Watch the 90-minute video preceding the Unit 3 class.
Read from Unit 3 in the manual, paying close attention to the following:
Unit 3, section A: pg. 1 – 3 Forty-Acre Rock site
Unit 3, section B: pg. 1 – 3 Silverstreet landscape
Unit 3: pg. 2 – 4 Piedmont geology
Unit 3: pg. 19 – 21 Gold mining & resources
Unit 3: pg. 17 Agriculture and erosion
Unit 3, section C: pg. 3 – 6 Battle of Kings Mountain
Helpful video topics and classroom filming on the Unit 2 video tape
Forty-Acre Rock
Introduction to the Piedmont by John Wagner
Granite Outcrops by John Carpenter
Piedmont Soils by Rich Scharf
Piedmont landscapes
Classroom Filming based on Unit 3, section B: pg. 4, task #2 – Topographic profiles
Peneplains, etc. by John Wagner
Piedmont geology
Classroom Filming based on Unit 3: pg. 25, task #3 – Locate gold mines & use ordered pairs
Gold mining in SC by Phil Astwood
Agriculture & economics
Classroom Filming based on Unit 3, section B: pg. 7, task #5 – Why there are abandoned railroads
Farm products by Chip Berry
Historical battlefield and topography
Classroom Filming based on Unit 3, section C: pg. 13, task #6 – Effects of speeches on me
Kings Mountain Park by Larry Greer
Class activities will be selected from the following:
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 4, task #1 – Locate the study site
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 4, task #2 – Identify Forty-Acre Rock
Unit 3: pg. 25, task #1 – Locate the steepest slopes
Unit 3: pg. 26, task #5 – Examine the general soil map
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 4, task #1 – Locate the study site
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 6, task #1 – Analyze newspaper article
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 6, task #4 – Analyze land use changes
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 7, task #6 – Soil conservation practices
Unit 3, Section C: pg. 12, task #1 – Locate battle site features
Unit 3, Section C: pg. 12, task #3 – Analyze choice of Kings Mountain
Group homework ( see website for more specific information on the homework ):
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 4, task #3 – Locate Sandhills/Piedmont boundary
Unit 3: pg. 25, task #3 – Locate gold mines using ordered pairs
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 4, task #2 – Topographic profiles of area
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 7, task #5 – Reasons for abandoned roads
Unit 3, Section C: pg. 14, task #8 – Write obituary for Ferguson
Standards Homework ( see website for more specific information on the Standards homework ):
Produce a unit plan outline indicating how you could incorporate SC MAPS materials from this particular unit of study into your own classroom curriculum plans. Standards used for this unit include ( but are not limited to ):
Grade 3 – I-3.2.5
Grade 4 – II.A.1
Grade 5 – I A6, 8; III D, IV G
Grade 6 – II.A.1; IV A1-10, C3, D, F, K
Grade 7 – II.C.1; I C2-4; IV A1-9, B, I3, J; III.A.1.e
Grade 8 – II.F.1; III.B.3.k,l; I C5,h; III B2; IV J; I-8.2.3
(Reminder: Social Studies standards are based on old standards – new standards will be coming shortly.)
Enrichment Activities: (5 lessons per unit)
Lesson 1
Unit 3: pg. 29, task #13 – Solutions to outlaw activity – social studies emphasis
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 5, task #6 (assignment 1) – Story about settler – language arts emphasis
Lesson 2
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 8, task #4 – Bottomland versus highland soils – science emphasis
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 5, task #5 – Compare litho and topo scales – math emphasis
Unit 3: pg. 28, task #12 – Reconstruct pioneer diet – social studies emphasis
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 5, task #6 (assignment 2) –Write descriptive essay – language arts emphasis
Lesson 3
Unit 3, Section A: pg. 7, task #1 – Flat Creek & Great Diabase Dike – science emphasis
Unit 3: pg. 26, task #4 – Travel log for gold mine trip – math emphasis
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 5, task #4 – Find location of “Dead Fall” – social studies emphasis
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 5, task #3 – Silverstreet Special and land – language arts emphasis
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 8, task #9 – Topography and field locations – science emphasis
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 7, task #7 – Calculate statistics on fields – math emphasis
Lesson 4
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 8, task #11 – Market changes through time – social studies emphasis
Lesson 5
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 8, task #10 – Pick product for water tower – language arts emphasis
Unit 3: pg. 30, task #16 – Future resources and land use – science emphasis
Unit 3, Section B: pg. 6, task #3 – Estimate number of chickens – math emphasis
Unit 3, Section C: pg.13, task #5 – Analyze newspaper article – social studies emphasis
Unit 3, Section C: pg.13, task #4 – Describe battle of Kings Mountain – language arts emphasis
Unit 3, Section C: pg.13, task #7 – Location of springs on mountains – science emphasis
Unit 3, Section C: pg.12, task #2 – Find slope of Kings Mountain – math emphasis