Experiment 3: Southern Blotting Theory: A Southern blot is a method routinely used in Molecular Biology for detection of a specific DNA sequence in DNA samples. Southern blotting combines transfer of electrophoresis - separated DNA fragments to a solid support (either nitrocellulose filters or nylon membranes), and subsequent fragment detection by probe hybridization. After pre-hybridization to reduce nonspecific, hybridization with the probe, the filter or membrane is hybridized to the desired radiolabeled chemical labeled nucleic acid probe. The filter or membrane is washed to remove unbound and weakly binding prob and then autoradiograph. The method is named after its inventor, the British Biologist Edwin Southern. Other blotting i.e., Western blot and Northern blot, that employ similar principles but using RNA or protein, have later been named in reference to Edwin Southern's name. Materials Required: Electrphoretic chamber, power supply, cross linker apparatus, trays, UV lamp, polaroid camera, x-ray machine, x-ray cassette, x-ray film, agarose, denaturation solution (1.5 M NaCl and 0.5 NaOH), Neutralization so;ution (1.5 M NaCl and 1 M Tris base), 10x SCC buffer (3 M NaCl and 0.3 M Na-citrate), prehybridization solution (12.5 ml of 1 M KPO4, pH 7.4, 125 ml of 20x SSC, 25 ml of 100x denhardt’s or nonfat powdered milk, 5 ml of 5 mg/ml salmon sperm DNA 250 ml 100% formamide, 1% SDS in 82.5 ml H 2O). Labelled prob for hybridization (previous protocol), Palstic trays, nitrocellulose filters, 46 x 57 cm whatman 3MM paper, sealable bags, sealer. Procedure: 1. After separation of DNA fragments on agarose photograph it with a Polaroid camera. If ruler is placed alongside the gel when it is photographed, a graph of the log molecular weight versus mobility of the unlabeled marker fragments can be drawn. 2. Transfer the gel to a tray and trim the unused area of the gel, cut one corner to mark the orientation, that is the start point. 3. Denature the gel at room temperature for 30 minutes with shaking in denaturation solution. 4. Neutralize the gel at room temperature for 30 minutes with shaking in neutralization solution. 5. In the mean time, prepare a wick by cutting one piece of whatman 3 MM ~2 cm wider than the width of the gel and 30 to 40 cm long according to the size of the gel box. Pour several hundred 10x SSC in the gel box. Put the glass plate the box and place wick on it with both ends of wick hanging over plate into the 10x SSC. Remove air bubbles trapped between the wick and glass plate by rolling 10 ml pipette back and forth over wick. 6. Lift the gel out of neutralization solution, allow most of the liquid to drip off the gel and lay gel on the top of the Whatman 3MM wick. Remove air bubbles trapped between gel and wick by rolling a pipette over gel as above. Remove the nitocellulose (NC) filter from its tray of 10x SSC and lay it on top of the gel, making sure that the NC filter does not overhang the gel. 7. Wet one piece of the stack of cut Whatman 3MM paper in 10x SSC and place it on the top of the NC, make sure no air bubble trapped in. Place the stack of cut papers on top of the first 3MM paper then put 2-3 cm thick stack paper towels on top of 3 MM papers. To keep the entire pyramid pressed together, place a glass plate on top and a small bottle on the glass plate. 8. Cover up the ends of the gel box with plastic wrap to minimize evaporation during the transfer and allow the transfer to proceed for 12 hours. 9. After the transfer is complete, take a part the pyramid so that the NC filter is still lying on the gel. With a blue ball point, mark on the filter the location of the slots. Using blunt forceps, remove the NC paper and cross linked for 1 minute in a cross linker apparatus or place the dried filter between two pieces of 3MM paper and bake the filtr for 30 minutes to two hours at 80o C in a vacuum oven. 10. Put the NC paper in a sealable bag and pre-hybridize for 2-3 hours at 50o C. Cut the bag from one corner, add labeled probe ( at least 0.5x106 cpm/ml) and seal the bag again. 11. Hybridize for 3-5 hours (overnight in case of oligos) at 50o C. 12. Cut the bag, remove NC and put in a tray and wash with shaking as follows: 2x SSC for 10 minutes (2x), 0.5x SSC for 10 minute (2x) at 50o C. Check the back ground with giger counter. 13. Rap in plastic wrap and expose the filter to x-ray film at 70o C for 3-4 hours depending upon the signal. http://www.dnatube.com/video/1512/Southern-blot