Borras Park Infant School – Eco Schools Cynllun Gweithredu/Action Plan September 2012 – July 2013 Item Targed Target Water To reduce water consumption within school School Grounds To improve playtime facilities/ac tivities on front yard Gweithgaredd Activity - Raise whole school awareness of the importance of saving water and things they can do to help. Arrange whole school demonstration talk from Welsh Water. - Ensure energy busters monitor taps as part of their role. Record and measure the frequency in which taps are being turned off. -Consult pupils as to requirements for front yard . Identify areas for improvement within the environmental review. Sut How Contact Welsh Water. Autumn term 2012 Train Energy busters on their role in monitoring water consumption . ES to create monitoring water sheet for energy busters to complete. Set up pupil action group. Use ideas to formulate a plan Quotes from different companies. Arrange installation. Develop playground games that are from other countries Amseru Timing Timetable whole school demonstrations/talks. -Obtain prices/quotes from contractors. -Incorporate more opportunities for outdoor activities within the curriculum. Cost Expe nse Obtain pupil feedback. Committee to liaise with JJ Grou nds devel opme nt budg et £15, 000 Starting Sept Ongoing – different projects Monitro a Gwerthuso Monitor and Evaluate Borras Park Infant School – Eco Schools Item Targed Target Gweithgaredd Activity Sut How Litter Reduce amount of litter on school site Formulate litter policy. Complete identification litter walk Children to produce litter campaign posters. Pupils to participate in tidy Wales week. Develop litter patrol pupils for playtime. Write to Co- operative to support perimeter hedgerow Revitalize the importance of litter patrols. Monitor the amount of litter collected on a weekly basis. SH to help children in creating litter policy. Present to Governors. Children to revisit site – walk around and identify litter hot spots. Flag up in assembly – posters. Tidy Wales week – whole school participation. Audit resources. Identify pupils to litter pick on a daily basis. Eco committee monitor litter pickers. Monitoring of litter found on premises done on a weekly basis by Eco committee. Tally of litter found including type. Committee write letter to cooperative to raise issue of litter on site. RE and BH to monitor amount of litter collected. WG and EO – to remind daily the classteachers about the selection of litter patrollers. Cost Expe ne £100 Amseru Timing Autumn 2012 National event – date set On going Monitro a Gwerthuso Monitor and Evaluate Borras Park Infant School – Eco Schools Waste Minimisati on Improve pupil understandin g of what happens to waste Attend Eco centre. Share information with whole school through a series of assemblies. Eco committee to contribute Promote paper recycling and use of both sides of paper To increase the amount of paper recycling. To reduce the amount of paper used. Purchase additional composting bins from the recycling department. Liaise with kitchen to improve the collection of their food waste. Replace/increase the number of green boxes throughout school. Save office letters/paper – reuse in the photocopy. Remind teachers to photocopy on to both sides of the paper. Save envelopes reuse Publish letters on website. Only send letters out to families not per child. Text messaging service for reminders All Eco to create posters asking people to reduce paper JJ to contact and order. Identified recyclers to collect and transfer waste. Possible increase the number of recyclers within school and designate areas of responsibility Monitor contents of paper recycling boxes Improve the level of food composting throughout school Global To further develop links with other countries/sc hools Develop Comenius project with identified European Partner schools. See separate action plan. Enhance existing country/Olympic resource boxes with additional costumes. Commenius application and programme breakdown. ES to look into purchasing additional costumes/ resources for role play areas. Autumn term Visit. Spring term assemblies On going whole year £100 £12, 000 Throughout year Spring 2012 Borras Park Infant School – Eco Schools Item Targed Target Gweithgaredd Activity Sut How Energy To reduce energy consumption Designate energy busters for turning off classroom lights, monitors and computers at the end of the day and periods of time when not in use. Energy buster check lists created and ticked off each day when each specific area has been monitored etc Class teachers appoint for each class. Eco committee members Wg and EO to go around each class ensuring these people have been identified. Hall monitor for lights in hall at amser gwasanaeth ES to create monitoring water sheet for energy busters to complete. Transport - Encourage pupils walking to school Raise awareness of transport issues Promote walk to school week Healthy Living To complete following years accreditatio n To achieve key points identified – Promote walk to school week in gwasanaeth and through electronic notice board to school and wider community. Whole school “Golden boot” challenge. Class tally the number of walkers and car sharers See separate action plan and evidence file Cost Expe nse None Amseru Timing Commence Autumn Term Coincide with walk to school week Summer term 2013 See file See file Monitro a Gwerthuso Monitor and Evaluate