The merging of complexity science and informatics that produce real


Embargo: March 13, 2002

Press contact:

Michelle Hoeft

505-955-8485 or

International Informatics Society Launched in Santa Fe

Luminaries in business, government and academia come to New Mexico to define mission focused on the application of informatics, data mining and Complexity

Science in business and government settings

March 13, 2002, Santa Fe, New Mexico – Pledging to take a leadership role as the world enters a new information era defined by real-world, pragmatic applicability of massive data flows and software and computing power, the International Informatics Society (IIS), a newly-formed non-profit professional membership society, was launched today. U.S. Senators Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman, LANL Associate

Director Tom Meyer, Hewlett Packard Board Member, former LANL Physics Director and Scientific Advisor to President Reagan George (Jay) Keyworth II, Motion Picture of America Association’s Scott Dinsdale,

Complexica’s Roger Jones and marketing futurist Jim Taylor among others were on hand to launch the organization.

Dedicated to generating wealth and value in a global, networked economy, the IIS


) will work to understand, identify and broker solutions to complex, though often common, business and government problems. The IIS mission is to advance the application of informatics, data mining and Complexity Science throughout the world in industries as diverse as manufacturing, e-commerce, banking and finance, transportation, health care, insurance and many others.


International Informatics Society Launched in Santa Fe

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Sample applications include:

Generating wealth in a networked economy.

Facilitating consumer preferences in e-commerce enterprises.

Assisting policymakers track terrorist patterns.

Improving transportation systems.

Charting and predicting financial markets.

Skimming years off the drug discovery process.

Modeling catastrophic or capital risk.

Improving the supply chain.

“We are entering a new information age. Sustained generation of wealth and value in a networked economy will only truly occur, for all individuals in a society, if the data generated from massive computing power is used to create practical, real-world solutions to some of business and government’s most complex and stubborn problems,” stated IIS Founding Board Member George (Jay) Keyworth, Hewlett Packard Board

Member and former Scientific Advisor to President Reagan.

IIS will play an advisory role to the annual conference High Altitude Thinking: The International

Informatics Summit (

) currently scheduled October 28-30, 2002 in Santa Fe with additional plans to publish, provide educational benefits to members, develop a speaker's bureau and other society benefits. Membership will be offered in four categories: Corporate, Government,

Academic/Research and Individual.

Well-known futurist and marketing expert Jim Taylor stated “Intelligent decision making, such as ecommerce enterprises clearly understanding the preferences of their customer and facilitating the supply chain accordingly, is the real value proposition for the IIS. IIS could be considered an "assisted human agency" as it facilitates "cognitive download technologies" or algorithms that work with human discretion in decision processes where the data is too vast for the human or the number of variables and their relationships is too complex.”

Additional Founding Board Members include Motion Picture Association of America’s Executive

Vice President for Digital Strategy Scott Dinsdale, Commerce One and CommerceNet’s Marty Tenenbaum, e-commerce leader and former banking executive Alexander Kemper, Founding President of the New

England Complex Systems Institute Yaneer Bar-Yam, Complexica’s Roger Jones, BiosGroup’s Stuart

Kauffman, Santa Fe Institute’s John Casti among other notables in science, technology, business, media and academia. (more)

International Informatics Society Launched in Santa Fe

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The Complex Adaptive System

Complexity science is a relatively new, disciplined approach to studying complex adaptive systems.

Complexity science provides a sophisticated approach to studying the complex adaptive systems composed of numerous, varied, simultaneously interacting parts or "agents," from molecules or bacteria in a biological process, to individuals or businesses in an economy. Informatics leverages computing power and sophisticated software tools to significantly enhance decision-making by applying analytical methodologies to massive amounts of data. Together, Complexity Science and informatics are impacting every industry from manufacturing to biotechnology. Companies who understand and leverage these disciplines are creating a competitive edge across multiple industries and disciplines.

About the IIS

The International Informatics Society (IIS) is dedicated to the advancement of the applications of informatics, Complexity Science and data mining in business and government settings. Understanding the complex adaptive system, assisting in the creation of wealth in today’s networked economy and charting patterns of behavior that result in everyday solutions compose the basis of the organization’s charter. IIS works to find solutions to some of today’s – and perhaps tomorrow’s – most complex, recurring, though often surprisingly common problems. The organization was founded on the premise that the world is entering a new information era defined by real-world, pragmatic applicability of massive data flows and software and computing power. Facilitating dialogue and connection, managing networking opportunities, publishing case studies that ultimately advance informatics solutions, the IIS works to understand, identify and broker solutions for government and business organizations in industries as diverse as manufacturing, e-commerce, banking and finance, transportation, health care, insurance and many others. For more information, contact


Please contact Michelle Hoeft at 505-955-8485 for further press background and to register to participate. 2-way audio participation is available for international media and others who desire to participate by remote dial-in to the launch beginning at 12:00pm Mountain Time on March 13, 2002. Phone number dial-in is #712-257-3320. Passcode is 13885#.

If you encounter problems, confirmation is #3154615. For further information, see
