Essay: US switches the legal drinking age to 21 Essay: o Your essay is over the topic of the US changing the legal drinking age from 18 to 21. Within the paper, one should include relative information about why the drinking age was changed, how it was executed amongst the states, whom were the people involved, and your personal opinion on the matter. Paragraph Breakdown: o Introduction Paragraph (Introduce the topic and your stance) o Fact/Explanation Paragraph (Explain the facts on government stance and why the legal drinking age was changed) o Opinion Paragraph (Give your personal opinion on whether the change should have taken place; is it fair or not) o Conclusion Paragraph (Conclude your paper by reemphasizing why the drinking age was changed and your stance on the situation) Some facts one may want to use in their paper: o Involvement of Ronald Reagan o Involvement of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) o Feelings of senators and the time o How did the federal government push the idea on the states o What led to the investigation in the first place o How does the US drinking age compare to that of other countries o Is one truly an adult at 18 or 21? What is due and when: o May 10th – Bibliography/Citation Page and Thesis Statement o May 11th – Rough Draft o May 12th – Final Paper o Each will be a separate grade and the final paper will be a test grade!! Paper Requirements: o Minimum of 4 paragraphs (Listed above) o At least 750 words o Written in Times New Roman o 12 Font o Margins must be 1 inch o Must have at least 3 citations Citing o Use o Must be in Chicago format style o Must include more than just the website