.
Lingappa J, Baeten J, Wald A, Hughes J, Thomas K, Mujugira A, Mugo N, Bukusi E, Cohen
C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G, Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife
K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manangi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao
M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany-Moretlwe AS, Rees VH, Vwalika B,
Margaret A, Wang R, Kidoguchi L, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L, Celum C (2010). Daily
aciclovir for HIV-1 disease progression in people dually infected with HIV-1 and herpes
simplex virus type 2: A randomised placebo-controlled trial. LANCET, 375 pp. 824 - 833.
Palumbo P, Lindsey J, Hughes M, Cotton M, Bobat R, Meyers TM, Bwakura-Dangarembizi
M, Chi B, Musoke P, Kamthunzi P, Schimana W, Purdue L, Eshleman S, Abrams E, Millar L,
Petzold E, Mofenson L, Jean-Philippe P, Violari A (2010). Antiretroviral treatment for children
with peripartum nevirapine exposure. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 363 (16),
pp. 1510 - 1520.
Tiemessen C, Shalekoff S, Meddows-Taylor, Schramm DB, Papathanasopoulos MA,
Gray GE, Sherman GG, Coovadia AH, Kuhn L (2010). Natural killer cells that respond to
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) peptides are associated with control of HIV-1
infection. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (9), pp. 1444 - 1453.
van der Straten A, Cheng H, Chidanyika A, De Bruyn G, Padian N, MIRA Team t (2010).
Vaginal practices and associations with barrier methods and gel use among Sub-Saharan
African women enrolled in an HIV prevention trial. AIDS AND BEHAVIOR, 14 pp. 590 - 599.
Essack Z, Slack C, Koen J, Gray GE (2010). HIV prevention responsibilities in HIV vaccine
trials: Complexities facing South African researchers. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal,
100 (1), pp. 45 - 48.
Laher F, Ashford G, Cescon A, Cullen C, Lazarus EM, Puren A, Visser L (2010). Held to
ransom - CMV treatment in South Africa. SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HIV
MEDICINE, 0 pp. 31 - 34.
De Bruyn G, Martinson N, Gray GE (2010). Male circumcision for HIV prevention:
Developments from sub-Saharan Africa. EXPERT REVIEW OF ANTI-INFECTIVE THERAPY,
8 (1), pp. 23 - 31.
Laher F, Todd C, Stibich M, Phofa R, Behane X, Mohapi L, Martinson N, Gray GE (2010).
Role of menstruation in contraceptive choice among HIV-infected women in Soweto, South
Africa. CONTRACEPTION, 81 pp. 547 - 551.
Venkatesh K, Lurie M, Triche E, De Bruyn G, Harwell J, McGarvey S, Gray GE (2010).
Growth of infants born to HIV-infected women in South Africa according to maternal and
infant characteristics. TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (11), pp. 1364
- 1374.
Katz I, Ware N, Gray GE, Haberer J, Mellins C, Bangsberg D (2010). Scaling up human
papillomavirus vaccination: A conceptual framework of vaccine adherence. SEXUAL
HEALTH, 7 pp. 279 - 286.
Bridges J, Selck F, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Martinson N (2010). Condom avoidance and
determinants of demand for male circumcision in Johannesburg, South Africa. HEALTH
Kaida A, Laher F, Strathdee S, Money D, Janssen P, Hogg R, Gray GE (2010).
Contraceptive use and method preference among women in Soweto, South Africa: The
influence of expanding access to HIV care and treatment services. PLOS ONE, 5 (11), pp. 1 9.
El-Khatib Z, Ekstrom A, Ledwaba J, Mohapi L, Laher F, Karstaedt AS, Charalambous S,
Petzold M, Katzenstein D, Morris L (2010). Viremia and drug resistance among HIV-1 patients
on antiretroviral treatment: A cross-sectional study in Soweto, South Africa. AIDS, 24 (11), pp.
1679 - 1687.
Venkatesh K, De Bruyn G, Marinda E, Otwombe KS, Van Niekerk RM, Urban M, Triche E,
McGarvey S, Gray GE, Lurie M (2010). Morbidity and mortality among infants born to HIVinfected women in South Africa: Implications for child health in resource-limited settings.
Hanrahan C, Golub J, Mohapi L, Tshabangu N, Modisenyane T, Chaisson R, Gray GE,
McIntyre JA, Martinson N (2010). Body mass index and risk of tuberculosis and death.
AIDS, 24 (10), pp. 1501 - 1508.
Gray GE (2010). Adolescent HIV - Cause for concern in Southern Africa. PLOS MEDICINE, 7
(2), pp. 1 - 4.
Donnell D, Baeten J, Kiarie J, Thomas K, Stevens WS, Cohen C, McIntyre JA, Lingappa J,
Celum C(2010). Heterosexual HIV-1 transmission after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: A
prospective cohort analysis. LANCET, 375 (9731), pp. 2092 - 2098.
Lingappa J, Hughes J, Wang R, Baeten J, Celum C, Gray GE, Stevens WS, Donnell D,
Campbell M, Farquhar C, Essex M, Mullins J, Coombs R, Rees VH, Corey L, Wald A (2010).
Estimating the impact of plasma HIV-1 RNA reductions on heterosexual HIV-1 transmission
risk. PLOS ONE, 5 (9), pp. 1 - 7.
Lingappa J, Baeten J, Wald A, Hughes J, Thomas K, Mujugira A, Mugo N, Bukusi E, Cohen
C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G, Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife
K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao
M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany S, Delany-Moretlwe AS, Rees VH, Vwalika
B, Margaret A, Wang R, Kidoguchi L, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L, Celum C (2010). Daily
acyclovir delays HIV-1 disease progression among HIV-1/HSV-2 dually-infected persons: A
randomized trial. LANCET, 375 (9717), pp. 824 - 833.
Non-accredited Publications
Laher F, Miller S, Spencer D (2010). Addressing fears of pregnancy in HIV-infected women
on highly active ART. Medical Chronicle, 0 pp. 71 - 71.
De Bruyn G (2010). Cofactors that may influence vaccine responses. Current Opinion in HIV
and AIDS, 5 pp. 404 - 408.
Gray GE, Buchbinder S, Duerr A (2010). Overview of STEP and Phambili trial results: Two
phase 1lb test-of-concept studies investigating the efficacy of MRK adenovirus type 5
gag/pol/nef subtype B HIV vaccine . Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS, 5 pp. 357 - 361.
Bridges J, Searle S, Selck F, Martinson N (2010). Engaging families in the choice of social
marketing strategies for male circumcision services in Johannesburg, South Africa. Social
Marketing Quarterly, 16 (3), pp. 60 - 76.
Laher F, Miller S, Spencer D (2010). Diagnosis and treatment of Cytomegalovirus in SA AIDS
patients. Medical Chronicle, 0 pp. 61 - 61.
Chapter in Book
Non-accredited Publications
Gray GE, Laher F, Lazarus EM (2010). The management of pain in adults and children living
with HIV/AIDS. Chapter 26. In A. Kopf & N. Patel (eds.), Guide to Pain Management in Low
Resource Settings (pp. 195-204). Seattle: ISAP. 0.
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Manger PR, Hemingway J, Haagensen M, Gilissen E (2010). Cross-sectional area of the
elephant corpus callosum: Comparison to other eutherian mammals. NEUROSCIENCE, 167
pp. 815 - 824.
Other publishing departments
Pettigrew J, Bhagwandin A, Haagensen M, Manger PR (2010). Visual acuity and
heterogeneities of retinal ganglion cell densities and the tapetum lucidum of the African
elephant (Loxodonta Africana). BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION, 75 pp. 251 - 261.
Dheda K, Shean K, Zumla A, Badri M, Streicher E, Page-Shipp L, Willcox P, John MA,
Reubenson G, Govindasamy D, Wong ML, Padanilam XS, Dziwiecki A, van Helden P,
Siwendu S, Jarand J, Menezes CN, Burns A, Victor T, Warren R, Grobusch MP, van der
Walt M, Kvasnovsky C (2010). Early treatment outcomes and HIV status of patients with
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa: A retrospective cohort study.
LANCET, 375 pp. 1798 - 1807.
van Wyk MJ, Mahomed N (2010). The hilum overlay sign in a child. SA Journal of
Radiology, 14 (4), pp. 122 - 123.
Goodier MD, Rubin G (2010). Echinococcal disease of the bone: an unusual cause of a
pathological fracture. SA Journal of Radiology, 14 (4), pp. 116 - 117.
MEERKOTTER D, Rubin G (2010). Diabetic mastopathy: a clinical and radiological
challenge. SA Journal of Radiology, 14 (4), pp. 113 - 115.
Scheepers S, Andronikou S (2010). Beware of the bifid rib!. SA Journal of Radiology, 14
(4), pp. 104 - 104.
Suleman F, Mngomezulu V, Ebrahim N (2010). Uraemic tumoral clacinosis in patients on
haemodialysis in the renal unit at Dr George Mukhari Hospital, Pretoria. SA Journal of
Radiology, 14 (4), pp. 87 - 90.
Grobbelaar M, Andronikou S (2010). Is airway diameter measured accurately on routine
axial CT scans? comparison with true axial diameter using MPR in children with airway
compression owing to pulmonary TB. SA Journal of Radiology, 14 (4), pp. 56 - 61.
Mayet Z, Lukhele M, Mahomed N (2010). Risser sign - trends in a South African population.
SA Orthopaedic Journal, 9 (4), pp. 20 - 25.
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Green-Thompson LP, Mc Inerney PA, Veller MG (2010). The evaluation of bedside
teaching - an instrument for staff evaluation and student experience: A pilot study at a South
African university. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 48 pp. 50 - 52.
Sliwa-Hahnle K, Carrington M, Mayosi B, Zigiriadis E, Mvungi RS, Stewart S (2010).
Incidence and characteristics of newly diagnosed rheumatic heart disease in urban African
adults: Insights from the Heart of Soweto study. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 31 (6), pp.
719 - 727.
Swanepoel D, Storbeck C, Friedland PL (2009). Early hearing detection and intervention in
pp. 783 - 786.
Ripamonti U, Klar RM, Renton L, Ferretti C (2010). Synergistic induction of bone formation
by hOP-1, hT GHF-b3 and inhibition by zoledronate in macroporous coral-derived
hyudroxyapatites. BIOMATERIALS, 31 pp. 6400 - 6410.
Abdool-Carrim AT, Veller MG (2010). Vascular surgical education in a medium-income
S22 - S24.
McMullin N, Wade C, Holcomb J, Nielsen T, Rossaint R, Riou B, Rizoli S, Kluger Y, Choong
P, Warren B, Tortella B, Boffard KD (2010). Prolonged prothrombin time after recombinant
activated factor VII therapy in critically bleeding trauma patients is associated with adverse
60 - 69.
Hauser C, Boffard KD, Dutton R, Bernard G, Croce M, Holcomb J, Leppaniemi A, Parr M,
Vincent J, Tortella B, Dimsits J, Bouillon B (2010). Results of the CONTROL trial: Efficacy and
safety of recombinant activated factor VII in the management of refractory traumatic
pp. 489 - 500.
Non-accredited Publications
Brink A, Bizos DB, Boffard KD, Feldman C, Pretorius J, Richards GA, Senekal M, Steyn E,
Welkovic N, Grolman DC (2010). Guideline: Appropriate use of tigecycline. SAMJ SOUTH
AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 pp. 388 - 394.
Macgoey P, Schamm MR, Degiannis E (2010). Tension pneumopericardium: Case report.
Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 16 (5), pp. 477 - 479.
Loveland JA (2010). South Africa has a particularly high volume of blunt trauma in paediatric
injury. Continuing Medical Education (CME), 28 (3), pp. 127 - 129.
Knoetze R, Wan YO, van molendorff v (2010). Case report: Gastric perforation as a
complication of an intragastric balloon. Continuing Medical Education (CME), 28 (8), pp. 392 392.
Brink A, Bizos DB, Boffard KD, Feldman C, Grolman D, Pretorius J, Richards GA, Steyn E
(2010). Guideline summary: Appropriate use of tigecycline. SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL
Chapters in Books
Non-accredited Publications
Veller MG, Pillai J (2009). Vascular injuries. Chapter 0. In O. Adekunle & A. Adeloye & O.
Awihibu (eds.), Davey's Companion to Surgery in Africa (pp. 33-39). Eruwa: Acecool Medical
Publishers. 9780978-902-469-8.
Other publishing departments
School of Oral Health Sciences
Experimental Odontology
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Cleaton-Jones PE, Fatti LP (2009).dental caries in children in South Africa and Swaziland: A
systematic review 1919-2007. INTERNATIONAL DENTAL JOURNAL, 59 (6), pp. 363-368
Oral Pathology
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Mahomed F (2010). Neuroendocrine cells and associated malignancies of the oral mucosa: a
review. JOURNAL OF ORAL PATHOLOGY & MEDICINE, 39 pp. 121 - 127.
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Patel M, Ndlovu N, Owen CP, Veale RB (2010). Properties of a new mouthrinse for patients
receiving radiation therapy. South African Dental Journal (Journal of the Dental Association of
South Africa), 65 (9), pp. 410 - 414.
Non-accredited Publications
Owen CP, Sykes LM (2010). Students' guide to complete denture construction. SOUTH
AFRICAN DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (9), pp. 436 - 437.
Owen CP (2010). Just imagine... A short tribute to Nelson Mandela: QUINTESSENCE
School of Pathology
Academic journal articles
Phillips JI, Green F, Davies JC, Murray J (2010). Pulmonary and systemic toxicity following
exposure to nickel nanoparticles. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, . pp. 1 - 5.
Phillips JI, Murray J (2010). Malignant mesothelioma in a patient with anthophyllite asbestos
fibres in the lungs. ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE, 54 (4), pp. 412 - 416.
Anatomical Pathology
Academic journal articles
Moche MJ, Glassman SJ, Modi D, Grayson W (2010). Cutaneous annular sarcoidosis
developing on a background of exogenous ochronosis: A report of two cases and review of
the literature. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY, 35 (4), pp. 399 - 402.
Firnhaber C, Van Le H, Pettifor A, Schulze D, Michelow PM, Sanne IM, Lewis DA,
Williamson A, Allan B, Williams S, Rinas A, Levin SL, Smith J (2010). Association between
cervical dysplasia and human papillomavirus in HIV seropositive women from Johannesburg
South Africa. CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL, 21 pp. 433 - 443.
Michelow PM, Dezube B, Pantanowitz L (2010). Fine needle aspiration of breast masses in
HIV-infected patients. CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY, 118 pp. 218 - 224.
O'Donnell P, Pantonowitz L, Grayson W (2010). Unique histologic variants of cutaneous
kaposi sarcoma. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOPATHOLOGY, 32 (3), pp. 244 - 250.
Dubb M, Michelow PM (2010). Cytologic features of chondroid syringoma in fine needle
aspiration biopsies. ACTA CYTOLOGICA, 54 pp. 183 - 186.
Phillips JI, Green F, Davies JC, Murray J (2010). Pulmonary and systemic toxicity following
exposure to nickel nanoparticles. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, . pp. 1 - 5
Phillips JI, Murray J (2010). Malignant mesothelioma in a patient with anthophyllite asbestos
fibres in the lungs. ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE, 54 (4), pp. 412 – 416
Chemical Pathology
Academic journal articles
Padoa CJ, Larsen S, Hampe C, Gilbert J, Dagdan E, Hegedus L, Dunn-Walters D, Banga J
(2010). Clonal relationships between thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor-stimulating
antibodies illustrate the effect of hypermutation on antibody function. IMMUNOLOGY, 129 (2),
pp. 300 - 308.
Sadie-Van Gijsen H, Crowther NJ, Hough F, Ferris W (2010). Depot-specific differences in
the insulin response of adipose-derived stromal cells. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR
ENDOCRINOLOGY, 328 pp. 22 - 27.
Rubin DM, Richards CL, Keene PA, Paicker JE, Gray AR, Herron RF, Russell MJ,
Wigdorowitz B (2010). System dynamics in medical education: a tool for life. ADVANCES IN
HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION, doi:10.1007 pp. 1 - 8.
Crowther NJ, Ferris W (2010). The impact of insulin resistance, gender, genes,
glucocorticoids and ethinicity on body fat distribution. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY,
Other publishing departments
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Academic journal articles
Feldman C, Brink A, Von Gottberg AM, Wolter N, De Gouveia L, Perovic O, Klugman KP
(2010). Antimicrobial susceptibility of pneumococcal isolates causing bacteraemic
pneumococcal pneumonia: Analysis using current breakpoints and fluoroquinolone
- 97.
Patel M, Ndlovu N, Owen CP, Veale RB (2010). Properties of a new mouthrinse for patients
receiving radiation therapy. South African Dental Journal (Journal of the Dental Association of
South Africa), 65 (9), pp. 410 - 414.
Dheda K, Shean K, Zumla A, Badri M, Streicher E, Page-Shipp L, Willcox P, John MA,
Reubenson G, Govindasamy D, Wong ML, Padanilam XS, Dziwiecki A, van Helden P,
Siwendu S, Jarand J, Menezes CN, Burns A, Victor T, Warren R, Grobusch MP, van der
Walt M, Kvasnovsky C (2010). Early treatment outcomes and HIV status of patients with
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa: A retrospective cohort study. LANCET,
375 pp. 1798 - 1807.
Du Plessis M, De Gouveia L, Skosana B, Thomas J, Blumberg LH, Klugman KP, Von
Gottberg AM (2010). Invasive Neisseria meningitidis with decreased susceptibility to
fluoroquinolones in South Africa, 2009. JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY,
65 (10), pp. 2258 - 2260.
Mhlongo S, Magooa MP, Muller E, Nel N, Radebe FM, Wasserman E, Lewis DA (2010).
Etiology and STI/HIV coinfections among patients with urethral and vaginal discharge
syndromes in South Africa. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, 37 (9), pp. 566 - 570.
Lowman W, Aithma N (2010). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and profiling of Nocardia
species and other aerobic actinomycetes from South Africa: comparative evaluation of broth
microdilution versus the etest. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 48 (12), pp. 4534 4540.
Human Genetics
Academic journal articles
Krause A, Feben CL, Van Wyk C, Huddle KR, Raal FJ (2010). Unusual
phaeochromocytomas in African families: The importance of genetic testing. JOURNAL OF
pp. 92 - 94.
Tikly M, Govind NH, Frost JM, Ramsay M (2010). The PTPN22 R620W polymorphism is
not associated with systemic rheumatic diseases in South Africans. RHEUMATOLOGY, 49
pp. 820 - 821.
Williams SE, Whigham B, Liu Y, Carmichael TR, Qin X, Schmidt S, Ramsay M, Hauser M,
Allingham R (2010). Major LOXL1 risk allele is reversed in exfoliation glaucoma in a black
South African population. MOLECULAR VISION, 16 pp. 705 - 712.
Todd CJ, Haw TS, Kromberg JG, Christianson AL (2010). Genetic counselling for fetal
abnormalities in a South African community. JOURNAL OF GENETIC COUNSELING, 19 (3),
pp. 247 - 254.
Valente E, Logan C, Mougou-Zerelli S, L C P, Silhavy J, Brancati F, Iannicelli M,
Travaglini L, Romani S, Illi B, Adams M, Szymanska K, Mazzotta A, Eun Lee J, Swistun
D, Tolentino J, Salpietro C, Fede C, Gabriel S, Russ C, Cibulskis K, Sougnez C,
Hildebrandt F, Otto E, Held S, Diplas B, Davis E, Mikula M, Strom C, Ben-Ze'ev B, Lev D,
Sagie T, Michelson M, Yaron Y, Krause A, Boltshauser E, Elkhartoufi N, Roume J,
Shalev S, Munnich A, Saunier S, Inglehearn C, Saad A, Alkindy A, Thomas S,
Vekemans M, Dallapiccola B, Katsanis N, Johnson C, Attie-Bitach T, Gleeson J (2010).
Mutations in TMEM216 perturb ciliogenesis and cause Joubert, Meckel and related
syndromes. NATURE GENETICS, 42 (7), pp. 619 - 625.
Academic journal articles
Hodkinson BD, Meyer P, Musenge E, Ally M, Wadee AA, Anderson R, Tikly M (2010).
The diagnostic utility of the anti-CCP antibody test is no better than rheumatoid factor in
South Africans with early rheumatoid arthritis. CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, 29 pp. 615 618.
MRC/Wits Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Mangtani P, Mulholland K, Madhi SA, Edmond K, O'Loughlin R, Hajjeh R (2010).
Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in HIV-infected children: A review of the disease
epidemiology and effectiveness of Hib conjugate vaccines. VACCINE, 28 pp. 1677 - 1683.
Madhi SA, Adrian PV, Cotton M, McIntyre JA, Jean-Philippe P, Meadows S, Nachman S,
Kayhty H, Klugman KP, Violari A (2010). Effect of HIV infection status and anti-retroviral
treatment on quantitative and qualitative antibody responses to pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine in infants. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (3), pp. 355 - 361.
Ramakrishnan M, Moisi J, Klugman KP, Iglesias J, Grant L, Mpoudi-Etame M, Levine O
(2010). Increased risk of invasive bacterial infections in African people with sickle-cell
disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 10 pp.
329 - 337.
Theodoratou E, Johnson S, Jhass A, Madhi SA, Clark A, Boschi-Pinto C, Bhopal S, Rudan I,
Campbell H (2010). The effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal
conjugate vaccines on childhood pneumonia incidence, severe morbidity and mortality.
Madhi SA, Cunliffe N, Steele D, Witte D, Kirsten M, Louw C, Ngwira B, Victor J, Gillard P,
Cheuvart B, Han H, Neuzil K (2010). Effect of human rotavirus vaccine on severe diarrhea in
African infants. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 362 (4), pp. 289 - 298.
Weinberger D, Harboe Z, Sanders E, Ndiritu M, Klugman KP, Ruckinger S, Dagan R,
Adegbola R, Cutts F, Johnson H, O'Brien K, Scott J, Lipsitch M (2010). Association of
serotype with risk of death due to pneumococcal pneumonia: A meta-analysis. CLINICAL
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 51 (6), pp. 692 - 699.
Ladhani S, Slack M, Heath P, Von Gottberg AM, Chandra M, Ramsay M (2010). Invasive
Haemophilus influenzae disease, Europe, 1996-2006. EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
16 pp. 455 - 463.
Dini L, Du Plessis M, Frean JA, Fernandez V (2010). High prevalence of dihydropteroate
synthase mutations in Pneumocystis jirovecii isolated from patients with Pneumocystis
pneumonia in South Africa . JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 48 (6), pp. 2016 2021.
Mothibeli KM, Du Plessis M, Von Gottberg AM, De Gouveia L, Adrian PV, Madhi SA,
Klugman KP (2010). An unusual pneumococcal sequence type is the predominant cause of
serotype 3 invasive disease in South Africa. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 48
Other publishing departments
(1), pp. 184 - 191.
Cohen C, Singh E, Wu H, Martin S, De Gouveia L, Klugman KP, Meiring ST, Govender
NP, Von Gottberg AM (2010). Increased incidence of meningococcal disease in HIV-infected
individuals associated with higher case-fatality ratios in South Africa. AIDS, 24 pp. 1351 1360.
Nair H, Nokes D, Gessner B, Dherani M, Madhi SA, Singleton R, O'Brien K, Roca A, Wright
P, Bruce N, Chandran A, Theodoratou E, Sutanto A, Sedyaningsih E, Ngama M, Munywoki P,
Kartasasmita C, Simoes E, Rudan I, Weber M, Campbell H (2010). Global burden of acute
lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in young children: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. LANCET, 375 (9725), pp. 1545 - 1555.
Feldman C, Brink A, Von Gottberg AM, Wolter N, De Gouveia L, Perovic O, Klugman KP
(2010). Antimicrobial susceptibility of pneumococcal isolates causing bacteraemic
pneumococcal pneumonia: Analysis using current breakpoints and fluoroquinolone
- 97.
Du Plessis M, De Gouveia L, Skosana B, Thomas J, Blumberg LH, Klugman KP, Von
Gottberg AM (2010). Invasive Neisseria meningitidis with decreased susceptibility to
fluoroquinolones in South Africa, 2009. JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY,
65 (10), pp. 2258 - 2260.
Moore DP, Klugman KP, Madhi SA (2010). Role of Streptococcus pneumoniae in
Hospitalization for Acute Community-acquired Pneumonia Associated With Culture-confirmed
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Children: A Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Probe Study.
Molecular Medicine and Haematology
Academic journal articles
Wallis CL, Mellors J, Venter WD, Sanne IM, Stevens WS (2010). Varied patterns of HIV-1
drug resistance on failing first-line antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF
Fish MQ, Hewer R, Wallis CL, Venter WD, Stevens WS, Papathanasopoulos MA (2010).
Natural polymorphisms of integrase among HIV type 1-infected South African patients. AIDS
Sanne IM, Orrell C, Fox M, CONRADIE FM, Ive P, Zeinecker J, Cornell M, Heiberg C,
INGRAM CF, Panchia R, Rassool MS, Gonin R, Stevens WS, Truter H, Dehlinger M, Van
der Horst C, McIntyre J, Wood R (2010). Nurse versus doctor management of HIV-infected
patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (CIPRA-SA): A randomised non-inferiority trial.
LANCET, 376 (9734), pp. 33 - 40.
Celum C, Wald A, Lingappa J, Margaret A, Wang R, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Baeten J, Mullins J,
Hughes J, Bukusi E, Cohen C, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart G,
Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife K, De Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R,
Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, DelanyMoretlwe AS, Rees VH, Vwalika B, Stevens WS, Campbell M, Thomas K, Coombs R,
Morrow R, Whittington W, McElrath M, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L (2010). Acyclovir and
transmission of HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2. NEW ENGLAND
JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 362 (5), pp. 427 - 439.
Delany-Moretlwe AS, Jentsch U, Weiss H, Moyes J, Ashley-Morrow R, Stevens WS,
Mayaud P(2010). Comparison of focus HerpesSelect and Kalon HSV-2 gG2 ELISA
serological assays to detect herpes simplex virus type 2 antibodies in a South African
population. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, 86 pp. 46 - 50.
Reitz C, Coovadia AH, Ko S, Meyers TM, Strehlau R, Sherman GG, Kuhn L, Abrams E
(2010). Initial response to protease-indibitor-based antiretroviral therapy among children less
than 2 years of age in South Africa: Effect of co-treatment for tuberculosis. JOURNAL OF
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 201 pp. 1121 - 1131.
Van Rie A, Page-Shipp LS, Scott LE, Sanne IM, Stevens WS (2010). Xpert MTB/RIF for
point-of-care diagnosis of TB in high-HIV burden, resource-limited countries: hype or hope?.
Durand PM, Hazelhurst SE, Coetzer TL (2010). Evolutionary rates at codon sites may be
used to align sequences and infer protein domain function. BIOINFORMATICS, 11:151 pp. 1 8.
Rubin DM, Richards CL, Keene PA, Paicker JE, Gray AR, Herron RF, Russell MJ,
Wigdorowitz B (2010). System dynamics in medical education: a tool for life. ADVANCES IN
HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION, doi:10.1007 pp. 1 - 8.
Sherman GG, Lilian RR, Coovadia AH (2010). Oral fluid tests for screening of human
immunodeficiency virus-exposed infants. PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL, 29
(2), pp. 169 - 172.
Coovadia AH, Abrams E, Strehlau R, Meyers TM, Martens L, Sherman GG, Hunt GM, Hu
C, Tsai W, Morris L, Kuhn L (2010). Reuse of Nevirapine in exposed HIV-infected children
after protease inhibitor-based viral suppression. JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN
MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 304 (10), pp. 1082 - 1090.
Lilian RR, Bhowan K, Sherman GG (2010). Early diagnosis of human immunodeficiency
virus-1 infection in infants with the NucliSens EasyQ assay on dried blood spots. JOURNAL
OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY, 48 pp. 40 - 43.
Wallis CL, Papathanasopoulos MA, Lakhi S, Karita E, Kamali A, Kaleebu P, Sanders E,
Anzala O, Bekker L, Stevens G, Rinke de Wit T, Stevens WS (2010). Affordable in-house
antiretroviral drug resistance assay with good performance in non-subtype B HIV-1.
Papathanasopoulos MA, Vardas E, Wallis CL, Glashoff R, Butto S, Poli G, Malnati M,
Clerici M, Ensoli B (2010). Characterization of HIV Type 1 genetic diversity among South
African participants enrolled in the AIDS vaccine integrated project (AVIP) study. AIDS
Cerutti N, Mendelow BV, Napier G, Papathanasopoulos MA, Killick M, Khati M, Stevens
WS, Capovilla A (2010). Stabilization of HIV-1 gp 120-CD4 receptor complex through
targeted interchain disulfide exchange. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 285 (33),
pp. 25743 - 25752.
Tiemessen C, Shalekoff S, Meddows-Taylor, Schramm DB, Papathanasopoulos MA,
Gray GE, Sherman GG, Coovadia AH, Kuhn L (2010). Natural killer cells that respond to
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) peptides are associated with control of HIV-1
infection. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (9), pp. 1444 - 1453.
Suchard MS, Mayne ES, Green VA, Shalekoff S, Donninger SL, Stevens WS, Gray CM,
Tiemessen C (2010). FOXP3 expression is upregulated in CD4+T cells in progressive HIV-1
infection and is a marker of disease severity. PLOS ONE, 5 (7), pp. 1 - 10.
Donnell D, Baeten J, Kiarie J, Thomas K, Stevens WS, Cohen C, McIntyre JA, Lingappa
J, Celum C (2010). Heterosexual HIV-1 transmission after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: A
prospective cohort analysis. LANCET, 375 (9731), pp. 2092 - 2098.
Wallis CL, Venter WD, Stevens-Baytopp SA, Papathanasopoulos MA (2010). Case report
of the rare deletion at codon 69 of reverse transcriptase in a South Afrcian HIV-1 subtype C
infected patient. VIRUS GENES, 41 pp. 358 - 360.
Other publishing departments
Antiviral Gene Therapy Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Dyer VK, Ely A, Bloom KM, Weinberg MS, Arbuthnot PB (2010). tRNALys3 promoter
cassettes that efficiently express RNAi-activating antihepatitis B virus short hairpin RNAs .
Arbuthnot PB (2010). Harnessing RNA interference for the treatment of viral infections. DRUG
NEWS & PERSPECTIVES, 23 (6), pp. 341 - 350.
Mevel M, Kamaly N, Carmona SC, Oliver M, Jorgensen M, Crowther C, Salazar F, Marion P,
Fujino M, Natori Y, Thanou M, Arbuthnot PB, Yaouanc J, Jaffres P, Miller A (2010). DODAG; a
versatile new cationic lipid that mediates efficient delivery of pDNA and siRNA. JOURNAL OF
CONTROLLED RELEASE, 143 pp. 222 - 232. Saayman S, Arbuthnot PB, Weinberg MS
(2010). Deriving four [function]al anti-HIV siRNAs from a single Pol 111-generated transcript
comprising two adjacent long haripin RNA precursors . NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 38 pp.
6652 - 6663.
Islam R, Johnson MM, Mohammed R, Hean J, Arbuthnot PB, De Koning CB, Van Otterlo
WA (2010). The synthesis of substituted piperazine-cholesterol conjugates for use as
components of nucleic acid transfection lipoplexes . SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF
Mowa BM, Crowther C, Arbuthnot PB (2010). Therapeutic potential of adenoviral vectors for
delivery of expressed RNAi activators. EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY, 7 (12), pp.
1373 - 1385.
Malaria Entomology Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Matambo TS, Paine M, Coetzee M, Koekemoer LL (2010). Sequence characterization of
cytochrome P450 CYP6P9 in pyrethroid resistant and susceptible Anopheles funestus (Diptera:
Culicidae). GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH, 9 (1), pp 554-564.
Brooke BD, Koekemoer LL (2010). Major effect genes or loose confederations? The
development of insecticide resistance in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. PARASITES &
VECTORS, 3 (74), pp 1-8.
Wood OR, Hanrahan SA, Coetzee M, Koekemoer LL, Brooke BD (2010). Cuticle thickening
associated with pyrethroid resistance in the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus.
PARASITES & VECTORS, 3 (67), pp 1-7.
Balkew M, Ibrahim M, Koekemoer LL, Brooke BD, Engers H, Asseffa A, Gebre-Michael T,
Elhassen I (2010). Insecticide resistance in Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) from
villages in central, northern and south west Ethiopia and detection of kdr mutation. PARASITES
& VECTORS, 3 (40), pp 1-6.
Coleman M, Coleman M, Mabaso M, Mabuza A, Kok G, Coetzee M, Durrheim D (2010).
Household and microeconomic factors associated with malaria in Mpumalanga South Africa.
pp. 143-147.
Oliver SV, Kaiser ML, Wood OR, Coetzee M, Rowland M, Brooke BD (2010). Evaluation of the
pyrrole insecticide chlorfenapyr against pyrethroid resistant and susceptible Anopheles funestus
(Diptera: Culicidae). TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (1), pp. 127-131.
Kikankie C, Brooke BD, Knols BG, Koekemoer LL, Farenhorst M, Hunt RH, Thomas MN,
Coetzee M (2010). The infectivity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana to
insecticide-resistant and susceptible Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes at two different
temperatures. MALARIA JOURNAL, 9 (71), pp 1-9.
Choi K, Coetzee M, Koekemoer LL (2010). Simultaneous identification of the Anopheles
funestus group and Anopheles longipalpis type X by PCR-RFLP. MALARIA JOURNAL, 9 (316),
pp. 1-5.
Hunt RH, Edwardes M, Coetzee M (2010). Pyrethroid resistance in southern African Anopheles
funestus extends to Likoma Island in Lake Malawi. PARASITES & VECTORS, 3 (122), pp. 1-4.
Choi K, Spillings BL, Coetzee M, Hunt RH, Koekemoer LL (2010). A comparison of DNA
sequencing and the hydrolysis probe analysis (TaqMan assay) for knockdown resistance (kdr)
mutations in Anopheles gambiae from the Republic of the Congo. MALARIA JOURNAL, 9 (278),
pp. 1-6.
Kaiser ML, Koekemoer LL, Coetzee M, Hunt RH, Brooke BD (2010). Staggered larval time-tohatch and insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae S form.
MALARIA JOURNAL, 9 (360), pp 1-13.
Sinka M, Bangs M, Manguin S, Coetzee M , Mbongo C, Hemmingway J, Patil A, Temperley W,
Gething P, Kabaria C, Okara R, Van Boeckel T, Godfray H, Harbach R, Hay S (2010). The
dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in Africa, Europe and the Middle East; occurrence
data, distribution maps and bionomic precis. PARASITES & VECTORS, 3 (117), pp. 1-34.
MRC/NHLS/Wits Molecular Mycobacteriology Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Kana BD, Mizrahi V (2010). Resuscitation-promoting factors as lytic enzymes for bacterial
growth and signaling. FEMS IMMUNOLOGY AND MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 58 pp. 39 - 50.
Kana BD, Mizrahi V, Gordhan BG (2010). Depletion of resuscitation-promoting factors has
limited impact on the drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. JOURNAL OF
Ioerger T, Feng Y, Ganesula K, Chen X, Dobos K, Fortune S, Jacobs W, Mizrahi V, Parish T,
Rubin E, Sassetti C, Sacchettini J (2010). Variation among genome sequences of H37Rv strains
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from multiple laboratories. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 192
(14), pp. 3645 - 3653.
Kana BD, Abrahams GL, Sung N, Warner DF, Gordhan BG, Machowski EE, Tsenova L,
Sacchettini J, Stocker N, Kaplan G, Mizrahi V (2010). Role of the DinB Homologs Rv1537 and
Rv3056 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 192 (8), pp. 2220 2227.
Warner DF, Ndwandwe D, Abrahams GL, Kana BD, Machowski EE, Venclovas C, Mizrahi V
(2010). Essential roles for imuA' - and imuB-encoded accessory factors in DnaE2-dependent
mutagenesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY
OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 107 (29), pp. 13093 - 13098
Academic journal articles
Dini L, Du Plessis M, Frean JA, Fernandez V (2010). High prevalence of dihydropteroate
synthase mutations in Pneumocystis jirovecii isolated from patients with Pneumocystis
pneumonia in South Africa . JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 48 (6), pp. 2016 - 2021.
Cohen C, Singh E, Wu H, Martin S, De Gouveia L, Klugman KP, Meiring ST, Govender NP,
Von Gottberg AM (2010). Increased incidence of meningococcal disease in HIV-infected
individuals associated with higher case-fatality ratios in South Africa. AIDS, 24 pp. 1351 - 1360.
Gibbon VE, Strkalj G, Paximadis M, Ruff P, Penny CB (2010). The sex profile of skeletal
remains from a cemetry of Chinese indentured labourers in South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN
JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 106 (7/8), pp. 1 - 4.
Paz-Bailey G, Sternberg M, Puren AJ, Steele L, Lewis DA (2010). Determinants of HIV type 1
shedding from genital ulcers among men in South Africa. CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
50 pp. 1060 - 1067.
Other publishing departments
Damelin L, Mavri-Damelin D, Klaenhammer T, Tiemessen (2010). Plasmid transduction using
bacteriophage adh for expression of CC chemokines by Lactobacillus gasseri ADH. APPLIED
AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 76 (12), pp. 3878 - 3885.
Jewkes R, Dunkle K, Nduna M, Jama N, Puren AJ (2010). Associations between childhood
adversity and depressions, substance abuse and HIV and HSV2 incident infections in rural South
African youth. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 34 pp. 833 - 841.
Feasey N, Archer B, Heyderman R, Sooka A, Dennis B, Gordon M, Keddy KH (2010). Typhoid
fever and invasive nontyphoid salmonellosis, Malawi and South Africa. EMERGING
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 16 (9), pp. 1448 - 1451.
Keddy KH, Smith AM, Sooka A, Ismail H, Oliver S (2010). Fluoroquinolone-resistant typhoid,
South Africa. EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 16 (5), pp. 879 - 880.
Durand PM, Hazelhurst SE, Coetzer TL (2010). Evolutionary rates at codon sites may be used
to align sequences and infer protein domain function. BIOINFORMATICS, 11:151 pp. 1 - 8.
Tiemessen, Shalekoff, Meddows-Taylor, Schramm DB, Papathanasopoulos MA, Gray GE,
Sherman GG, Coovadia AH, Kuhn L (2010). Natural killer cells that respond to human
immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) peptides are associated with control of HIV-1 infection.
JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 202 (9), pp. 1444 - 1453.
Suchard MS, Mayne ES, Green VA, Shalekoff, Donninger SL, Stevens WS, Gray CM,
Tiemessen (2010). FOXP3 expression is upregulated in CD4+T cells in progressive HIV-1
infection and is a marker of disease severity. PLOS ONE, 5 (7), pp. 1 - 10.
Lewis DA, Paz-Bailey G, Sternberg M, Puren AJ (2010). Acute HIV infections among men with
genital ulcer disease in South Africa. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 201 pp. 1811 1915.
Mhlongo S, Magooa MP, Muller E, Nel N, Radebe FM, Wasserman E, Lewis DA (2010).
Etiology and STI/HIV coinfections among patients with urethral and vaginal discharge syndromes
in South Africa. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, 37 (9), pp. 566 - 570.
Lingappa J, Hughes J, Wang R, Baeten J, Celum C, Gray GE, Stevens WS, Donnell D,
Campbell M, Farquhar C, Essex M, Mullins J, Coombs R, Rees VH, Corey L, Wald A (2010).
Estimating the impact of plasma HIV-1 RNA reductions on heterosexual HIV-1 transmission risk.
PLOS ONE, 5 (9), pp. 1 - 7.
School of Physiology
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Chivandi E, Zakeo G, Tada O (2010). Optimization of phytase concentration from Aspergillus
ficuum for phytate-bound phosphorus release in cereal meals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
Erlwanger KH, Changara T, Sajeni S, Masara D (2010). Acute effects of doramectin on
gastric acid secretion in anaesthetized rats - a short communication. VETERINARSKI ARHIV,
80 (4), pp. 533 - 537.
Folefoc A, Fromme B, Katz A, Flanagan CA (2010). South African mutations of the CCR5
coreceptor for HIV modify interaction with chemokines and HIV envelope protein. JAIDSJOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES, 54 pp. 352 - 359.
Oosthuyse T, Bosch A (2010). The effect of the menstrual cycle on exercise metabolism:
Implications for exercise perfromance in eumenorrhoeic women. SPORTS MEDICINE, 40 (3),
pp. 207 - 227.
Wormgoor SG, Harden LM, McKinon W (2010). Anthropometric, biomechanical, and
isokinetic strength predictors of ball release speed in high-performance cricket fast bowlers.
JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 28 (9), pp. 957 - 965.
McVeigh JA, Kingsley SC, Gray DA, Loram LC (2010). Swimming enhances bone mass
acquisition in growing female rats. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, 9 pp.
612 - 619.
Brain Function Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Baker FC, Colrain I (2010). Daytime sleepiness, psychomotor performance, waking EEG
spectra and evoked potentials in women with severe premenstrual syndrome. JOURNAL OF
SLEEP RESEARCH, 19 pp. 214 - 227.
Cherry C, Affandi J, Brew B, Creighton J, Djauzi S, Hooker D, Imran D, Kamarulzaman A,
Kamerman PR, McArthur J, Moore R, Price P, Smyth K, Tan I, Vanar S, Wadley AL,
Wesselingh S, Yunihastuti E(2010). Hepatitis C seropositivity is not a risk factor for sensory
neuropathy among patients with HIV. NEUROLOGIA, 74 pp. 1538 - 1542.
Colrain I, Crowley K, Nicholas C, Afifi L, Baker FC, Padilla M, Turlington S, Trinder J (2010).
Sleep evoked delta frequency responses show a linear decline in amplitude across the adult
lifespan. NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, 31 pp. 874 - 883.
Daya VG, Bentley AJ (2010). Perception of experimenntal pain is reduced after provoked
waking from rapid eye movement sleep. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, 19 pp. 317 322.
Fuller AJ, Dawson T, Helmuth B, Hetem RS, Mitchell D, Maloney SK (2010). Physiological
mechanisms in coping with climate change. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL
ZOOLOGY, 83 (5), pp. 713 - 720.
Hetem RS, Strauss WM, Fick LG, Maloney SK, Meyer LC, Shobrak M, Fuller AJ, Mitchell
D (2010). Variation in the daily rhythm of body temperature of free-living Arabian oryx (Oryx
leucoryx): does water limitation drive heterothermy?. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE
pp. 1111 - 1119.
Maloney SK, Fuller AJ, Mitchell D (2010). A warming climate remains a plausible
hypothesis for the decrease in dark Soay sheep. BIOLOGY LETTERS, 6 pp. 680 - 681.
Meyer LC, Hetem RS, Fick LG, Mitchell D, Fuller AJ(2010). Effects of serotonin agonists
and doxapram on respiratory depression and hypoxemia in etorphine-immobilized impala
(Aepyceros melampus). JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, 46 (2), pp. 514 - 524.
Other publishing departments
Themistocleous AC, Kamerman PR, Mitchell D (2010). Discharge patterns of nociceptive
primary afferent fibres in the rat coccygeal nerve after UVA-light exposure. EUROPEAN
JOURNAL OF PAIN, 14 pp. 580 - 587.
Wilson W, O`Riain M, Hetem RS, Fuller AJ, Fick LG (2010). Winter body temperature
patterns in free-ranging Cape ground squirrel, Xerus inauris: no evidence for torpor.
ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 180 pp. 1099 - 1110.
Wormgoor SG, Harden LM, McKinon W (2010). Anthropometric, biomechanical, and
isokinetic strength predictors of ball release speed in high-performance cricket fast bowlers.
JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 28 (9), pp. 957 - 965.
Mitchell D, Gelgor L, Weber J, Kamerman PR (2010). Antihypernociceptive synergy
between ibuprofen, paracetamol and codeine in rats. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF
PHARMACOLOGY, 642 pp. 86 - 92.
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Genomics Research Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Dessein PH, Christian BF, Woodiwiss AJ, Norton GR, Solomon A (2010). Public
healthcare attendance associates with enhanced conventional and non-conventional
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk burdens in established rheumatoid arthritis.
Norton GR, Brooksbank RL, Woodiwiss AJ (2010). Gene variants of the renin-angiotensin
system and hypertension: from a trough of disillusionment to a welcome phase of
enlightenment?. CLINICAL SCIENCE, 118 pp. 487 - 506.
Redelinghuys M, Norton GR, Scott L, Maseko JM, Brooksbank RL, Majane OH, Sareli P,
Woodiwiss AJ (2010). Relationship between urinary salt excretion and pulse pressure and
central aortic hemodynamics independent of steady state pressure in the general population.
HYPERTENSION, 56 pp. 584 - 590.
Solomon A, Christian BF, Norton GR, Woodiwiss AJ, Dessein PH (2010). Risk factor
profiles for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in black and other Africans with established
rheumatoid arthritis. JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, 37 pp. 953 - 960.
Veliotes DG, Norton GR, Correia RJ, Strijdom H, Badenhorst D, Brooksbank RL,
Woodiwiss AJ(2010). Impact of aldosterone receptor blockade on the deleterious cardiac
effects of adrenergic activation in hypertensive rats. JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR
PHARMACOLOGY, 56 pp. 203 - 211.
School of Public Health
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Cohen C, Singh E, Wu H, Martin S, De Gouveia L, Klugman KP, Meiring ST, Govender
NP, Von Gottberg AM (2010). Increased incidence of meningococcal disease in HIV-infected
individuals associated with higher case-fatality ratios in South Africa. AIDS, 24 pp. 1351 1360.
Hodkinson BD, Meyer P, Musenge E, Ally M, Wadee AA, Anderson R, Tikly M (2010). The
diagnostic utility of the anti-CCP antibody test is no better than rheumatoid factor in South
Africans with early rheumatoid arthritis. CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, 29 pp. 615 - 618.
Ballot DE, Chirwa TF, Cooper PA (2010). Determinants of survival in very low birth weight
neonates in a public sector hospital in Johannesburg. BMC PEDIATRICS, 10 (30), pp. 1 - 11.
Rees DJ, Murray J, Nelson G, Sonnenberg P (2010). Oscillating migration and the
epidemics of silicosis, tuberculosis, and HIV infection in South African gold miners.
Vekinis D, Kielkowski D, Wilson K, Bello B, Rees DJ (2010). Work-related fatalities in the
South African construction industry: 2004 to 2006. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 16
(1), pp. 10 - 16.
Phillips JI, Green F, Davies JC, Murray J (2010). Pulmonary and systemic toxicity following
exposure to nickel nanoparticles. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, . pp. 1 - 5.
Muller E, Chirwa TF, Lewis DA (2010). Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in
heterosexual South African men attending sexual health services: Associations between HPV
and HIV serostatus. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, 86 pp. 175 - 180.
Swanepoel AJ, Rees DJ, Renton KA, Swanepoel C, Kromhout H, Gardiner K (2010).
Quartz exposure in agriculture: Literature review and South African survey. ANNALS OF
OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE, 54 (3), pp. 281 - 292.
Venkatesh K, De Bruyn G, Lurie M, Mohapi L, Pronyk P, Moshabela M, Marinda E, Gray
GE, Triche E, Martinson N (2010). Decreased sexual risk behavior in the era of HAART
among HIV-infected urban and rural South Africans attending primary care clinics. AIDS, 24
pp. 2687 - 2696.
Jina R, Jewkes R, Munjanja S, Mariscal J, Dartnall E, Gebrehiwot Y (2010). Report of the
FIGO Working Group on Sexual Violence/HIV: Guidelines for the management of female
survivors of sexual assault. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY &
OBSTETRICS, 109 pp. 85 - 92.
Christofides NJ, Jewkes R (2010). Acceptability of universal screening for intimate partner
violence in voluntary HIV testing and counseling services in South Africa and service
implications. AIDS CARE, 22 (3), pp. 279 - 285.
Venkatesh K, De Bruyn G, Lurie M, Lentle K, Tshabangu N, Moshabela M, Martinson N
(2010). Patient referral from nurses to doctors in a nurse-led HIV primary care clinic in South
Africa: Implicaions for training and support. AIDS CARE, . pp. 1 - 8.
Jewkes R, Dunkle K, Nduna M, Shai N (2010). Intimate partner violence, relationship power
inequity, and incidence of HIV infection in young women in South Africa: a cohort study.
LANCET, 376 pp. 41 - 48.
Jewkes R, Dunkle K, Nduna M, Jama N, Puren AJ (2010). Associations between childhood
adversity and depressions, substance abuse and HIV and HSV2 incident infections in rural
South African youth. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 34 pp. 833 - 841.
Phillips JI, Murray J (2010). Malignant mesothelioma in a patient with anthophyllite asbestos
fibres in the lungs. ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE, 54 (4), pp. 412 - 416.
Glynn J, Murray J, Bester A, Nelson G, Shearer S, Sonnenberg P (2010). High rates of
recurrence in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with tuberculosis. JOURNAL OF
INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 201 pp. 704 - 711.
Glynn J, Murray J, Shearer S, Sonnenberg P (2010). Tuberculosis and survival of HIVinfected individuals by time since seroconversion. AIDS, 24 (7), pp. 1067 - 1069.
Other publishing departments
Nelson G, Girdler-Brown B, Ndlovu NP, Murray J (2010). Three decades of silicosis:
Disease trends at autopsy in South African gold miners. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH
PERSPECTIVES, 118 (3), pp. 421 - 426.
Mathee A, Harpham T, Naicker N, Barnes BR, Plagerson S, Feit M, Swart A, Naidoo S
(2010). Overcoming fieldwork challenges in urban health research in developing countries: a
research note. International journal of social research methodology: theory and practice, 13
(2), pp. 171 - 178.
Venkatesh K, De Bruyn G, Marinda E, Otwombe KS, Van Niekerk RM, Urban M, Triche E,
McGarvey S, Gray GE, Lurie M (2010). Morbidity and mortality among infants born to HIVinfected women in South Africa: Implications for child health in resource-limited settings.
Humphrey J, Marinda E, Mutasa K, Moulton L, Iliff P, Ntozini R, Chidawanyika H, Nathooo K,
Tavengwa N, Jenkins A, Piwoz E, Van de Perre P, Ward B (2010). Mother to child
transmission of HIV among Zimbabwean women who seroconverted postnatally: Prospective
cohort study. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 341 pp. 1 - 11.
Solomon A, Rees DJ (2010). Back to basics - the chest radiograph in silica associated
tuberculosis. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 16 (6), pp. 25 - 27.
Doherty JE (2010). Cost-effectiveness analysis for priority-setting in South Africa - what are
the possibilities?. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (12), pp. 816 - 820.
Drogan D, Weikert C, Dierkes J, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Buijsse B, Mohlig M, Pfeiffer A,
Pischon T, Spranger J, Boeing H (2010). Plasma -glutamyltransferase, cysteinyl-glycine,
and oxidized low-density lipoprotein: A pathway associated with myocardial infarction risk?.
Basu D, Basu JK, Ellison G (2010). The burden of infertility among HIV-positive couples in
South Africa: The available evidence. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (6), pp. 354
- 356.
Basu JK, Jeketera C, Basu D (2010). Obesity and its outcomes among pregnant South
101 - 104.
Non-accredited Publications
Nyasulu PS (2010). The role of adjunctive mycobacterium w immunotherapy for tuberculosis.
Journal of Experimental Clinical Medicine, 2 (3), pp. 124 - 129.
Bangdiwala S, Fonn S, Okoye O, Tollman SM (2010). Workforce resources for health in
developing countries. Public Health reviews, 32 (1), pp. 296 - 318.
Nyathi T, Chirwa TF, van der Merwe D (2010). A survey of digital radiography practice in four
South African teaching hospitals: An illuminative study. Biomedical Imaging and Intervention
Journal, . pp. 1 - 6.
Moshabela M, Pronyk PM, Williams N, Schneider H, Lurie M (2010). Patterns and
implications of medical pluralism among HIV/AIDS patients in rural South Africa. AIDS AND
BEHAVIOR. pp. 1 - 11.
Ezeh A, Izugbara C, Kabiru C, Fonn S, Kahn K, MANDERSON LH, Undieh A, Omigbodun A,
Thorogood M (2010). Building capacity for public and population health research in Africa:
The consortium for advanced research training in Africa (CARTA) model. Global Health
Action, (3):5693 pp. 1 - 7.
Sartorius BK, Kahn K, Vounatsou P, Collinson MA, Tollman SM (2010). Space and time
clustering of mortality in rural South Africa (Agincourt HDSS), 1992-2007. Global Health
Action, Suppl 1 pp. 50 - 58.
Basu D, Croce D, Porazzi E, Restelli U, Naidoo S (2010). Introduction of concept of cost
centre management in a public hospital in South Africa. Journal of Health Care Finance, 36
(3), pp. 88 - 92.
Mathee A, Oba J, Rose AS (2010). Climate change impacts on working people (the
HOTHAPS initiative): Findings of the South African pilot study. Global Health Action, 3 (5612),
pp. 1 - 9.
Nyathi T, Chirwa TF, van der Merwe D(2010). A survey of digital radiography in four South
African teaching hospitals: An illuminative study. Biomedical Imaging and Intervention
Journal, 6 (1), pp. 1 - 6.
Mendes JF, Basu D, Basu JK (2010). Addressing the demand for termination of pregnancy
services in district health facilities in Johannesburg(Correspondence to the Editor). SOUTH
AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (10), pp. 614 - 614.
Govender M, Letshokgohla ME, Basu D (2010). Health technology assessment - a new
initiative in South Africa.. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (6), pp. 334 - 334.
Odimegwu C (2010). Perinatal mortality in Nigeria: Do place of delivery and delivery
assistants matter?.
Chapter in Book
Accredited Publications
Rispel LC, Moorman J (2010). Health legislation and policy: Context, process and progress.
Chapter 14. In A. Padarath & S. Fonn (eds.), South African Health Review 2010 (pp. 127141). Durban: Health Systems Trust. 978-1-919839-69.
Non-accredited Publications
Cowie R, Murray J, Becklake M (2010). Pneumoconioses and other mineral dust-related
diseases. Chapter 65. In R. Mason & V. Broaddus & T. Martin & T. King Jr & D. Schraufnagel
& J. Murray & J. Nadel (eds.), Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine (pp. 15541586). Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier. 978-1-4160-4710-0.
Fonn S, Padarath A (2010). South African Health Review 2010 (14th ed.). Durban, South
Africa: South African Health Review.
Research Report
Doherty JE, Conco D (2010). Mid-level medical workers in South Africa: A situation analysis:
Consortium for Advanced Research and Training in South Africa.
Doherty JE (2009). Cost-effectiveness analysis for priority-setting in South Africa: What are
the possibilities?: ..
Bennett S, Corluka A, Doherty JE, de-Graft Aikins A, Zakir Hussain A, Jesani A, Namaganda
G, Patacharanarumoi W, Tangcharoensathein V (2010). Health policy analysis institutes:
Landscaping and learning from experience: Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research,
Doherty JE(2009). Health Policy Institutes: Landscaping and Learning from Experience: The
case of the Health Economics Unit in South Africa: ..
Klugman B (2010). Evaluating Social Justice Advocacy: A values based approach: Center for
Evaluation Innovation.
Community Dentistry
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Bhayat A, Yengopal V, Rudolph MJ (2010). Predictive value of group I oral lesions for HIV
ENDODONTOLOGY, 109 pp. 720 - 723.
Yengopal V, Chikte U, Mickenautsch, Oliveira L, Bhayat A (2010). Salt fluoridation: A metaanalysis of its efficacy for caries prevention. South African Dental Journal (Journal of the
Dental Association of South Africa), 65 (2), pp. 60 - 67.
Mickenautsch (2010). Systematic reviews, systematic error and the acquisition of clinical
knowledge. BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 10 pp. 53-1 - 53-7.
Mickenautsch, Yengopal V, Banerjee A (2010). A traumatic restorative treatment versus
amalgam restoration longevity: A systematic review. CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS, 14
pp. 233 - 240.
Mickenautsch, Yengopal V, Banerjee A (2010). Pulp response to resin-modified glass
ionomer and calcium hydroxide cements in deep cavities: A quantitative systematic review.
Other publishing departments
DENTAL MATERIALS, 26 pp. 761 - 770.
Draper C, De Kock LA, Grimsrud A, Rudolph MJ, Nemutandani MS, Kolbe-Alexander T,
Lambert E(2010). Evaluation of a school-based physical activity intervention in Alexandra
Township. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE, 22 (1), pp. 12 - 19.
Draper C, Nemutandani MS, Grimsrud A, Rudolph MJ, Kolbe-Alexander T, De Kock LA,
Lambert E(2010). Qualitative evaluation of a physical activity-based chronic disease
prevention program in a low-income, rural South African setting. Rural and Remote Health, 10
(3), pp. 1 - 16.
Non-accredited Publications
Wills J, Chinemana F, Rudolph MJ (2009). Growing or connecting? An urban food garden in
Johannesburg. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, . pp. 1 - 9.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Clinical and microbiological benefits of strict
supragingival plaque control as part of the active phase of periodontal therapy. SOUTH
AFRICAN DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (1), pp. 32 - 34.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Comparison of prefabricated and custommade bars used for implant-retained mandibular complete overdentures. SOUTH AFRICAN
DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (2), pp. 90 - 93.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Antibiotic prophylaxis for third molar surgery?
The debate continues!. SOUTH AFRICAN DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (3), pp. 138 - 141.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Interventions for treating Dentin
Hypersensitivity: A ramdomized clinical trial. SOUTH AFRICAN DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (4),
pp. 186 - 189.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Digital versus conventional impressions for
ceramic crowns. SOUTH AFRICAN DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (7), pp. 330 - 333.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Efficacy of chlorhexidine (CHX) mouth rinse in
non-compliant periodontitis patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT). SOUTH AFRICAN
DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (5), pp. 230 - 233.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Treatment of deep caries lesions in adults:
Randomized clinical trials comparing stepwise vs direct complete excavation, and direct pulp
capping vs partial pulpotomy. SOUTH AFRICAN DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (6), pp. 276 - 279.
Yengopal V (2010). Evidence-based dentistry: Administration of ketoprofen BEFORE versus
AFTER third molar surgery and its effect on postoperative pain: A RCT. SOUTH AFRICAN
DENTAL JOURNAL, 65 (8), pp. 384 - 387.
Yengopal V (2010). Restorative materials for the treatment of dental caries in the primary
dentition: An appraisal of the evidence.World Dental, . pp. 6 - 8.
Wills J, Rudolph MJ (2010). Health promotion capacity building in South Africa. Global
Health Promotion, 17 (3), pp. 29 - 34.
Mickenautsch, Yengopal V (2010). Demineralization of hard tooth tissue adjacent to resinmodified glass-ionomers and composite resins: A quantitative systematic review. Journal of
Oral Science, 52 (3), pp. 347 - 357.
Yengopal V, Mickenautsch (2010). Resin-modified glass-ionomer cements versus resinbased materials as fissure sealants: A meta-analysis of clinical trials. European Archives of
Paediatric Dentistry, 11 (1), pp. 18 - 25.
Mickenautsch, Tyas M, Yengopal V, Oliviera L, Bonecker M (2010). Absence of carious
lesions at margins of Glass-Ionomer Cement (GIC) and resin-modified GIC restorations: A
systematic review. European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 18 (3), pp.
139 - 145.
Community Health
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Naicker N, Mathee A, Barnes BR, Naidoo S, Swart A (2010). The prevalence and health
implications of violence in impoverished communities in Johannesburg. Southern African
Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, 25 (4), pp. 41 - 46.
Non-accredited Publications
Basu D, Croce D, Porazzi E, Restelli U, Naidoo S (2010). Introduction of concept of cost
centre management in a public hospital in South Africa. Journal of Health Care Finance, 36
(3), pp. 88 - 92.
Mathee A, Oba J, Rose AS (2010). Climate change impacts on working people (the
HOTHAPS initiative): Findings of the South African pilot study. Global Health Action, 3 (5612),
pp. 1 - 9.
Mendes JF, Basu D, Basu JK (2010). Addressing the demand for termination of pregnancy
services in district health facilities in Johannesburg(Correspondence to the Editor). SOUTH
AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 100 (10), pp. 614 - 614.
Chapter in Book
Accredited Publications
Mullick S, Teffo-Menziwa M, Williams E, Jina R (2010).Women and sexual violence. Chapter
4. In A. Padarath & S. Fonn (eds.), South African Health Review 2010 (pp. 49-58). Durban:
Health Systems Trust. 978-1-919839-69.
MRC/Wits Rural Health in TransitionResearch Unit
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Fottrell E, Kahn K, Ng N, Sartorius BK, Huong D, Minh H, Fantahun M, Byass P (2010).
Mortality measurement in transition: Proof of principle for standardised multi-country
comparisons. TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, 15 (10), pp. 1256 - 1265.
Kimani-Murage EW, Kahn K, Pettifor JM, Tollman SM, Dunger D, Gomez-Olive FX,
Norris SA (2010). The prevalence of stunting, overweight and obesity, and metabolic disease
risk in rural South African children. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 10 pp. 158-1 - 158-13.
Williams JR (2010). Doing feminist-demography. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 13 (3), pp. 197 - 210.
Byass P, Kahn K, Fottrell E, Collinson MA, Tollman SM (2010). Moving from data on deaths
to public health policy in Agincourt, South Africa: Approaches to analysing and understanding
verbal autopsy findings. PLOS MEDICINE, 7 (8), pp. 1000325-1 - 1000325-8.
Hofman K, Tollman SM (2010). Setting priorities for health in 21st-century South Africa.
SAMJ - South African Medical Journal, 100 (12), pp. 798 - 800.
Sartorius BK, Kahn K, Vounatsou P, Collinson MA, Tollman SM (2010). Young and
vulnerable: spatial-temporal trends and risk factors for infant mortality in rural South Africa
(Agincourt) 1992-2007. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 10 (645), pp. 1 - 9.
Non-accredited Publications
Byass P, Twine WC, Collinson MA, Tollman SM, Kjellstrom T (2010). Assessing a
population's exposure to heat and humidity: An empirical approach. Global Health Action, 3
pp. 5421-1 - 5421-5.
Bangdiwala S, Fonn S, Okoye O, Tollman SM (2010). Workforce resources for health in
developing countries. Public Health reviews, 32 (1), pp. 296 - 318.
Ezeh A, Izugbara C, Kabiru C, Fonn S, Kahn K, MANDERSON LH, Undieh A, Omigbodun A,
Thorogood M (2010). Building capacity for public and population health research in Africa:
The consortium for advanced research training in Africa (CARTA) model. Global Health
Action, (3):5693 pp. 1 - 7.
Sartorius BK, Kahn K, Vounatsou P, Collinson MA, Tollman SM (2010). Space and time
clustering of mortality in rural South Africa (Agincourt HDSS), 1992-2007. Global Health
Action, Suppl 1 pp. 50 - 58.
Hosegood V, Madhavan S (2010). Data availability on men's involvement in families in sub43
Other publishing departments
Saharan Africa to inform family-centred programmes for children affected by HIV and AIDS.
Journal of the International AIDS Society, 13 (Suppl 2), pp. 1 - 7.
Serwaa-Bonsu A, Herbst K, Reniers G, Ijaa W, Clark BD, Kabudula CW, Sankoh O (2010).
First experiences in the implementation of biometric technology to link data from Health and
Demographic Surveillance Systems with health facility data. Global Health Action, 3 pp. 21201 - 2120-8.
Williams JR, Schatz EJ, Clark BD, Collinson MA, Clark SJ, Menken J, Kahn K, Tollman
SM(2010). Improving public health training and research capacity in Africa: A replicable model
for linking training to health and socio-demographic surveillance data. Global Health Action, 3
pp. 5287-1 - 5287-6.
Collinson MA (2010). Striving against adversity: The dynamics of migration, health and
poverty in rural South Africa. Global Health Action, 3 pp. 5080-1 - 5080-14.
Gomez-Olive FX, Thorogood M, Clark BD, Kahn K, Tollman SM (2010). Assessing health
and well-being among older people in rural South Africa. Global Health Action, Suppl 2 pp. 23
- 35.
Kowal P, Kahn K, Ng N, Naidoo N, Abdullah S, Bawah A, Binka F, Chuc N, Debpuur C, Ezeh
A, Gomez-Olive FX, Hakimi M, Hirve S, Hodgson A, Juvekar S, Kyobutungi C, Menken J,
Minh H, Mwanyangala A, Razzaque A, Sankoh O, Streatfield P, Wall S, Wilopo S, ByarsAmeguide P, Chatterji S, Tollman SM (2010). Ageing and adult health status in eight lowerincome countries: The INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration. Global Health Action, Suppl 2
pp. 11 - 22.
Ng N, Kowal P, Kahn K, Naidoo N, Abdullah S, Bawah A, Binka F, Chuc N, Debpuur C,
Egondi T, Gomez-Olive FX, Hakimi M, Hirve S, Hodgson A, Juvekar S, Kyobutungi C,
Minh H, Mwanyangala M, Nathan R, Razzaque A, Sankoh O, Streatfield P, Thorogood M,
Wall S, Wilopo S, Byars-Ameguide P, Tollman SM, Chatterji S (2010). Health inequalities
among older men and women in Africa and Asia: Evidence from eight Health and
Demographic Surveillance System sites in the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE study. Global Health
Action, Suppl 2 pp. 96 - 107.
Chapters in Books
Non-accredited Publications
Tollman SM, Kahn K, Pfaff C (2010). Developing community-oriented primary care (COPC)
in contemporary rural South Africa: the case of stroke. Chapter 0. In R. Gofin & J. Gofin
(eds.), Essentials of Global Community Health (pp. 0-0). Unknown: Jones and Bartlett
Learning. 978-0-7637-7329-8.
Suzman R, Tollman SM, Kahn K, Ng N (2010). Global Health Action, Growing older in Africa
and Asia. South Hampton, UK
Centre for Health Policy Research
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Schneider H (2009). The invisible cure: Africa, the West, and the fight against AIDS.
GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, 4 (4), pp. 417 - 419.
Blaauw DA, Erasmus E, Pagaiya N, Tangcharoensathein V, Mullei K, Mudhune S, Goodman
C, English M, Lagarde M (2010). Policy interventions that attract nurses to rural areas: A
multicountry discrete choice experiment. BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH
ORGANIZATION, 88 pp. 350 - 356.
Schneider H, Le Marcis F, Grard J, Penn-Kekana L, Blaauw DA, Fassin D (2010).
Negotiating care: Patient tactics at an urban South African hospital. JOURNAL OF HEALTH
SERVICES RESEARCH & POLICY, 15 pp. 137 - 142.
Mullei K, Mudhane S, Wafula J, Masamo E, English M, Goodman C, Lagarde M, Blaauw DA
(2010). Attracting and retaining health workers in rural areas: Investigating nurses' views on
rural posts and policy interventions. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 10 (Suppl 1), pp.
1 - 10.
Rispel LC, Peltzer K, Nkomo N, Molomo B (2010). Evaluating an HIV and AIDS community
training partnership program in five diamond mining communities in South Africa.
Michielsen K, Chersich MF, Luchters S, Van Rossem R, Temmerman M (2010).
Concurrency and the limited effectiveness of behavioural interventions on sexual risk
behaviour of youth in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS, 24 pp. 2140 - 2142.
Rispel LC, Barron P (2010). Health policies and practice: can disease control priorities
improve health systems performance in South Africa. SAMJ - South African Medical Journal,
100 (12), pp. 801 - 806.
Beksinska ME, Smit JA, Scorgie F, Dube SV, Kunene B, Martin-Hilber A, Chersich MF
(2010). Use of modern and traditional products to self-treat symptoms of sexually transmitted
infections in South African women. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STD & AIDS, 21 pp. 797
- 801.
Non-accredited Publications
Richter ML, Chersich MF, Scorgie F, Luchters S, Temmerman M, Steen R (2010). Sex work
and the (2010 FIFA World Cup: Time for public health imperatives to prevail. Globalization
and Health, 6 pp. 1 - 6.
Cloete A, Rispel LC, Metcalf C, Reddy V (2010). Being straight and gay: identity or multiple
desire: the case of South Africa. Sexuality in Africa: magazine and monographs, 6 pp. 9 - 10.
Chersich MF, Kaai S, Bullock S, Sarna A, Luchters S, Geibel S, Munyao P, Mandaliya K,
Temmerman M, Rutenberg N (2010). Perceived stigma among patients receiving
antiretroviral treatment: a prospective randomised trial comparing an m-DOT strategy with
standard-of-care in Kenya. Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 7 (2), pp. 62 - 70.
Chapter in Book
Accredited Publications
Rispel LC, Moorman J (2010). Health legislation and policy: Context, process and progress.
Chapter 14. In A. Padarath & S. Fonn (eds.), South African Health Review 2010 (pp. 127141). Durban: Health Systems Trust. 978-1-919839-69.
Blaauw DA, Penn-Kekana L (2010). Maternal health . Chapter 1. In S. Fonn & A. Padarath
(eds.), South African Health Review 2010 (pp. 3-28). Durban: Health Systems Trust. 978-1919839-69.
Other publishing departments
School of Therapeutic Sciences
Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Coopoo Y, Watson E (2010). Popular physical therapy modalities in the management of
whiplash-associated disorders. South African Journal of Sport Medicine, 22 (4), pp. 95 - 98.
Kazi H, Coopoo Y (2010). Physical activity, dietary profiles and lifestyle of a cohort of
university students. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance
(AJPHERD). pp. 105 - 119.
Nursing Education
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Langley GC, Schmollgruber S, Hatchett CF (2010). Psychological sequelae following ICU
admission at a level 1 academic South African hospital. Southern African Journal of Critical
Care, 26 (2), pp. 8 - 13.
Bruce JC, Klopper H (2010). A model for incorporating specialist nurse education into a
university context. Part 1: methodological perspectives. Health SA Gesondheid, 15 (1), pp. 1 6.
Bodalina UM, Minnaar A (2009). The mourning process of HIV-positive pregnant women.
African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 11 (2), pp. 5 - 17.
Occupational Therapy
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Casteleijn JM, Steyn C (2010). E-learning tools in a first year module for occupational
therapy students. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 40 (2), pp. 11 - 15.
Adams F, Galvaan R (2010). Promoting human rights: Understanding the barriers to self-help
groups for women who are carers of children with disabilities. South African Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 40 (1), pp. 12 - 16.
Visser M, Franzsen DL (2010). The association of an omitted crawling milestone with pencil
grasp and control in five- and six-year-old children. South African Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 40 (2), pp. 19 - 23.
Non-accredited Publications
Gradidge KL, Franzsen DL (2010). Record review of patients with brain abscess and
empyema at chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. Internet Journal of Neurology, 13 (1), pp. 1 18.
Chapter in Book
Non-accredited Publications
Crouch RB (2010). The relationship between culture and occupation in Africa. Chapter 2. In
V. Alers & R. Crouch (eds.), Occupational Therapy: An African Perspective (pp. 50-59).
Johannesburg: Sarah Shorten Publishers. 978-0-620-46486-4.
Crouch RB (2010). The impact of poverty on the service delivery of occupational therapy in
Africa Chapter 5. In V. Alers & R. Crouch (eds.), Occupational Therapy: An African
Perspective (pp. 98-110). Johannesburg: Sarah Shorten Publishers. 978-0-620-46486-4.
Conference Contribution
Non-accredited Publications
Barnard-Ashton PM (2010)E-lecturer feedback of the inclusion of blended learning in
undergraduate occupational therapy, Barcelona, Spain Proceedings of EDULEARN 10
Conference, 05-Jul-2010 - 07-Jul-2010: pp 492 - 499
Barnard-Ashton PM (2010)Using wiki's in problem based learning: E-learner behaviour and
attitude, Barcelona, Spain Proceedings of EDULEARN 10 Conference, 05-Jul-2010 - 07-Jul2010: pp 581 - 586
Mthimkulu AP, Barnard-Ashton PM (2010)Designing e-curriculum books for undergraduate
occupational therapy: Lessons learnt, Barcelona, Spain Proceedings of EDULEARN 10
Conference, 05-Jul-2010 - 07-Jul-2010: pp 6400 – 6505
Mthimkulu AP(2010) Graphic design needs of a blended learning curriculum, Barcelona,
Spain Edulearn10, 05-Jul-2010 - 07-Jul-2010: pp 000704 - 000708
Book and other reviews
Gradidge KL (2010). Review of Introductory Biomechanics by Kerr A (2 ed.).
Adams F (2010). Review of Occupational Therapy Without Borders: Learning from the Spirit
of Survivors, Kronenberg F, Algago S S and Pollard N (eds) (2 ed.).
Crouch RB (2010). Occupational Therapy: An African Perspective (1 ed.). Johannesburg,
South Africa: Sarah Shorten Publishers.
Pharmacology, Experimental and Clinical
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Davids H, Ahmed AY, Oberholster A, Van Der Westhuizen C, Mer M, Havlik I (2010).
Endogenous heparin levels in the controlled asthmatic patient. SAMJ - South African Medical
Journal, 100 (5), pp. 307 - 308.
De Villiers B, Van Vuuren SF, Van Zyl RL, Van Wyk B (2010). Antimicrobial and antimalarial
activity of Cussonia species (Araliaceae). JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 129 pp.
189 - 196.
Sibandze GF, Van Zyl RL, Van Vuuren SF (2010). The anti-diarrhoeal properties of Breonadia
salicina, Syzygium cordatum and Ozoroa sphaerocarpa when used in combination in Swazi
traditional medicine. JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 132 pp. 506 - 511.
Van Zyl RL, Seatlholo ST, Van Vuuren SF, Viljoen A (2010). Pharmacological interactions of
essential oil constituents on the viability of micro-organisms. NATURAL PRODUCT
COMMUNICATIONS, 5 (9), pp. 1381 - 1386.
Non-accredited Publications
Moch SL (2010). Evidence-based Pharmacy Practice (EBPP): Suppressing Aggression. SA
Pharmaceutical Journal, . pp. . - ..
Moch SL (2010). Decisions about depression: treatment options depend on diagnosis. SA
Pharmaceutical Journal, . pp. . - ..
Moch SL (2010). Therapeutic uses of antiepileptic drugs in non-epileptic disorders. SA
Pharmaceutical Journal, . pp. . - ..
Moch SL (2010). Sleepless in South Africa: Insomnia is not just a night-time problem. SA
Pharmaceutical Journal. pp. –
Other publishing departments
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Modi G, Pillay V, Choonara YE (2010). Advances in the treatment of neurodegenerative
disorders employing nanotechnology. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF
SCIENCES, 1184 pp. 154 - 172.
Hulley I, Viljoen A, Tilney P, Van Vuuren SF, Kamatou G, Van Wyk B (2010). Ethnobotany,
leaf anatomy, essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Pteronia onobromoides
(Asteraceae). SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 76 pp. 43 - 48.
Hulley I, Viljoen A, Tilney P, Van Vuuren SF, Kamatou G, Van Wyk B (2010). The
ethnobotany, leaf anatomy, essential oil variation and biological activivity of Pteronia
incana (Asteraceae). SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 76 pp. 668 - 675.
Suliman S, Van Vuuren SF, Viljoen A (2010). Validating the in vitro antimicrobial activity of
Artemisia afra in polyherbal combinations to treat respiratory infections. SOUTH AFRICAN
JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 76 pp. 655 - 661.
Van Vuuren SF, Kamatou G, Viljoen A (2010). Volatile composition and antimicrobial activity
of twenty commercial frankincense essential oil samples . SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF
BOTANY, 76 pp. 686 - 691.
De Villiers B, Van Vuuren SF, Van Zyl RL, Van Wyk B (2010). Antimicrobial and antimalarial
activity of Cussonia species (Araliaceae). JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 129 pp.
189 - 196.
Sibandze GF, Van Zyl RL, Van Vuuren SF (2010). The anti-diarrhoeal properties of
Breonadia salicina, Syzygium cordatum and Ozoroa sphaerocarpa when used in combination
in Swazi traditional medicine. JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 132 pp. 506 - 511.
De Wet H, Nkwanyana M, Van Vuuren SF (2010). Medicinal plants used for the treatment of
diarrhoea in northern Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa . JOURNAL OF
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 130 pp. 284 - 289.
Van Vuuren SF, Naidoo D (2010). An antimicrobial investigation of plants used traditionally
in southern Africa to treat sexually transmitted infections . JOURNAL OF
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 130 pp. 552 - 558.
Van Vuuren SF, Du Toit LC, Parry AF, Pillay V, Choonara YE (2010). Encapsulation of
essential oils within a polymeric liposomal formulation for enhancement of antimicrobial
efficacy. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, 5 (9), pp. 1401 - 1408.
LALLI JY, Viljoen A, Van Vuuren SF (2010). Potential interaction between the volatile and
non-volatile fractions on the in vitro antimicrobial activity of three South African pelargonium
(Geraniaceae) species. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, 5 (9), pp. 1395 - 1400.
Van Zyl RL, Seatlholo ST, Van Vuuren SF, Viljoen A (2010). Pharmacological interactions
of essential oil constituents on the viability of micro-organisms NATURAL PRODUCT
COMMUNICATIONS, 5 (9), pp. 1381 - 1386.
Ndesendo VM, Pillay V, Choonara YE, Meyer LC, Buchmann EJ, Khan R, Du Toit LC,
Rosin U(2010). Investigation of the physicochemical and physicomechanical properties of a
novel intravaginal bioadhesive polymeric device in the pig model. AAPS PHARMSCITECH,
11 (2), pp. 793 - 808.
Shaikh RP, Pillay V, Choonara YE, Du Toit LC, Ndesendo VM, Bawa P, Cooppan S
(2010). A review of multi-responsive membranous systems for rate-modulated drug delivery.
AAPS PHARMSCITECH, 11 (1), pp. 441 - 459.
Ngwuluka N, Pillay V, Du Toit LC, Ndesendo VM, Choonara YE, Modi G, Naidoo D
(2010). Levodopa delivery systems: advancements in delivery of the gold standard. EXPERT
OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY, 7 (2), pp. 203 - 224.
Adeleke OA, Pillay V, Du Toit LC, Choonara YE (2010). Construction and in vitro
characterization of an optimized porosity-enabled amalgamated matrix for sustained
transbuccal drug delivery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, 391 pp. 79 89.
Choonara YE, Pillay V, Danckwerts MP, Carmichael TR, Du Toit LC (2010). A review of
implantable intravitreal drug delivery technologies for the treatment of posterior segment eye
diseases. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, 99 (5), pp. 2219 - 2239.
Du Toit LC, Pillay V, Choonara YE (2010). Nano-microbidides: Challenges in drug delivery,
patient ethics and intellectual property in the war against HIV/AIDS. ADVANCED DRUG
DELIVERY REVIEWS, 62 pp. 532 - 546.
Pillay V, Kolawole AO, Choonara YE, Du Toit LC, Ndesendo VM (2010). The influence of
polyamide 6,10 synthesis variables on the physiochemical characteristics and drug release
kinetics from a monolithic tablet matrix. PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT AND
TECHNOLOGY, 15 (6), pp. 595 - 612.
Non-accredited Publications
Du Toit LC, Pillay V, Choonara YE (2010). A mathematical approach for the simultaneous in
vitro spectro-photometric analysis of rifampicin and isoniazid from modified-release anti-TB
drug delivery systems. Current Drug Delivery, 7 pp. 5 - 12.
Cooppan S, Pillay V, Choonara YE, Du Toit LC, Ndesendo VM (2010). Rationalising fixed
dose combinations for tuberculosis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome therapy.
International journal of biotechnology, 11 (3/4), pp. 284 - 304.
Pillay V, Sewlall S, Danckwerts MP, Choonara YE, Ndesendo VM, Du Toit LC (2010). A
timely review of state-of-the-art chronopharmaceuticals synchronized with biological rhythms.
Current drug delivery, 7 pp. 370 - 388.
Van Vuuren SF (2010). South African Journal of Botany THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD
Van Vuuren SF (2010). Natural Product Communications Ohio, USA
Academic journal articles
Accredited Publications
Gopal S, Wood W, Myezwa H, Stewart AV (2010). Intra-and inter-rater reliability of the knee
society knee score when used by two physiotherapists in patients post total knee arthroplasty.
South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 66 (1), pp. 21 - 25.
Lewis FE, Olivier B (2010). The effectiveness of physiotherapy in cervicogenic headache
and concurring temporomandibular dysfunction: A case report. South African Journal of
Physiotherapy, 66 (1), pp. 26 - 31.
Olivier B, Mudzi W, Mamabolo MV, Becker P (2010). The association between
psychological stress and low back pain among district hospital employees in Gauteng, South
Africa. South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 66 (2), pp. 1 - 5.
Schneiderman J, Van Aswegen H, Roos R (2010). Toxic epidermal necrolysis and its impact
on physiotherapy management: A case report. South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 66 (2),
pp. 30 - 33.
Van Aswegen H, EALES CJ, Richards GA, Goosen J, Becker P (2010). The effect of
penetrating trunk trauma and mechanical ventilation on the recovery of adult survivors after
hospital discharge. Southern African Journal of Critical Care, 26 (1), pp. 25 - 32.
Potterton JL, Stewart AV, Cooper PA, Becker P (2010). The effect of a basic home
stimulation programme on the development of young children infected with HIV.
Non-accredited Publications
Shead G, Potterton JL, Stewart AV (2010). Neurodevelopment and growth of
institutionalized children with vertically transmitted human immunodeficiency virus. Vulnerable
Children and Youth Studies, 5 (1), pp. 33 - 43.
Hilburn NC, Potterton JL, Stewart AV (2010). Paediatric HIV encephalopathy in subSaharan Africa. Physical Therapy Reviews, 15 (5), pp. 410 - 417.
Other publishing departments