Inference can be found in the following Making Meaning

Inference Resource Page
Our shared definition: An inference is the ability to connect what is in the text with what is in
the mind to create meaning.
Inference can be found in the following Making Meaning Units:
2nd: Unit 4, 4 weeks
3rd: Unit 3, 5 weeks
4th: Units 4 and 5, 8 weeks
5th: Units 4 and 5, 7 weeks
How to find inference question stems:
WASL Stems: LC 03 (Literary Comprehension) IC 13 (Informational Comprehension)
Comprehension ring
Stem page (on back)
How to find inference passages:
WASL Released Items and Sample Tests
PSD Assessments
Start/Run \\bigdata\Public Reading Assessments
Spotlight on Literacy Anthologies
Grade Level Novel Sets
Fluency Passages (preview for appropriateness)
Reading Passages resources You need to open these with Adobe. If you don’t know how, Sandy can
3rd Grade Multiple Choice Stems:
What does the author mean when he/she says "______" in paragraph (number) of the
Based on the information in the story, what do you think (character) will do now that (cite
circumstances at end of story)?
What happens at the end of the story/selection/poem?
NOTE: must be an inference, not a concrete detail; use only when the ending is left up in
the air
Which word best describes how (character) felt about (character)?
NOTE: must be an inference
Based on the information in the story/selection/poem, what do you predict (character) will
do now that (cite circumstances at end of story)?
In paragraph (number) what can the reader infer about _______?
How did (character) probably react to _______?
3rd Grade Short Answer Stems:
What is the most likely reason that (character) (action)?
Include two details from the story/selection/poem in your answer.
Based on the information in the story/selection/poem, what do you predict will most likely
happen if (character)(action)? Include information from the story/selection/poem to
support your prediction.
What will (character) do now that (cite circumstances at end of story/selection/poem)?
Support your prediction with information from the story/selection/poem.
What do you think (character) will do the next time he/she meets (another character)?
Support your prediction with information from the story/selection/poem.
Explain how ______ was important to the author/poet/character. Support your answer
with two details from the story/poem/selection.
4th Grade Multiple Choice Stems:
What does the author mean when he/she says "______" in paragraph (number) of the
Based on the information in the story, what do you think (character) will do now that (cite
circumstances at end of story)?
What happens at the end of the story/selection/poem?
NOTE: must be an inference, not a concrete detail; use only when the ending is left up in
the air
Which word best describes how (character) felt about (character)?
NOTE: must be an inference
Based on the information in the story/selection/poem, what do you predict (character) will
do now that (cite circumstances at end of story)?
In paragraph (number) what can the reader infer about _______?
How did (character) probably react to _______?
4th Grade Short Answer Stems:
What is the most likely reason that (character) (action)?
Include two details from the story/selection/poem in your answer.
Based on the information in the story/selection/poem, what do you predict will most likely
happen if (character)(action)? Include information from the story/selection/poem to
support your prediction.
What will (character) do now that (cite circumstances at end of story/selection/poem)?
Support your prediction with information from the story/selection/poem.
What do you think (character) will do the next time he/she meets (another character)?
Support your prediction with information from the story/selection/poem.
Explain how ______ was important to the author/poet/character. Support your answer
with two details from the story/poem/selection.
5th Grade Multiple Choice Stems:
What does the author mean when he/she says "______" in paragraph (number) of the
Based on the information in the story, what do you think (character) will do now that (cite
circumstances at end of story)?
What happens at the end of the story/selection/poem?
NOTE: must be an inference, not a concrete detail; use only when the ending is left up in
the air
Which word best describes how (character) felt about (character)?
NOTE: must be an inference
Based on the information in the story/selection/poem, what do you predict (character) will
do now that (cite circumstances at end of story)?
In paragraph (number) what can the reader infer about _______?
How did (character) probably react to _______?
5th Grade Short Answer Stems:
What is the most likely reason that (character) (action)?
Include two details from the story/selection/poem in your answer.
Based on the information in the story/selection/poem, what do you predict will most likely
happen if (character)(action)? Include information from the story/selection/poem to
support your prediction.
What will (character) do now that (cite circumstances at end of story/selection/poem)?
Support your prediction with information from the story/selection/poem.
What do you think (character) will do the next time he/she meets (another character)?
Support your prediction with information from the story/selection/poem.
Explain how ______ was important to the author/poet/character. Support your answer
with two details from the story/poem/selection.