ELEMENTARY READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS SCHEDULE WITHIN A BALANCED LITERACY FRAMEWORK Read-Alouds The teacher provides multiple, daily read-alouds across the curriculum The teacher reads aloud to the whole class or small groups. A carefully selected body of children’s literature is used. Texts rich in meaning or language and class favorites are read again and again and may be used as a base for other activities and learning. Multiple, daily read-alouds to support: Books That Build Community Language Arts Curriculum Books that expose children to the beauty of the language Poetry reading Exposing students to a variety of types of text Books that have been read before and so can now be used for reading/writing mini-lessons Chapter books that are read over an extended period of time Books that beg to be read Tried-and-True: books recommended by friends Building Bridges Across the Curriculum; mathematics, science, and social studies curriculum, nonfiction books that support the content curriculum Reading Workshop* Includes: Minimum-70 minutes Word Study 15-20 minutes Phonological Awareness (PK-K) Interactive Read-Aloud/Shared Reading (Explicit Instruction) Independent Reading/One-on-One Conferences Small Group Instruction (Guided Reading/Strategy Instruction) Book Clubs/Literature Groups Students are systematically taught about phonics, spelling, vocabulary, and strategies for encoding and decoding words Based on your students’ reading and writing, provide small-group instruction that includes: Mini-lesson/Explicit Teaching Student practice through sorts. By examining words and noticing patterns, students learn phonics rules and generalizations. Students continue to practice and apply their new understanding in their reading and writing. The understanding of spoken words, which includes an awareness of words, syllables, rhymes, and individual sounds. (1st as needed) 10-15 minutes Writing Workshop* 50-60 minutes Shared/Interactive Writing (PK-1) Includes: Mini-lesson/Explicit Teaching Independent/Guided Practice Writing & One-on-One Conferences Share Time (Opportunity to re-teach at close of Writing Workshop) Teacher and children work together to compose messages and stories; teacher supports process as scribe and/or using a “shared pen” technique that involves children in the writing. (2nd as needed) 15-20 minutes Handwriting 10-15 minutes curric/reading/Fndtion in Read Hndouts/Elem Read & Lang Arts Schdl