Coastal GIS Applications Quarterly Report David Hart January to March 1998 Coastal GIS Applications Project A resource guide for Great Lakes coastal hazards in Wisconsin was added to the Wisconsin Coastal GIS Applications Project home page ( The coastal data clearinghouse with links to federal and state spatial data web sites was expanded. A GIS for Coastal Erosion training workshop was held at the Wisconsin Land Information Association annual conference in Middleton on the afternoon of March 2. The training was conducted using the LICGF laptop GIS lab. Math Heinzel, Tracy Miller, and Todd Sutphin of LICGF helped facilitate the session. Seven people attended, including staff from the following organizations: Village of Weston City of Sheboygan Brown County Zoning Administration Robert E. Lee & Assoc. (2) Department of Natural Resources Coastal Planning and Design, Inc. Visited all 11 Lake Michigan coastal counties to conduct surveys on coastal GIS data status and coastal GIS applications issues. Provided county staff with profiles have been developed that contain information about population, coastal development, WLIP activities, and WCMP grants. CDs have been pressed that contain Digital Raster Graphs for the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior coasts in Wisconsin and digital orthophotos for coastal sections of Brown, Door, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, and Ozaukee Counties. Coastal Hazards Emergency Management Project --Wisconsin Coastal Management Program The following data sets have been obtained from Ozuakee County: digital orthophotos (entire coast) planimetric and topographic mapping (Mequon and Grafton) parcel mapping and tax roll attributes (Mequon and Grafton) In addition, digital elevation models, digital raster graphs, floodplain mapping, and TIGER files have been obtained from other sources. These data sources have been integrated in an ArcView project demonstrating coastal hazards management. A draft document has been prepared identifying general impediments to developing a horizontally and vertically integrated coastal GIS for Lake Michigan using local government spatial data. A report and CD have been prepared that identify spatial data that may be useful for statelevel emergency management of coastal hazards. Traveled with Alberto Vargas of WCMP on January 28 to Ozaukee County to meet with Damon Anderson to discuss the project and obtain GIS data. Coastal GIS Training Project --Wisconsin Coastal Management Program The training materials for the GIS for Coastal Erosion training course have been revised. An application has been submitted to obtain certification as an ESRI-approved ArcView training instructor. The Introduction to Coastal GIS Applications training session for local government officials has been scheduled for April 28-30 at the Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility GIS Training Lab. Letters have been sent to land information officers in the 15 coastal counties informing them of the training. Staff from Marinette County, Oconto County, Door County, the Village of Ephraim, Manitowoc County, and the City of Manitowoc have expressed an interest in the course. Data Acquisition and Integration for Coastal Hazard Damage Assessment—Corps of Engineers, Detroit District A proposal was developed to acquire and integrate large-scale digital parcel mapping, planimetric and topographic mapping, land use, land cover, soils, and orthophotography for an area extending 1000 meters inland from the Lake Michigan shore in Wisconsin to support coastal hazards damage assessment and related activities by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District. A coastal GIS demonstration for COE staff was conducted on January 8. GIS Presentations and Papers Submitted a paper titled Customized Geographic Information Systems Training for Coastal and Marine Resource Managers as part of the 1998 ESRI User’s Conference. The paper was co-authored with Michael Rink of the NOAA Coastal Services Center and Al Miller. Meetings Attended meetings of the WCMP Coastal Hazards Technical Advisory Committee on February 3 and March 24 and a coastal erosion issues meeting at SEWRPC offices on February 10. Attended Wisconsin Coastal Management Council meeting in Madison on January 23. Attended meeting with WCMP staff and Caroline Kurrus of the NOAA Coastal Services Center on February 5. Attended Sea Grant Advisory Services Committee meeting in Milwaukee on January 14. Attended WISCLAND public lands meeting on February 27. Attended WLIA Annual Conference in Middleton from March 2 through 5. Attended ESRI Technology Fair in Madison on January 27.