Bases of toxicological chemistry

Bases of toxicological chemistry and chemical-toxicological analysis. CTA "metal" and "volatile" poisons
1. The acidity of urine or stomach medium is determined by universal indicator paper. Which is the
medium acidity at poisoning by alkali metal carbonate?
A. pH = 1 ... 2
B. pH = 12 ... 13
C. pH = 7 ... 8 *
D. pH = 2 ... 3
E. pH = 3 ... 4
2. You have wash water of the stomach. Acidic medium of object may be in the presence of:
A. sodium hydroxide
B. salts of weak acids and strong bases
C. salts of strong acids and weak bases *
D. potassium hydroxide
E. ammonium hydroxide
3. Biological object is characterized by decay process (rotting). Which indicator paper does change the
color at this process?
A. lacmus *
B. zircon alizaric
C. lead acetate-moistened paper
D. universal indicator
E. potassium iodide test paper
4. Different indicator papers are used in preliminary test. If indicator paper moistened by lead acetate
became black so ….. is presence in biological objects:
A. hydrogen chloride
B. hydrogen sulfide *
C. sulfuric acid
D. sodium hydroxide
E. ammonium hydroxide
5. The gastric contents painted blue. Which salt is cause of this color?
A. sodium sulfate
B. copper sulfate *
C. mercury sulfate
D. ammonium sulfate
E. zinc sulfate
6. Whicg substance you may use for conservation objects of chemical and toxicological analysis?
A. methanol
B. ethanol *
C. formaldehyde
D. phenol
E. acetone
7. You have urine for chemical and toxicological analysis. Basic medium of object may be in the
presence of:
A. sulfuric acid
B. salts of weak acids and strong bases *
C. salts of strong acids and weak bases
D. nitric acid
E. acetic acid
8. Urine is object of chemical and toxicological analysis. It has pH = 7 ... 8, which indicate on the
presence of alkali metals carbonates. Which substance and indicator you may use for detection of
alkali metal carbonate?
A. methyl orange and sodium chloride
B. phenolphthalein and barium chloride *
C. bromthymol blue and sodium sulfate
D. tropeoline 00 and potassium sulphate
E. bromphenol blue and potassium chloride
9. Biological object is characterized by decay process (rotting). Which reagent paper does change the
color at this process?
A. lacmus
B. zircon alizaric paper
C. lead acetate-moistened paper *
D. universal indicator
E. potassium iodide test paper
10. Different indicator paper is used in preliminary test. Blue colour of papers (lacmus and moistened by
copper sulfate) indicate on presence in biological objects ….. (substance):
A. hydrogen chloride
B. hydrogen sulfide
C. sulphuric acid
D. sodium hydroxide
E. ammonium hydroxide *
11. The contents of the stomach painted in black colour. The presence of which substance does cause the
specified color?
A. sodium sulfate
B. copper sulfate
C. mercury sulfate
D. sulphuric acid *
E. zinc sulfate
12. There was an unknown substance poisoning. pH of biological material is pH = 2,0-3,0. Which group
of substances will be investigating?
A. mineral acid or large amounts of organic acids *
B. Prairies
C. ammonia
D. weak organic acids and salts of heavy metals
E. salts of alkali metals
13. There was an unknown substance poisoning. Phenolphthalein changes color on red. Which group of
substances will be investigating?
A. potassium nitrate
B. Acetic acid
C. sodium chloride
D. alkalis, salts of strong bases and weak acids *
E. mineral acids
14. The gastric contents painted blue-green. Which salt is cause of this color?
A. barium salt
B. copper salt *
C. potassium nitrate
D. sodium chloride
E. ammonium oxalate
15. When toxicologist investigates biological objects, he must remember that ammonia should be form
by rotting of biological material. Therefore, it is necessary to check availability …. before starting
the analysis:
A. nitrogen oxide (II)
B. carbon disulphide
C. carbon monoxide (IV)
D. carbon oxide (II)
E. hydrogen sulfide *
16. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were detection in forensic chemical analysis. This is evidence of:
A. Rotting of biological material *
B. Improper conservation of biological material
C. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning
D. Ammonia poisoning
E. Chemical interaction between ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
17. What is the chemical-toxicological analysis?
A. set of theoretically substantiated methods of detection methods and quantification of toxic substances *
B. science that develops methods for determining toxic substances
C. theoretical base of methods of determination of toxic substances
D. Forensic Chemistry Section
E. department of pharmaceutical chemistry
18. What does toxicodynamics study?
A. distribution of poison
B. excretion speed of poisons from the body
C. metabolism of toxic substances in the body
D. mechanisms of poisons action in the body *
E. accumulation of poisons
19. What does toxicokinetics study?
A. processes occurring with poisons in the body *
B. mechanisms of poisons action in the body
C. reactions and analytical chemistry methods for the detection of toxic substances
D. isolation of poisons
E. quantification of poisons
20. The contents of Toxicological Chemistry are:
A. Developing methods *
B. Perform reactions
C. Quantitative determination
D. Localization of poison
E. Metabolism of poison
21. One of the tasks of toxicological chemistry is:
A. Introduction in practice of chemical-toxicological analysis of new sensitive and specific reactions and
identification methods (chromatography, spectrophotometry, etc.) of toxic substances which are isolated
from the corresponding objects *
B. Determination of the median lethal dose
C. Study of the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body
D. Study of pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
E. Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
22. One of the tasks of toxicological chemistry is:
A. Developing and introduction of new sensitive methods of toxic substances quantitative determination in
practice of chemical-toxicological analysis *
B. Defining zone of acute action
C. Study pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
D. detection and characterization of the chemicals toxic properties that can be cause of pathological changes in
the human or animal
E. Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
23. One of the tasks of toxicological chemistry is:
A. Developing new and improving existing methods of isolation of toxic substances from relevant objects *
B. detection and characterization of the chemicals toxic properties that can be cause of pathological changes in
the human or animal
C. Determination of toxic action zone of the chemical substances
D. Study of clinical signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
E. Study of pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
24. One of the tasks of toxicological chemistry is:
A. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of chemical-toxicological analysis *
B. Development of extrapolation bases on people of data which are obtained on experimental animals
C. Determination of acute action threshold of substance
D. Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
E. Study of the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body
25. One of the tasks of toxicological chemistry is:
Investigation of toxic substances metabolism in the body and developing of metabolites analysis methods *
Development of extrapolation bases on people of data which are obtained on experimental animals
Determination of acute action threshold of substance
Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
E. Study of the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body
26. Chose task which is not task of Toxicology:
A. Introduction in practice of chemical-toxicological analysis of new sensitive and specific reactions and
identification methods (chromatography, spectrophotometry, etc.) of toxic substances which are isolated
from the corresponding objects *
B. Determination of the median lethal dose
C. Study of the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body
D. Study of pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
E. 27. Chose task which is not task of Toxicology:
A. Developing and introduction of new sensitive methods of toxic substances quantitative determination in
practice of chemical-toxicological analysis *
B. Defining zone of acute action
C. Study pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
D. detection and characterization of the chemicals toxic properties that can be cause of pathological changes in
the human or animal
E. Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
28. Chose task which is not task of Toxicology:
A. Developing new and improving existing methods of isolation of toxic substances from relevant objects *
B. detection and characterization of the chemicals toxic properties that can be cause of pathological changes in
the human or animal
C. Determination of toxic action zone of the chemical substances
D. Study of clinical signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
E. Study of pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body
29. Chose task which is not task of Toxicology:
A. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of chemical-toxicological analysis *
B. Development of extrapolation bases on people of data which are obtained on experimental animals
C. Determination of acute action threshold of substance
D. Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
E. Study of the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body
30. Chose task which is not task of Toxicology:
A. Investigation of toxic substances metabolism in the body and developing of metabolites analysis methods *
B. Development of extrapolation bases on people of data which are obtained on experimental animals
C. Determination of acute action threshold of substance
D. Study of the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues and change
their function
E. Study of the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body
31. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Determination of acute action threshold of substance *
B. Development of new sensitive methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances
C. Development of sensitive methods for the qualitative detection of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Improving existing methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances from the revalent objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific identification of toxic substances
32. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Determination of maximum permissible concentration of substances *
B. Developing new and improving existing methods of isolation of toxic substances from relevant objects
C. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of chemical-toxicological analysis
D. Introduction in practice of chemical-toxicological analysis of new sensitive and specific reactions
E. Development of new sensitive methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances
33. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Development of extrapolation bases on people *
B. Development of new sensitive methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances
C. Development of sensitive methods for the qualitative detection of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Improving existing methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances from the revalent objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific identification of toxic substances
34. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Study of clinical signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body *
B. Developing new and improving existing methods of isolation of toxic substances from relevant objects
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Development of methods for isolation of metabolites of toxic substances
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
35. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. detection and characterization of the chemicals toxic properties that can be cause of pathological changes in
the human or animal *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
36. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Determination of zone of acute action *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
37. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Determination of median lethal dose *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
38. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Determination of absolute lethal dose *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
39. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Determination of toxic action zone of the chemical *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
40. One of the tasks of toxicology is:
A. Study of pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
41. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Determination of acute action threshold of substance *
B. Development of new sensitive methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances
C. Development of sensitive methods for the qualitative detection of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Improving existing methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances from the revalent objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific identification of toxic substances
42. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Determination of maximum permissible concentration of substances *
B. Developing new and improving existing methods of isolation of toxic substances from relevant objects
C. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of chemical-toxicological analysis
D. Introduction in practice of chemical-toxicological analysis of new sensitive and specific reactions
E. Development of new sensitive methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances
43. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Development of extrapolation bases on people *
B. Development of new sensitive methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances
C. Development of sensitive methods for the qualitative detection of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Improving existing methods of quantitative determination of toxic substances from the revalent objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific identification of toxic substances
44. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Study of clinical signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body *
B. Developing new and improving existing methods of isolation of toxic substances from relevant objects
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Development of methods for isolation of metabolites of toxic substances
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
45. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. detection and characterization of the chemicals toxic properties that can be cause of pathological changes in
the human or animal *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
46. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Determination of zone of acute action *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
47. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Determination of median lethal dose *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
48. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Determination of absolute lethal dose *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
49. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Determination of toxic action zone of the chemical *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
50. Chose task which is not task of toxicological chemistry?
A. Study of pathomorphological signs of intoxication at different routes of poison in the body *
B. Developing effective purification methods of extract from the objects of CTA
C. Development of sensitive methods for quantification of metabolites of toxic substances
D. Implementation of HTA into practice new sensitive and specific detection of toxic effects of substances
isolated from the corresponding objects
E. Introduction in practice of CTA of new sensitive and specific methods (chromatography,
spectrophotometry, etc.)
51. Subdivision of CТА is:
A. Prophylactic
B. Analysis of metabolites
C. Sanitary and chemical analysis *
D. Toxicodynamics
E. Toxicokinetics
52. Division of Toxicological Chemistry is:
A. Analytical Chemistry
B. Prophylactic
C. Toxicodynamics
D. toxicokinetics
E. Chemical-toxicological analysis *
53. Division of Toxicology is not:
A. Clinical
B. Prophylactic
C. Toxicodynamics
D. toxicokinetics
E. Chemical-toxicological analysis *
54. Division of Toxicology is not:
A. Toxicodynamics
B. Prophylactic
C. Forensic Chemistry *
D. toxicokinetics
E. Clinical
55. What is the chemical-toxicological analysis?
A. set of theoretically substantiated methods of detection methods and quantification of toxic substances *
B. science that develops methods for determining toxic substances
C. theoretical base of methods of determination of toxic substances
D. Forensic Chemistry Section
E. department of pharmaceutical chemistry
56. What does toxicodynamics study?
A. distribution of poison
B. excretion speed of poisons from the body
C. metabolism of toxic substances in the body
D. mechanisms of poisons action in the body *
E. accumulation of poisons
57. Research isolation, identification and quantitative methods of poisons which caused the death in
biological material and real evidence:
A. Prophylactic
B. Forensic Chemistry *
C. Toxicodynamics
D. toxicokinetics
E. Clinical
58. A set of theoretically substantiated methods which are used in practice for isolation, identification
and quantity of toxic substances - is:
A. Toxicodynamics
B. Prophylactic
C. Chemical-toxicological analysis *
D. Toxicokinetics
E. Clinical
59. Which is subdivision of CТА explored investigation methods of toxic substances in biological fluids of
living persons to help the doctor to save the life?
A. Chemical-toxicological analysis
B. Analysis of residual pesticides
C. Laboratory analysis of intoxication *
D. Toxicokinetics
E. Toxicodynamics
60. Subdivision of CТА is:
A. Analysis of metabolites
B. Analysis of residual pesticides *
C. Prophylactic
D. Toxicodynamics
E. Toxicokinetics
61. Which is subdivision of CТА explored investigation methods of toxic substances in water, soil, food
for the purpose of prevent diseases and deaths?
A. Toxicodynamics
B. Chemical-toxicological analysis
C. Toxicokinetics
D. Analysis of residual pesticides *
E. Laboratory analysis of intoxication
62. Which is subdivision of CТА explored investigation methods of toxic substances in air of plants and
factories for the purpose of people occupational diseases?
A. Toxicodynamics
B. Analysis of residual pesticides
C. Toxicokinetics
D. Sanitary and chemical analysis *
E. Laboratory analysis of intoxication
63. Subdivision of CТА is:
A. Prophylactic
B. Analysis of metabolites
C. Sanitary and chemical analysis *
D. Toxicodynamics
E. Toxicokinetics
64. Subdivision of CТА is:
A. Analysis of metabolites
B. Analysis of residual pesticides *
C. Prophylactic
D. Toxicodynamics
E. Toxicokinetics
65. Subdivision of CТА is:
A. Analysis of metabolites
B. Laboratory analysis of intoxication *
C. Prophylactic
D. Toxicodynamics
E. Toxicokinetics
66. .... is explored the influence of toxic substances on the organism, its ability to affect organs, tissues
and change their function:
A. Prophylactic
B. Sanitary and chemical analysis
C. Analysis of residual pesticides
D. Toxicodynamics *
E. Laboratory analysis of intoxication
67. …… the description of what rate a chemical will enter the body and what happens to it once it is in
the body (its absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion).
A. Analysis of residual pesticides
B. Sanitary and chemical analysis
C. toxicokinetics *
D. Toxicodynamics
E. Laboratory analysis of intoxication
68. The minimum dose which changes vital functions that go beyond the compensatory physiological
responses and is called:
A. Limac; zone of acute action
B. DL50 (DL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose
C. CL50 (CL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose
D. DL50/Limac; zone of acute action
E. Limac - acute action threshold of substance *
69. This dose characterizes the toxic risks of chemicals, the higher the value of acute action zone, the
safer the substance and it is called:
A. Limac; zone of acute action*
B. DL50 (DL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose
C. CL50 (CL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose
D. DL50/Limac; zone of acute action
E. Limac - acute action threshold of substance
70. The dose required to kill half the members – 50 % or all the members (100 %) of a tested population
in a short time (usually up to 14 days) after a single dose of a substance or after multiple doses given
in up to 24 h. This substance must be administrated by inhalation introduction is called:
A. DL50/Limac; zone of acute action
B. DL50 (DL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose
C. Limac - acute action threshold of substance
D. CL50 (CL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose *
E. Limac; zone of acute action
71. The dose required to kill half the members – 50 % or all the members (100 %) of a tested population
in a short time (usually up to 14 days) after a single dose of a substance or after multiple doses given
in up to 24h. This substance must be administrated by all route of (drug) introduction
subcutaneous, intramuscularly, intravenously, oral introduction et., except inhalation introduction
and is called:
A. DL50 (DL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose *
B. Limac - acute action threshold of substance
C. CL50 (CL100) – median (absolute) lethal dose
D. DL50/Limac; zone of acute action
E. Limac; zone of acute toxic effects
72. One of preliminary test is determining of smell. Which substance gives specific smell to the research
A. hydrocyanic acid *
B. Nitric Acid
C. Copper sulfate
D. Morphine
E. Cocaine
73. One of preliminary test is determining of smell. Which substance gives specific smell of bitter
almonds to the research objects?
A. Morphine
B. Nitric Acid
C. Copper sulfate
D. hydrocyanic acid *
E. Cocaine
74. Which substance gives specific smell of bitter almonds to the research objects?
A. Morphine
B. Nitric Acid
C. Copper sulfate
D. benzoic aldehyde *
E. Cocaine
75. Which substance gives specific smell to the research objects?
A. Sulphuric acid
B. Phenol *
C. Copper sulfate
D. Codeine
E. Cocaine
76. Which substance gives specific smell to the research objects?
A. Cocaine
B. Nitric Acid
C. Copper nitrate
D. Caffeine
E. Acetic acid *
77. Which substance gives specific smell to the research objects?
A. Acetone *
B. Nitric Acid
C. Copper sulfate
D. Morphine
E. Cocaine
78. Which substance gives specific smell to the research objects?
A. Nitric Acid
B. Formalin *
C. Copper sulfate
D. Morphine
E. potassium dichromate
79. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has yellow colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. trinitrophenol *
B. eosin
C. copper salt
D. sulfuric acid
E. chromium salt
80. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has yellow colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Nitric acid *
B. Eosin
C. Ammonia
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Arsenic Compounds
81. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has yellow colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. quinacrine *
B. mercury bichloride
C. copper salt
D. sulfuric acid
E. chromium salt
82. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has yellow colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Chromate *
B. Eosin
C. Hydrogen sulfide
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Chromium salt
83. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has blue colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Copper salt *
B. Picric acid
C. Eosin
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Chromium salt
84. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has gray-purple colour. Which poison can
be cause of death?
A. Chromium salt *
B. Eosin
C. Ammonia
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Arsenic compounds
85. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has orange colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Dichromates *
B. Mercury bichloride
C. Copper salt
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Chromium salt
86. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has black colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Sulfuric acid *
B. Chromate
C. Eosin
D. Hydrogen sulfide
E. Ammonia
87. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has green colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Copper salt *
B. Picric acid
C. Eosin
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Chromium salt
88. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has pink colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Eosin *
B. Nitric acid
C. Ammonia
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Arsenic compounds
89. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has pink colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Mercury bichloride *
B. Quinacrine
C. Copper salt
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Chromium salt
90. Determination of object color (mostly stomach content) has a value for the previous deduction that
the presence of poison. You have stomach content which has green colour. Which poison can be
cause of death?
A. Arsenic salt *
B. Chromate
C. Eosin
D. Hydrogen sulfide
E. Sulfuric acid
91. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus. Toxicologist moistens the first paper by:
A. Lacmus by water *
B. Alkaline solution of copper sulfate
C. Lead acetate solution
D. Lead sulfate solution
E. No moistened
92. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus. Toxicologist moistens the second paper by:
A. Alkaline solution of copper sulfate *
B. Lacmus by water
C. Lead acetate solution
D. Lead sulfate solution
E. Acidic solution of copper sulfate
93. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus. Toxicologist moistens the third paper by:
A. Lead acetate solution *
B. Alkaline solution of copper sulfate
C. Lacmus
D. Lead sulfate solution
E. Acidic solution of copper sulfate
94. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus (flask) with the three papers. Flask left for 30 minutes. Then
toxicologist saw no visible changes. This result means:
A. The absence of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide *
B. Ammonia poisoning
C. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning
D. Processes of decay (rotting)
E. Toxicologist does not do this test
95. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus (flask) with the three papers. Flask left for 30 minutes. Then
toxicologist saw blue colour of first and second artificial of paper (moistened lacmus and copper
sulfate). This result means:
A. Ammonia poisoning *
B. The absence of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
C. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning
D. Processes of decay (rotting)
E. Toxicologist does not do this test
96. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus (flask) with the three papers. Flask left for 30 minutes. Then
toxicologist saw blue colour of first and second artificial of paper (moistened lacmus and copper
sulfate) and blackening the third (Lead acetate) papers. This result means:
A. The processes of decay (rotting) *
B. The absence of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
C. Ammonia poisoning
D. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning
E. Toxicologist does not do this test
97. Determination ammonia and hydrogen sulfide is one of preliminary tests of biological material.
Toxicologist collects the apparatus (flask) with the three papers. Flask left for 30 minutes. Then
toxicologist saw blackening the third (Lead acetate) papers. This result means:
A. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning *
B. The absence of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
C. Ammonia poisoning
D. Processes of decay (rotting)
E. Toxicologist does not do this test
98. Expert toxicologist uses for the detection of volatile reducers this substance:
A. Benzydyn
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Diphenylamine
D. Potassium dichromate
E. Identified only by smell
99. Expert toxicologist uses for the detection oxidizers this substance:
A. Benzydyn
B. Potassium dichromate
C. Potassium permanganate
D. diphenylamine *
E. Identified only by smell
100. A biological mineralization was doing. What poison group will determine?
A. alkaloids
B. barbiturates
C. heavy metals and arsenic *
D. alcohols
E. phenothiazines
101. Denitration of mineralisate is doing after mineralization of biological material. Which substance is
used to check of denitration:
A. diphenylamine *
B. diphenylcarbazone
C. dithizon
D. thioureas
E. lead diethyldithiocarbamate
102. Poisoning was by Silver. Which method don’t use for Silver isolation from biological objects:
A. mineralization by a mixture of sulfuric, nitric and perchloric acids
B. dry ashing method
C. mineralization by mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid
D. interfusion method
E. Destruction *
Different reducers are used for denitration of mineralisate. What the reagent is used for
denitration of mineralisate often?
A. urea
B. thioureas
C. sodium sulfite
D. formaldehyde solution *
E. sodium thiosulfate
Oxidants formed in the process of mineralization. They interfere to investigation of “metal”
poisons, so toxicologist must do denitration. What are the oxidizers?
A. all listed above *
B. nitric acid
C. nitrogen oxide (II)
D. nitrogen dioxide
E. nitrous acid
105. Some person was poisoned by "metal" poisons. What "metal" poison is lost in the process of
general mineralization methods?
A. Thallium
B. arsenic
C. Mercury *
D. antimony
E. manganese
106. There was heavy metal poisoning. What is reason for the mineralization of biological material in
forensic toxicological analysis of this group of poisons?
A. destruction of metal complexes and proteins *
B. to separate poisons
C. identification of poisons
D. cleaning poisons from endogenous elements
E. quantification of poisons
107. Mineralization of biological material (at poisoning by “metal” poisons) is done by mixture of
nitric and sulfuric acids. The first stage of mineralization is called:
A. destruction *
B. denitration
C. nitration and sulphonation
D. interfusion
E. oxidation
108. Mineralization is divided into two groups of methods - methods of dry and wet mineralization. To
the method of dry mineralization belongs to:
A. mineralization by a mixture of nitric, sulfuric and perchloric acid
B. mineralization by a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids
C. mineralization by nitric acid
D. dry ashing method *
E. mineralization by a mixture of sulfuric acid and perhydrol
109. Mineralization is divided into two groups of methods - methods of dry and wet mineralization.
Which method doesn’t belong to wet mineralization:
A. mineralization by a mixture of nitric, sulfuric and perchloric acid
B. mineralization by a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids
C. mineralization by nitric acid
D. dry ashing method *
E. mineralization by a mixture of sulfuric acid and perhydrol
110. Denitration of mineralisate is doing after isolation of "metal" poisons from biological material.
Denitration of mineralisate is:
A. Release mineralisate from nitric acid, nitrous acid, nitrosyl-sulphuric acid and nitrogen *
B. Release of nitric acid from nitrogen oxides
C. Destruction of biological material by diluted nitric acid
D. Isolation of mercury from biological material at using nitric acid
E. The destruction of mineralisate by nitric acid
111. There was poisoning of “metal” poison. What is primarily due to toxicity of "metal" poisons?
A. binding with amino acids, proteins and polypeptide *
B. bonding with hydrochloric acid
C. binding to lipids
D. bonding with carbohydrates
E. binding with cholesterol
112. Forensic toxicologist done denitration after mineralization. What is the most effective denitrator
you must use for denitration?
A. formaldehyde solution *
B. urea
C. sodium thiosulfate
D. sodium sulfite
E. No right answer
113. Mineralization is divided into two groups of methods - methods of dry and wet mineralization. To
the method of dry mineralization belongs to:
A. interfusion method *
B. mineralization by a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids
C. mineralization by nitric acid
D. mineralization by a mixture of nitric, sulfuric and perchloric acid
E. mineralization by a mixture of sulfuric acid and perhydrol
114. Mineralization is divided into two groups of methods - methods of dry and wet mineralization.
Which method doesn’t belong to wet mineralization:
A. interfusion method *
B. mineralization by a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids
C. mineralization by nitric acid
D. mineralization by a mixture of nitric, sulfuric and perchloric acid
E. mineralization by a mixture of sulfuric acid and perhydrol
115. Why do you add carbonates of alkali metals at interfusion method:
A. to prevent rapid reaction course *
B. to form carbonates
C. to enhance the oxidizing capacity of nitrate
D. to reduce the oxidative capacity of nitrate
E. for homogeneity of reaction mixture
116. Mineralization of biological material (at poisoning by “metal” poisons) is done by mixture of
nitric and sulfuric acids. The last stage of mineralization is called:
A. destruction
B. denitration *
C. nitration and sulphonation
D. interfusion
E. oxidation
117. Why we use mineralization for isolation of "metal" poisons from biological material:
A. Heavy metal ions and proteins, peptides, amino acids formed strong covalent bonds that are difficult to
destroy *
B. Heavy metal ions and proteins, peptides, amino acids formed strong ionic bonds that are difficult to destroy
C. A simple extraction by water and metal ions pass into the aqua solution
D. The correct answer is no
E. Because metals belonging to the minerals
118. Nitrates are used in interfusion method. Choose function of them?
A. Oxidizer *
B. Reducer
C. Form salts
D. Prevents boiling
E. Moistener
119. Now toxicologists do not use mineralization of biological material by nitric acid, because:
A. It slowly oxidizes fats *
B. Oxidation process takes too long and left charred particles
C. It explosives
D. There is partial oxidation of biological material
E. This method is widely used now
120. Now toxicologists do not use mineralization of biological material by sulphuric acid, because:
A. It slowly oxidizes fats
B. Oxidation process takes too long and left charred particles *
C. It explosives
D. There is partial oxidation of biological material
E. This method is widely used now
121. Now toxicologists do not use mineralization of biological material by perchloric acid, because:
A. It slowly oxidizes fats
B. Oxidation process takes too long and left charred particles
C. It explosives *
D. There is partial oxidation of biological material
E. This method is widely used now
122. How many grams of biological material are taken in dry method of analysis - dry ashing?
A. 1-10 g *
B. 1-2 g
C. 100 g
D. ⅓
E. ⅔
123. How many grams of biological material are taken in dry method of analysis – interfusion method?
A. 1-2 g *
B. 1-10 g
C. 100 g
D. ⅓
E. ⅔
124. One disadvantage of dry ashing is:
A. The reaction poisons and crucible walls *
B. Explosivity
C. Partial oxidation of biological material
D. Slowly oxidation of fats
E. Rapid flow mineralization
125. One disadvantage of dry ashing is:
A. Poisons are volatility at high temperature *
B. Explosivity
C. Partial oxidation of biological material
D. Slowly oxidation of fats
E. Rapid flow mineralization
126. One disadvantage of dry ashing is:
A. Inability to control of temperature *
B. Explosivity
C. Partial oxidation of biological material
D. Slowly oxidation of fats
E. Rapid flow mineralization
127. Expert toxicologist does analysis of "mineralizate" on "metallic" poisons. Precipitate is dissolved
in ammonium acetate and yellow precipitate forms at addition potassium dichromate to it. Which
ions are in mineralizate?
A. mercury
B. lead *
C. barium
D. silver
E. calcium
128. Potassium chromate and dichromate forms with Pb (II) precipitation.... color ... (formula)
insoluble in acetate acid:
A. White, Pb2Cr2O7
B. yellow, Pb2Cr2O7
C. yellow, PbCrO4 *
D. White, PbCrO4
E. black, PbCrO4
129. The reaction of the "golden rain" is a reaction of formation:
A. [HgI4]2B. PbI2*
C. AlI3
D. HgI2
E. AgI
130. Expert toxicologist does analysis of "mineralizate" on "metallic" poisons. Precipitate is dissolved
in ammonium acetate and golden yellow precipitate forms at addition potassium iodide to it. Which
ions are in mineralizate?
A. lead cations *
B. calcium cations
C. mercury (I) cations
D. silver cations
E. barium cations
131. Expert toxicologist does analysis of "mineralizate" on "metallic" poisons. Lead sulfate precipitate
is separated from barium sulfate precipitate by addition:
A. 30% ammonium acetate *
B. 25% sodium acetate
C. 1 M sodium sulfate
D. 1 M Sulfuric acid
E. 1 M sodium sulfite
132. Precipitate of barium rodizonate has reddish-brown color. Which reagent you may use that
precipitate becomes bright red color?
A. sodium sulfate
B. ammonium acetate
C. sodium hydroxide
D. hydrochloric acid *
E. nitric acid
133. Barium rodizonate has …. colour in acidic medium.
A. yellow
B. red-brown
C. bright red *
D. green
E. black
134. Which reagent is used for separation PbSO4 from BaSO4?
B. NH4Cl
C. Na2CO3
D. (NH4)2CO3
135. Choose the reaction for Pb2+ ions detection in mineralizate, in which formed yellow precipitate:
A. with sodium rodizonate
B. with NH4OH
C. with K2Cr2O7*
D. with NaCl
E. with K2SO4
136. Choose the reaction for Pb2+ ions detection in mineralizate, in which formed yellow precipitate:
A. with sodium rodizonate
B. with NH4OH
C. with KI*
D. with CH3COONH4
E. with K2SO4
137. Lead circulates in blood mainly in:
A. Erythrocytes *
B. Plasma
C. leukocytes
D. platelets
E. Serum
138. Compounds of heavy metals and arsenic block … in organism:
A. sulfhydryl groups (SH) of protein-enzyme *
B. destruction of carbohydrates
C. methemoglobinemia
D. ketonuria
E. acidosis
139. Death occurs as a result of … when water-soluble salts of barium enter in organism:
A. heart failure *
B. burn the mucous membrane
C. toxic hepatitis
D. methemoglobinemia
E. destruction of carbohydrates
140. Lead mainly adsorbed into blood and combines with:
A. erythrocytes *
B. thrombocytes
C. leucocyte
D. hepatocytes
E. ribosome
141. Pb absorption increases in gastro-intestinal tract at little content of chemical element:
a. Iron *
b. Sodium
c. Starch
d. Fat
e. Protein
142. Pb absorption increases in gastro-intestinal tract at little content of chemical element:
A. Calcium *
B. Sodium
C. Vitamin A
D. Chloride
E. Potassium
143. Pb absorption increases in gastro-intestinal tract at little content of chemical compound:
A. Vitamin D *
B. Sodium
C. Vitamin C
D. Chloride
E. Barium
144. Compounds Pb are partly accumulated at chronic poisoning in:
A. bone *
B. erythrocytes
C. kidney
D. brain
E. tissues
145. Compounds Pb is partly accumulated at acute poisoning in:
A. erythrocytes *
B. bone
C. kidney
D. brain
E. tissues
146. The main route of Lead ions in organism is:
A. gastrointestinal tract *
B. skin
C. inhaled
D. transdermal
E. sudoriferous glands
147. Barium ions react with sodium rodizonate. Which color is reaction product at acidifying?
A. red *
B. blue
C. fulvous
D. violet
E. yellow
148. Sustaining chemical reactions is one of the stages of mineralizate analysis on presence of heavy
metals. Which reaction is used to detect of Pb ions?
A. sodium thiosulfate and potassium chloride
B. iron chloride and copper iodide
C. sodium carbonate and barium chloride
D. potassium iodide and potassium chromate *
E. sodium chloride and sodium phosphate
149. White precipitate formed after the mineralization of biological material. Which reactions are used
for detection of barium ions (after transformation it into solution):
A. diphenylcarbazide
B. dithizon
C. nitric acid
D. sulfatic acid and potassium permanganate *
E. lead diethyldithiocarbamate
150. There was heavy metal poisoning. Preliminary reaction on Lead ion is reaction with …:
A. sulphuric acid
B. potassium dichromate
C. potassium iodide
D. dithizon *
E. hydrochloric acid
151. Fractional method of analysis is used for the detection of heavy metals in forensic toxicological
analysis. What is the purpose of fluoride, phosphate and thiosulfate using in the analysis of
A. masking of ions, which interfere *
B. identification of poison
C. quantification of poison
D. cleaning
E. as catalyst
152. White precipitate formed at a mineralization by sulfuric and nitric acids. Which substance is used
for separation of Barium sulphate and Lead sulfate?
A. ammonium acetate *
B. sulfuric acid
C. sodium sulfate
D. nitric acid
E. acetic acid
153. There was Pb poisoning. Which method of Pb ions quantitative analysis is the most sensitive?
A. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy *
B. Gravimetry
C. Complexonometry
D. Thiocyanatometry
E. Colorimetry
154. Choose non-toxic Barium compound:
A. barium sulfate *
B. barium carbonate
C. barium nitrate
D. barium chloride
E. barium acetate
155. Which method doesn’t use for masking of interfere ions?
A. valence change*
B. chelation
C. pH change
D. change of mineralizate volume
E. application of redox reactions
156. White precipitate indicates on possible presence in mineralizate … ions after mineralization of
biological material by mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid:
A. Lead *
B. Antimony
C. Silver
D. Copper
E. Zinc
157. Where does Lead accumulate at chronic poisoning in the body?
A. Bone *
B. blood
C. brain
D. liver
E. skin
158. White precipitate indicates on possible presence in mineralizate … ions after mineralization of
biological material by mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid:
A. Barium *
B. Antimony
C. Chromium
D. Copper
E. Zinc
159. The group of "metal" poisons includes metal. Which non-metal also belongs to this group of
A. Arsenic *
B. Bismuth
C. Barium
D. Cadmium
E. Sulfur
160. The group of "metal" poisons includes metal. Which non-metal also belongs to this group of
A. Antimony *
B. Nitrogen
C. Barium
D. Silver
E. Sulfur
161. Important in chemical toxicological analysis is the quantitative determination of substances as
they may be endogenous compounds. So when you detect copper ions, you must remember that this
ion can cause poisoning and copper is in the body as part of:
A. Enzyme *
B. Fat
C. Hormones
D. Amino acids
E. Vitamin
162. Important in chemical toxicological analysis is the quantitative determination of substances as
they may be endogenous compounds. So when you detect manganese ions, you must remember that
this ion can cause poisoning and manganese is in the body as part of:
A. Enzyme *
B. Fat
C. Hormones
D. Amino acids
E. Vitamin
163. Important in chemical toxicological analysis is the quantitative determination of substances as
they may be endogenous compounds. So when you detect zinc ions, you must remember that this
ion can cause poisoning and zinc is in the body as part of:
A. Enzyme *
B. Fat
C. Hormones
D. Amino acids
E. Vitamin
164. "Metal" poisons react with amino acids, peptides and proteins in the body. What type of bond
present in these compounds?
A. Covalent *
B. Metallic
C. hydrogen bridge
D. ionic bond
E. The correct answer is no
165. It was silver poisoning. Which method doesn’t use for Silver isolation from biological objects?
A. Destruction *
B. interfusion method
C. mineralization by mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids
D. dry ashing method
E. mineralization by mixture of sulfuric, nitric and perhloric acids
166. It was poisoning by heavy metal. You don’t use dithizon in the analysis of … poison.
A. Lead
B. Zinc
C. Thallium
D. Antimony *
E. Silver
167. White precipitate forms in reaction of sodium sulfide with heavy metal (at pH = 5). Which ion
may be in mineralizate?
A. Lead
B. Copper
C. Zinc *
D. Cadmium
E. Bismuth
168. It was poisoning by heavy metal. Redox reaction is used for detection of … poison.
A. Bismuth
B. manganese *
C. lead
D. copper
E. Zinc
169. Reaction of peroxichromatic acid formation is one of reaction for detection of chromium ions.
What is the process underlying this reaction?
A. reduction
B. hydrolysis
C. oxidation *
D. conjugation
E. substitution
170. Forensic toxicologist analyzes the presence of antimony ions in mineralizate. What is a
preliminary reaction?
A. with dithizon
B. zinc sulfate and ammonium tetraiodomercurate
C. Malachite green or diamond green*
D. diphenylcarbazone
E. Sodium rodizonate
Edema of mucous membranes, perforation of the stomach, multiple burns are in corpse at
performing an autopsy. Which "metal" poison is caused of poisoning?
A. manganese *
B. barium
C. Lead
D. Silver
E. zinc
172. Which is a common reagent used to detect chromium and manganese ions in mineralizate?
A. Magnesia mixture
B. potassium periodate
C. hydrogen peroxide
D. diphenylcarbazide
E. Ammonium persulphate *
173. Some metals interfere for identification of zinc ions in mineralizate so zinc ions are converted in
… (for izolation):
A. diethyldithiocarbamate *
B. dithizon
C. hexacyanoferrate (II)
D. sulphide
E. tetrarhodanomercurate
174. Which compound is used for quantitative determination of copper ions in mineralizate by
spectrophotometry in the chemical-toxicological analysis?
A. ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate
B. dithizon
C. hexacyanoferrate (II)
D. Pb diethyldithiocarbamate*
E. Pyridine-thiocyanate reagent
175. It was poisoning by heavy metal. Redox reaction is used for detection of … poison.
A. Bismuth
B. Cr *
C. Pb
D. copper
E. Zinc
176. Potassium periodate is used for determination of … ions:
A. Bismuth
B. Chromium
C. manganese *
D. copper
E. Zinc
177. Which reagent is used for preliminary identification of copper ions in mineralizate?
A. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
B. Lead diethyldithiocarbamate *
C. dithizon
D. diphenylcarbazide
E. diphenylamine
178. Which reagent is used as preliminary reaction for silver ions in mineralizate?
A. Sulfuric acid
B. dithizon *
C. potassium periodate
D. thiourea
E. copper acetate
179. There was manganese poisoning. Which reagent is used in preliminary reaction for manganese
ions in mineralizate?
A. Sulfuric acid
B. dithizon
C. potassium periodate *
D. thiourea
E. copper acetate
180. Pairs of this metal cause argyria in chronic poisoning:
A. Bismuth
B. Chromium
C. manganese
D. copper
E. Silver *
181. Which reagent is used as preliminary identification of zinc ions in mineralizate?
A. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
B. Lead diethyldithiocarbamate
C. dithizon *
D. diphenylcarbazide
E. diphenylamine
182. There was heavy metal poisoning. Which poison does react with Malachite green and dithizon?
A. antimony
B. arsenic
C. Silver
D. Thallium *
E. Lead
183. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) froms with copper ions precipitate … color .
A. blue
B. Green
C. white
D. black
E. brown-red *
184. Stomach content is blue color. Which metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Zinc
B. Copper *
C. Chromium
D. Manganese
E. Silver
185. Stomach content is yellow color. Which metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Zinc
B. Copper
C. Chromium *
D. Manganese
E. Silver
186. Stomach content is brown color. Which metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Zinc
B. Copper
C. Chromium
D. Manganese *
E. Silver
187. Stomach content is greyish-brown color. Which metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Zinc
B. Copper
C. Chromium *
D. Manganese
E. Silver
188. In the accompanying documentation was write that the corpse has Mees’ lines on nails. What kind
of metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Arcenic *
B. Antimony
C. Silver
D. Lead
E. Mercury
189. Hemorrhage and necrosis of the mucous membranes of digestive tract, necrotic changes in kidney,
fatty degeneration of the liver, etc observed at forensic and histological examination of the corpse.
What kind of metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Thallium *
B. Antimony
C. Silver
D. Lead
E. Barium
190. Hyperemia of lungs tissue, bleeding in the lungs and digestive tract will be at postmortem
examination of corpses. What kind of metal poison is necessary to analyze?
A. Thallium
B. Antimony *
C. Silver
D. Lead
E. Mercury
191. Reaction with malachite green or diamond green is used as preliminary identification of this
metal poison in mineralizate?
A. Cadmium
B. Lead
C. Thallium *
D. Chromium
E. Copper
192. Reaction with malachite green or diamond green is used as preliminary identification of this
metal poison in mineralizate?
A. Antimony *
B. Lead
C. Caffeine
D. Chromium
E. This reaction is sustaining, not preliminary
193. Reaction with malachite green or diamond green is used as preliminary identification of this
metal poison in mineralizate?
A. Cadmium and thallium
B. Lead or ethanol
C. Thallium or antimony *
D. Chromium or manganese
E. This reaction is sustaining, not preliminary
194. Which poison in mineralizate can be detected by reaction with dithizon as preliminary reaction?
A. Barium
B. Cadmium
C. Arsenic
D. Thallium
E. Silver *
195. Which poison in mineralizate can be detected by reaction with dithizon as preliminary reaction?
A. Zinc *
B. Copper
C. Manganese
D. Chromium
E. Antimony
196. Which poison in mineralizate can be detected by reaction with dithizon as preliminary reaction?
A. Cadmium and thallium
B. Lead or Silver *
C. Thallium or antimony
D. Chromium or manganese
E. Thallium or zinc
197. Which poison in mineralizate can be detected by reaction with dithizon as preliminary reaction?
A. Silver or thallium
B. Lead or ethanol
C. Thallium or antimony
D. Chromium or manganese
E. Silver or zinc *
198. Dithizon is used for detection of this metal poison in mineralizate as sustaining reaction.
A. Barium
B. Cadmium
C. Arsen
D. Thallium *
E. Silver
199. Choose a common reagent for detection of copper and zinc ions in mineralizate.
A. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
B. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) *
C. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
D. Dithizon
E. Pyridine-thiocyanate reagent
200. Choose a common reagent for detection of copper and zinc ions in mineralizate
A. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
B. Ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate (II) *
C. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
D. Dithizon
E. Pyridine-thiocyanate reagent
201. Choose a common reagent for detection silver and zinc ions in mineralizati
A. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
B. Potassium iodide
C. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
D. Dithizon *
E. Sodium chloride
202. Which reagent is used for microcrystaloscopic reaction of Silver ions in mineralizate?
A. Potassium iodide
B. Thiourea and potassium picrate *
C. Sodium iodide
D. Dithizon
E. Sodium phosphate
203. Which reagent is used for microcrystaloscopic reaction of Zinc ions in mineralizate?
A. Ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate (II) *
B. Potassium picrate and thiourea
C. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
D. Dithizon
E. Sodium phosphate
204. Which reagent is used for isolation zinc ions from mineralizate into organic solvent?
A. Ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate (II)
B. Potassium picrate and thiourea
C. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate*
D. Dithizon
E. Sodium phosphate
205. Which reagent is used for re-extraction of zinc ions from organic solvent into water?
A. Sulfuric acid
B. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
C. Hydrochloric acid *
D. Chloroform
E. Nitric Acid
206. Which endogenous metal poison can be detected in normal by fractional analysis in mineralizate?
A. Zinc *
B. Barium
C. Chromium
D. Silver
E. Ethanol
207. Which endogenous metal poison can be detected in normal by fractional analysis in mineralizate?
A. Barium
B. Chromium
C. Manganese *
D. Silver
E. Ethanol
208. Which endogenous metal poison can be detected in normal by fractional analysis in mineralizate?
A. Barium
B. Chromium
C. Silver
D. Ethanol
E. Copper *
209. Which endogenous metal poison can be detected in normal by fractional analysis in mineralizate?
A. Zinc or copper *
B. Barium and manganese
C. Chromium or antimony
D. Silver or Tallium
E. Ethanol or acetic acid
210. Which metal poison forms brown-red precipitate with potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)?
A. Iron (III)
B. Copper *
C. Zinc
D. Manganese
E. Chromium
211. Which metal poison forms white precipitate with potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)?
A. Iron (III)
B. Copper
C. Zinc *
D. Manganese
E. Chromium
212. Which metal poison forms white precipitate with ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate (II)?
A. Iron (III)
B. Copper
C. Manganese
D. Zinc *
E. Chromium
213. Which metal poison forms yellow-green precipitate with ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate (II)?
A. Iron (III)
B. Copper *
C. Zinc
D. No poisons does not precipitate such a coloring
E. Chromium
214. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Аg+ +
2S=C(NH2)2 + C6H2(NO2)3OK  [Аg(S=C(NH2)2)2]C6H2(NO2)3O + K+.
A. yellow precipitate
B. yellow color of chloroform layer
C. purple-red color of chloroform layer
D. Yellow solution
E. Yellow prismatic crystals *
215. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Cr2O72- +
4H2O2 + 2H+  2H2CrO6 + 3H2O.
A. yellow color of chloroform layer
B. purple-red solution
C. red precipitate
D. blue color of amyl alcohol layer *
E. white precipitate
216. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 2Мn2+ + 5КІО4
+ 3Н2О  2МnО4- + 5КIO3 + 6Н+
A. pink solution*
B. red precipitate
C. white precipitate
D. blue solution
E. purple-red color of chloroform layer
217. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Cu[Hg(SCN)4] +
Zn[Hg(SCN)4]  Cu[Hg(SCN)4]Zn[Hg(SCN)4].
A. yellowish-green crystal precipitate
B. pinkish-purple precipitate*
C. white crystal precipitate
D. brown-red precipitate
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
218. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 3Zn2+ +
2К4[Fe(CN)6]  К2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2 + 6К+.
A. yellowish-green crystal precipitate
B. pinkish-purple precipitate
C. white precipitate *
D. brown-red precipitate
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
219. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 2ВаС12 +
К2Сr2O7 + Н2О  2ВаСrО4 + 2КС1 + 2НС1.
A. yellow precipitate*
B. pinkish-purple precipitate
C. white precipitate
D. brown-red precipitate
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
220. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
(NH4)2[Hg(SCN)4] + Cu2+  Cu[Hg(SCN)4] + 2NH4+
A. yellowish-green crystal precipitate*
B. pinkish-purple precipitate
C. white crystal precipitate
D. brown-red precipitate
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
221. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Pb2+ +
Cu(CH3COO)2 + 6KNО2  K2Pb[Cu(NO2)6] + 2CH3COOK + 2K+.
A. yellowish-green crystals
B. white crystal precipitate
C. brown precipitate
D. orange red chloroform layer
E. black or brown cubic crystals *
222. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 2Mn2+ +
5S2O82– + 8H2O  2MnO4– + 10SO42– + 16H+
A. yellow precipitate
B. violet precipitate *
C. orange red chloroform layer
D. blue chloroform layer
E. violet solution
223. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
(NH4)2[Hg(SCN)4] + Zn2+  Zn[Hg(SCN)4] + 2NH4+
A. yellowish-green crystal precipitate
B. pinkish-purple precipitate
C. white crystal precipitate *
D. brown-red precipitate
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
224. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 2CuSО4 +
K4[Fe(CN)6]  Cu2[Fe(CN)6] + 2K2SО4
A. yellowish-green crystal precipitate
B. pinkish-purple precipitate
C. white precipitate
D. brown-red precipitate *
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
225. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Аg+ + I-  AgI
A. yellow precipitate *
B. pinkish-purple precipitate
C. white precipitate
D. brown-red precipitate
E. emerald-green chloroform layer
226. Mineralizate has blue colour after mineralization of liver. Which metal poison is in mineralizate?
A. Iron (III)
B. Copper *
C. Manganese
D. Zinc
E. Chromium
227. Mineralizate has green-purple colour after mineralization of liver. Which metal poison is in
A. Iron (III)
B. Copper
C. Manganese
D. Zinc
E. Chromium *
228. Absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract depends on physical and chemical
properties of poisons and conditions in different parts of gastrointestinal tract. Drugs with acidic
property are absorbed in:
A. oral cavity
B. stomach *
C. small intestine
D. large intestine
E. esophagus
229. Absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract depend on physical and chemical properties
of poisons and conditions in different parts of gastrointestinal tract. Drugs with basic property are
absorbed in:
A. in the mouth
B. stomach
C. small intestine *
D. large intestine
E. esophagus
230. Toxic substances are classified in chemical toxicological analysis depending on their isolation
methods from biological material. To which group belongs poison – sodium nitrite?
A. Substances isolated by special methods
B. Substances isolated by steam distillation
C. Substances analyzed without isolation
D. Substances isolated by organic solvents
E. Substances isolated by water extraction *
231. Toxic substances are classified in chemical toxicological analysis depending on their isolation
methods from biological material. To which group belongs poison – carbon monoxide?
A. Substances isolated by special methods
B. Substances isolated by steam distillation
C. Substances analyzed without isolation *
D. Substances isolated by organic solvents
E. Substances isolated by water extraction
232. Toxic substances are classified in chemical toxicological analysis depending on their isolation
methods from biological material. To which group belong poisons – pesticides?
A. Substances isolated by special methods
B. Substances isolated by steam distillation
C. Substances analyzed without isolation
D. Substances isolated by organic solvents *
E. Substances isolated by water extraction
233. Toxic substances are classified in chemical toxicological analysis depending on their isolation
methods from biological material. To which group belong poisons – chlorine and its compounds?
A. Substances isolated by special methods *
B. Substances isolated by steam distillation
C. Substances analyzed without isolation
D. Substances isolated by organic solvents
E. Substances isolated by water extraction
234. Toxic substances enter into body by different routs. Which poison can enter easily through
undamaged skin?
A. Fat-soluble. *
B. Water-soluble.
C. Dissociated.
D. Acid character.
E. Basic character.
235. Known for many toxic substances can cause poisoning. These substances in toxicological
chemistry are divided into groups depending by:
A. Mechanism of toxic action
B. Chemical structure
C. Isolation methods of poisons from biological material *
D. Direction of metabolism in the body
E. Excretion from the body
236. Toxic substances can excreted from the body through the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract,
skin, etc.. Which properties must have poisons and their metabolites, if they are excreted through
A. With a high molecular weight
B. Ionized compounds *
C. Not ionization compounds
D. Fat-soluble compounds
E. In the molecular form
237. There was poisoning by heavy metals and arsenic. In this case, as the antidote is used:
A. Unitiol *
B. Vitamin B6
C. Lipoic acid
D. Methylene blue
E. Glucagon
238. Which reaction is used for the qualitative detection of thallium ions in mineralizate?
A. sodium rodizonate
B. dithizon *
C. thiourea
D. diphenylcarbazide
E. sulfuric acid
239. All poisons are divided into different groups. How divided poisons by chemical structure?
A. Inorganic, organic, hetero-organic *
B. Natural and synthetic
C. Industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents
D. Extremely toxic, highly toxic, moderately toxic and toxic
E. Neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic
240. All poisons are divided into different groups. How divided poisons by origin?
A. Inorganic, organic, hetero-organic
B. Natural and synthetic *
C. Industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents
D. Extremely toxic, highly toxic, moderately toxic and toxic
E. Neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic
241. All poisons are divided into different groups. How divided poisons by the practical application?
A. Inorganic, organic, hetero-organic
B. Natural and synthetic
C. Industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents *
D. Extremely toxic, highly toxic, moderately toxic and toxic
E. Neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic
242. All poisons are divided into different groups. How divided poisons by toxicity degree?
A. Inorganic, organic, hetero-organic
B. Natural and synthetic
C. Industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents
D. Extremely toxic, highly toxic, moderately toxic and toxic *
E. Neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic
243. All poisons are divided into different groups. How divided poisons by type of the toxic effect?
A. Inorganic, organic, hetero-organic
B. Natural and synthetic
C. Industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents
D. Extremely toxic, highly toxic, moderately toxic and toxic
E. Neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic *
244. All poisons are divided into different groups. How divided poisons by “selective toxicity”?
A. Inorganic, organic, hetero-organic
B. Natural and synthetic
C. Industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents
D. Cardiotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, blood et al. *
E. Neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic
245. There are different classifications of poisons. In which classification is divided poisons on
neuroparalytic, lachrymatory and irritable, general toxic, blistering, suffocating, psycho toxic?
A. By selective toxicity
B. By the type of toxic effect *
C. By toxicity degree
D. By practical application
E. By origin
246. There are different classifications of poisons. In which classification are divided poisons on
natural and synthetic?
A. By selective toxicity
B. By the type of toxic effect
C. By toxicity degree
D. By practical application
E. By origin *
247. There are different classifications of poisons. In which classification are divided poisons on
industry, household, pesticides, drugs, biological poisons, chemical warfare agents?
A. By selective toxicity
B. By the type of toxic effect
C. By toxicity degree
D. By practical application *
E. By origin
248. There are different classifications of poisons. In which classification are divided poisons on
inorganic, organic, and hetero-organic?
A. By selective toxicity
B. By the type of toxic effect
C. By toxicity degree
D. By practical application
E. By a chemical structure *
249. There are different classifications of poisons. In which classifications are divided poisons on
cardiotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, blood et al.?
A. By selective toxicity *
B. By the type of toxic effect
C. By toxicity degree
D. By practical application
E. By origin
250. There are different classifications of poisons. In which classification are divided poisons on
extremely toxic, highly toxic, moderately toxic and toxic?
A. By selective toxicity
B. By the type of toxic effect
C. By toxicity degree *
D. By practical application
E. By origin
251. Extremely toxic poisons are poisons which have DL50:
A. Less than 15 mg/kg *
B. From 15 to 150 mg/kg
C. From 151 to 1500 mg/kg
D. More than 1500 mg/kg
E. The correct answer is no
252. Highly toxic poisons are poisons which have DL50:
A. Less than 15 mg/kg
B. From 15 to 150 mg/kg *
C. From 151 to 1500 mg/kg
D. More than 1500 mg/kg
E. The correct answer is no
253. Moderately toxic poisons are poisons which have DL50:
A. Less than 15 mg/kg
B. From 15 to 150 mg/kg
C. From 151 to 1500 mg/kg *
D. More than 1500 mg/kg
E. The correct answer is no
254. Toxic poisons are poisons which have DL50:
A. Less than 15 mg/kg
B. From 15 to 150 mg/kg
C. From 151 to 1500 mg/kg
D. More than 1500 mg/kg *
E. The correct answer is no
255. Which cations with potassium iodide are form a precipitate insoluble in ammonia and acids, but
soluble in a solution of sodium thiosulfate?
A. silver *
B. mercury (I)
C. barium
D. Pb
E. calcium
256. White precipitate forms with hydrochloric acid or sodium chloride and ... ions.
A. calcium
B. magnesium
C. silver *
D. zinc
E. copper (II)
257. Zinc ions form … crystalline precipitate with ammonium tetrarhodanomercurate.
A. white *
B. violet
C. green
D. black
E. golden-yellow
258. Chromium compounds are detected by reaction of peroxichromatic acid formation, which has ...
A. H2CrO6, blue *
B. H2CrO5, yellow
C. H2CrO7, white
D. H2Cr2O7, orange
E. H2CrO4, green
259. Sodium sulfide with zinc ions forms ... precipitate.... (formula).
A. white, ZnSO3
B. white, ZnS *
C. yellow, ZnS
D. yellowish, Zn2S
E. white with yellowish tinge, ZnSO4
260. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) with zinc ions forms ... precipitate.... (formula).
A. purple, KZn2[Fe(CN)6]
B. blue, Zn2[Fe(CN)6]
C. yellow, K2Zn2[Fe(CN)6]3
D. White, K2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2 *
E. Green, Zn3[Fe(CN)6]
261. What reagent isn’t used for detection of zinc ions?
A. Na2S
B. K4[Fe(CN)6]
C. K3 [Fe(CN)6] *
D. (NH4)2[Hg(SCN)4]
E. Dithizon
262. When you add hydrogen peroxide to alkaline solution of Cr3 + salt, … forms.
A. Yellow solution *
B. Yielding yellow
C. Orange solution
D. Green solution
E. Blue solution
263. Sodium thiosulfate … (folmula) is added to the solution containing Sb3+ ions, and forms ...
A. Na2S2O3, red *
B. Na3S2O3, white
C. Na2S3O3, brown
D. Na2S2O4, violet
E. Na2S2O8, black
264. Detection of ions Mn (II) with ammonium persulfate is done in … medium ... and observed ...
A. acidic, crimson-purple *
B. neutral or alkaline, crimson-purple
C. neutral, black
D. acidic, blue
E. acidic, red
265. Addition of sodium thiosulfate solution to investigated acidic mineralizate and observed at heating
the formation of orange precipitate. Which ion is present in solution?
A. Fe3+
B. Bi3+
C. Sb3+ *
D. Cd2+
E. Mn2+
266. Which cation you can detect in mineralizate with diamond green in CTA?
A. Mn2+
B. Mg2+
C. Fe3+
D. Bi3+
E. SbV *
267. Which cation you can detect in mineralizate with malachite green in CTA?
A. Bi3+
B. Sb3+ *
C. Mn2+
D. Fe3+
E. Mg2+
268. Crimson-violet solution is observed in a reaction with ammonium persulfate in acidic medium in
the presence of Ag+ ions. Which ion is present in mineralizate?
A. Bi3+
B. Ag+
C. Fe3+
D. Mn2+ *
E. Mg2+
269. Which reagent is used for detection of Mn2+ ions in solution?
A. K3[Fe(CN)6]
B. (NH4)2S2O8 *
C. (NH4)2S2O3
D. (NH4)2SO3
E. (NH4)2S2O7
270. Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) is used for detection of Cu2+ ions in mineralizate. Choose
formula of precipitate, which forms.
A. Cu2[Fe(CN)6] *
B. Cu[Fe(CN)6]
C. K2Cu3[Fe(CN)6]2
D. Cu4[Fe(CN)6]
E. Cu[Fe(CN)6]2
271. To which groups of poisons are belong substances that cause local inflammatory necrotic action
(classification by type of toxic effect)?
A. Neuroparalytic action
B. Blistering action *
C. Suffocating action
D. Lachrymatory and irritable action
E. Psycho toxic action
272. To which groups of poisons are belong substances that cause bronchospasm, convulsions,
paralysis (classification by type of toxic effect)?
A. Neuroparalytic action *
B. Blistering action
C. Suffocating action
D. Lachrymatory and irritable action
E. Psycho toxic action
273. To which groups of poisons are belong substances that cause paralysis, wet brain (classification by
type of toxic effect)?
A. Neuroparalytic action
B. Blistering action
C. Suffocating action
D. General toxic action *
E. Psycho toxic action
274. To which groups of poisons are belong substances that cause irritation of external mucous
membranes (classification by type of toxic effect)?
A. Neuroparalytic action
B. Blistering action
C. Suffocating action
D. Lachrymatory and irritable action *
E. Psycho toxic action
275. To which groups of poisons are belong substances that cause pulmonary edema (classification by
type of toxic effect)?
A. Neuroparalytic action
B. Blistering action
C. Suffocating action *
D. Lachrymatory and irritable action
E. Psycho toxic action
276. To which groups of poisons are belong substances that cause neuropsychopathy (classification by
type of toxic effect)?
A. Neuroparalytic action
B. Blistering action
C. Suffocating action
D. Lachrymatory and irritable action
E. Psycho toxic action *
277. What is the name of poisons classification by type of hypoxia which develops?
A. Pathophysiological classification *
B. Pathochemical classification
C. Biological classification
D. Classification by the carcinogenic activity degree
E. Clinical classification
278. What is the name of poisons classification by mechanism of interaction with the enzyme systems?
A. Pathophysiological classification
B. Pathochemical classification *
C. Biological classification
D. Classification by the carcinogenic activity degree
E. Clinical classification
279. According to the etiopathogenetic classification of poisoning (by reason of development), they are
divided into:
A. Accidental poisoning and calculated homicide *
B. Medical, professional and household
C. Oral, inhalation, percutaneous
D. Acute, chronic, subacute
E. Mild, medium, heavy, death
280. According to the etiopathogenetic classification of poisoning (by the place (conditions) of
development), they are divided into:
A. Accidental poisoning and calculated homicide
B. Medical, professional and household *
C. Oral, inhalation, percutaneous
D. Acute, chronic, subacute
E. Mild, medium, heavy, death
281. According to the etiopathogenetic classification of poisoning (by routs of poisons), they are
divided into:
A. Accidental poisoning and calculated homicide
B. Medical, professional and household
C. Oral, inhalation, percutaneous *
D. Acute, chronic, subacute
E. Mild, medium, heavy, death
282. According to the clinical classification of poisoning (by features of clinical course), they are
divided into:
A. Accidental poisoning and calculated homicide
B. Medical, professional and household
C. Oral, inhalation, percutaneous
D. Acute, chronic, subacute *
E. Mild, medium, heavy, death
283. According to the clinical classification of poisoning (by disease severity), they are divided into:
A. Accidental poisoning and calculated homicide
B. Medical, professional and household
C. Oral, inhalation, percutaneous
D. Acute, chronic, subacute
E. Mild, medium, heavy, death *
284. Which compound is easily absorbed in the stomach?
A. Quinine
B. Salts of manganese
C. Salts of copper
D. Barbiturates *
E. Morphine
285. Which compound is easily absorbed in the stomach?
A. Cocaine
B. Salt of silver
C. Barium salts
D. Salicylates *
E. Atropine
286. This heavy metal has the ability to accumulate in the skin at chronic poisoning.
A. Lead
B. Barium
C. Silver *
D. Copper
E. Antimony
287. This heavy metal has the ability to accumulate in the skin at chronic poisoning.
A. Gold *
B. Zinc
C. Cadmium
D. Mercury
E. Potassium
288. This heavy metal has the ability to accumulate in nails at chronic poisoning.
A. Gold
B. Zinc
C. Cadmium
D. Mercury *
E. Potassium
289. This heavy metal has the ability to accumulate in nails at chronic poisoning.
A. Lead
B. Barium
C. Arsenic *
D. Copper
E. Antimony
290. Toxicogenic phase (stage) is phase which displays a pathogenic reaction in the body:
A. displays a pathogenic reaction in the body *
B. occurs after the destruction of a toxic agent, its excretion from the body in the destruction form of structure
and functions of different organs and body systems
C. No such phase
D. poisoning by volatile compounds
E. poisoning by heavy metal compounds
291. Somatogenic phase (stage) is the phase that:
A. pathogenic organism reproduces reaction
B. occurs after the destruction of a toxic agent, its excretion from the body in the destruction form of structure
and functions of different organs and body systems *
C. No such phase
D. poisoning by volatile compounds
E. poisoning by heavy metal compounds
292. Choose the preliminary reaction for detection of Bi ions in mineralizate?
A. quinoline
B. potassium iodide
C. potassium iodide and 8-oxyquinoline *
D. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
E. brucine and potassium bromide
293. Choose the preliminary reaction for detection of Bi ions in mineralizate?
A. Thiourea *
B. CsCl i KI
C. brucine and KBr
D. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
E. potassium iodide
294. Choose reagent for isolation of Bi3+ ions from mineralizate?
A. Thiourea
B. CsCl i KI
C. brucine and KBr
D. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate *
E. potassium iodide
295. Choose extragent for isolation of Bi3+ ions from mineralizate?
A. ethanol
B. Chloroform *
C. acetone
D. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
E. thiourea
296. Which compound is used for re-extraction of Bi3+ ions from organic layer?
A. chloroform
B. hydrochloric
C. nitric acid *
D. diethyldithiocarbamate
E. benzene
297. Which reaction is not used for the detection of Bi ions in mineralizate?
A. thiourea
B. brucine and KBr
C. KI and 8-oxyquinoline
D. cesium chloride and potassium iodide
E. brucine and potassium iodide *
298. Choose microcrystaloscopic reaction for detection of Bi ions in mineralizate?
A. 8-oxyquinoline
B. potassium iodide
C. potassium iodide and 8-oxyquinoline
D. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
E. brucine and potassium bromide *
299. Choose microcrystaloscopic reaction for detection of Bi ions in mineralizate?
A. sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
B. thiourea
C. pyridine and potassium bromide
D. CsCl i KI *
E. potassium iodide and 8-oxyquinoline
300. Yellow-green crystals collected in the form of spheroids are observed in a reaction with brucine
and potassium bromide. Which metal poison can be in mineralizate?
A. Bismuth *
B. Cadmium
C. Mercury
D. Arsenic
E. Lead
301. Colorless prismatic crystals collected in the form of spheroids are observed in a reaction with
brucine and potassium bromide. Which metal poison can be in mineralizate?
A. Bismuth
B. Cadmium *
C. Mercury
D. Arsenic
E. Lead
302. Lemon yellow color was at addition of thiourea solution to mineralizate. Which metal poison can
be in mineralizate?
A. Bismuth *
B. Cadmium
C. Mercury
D. Arsenic
E. Lead
303. Thiourea is added to mineralizate which contains Bi3+ ions. What is the main goal of this
A. to mask the Bi3+
B. for preliminary or sustaining detection *
C. for preliminary identification
D. for sustaining identification
E. this reagent is used in the analysis
304. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate is added to mineralizate which contains Bi3+ ions. What is the
main goal of this addition?
A. to mask the Bi3+
B. for preliminary or sustaining detection
C. for preliminary identification
D. for sustaining identification
E. for isolation *
305. Which toxic substances excreted through the skin, causing dermatitis and thus dermatosis?
A. ethanol
B. Bi *
C. cadmium
D. mercury
E. quinine
306. Orange-red crystals in the form of a hexagon form in a reaction with cesium chloride and
potassium iodide. Which poison can be detected?
A. bismuth *
B. mercury
C. cadmium
D. arsenic
E. antimony
307. Which "metal" poisons in chronic poisoning can be detected in nails?
A. lead
B. arsenic *
C. barium
D. Bi
E. copper
308. Which metal poison is in Paris green?
A. Arsenic *
B. Cadmium
C. Bi
D. Mercury
E. Pb
309. Arsenic is accumulated at chronic poisoning in …:
A. liver
B. nails *
C. kidney
D. lungs
E. brain
310. Arsenic is accumulated at chronic poisoning in …:
A. lungs
B. brain
C. kidney
D. hair *
E. liver
311. Arsenic is accumulated at acute poisoning in …:
A. liver *
B. hair
C. skin
D. nails
E. brain
312. Arsenic is accumulated at acute poisoning in …:
A. spleen
B. kidney *
C. skin
D. hair
E. nails
313. Which is "metal" poison causes hemolysis of red blood cells?
A. Bi
B. cadmium
C. arsenic *
D. mercury
E. barium
314. For separation of cadmium ions from mineralizate as diethyldithiocarbamate - Cd as extragent is
A. Hydrochloric acid
B. sodium sulphide
C. brucine and potassium bromide
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
E. Chloroform *
315. Which re-extragent is used for re-extraction cadmium ions in aqueous phase?
A. Hydrochloric acid *
B. sodium sulphide
C. brucine and potassium bromide
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
E. chloroform
316. Choose reagent for the detection of cadmium ions in mineralizate:
A. Hydrochloric
B. sodium sulphide
C. brucine and potassium bromide *
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
E. chloroform
317. Choose reagent for the detection of cadmium ions in mineralizate:
A. sodium sulphide
B. pyridine and potassium bromide *
C. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
D. Thiourea
E. The reaction of Sanger-Black
318. Which is common reaction for detection of Cd2+ and Bi3+ ions in mineralizate?
A. Hydrochloric acid
B. sodium sulphide
C. brucine and potassium bromide *
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
E. chloroform
319. Sodium sulphide is added to mineralizate (after separation). Yellow precipitate forms. Which ions
give this reaction?
A. Cd2+ *
B. Ca2+
C. Hg2+
D. Pb2+
E. Bi3+
320. Which reagent is used in the analysis of Cd2+ ions in mineralizate?
A. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
B. pyridine and KIA *
C. brucine and KBr
D. pyridine and KBr
E. sodium sulphide
321. There was poisoning of cadmium compounds. In which organ it is accumulated?
A. brain
B. blood
C. flat bone
D. heart
E. liver *
322. There was the poisoning of cadmium compounds. In which organ it is accumulated?
A. marrow
B. spleen
C. stomach
D. kidney *
E. pancreas
323. Which heavy metal poisoning is caused of fatty liver?
A. barium
B. sodium
C. cadmium *
D. arsenic
E. Bi
324. Choose method of isolation of cadmium compounds from biological material:
A. distillation
B. extraction
C. re-extraction
D. destruction
E. mineralization by H2SO4 i HNO3 *
325. Choose method of isolation of cadmium compounds from biological material:
A. interfusion *
B. condensation
C. extraction
D. distillation
E. destruction
326. Choose preliminary reaction for detection of Hg2+ ions in destructate:
A. suspension of CuI
B. suspension of CuBr
C. dithizon *
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
327. Sustaining reaction to detect Mercury compounds in destructate is reaction with:
A. suspension of CuI *
B. suspension of CuBr
C. dithizonom
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
328. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of Hg2+ ions in destructate:
A. suspension of CuI *
B. suspension of CuBr
C. dithizonom
D. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
329. To determine which poison do not use dithizon?
A. silver
B. Zinc
C. Arsenic *
D. Pb
E. mercury
330. To determine which poison do not use dithizon?
A. Mercury
B. Pb
C. Zinc
D. Cd *
E. Silver
331. What is a common reagent for detection ions Hg2 + and Ag+ in mineralizate?
A. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
B. Potassium iodide
C. NaCl
D. CuI
E. Dithizon *
332. What is a common reagent for detection ions Hg2 + and Pb2+ in mineralizate?
A. CuI2
B. Dithizon *
C. K2CrO4
D. NaCl
E. CuI
333. What is a common reagent for detection ions Hg2 + and Pb2+ in mineralizate?
A. Dithizon *
B. CuI
C. (NH4)2[Hg(SCN)4]
E. Na - diethyldithiocarbamate
334. Suspension of CuI is added to mineralizate. It observed the formation of red precipitate. Which is
poison found by expert toxicologist?
A. Ba2+
B. Pb2+
C. Zn2+
D. Hg2+ *
E. Sb3+
335. Suspension of CuI is added to mineralizate. It observed the formation of red precipitate. Which is
poison found by expert toxicologist?
A. Bi
B. Lead
C. Mercury *
D. Cadmium
E. Arsenic
336. Dithizon layer painted in orange-yellow color? Which poison is in solution?
A. Hg2 + *
B. Pb2 +
C. Zn2 +
D. Cd2 +
337. Cd2+ ions forms with sodium sulphide precipitate ... color.
A. white
B. brown
C. black
D. yellow *
E. blue
338. Which method can be used for isolation of Mercury compounds from biological material?
A. Destruction *
B. mineralization by mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids;
C. ashing method;
D. interfusion method;
E. all of these methods.
339. Choose natural processes of detoxification:
A. Gastric lavage *
B. Hemosorbtion
C. Hemodialysis
D. Blood transfusion
E. Antidote therapy
340. Choose natural processes of detoxification:
A. Hemosorbtion
B. artificial (forced) diuresis*
C. Peritoneal dialysis
D. Blood transfusion
E. Antidote therapy
341. Choose natural processes of detoxification:
A. Hemosorbtion
B. Hemodialysis
C. Blood transfusion
D. Hyperventilation of the lungs *
E. Antidote therapy
342. Choose natural processes of detoxification:
A. Hemosorbtion
B. Hemodialysis
C. Blood transfusion
D. Antidote therapy
E. Vomiting *
343. Which methods of body detoxification do not belong to the artificial?
A. Gastric lavage *
B. Hemosorbtion
C. Hemodialysis
D. Blood transfusion
E. Antidote therapy
344. Which methods of body detoxification do not belong to the artificial?
A. Hemosorbtion
B. Forced diuresis *
C. Peritoneal dialysis
D. Blood transfusion
E. Antidote therapy
345. Which methods of body detoxification do not belong to the artificial?
A. Hemosorbtion
B. Hemodialysis
C. Blood transfusion
D. Hyperventilation of the lungs *
E. Antidote therapy
346. Which methods of body detoxification do not belong to the artificial?
A. Hemosorbtion
B. Hemodialysis
C. Blood transfusion
D. Antidote therapy
E. Vomiting *
347. Choose method of artificial detoxification:
A. Hemodialysis *
B. Vomiting
C. Forced diuresis
D. Gastric lavage
E. Hyperventilation of the lungs
348. Choose method of artificial detoxification:
A. Vomiting
B. Forced diuresis
C. Gastric lavage
D. Hyperventilation of the lungs
E. Blood transfusions *
349. Choose method of artificial detoxification:
A. Vomiting
B. Forced diuresis
C. Gastric lavage
D. Hyperventilation of the lungs
E. Hemosorbtion *
350. Choose method of artificial detoxification:
A. Vomiting
B. Forced diuresis
C. Antidote therapy *
D. Gastric lavage
E. Hyperventilation of the lungs
351. Which method of body detoxification is not a natural?
A. Hemodialysis *
B. Vomiting
C. Forced diuresis
D. Gastric lavage
E. Hyperventilation of the lungs
352. Which method of body detoxification is not a natural?
A. Vomiting
B. Forced diuresis
C. Gastric lavage
D. Hyperventilation of the lungs
E. Blood transfusions *
353. Which method of body detoxification is not a natural?
A. Vomiting
B. Forced diuresis
C. Gastric lavage
D. Hyperventilation of the lungs
E. Hemosorbtion *
354. Which method of body detoxification is not a natural?
A. Vomiting
B. Forced diuresis
C. Antidote therapy *
D. Gastric lavage
E. Hyperventilation of the lungs
355. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: AsH3 + HgCl2 
AsH2(HgCl) + HC1
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains *
356. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Cd 2+ + 2Н+ +
4Вr- + 2C23H26O4N2  Н2CdВr4(C23H26O4N2)2
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Colorless prismatic crystals *
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains
357. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 2Sb3+ +
3Na2S2O3 + 3Н2О  Sb2S3 + 3Na2SO4 + 6H+.
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate *
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains
358. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Hg2+ + 4CuI 
Cu2[HgI4] + 2Cu+.
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate*
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains
359. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Ві3+ + 2Н+ +
5Вr- + 2C23H26O4N2  Н2ВіВr5(C23H26O4N2)2
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Yellow-green crystals *
360. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Cd2+ + HS- =
CdS + H+.
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Yellow precipitate*
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains
361. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Cd 2+ + 2Вr- +
2C5H5N  Cd(C5H5N)2Вr2
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Colorless prismatic crystals *
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains
362. Chose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Cs+ + Bi3+ + 4I Cs[BiI4]
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Orange-red crystals *
363. Chose analytical signal of Zanger-Black test which use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Colorless prismatic crystals
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains*
364. Chose analytical signal of reaction Arsenic with Silver diethyldithiocarbamate in pyridine which
use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
A. Orange-yellow color of the chloroform layer
B. Red precipitate
C. Red-violet color *
D. Blue color of the benzene layer
E. Brown stains
365. Which substance metabolizes by oxidation?
A. methanol *
B. nitrobenzene
C. atropine
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
366. Which compound is used for acidification of biological material at steam distillation?
A. hydrochloric acid
B. oxalic acid *
C. acetic acid
D. sodium hydroxide
E. water
367. Which analytical signal of reaction formaldehyde with fuchsine sulfurous acid?
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color *
368. Which substance metabolizes by desulphonation?
A. methanol
B. nitrobenzene
C. thiobarbital *
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
369. Which poison are crystals?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Ethanol
C. Formaldehyde
D. p-cresol *
E. Dichloroethane
370. Which substance metabolizes by reduction?
A. thioether
B. nitrobenzene *
C. morphine
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
371. Choose general reaction for detection formaldehyde and chloral hydrate.
A. Fujiwara
B. isonitrile formation
C. with resorcinol *
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination)
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
372. Which substance metabolizes by oxidation on S-atoms?
A. toluene
B. derivatives of phenothiazine *
C. benzene
D. aniline
E. phenaminum
373. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: ССl4 +
RNH2 + 4КОН → RN=C + 4КС1 + 3Н2О
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. off-flavour *
D. pink or red-violet color
E. violet color
374. Lysol is used to disinfect of medical instruments. Lysol is …:
A. a mixture of cresols with potassium soap *
B. a mixture of three isomers of cresols
C. phenol solution
D. a mixture of technical soap and phenol
E. a mixture of cresols with potassium soap
375. Codeine in our organism is metabolized by О – dealkylation. Choose metabolite of this
A. nitrosobenzene
B. sulfoxide
C. benzoic acid
D. 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid
E. morphine *
376. Preliminary reaction for detection hydrocyanic acid in distillate is reaction with:
A. polymethine dye formation
B. with picric acid
C. Prussian blue formation *
D. with resorcinol
E. benzidine blue formation
377. Choose native substance and its metabolite (formation of more toxic metabolites than the
native substances):
A. fluoro-acetic acid, fluoro-citric acid
B. novocain, para-aminobenzoic acid
C. phenacetin, paracetamol
D. ethanol, acetic aldehyde *
E. novocain, diethylaminoethanol
378. Which analytical signal of reaction chloroform with an alcoholic solution of alkali, after
addition silver nitrate?
A. blood-red color
B. white precipitate *
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
379. Choose process of I phase of biotransformation?
A. Conjugation by glycine
B. Conjugation by Glutathione
C. Acetylation
D. Methylation
E. Hydrolysis *
Salicylic acid in our organism is metabolized by hydroxylation of aromatic and cyclic
compounds on the ring. Choose metabolite of this compound?
A. nitrosobenzene
B. sulfoxide
C. benzoic acid
D. 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid *
E. morphine
381. Which analytical signal of reaction hydrocyanic acid with ammonium polysulfide and iron
(III) chloride?
A. blood-red color *
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
382. Preliminary reaction for detection phenol in distillate is reaction with:
A. indophenol reaction
B. with iron (III) chloride
C. Fujiwara
D. with resorcinol
E. with bromine water *
383. Which process doesn’t belong to I phase of biotransformation?
A. Oxidation
B. Conjugation by glucuronides *
C. Reduction
D. N – dealkylation
E. Hydrolysis
384. It was observed the smell of bitter almonds. Which compound may be cause of poisoning
A. Hydrocyanic acid *
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Formaldehyde
D. Phenol
E. Carbon tetrachloride
385. There are different classifications of metabolism. Novocain metabolizes on paraaminobenzoic acid and diethylaminoethanol. Its metabolite is…:
A. less toxic metabolites compared with native substances *
B. more toxic metabolites than the native substances
C. Lethal synthesis
D. more pharmacological active metabolites than the native substance
E. Anabolism
386. Choose general reaction for detection phenol and p-cresol.
A. Liebermann's reaction
B. isonitrile formation
C. Indophenol reaction
D. with Millon's reagent *
E. with fuchsine sulfurous acid
387. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: НССН
+ 2CuNO3 + 2NH4OH → CuCCCu + 2NH4NO3 + 2H2O
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color
D. pink or red-violet color *
E. violet color
388. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: СС13СНО
+ К2[HgI4] + 3КОН → Hg + СС13СООК + 4КІ + 2Н2О
A. blood-red color
B. dirty-green precipitate *
C. off-flavour
D. pink or red-violet color
E. violet color
389. Which substance metabolizes by deamination?
A. methanol
B. nitrobenzene
C. atropine
D. codeine
E. phenaminum *
390. Choose general reaction for detection formaldehyde and chloral hydrate.
A. Fujiwara
B. isonitrile formation
C. with Fehling’s solution *
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination)
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
391. There are different classifications of metabolism. Ethylene glycol metabolizes to oxalic acid. Its
metabolite is…:
A. less toxic metabolites compared with native substances
B. more toxic metabolites than the native substances *
C. Lethal synthesis
D. more pharmacological active metabolites than the native substance
E. Anabolism
392. Which analytical signal of reaction formaldehyde with Fehling’s solution?
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. red precipitate *
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
393. Preliminary reaction for detection chloroform in distillate is reaction with:
A. indophenol reaction
B. with iron (III) chloride
C. Fujiwara *
D. with resorcinol
E. with bromine water
394. Which compound is used for acidification of biological material at steam distillation?
A. hydrochloric acid
B. tartaric acid *
C. acetic acid
D. sodium hydroxide
E. water
395. Choose process of I phase of biotransformation?
A. Conjugation by glycine
B. Conjugation by Glutathione
C. Acetylation
D. Methylation
E. Dealkylation *
396. It was observed the olive green urine. Which compound may be cause of poisoning distillate?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Formaldehyde
D. Phenol *
E. Carbon tetrachloride
397. Which substance metabolizes by О – dealkylation?
A. thioether
B. nitrobenzene
C. morphine
D. codeine *
E. phenaminum
398. Creosote is pure beech wood tar. Creosote is …:
A. a mixture of cresols with potassium soap
B. a mixture of three isomers of cresols *
C. phenol solution
D. a mixture of technical soap and phenol
E. a mixture of cresols with sodium soap
399. Choose native substance and its metabolite (lethal synthesis):
A. fluoro-acetic acid, fluoro-citric acid *
B. novocain, para-aminobenzoic acid
C. phenacetin, paracetamol
D. ethanol, acetic aldehyde
E. novocain, diethylaminoethanol
400. Which analytical signal of reaction hydrocyanic acid in reaction of polymethine dye formation?
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color *
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
401. Which process doesn’t belong to I phase of biotransformation?
A. Oxidation
B. Conjugation by Sulfate *
C. Reduction
D. N – dealkylation
E. Hydrolysis
402. Preliminary reaction for detection formaldehyde in distillate is reaction with:
A. silver ions reduction
B. with Fehling’s solution
C. with chromatropic acid *
D. with resorcinol
E. with methyl violet
403. Which analytical signal of reaction carbon tetrachloride with an alcoholic solution of alkali, after
addition silver nitrate?
A. blood-red color
B. white precipitate *
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
404. Which substance metabolizes by oxidation on S-atoms?
A. toluene
B. sulfoxide *
C. benzene
D. aniline
E. phenaminum
405. Drops heavier than water are in distillate. Which compound may be in distillate?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Formaldehyde
D. Phenol
E. Carbon tetrachloride *
406. Which substance metabolizes by hydroxylation of amino-group in aromatic compounds?
A. toluene
B. derivatives of phenothiazine
C. benzene
D. aniline *
E. phenaminum
407. Atropine in our organism is metabolized hydrolysis. Choose metabolite of this compound?
A. nitrosobenzene
B. sulfoxide
C. benzoic acid
D. 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid
E. tropic acid *
408. Methanol in our organism is metabolized by oxidation. Choose metabolite of this compound?
A. formaldehyde *
B. aniline
C. nitrosobenzene
D. 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid
E. morphine
409. Choose general reaction for detection 1,2-dichloroethane and carbon tetrachloride.
A. with Nessler reagent
B. isonitrile formation
C. with resorcinol
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination) *
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
410. Preliminary reaction for detection chloral hydrate in distillate is reaction with:
A. indophenol reaction
B. with iron (III) chloride
C. Fujiwara *
D. with resorcinol
E. with bromine water
411. Which substance metabolizes by dealkylation?
A. methanol
B. nitrobenzene
C. atropine
D. codeine *
E. phenaminum
412. Choose general reaction for detection formaldehyde and chloroform.
A. Fujiwara
B. isonitrile formation
C. with Fehling’s solution *
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination)
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
413. Choose process of I phase of biotransformation?
A. Conjugation by glycine
B. Conjugation by Glutathione
C. Acetylation
D. Methylation
E. Desulphonation *
414. Which analytical signal of reaction formaldehyde with chromatropic acid?
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. red precipitate
D. violet color *
E. blue-violet precipitate
There are different classifications of metabolism. Fluoro-acetic acid metabolizes to fluoro-citric
acid. Its metabolite is…:
A. less toxic metabolites compared with native substances
B. more toxic metabolites than the native substances
C. Lethal synthesis *
D. more pharmacological active metabolites than the native substance
E. Anabolism
416. Which substance metabolizes by N – dealkylation?
A. thioether
B. nitrobenzene
C. morphine *
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
417. Which poison is crystal?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Ethanol
C. Formaldehyde
D. Phenol *
E. Dichloroethane
418. Choose native substance and its metabolite (formation of more pharmacological active
metabolites than the native substance):
A. fluoro-acetic acid, fluoro-citric acid
B. novocain, para-aminobenzoic acid
C. phenacetin, paracetamol *
D. ethanol, acetic aldehyde
E. methanol, formaldehyde
419. Which analytical signal of reaction hydrocyanic acid with picric acid?
A. red color *
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
420. Which compound is used for acidification of biological material at steam distillation, when phenol
is detected?
A. hydrochloric acid
B. tartaric acid
C. acetic acid *
D. sodium hydroxide
E. water
421. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: СНСІ3 +
RNH2 + 3КОН → RN=C + 3КС1 + ЗН2О.
A. off-flavour *
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color
D. pink or red-violet color
E. violet color
422. Which process doesn’t belong to I phase of biotransformation?
A. Oxidation
B. Conjugation by Glutathione *
C. Reduction
D. N – dealkylation
E. Hydrolysis
423. Kreoline is used in as a disinfectant veterinary medicine. Kreoline is …:
A. a mixture of cresols with potassium soap
B. a mixture of three isomers of cresols
C. phenol solution
D. a mixture of technical soap and phenol
E. a mixture of technical soap and raw cresols *
424. Which substance metabolizes by hydroxylation of aromatic and cyclic compounds on the ring?
A. toluene
B. derivatives of phenothiazine
C. benzene *
D. aniline
E. phenaminum
425. Which analytical signal of reaction carbon tetrachloride with 2,7-dihydroxy naphthalene?
A. blood-red color
B. Light-brown color *
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. dark red color
426. Choose general reaction for detection 1,2-dichloroethane and chloral hydrate.
A. with Nessler reagent
B. isonitrile formation
C. with resorcinol
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination) *
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
427. Which substance metabolizes by oxidation?
A. ethanol *
B. nitrobenzene
C. atropine
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
428. Drops heavier than water are in distillate. Which compound may be in distillate?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Formaldehyde
D. Phenol
E. Dichloroethane *
429. Toluene in our organism is metabolized by hydroxylation of radicals in aromatic compounds.
Choose metabolite of this compound?
A. nitrosobenzene
B. sulfoxide
C. benzoic acid *
D. 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid
E. tropic acid
430. Nitrobenzene in our organism is metabolized by reduction. Choose metabolite of this compound?
A. formaldehyde
B. aniline *
C. nitrosobenzene
D. 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid
E. morphine
431. Preliminary reaction for detection formaldehyde in distillate is reaction with:
A. silver ions reduction
B. with Fehling’s solution
C. with fuchsine sulfurous acid *
D. with resorcinol
E. with methyl violet
432. Choose analytical signal of reaction (after addition of silver nitrate) which use in chemicaltoxicological analysis: Сl-СН2-СН2-Сl + Na2CO3 + Н2О → НО-СН2-СН2-ОН + 2NaCl + СО2.
A. white precipitate *
B. dirty-green precipitate
C. off-flavour
D. pink or red-violet color
E. violet color
433. Which substance metabolizes by hydrolysis?
A. methanol
B. nitrobenzene
C. atropine *
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
434. Drops heavier than water are in distillate. Which compound may be in distillate?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Chloral hydrate
C. Formaldehyde
D. Phenol
E. Chloroform *
435. Preliminary reaction for detection carbon tetrachloride in distillate is reaction with:
A. indophenol reaction
B. with iron (III) chloride
C. Fujiwara *
D. with resorcinol
E. with bromine water
436. Choose process of I phase of biotransformation?
A. Conjugation by glycine
B. Conjugation by Glutathione
C. Acetylation
D. Methylation
E. Deamination *
437. Which analytical signal of reaction m-cresol with iron (III) chloride?
A. red-violet color *
B. blue precipitate
C. orange color
D. violet color
E. blue-violet color
438. Which poison are crystals?
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Ethanol
C. Formaldehyde
D. o-cresol *
E. Dichloroethane
439. Choose native substance and its metabolite (formation of less toxic metabolites compared with
native substances):
A. fluoro-acetic acid, fluoro-citric acid
B. novocain, para-aminobenzoic acid *
C. phenacetin, paracetamol
D. ethanol, acetic aldehyde
E. methanol, formaldehyde
440. Choose general reaction for detection formaldehyde and chloroform.
A. Fujiwara
B. isonitrile formation
C. with resorcinol *
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination)
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
441. Which substance metabolizes by S – dealkylation?
A. thioether *
B. nitrobenzene
C. morphine
D. codeine
E. phenaminum
442. Which substance metabolizes by hydroxylation of radicals in aromatic compounds?
A. toluene *
B. derivatives of phenothiazine
C. benzene
D. aniline
E. phenaminum
443. Which analytical signal of reaction 1,2-dichloroethane with quinoline?
A. blood-red color
B. blue precipitate
C. red precipitate
D. Brown or brownish-red color *
E. blue-violet precipitate
444. There are different classifications of metabolism. Phenacetin metabolizes to paracetamol. Its
metabolite is…:
A. less toxic metabolites compared with native substances
B. more toxic metabolites than the native substances
C. Lethal synthesis
D. more pharmacological active metabolites than the native substance *
E. Anabolism
445. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
3Na4[Fe(CN)6] + 4FeCl3  Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 + 12NaCl
A. blue precipitate *
B. dirty-green precipitate
C. off-flavour
D. pink or red-violet color
E. violet color
446. Which substance metabolizes by hydroxylation of aromatic and cyclic compounds on the ring?
A. toluene
B. derivatives of phenothiazine
C. salicylic acid *
D. aniline
E. phenaminum
447. Which compound is used for acidification of biological material at steam distillation, when acetic
acid is detected?
A. hydrochloric acid
B. sulfatic acid *
C. acetic acid
D. sodium hydroxide
E. water
448. Which analytical signal of reaction phenol with Millon's reagent?
A. green color
B. light-brown color
C. white precipitate
D. violet color
E. red color *
449. Toluene in our organism is metabolized by hydroxylation of radicals in aromatic compounds.
Choose metabolite of this compound?
A. nitrosobenzene
B. phenol
C. benzoic acid
D. phenylacetone *
E. tropic acid
450. Choose general reaction for detection 1,2-dichloroethane and chloroform.
A. with Nessler reagent
B. isonitrile formation
C. with resorcinol
D. Chlorine elimination (dechlorination) *
E. Fuchsine sulfurous acid
451. Preliminary reaction for detection formaldehyde in distillate is reaction with:
A. silver ions reduction
B. with Fehling’s solution
C. with codeine and sulfuric acid *
D. with resorcinol
E. with methyl violet
452. Which process doesn’t belong to I phase of biotransformation?
A. Oxidation
B. Methylation *
C. Reduction
D. N – dealkylation
E. Hydrolysis
453. Which compound is used as an anthelmintic agent in veterinary medicine?
A. Carbon tetrachloride *
B. phenol
C. Formaldehyde
D. o-cresol
E. Dichloroethane
454. Morphine in our organism is metabolized by N – dealkylation. Choose metabolite of this
A. codeine
B. normorphine *
C. nitrosobenzene
D. norcodeine
E. papaverine
455. Which method of titrimetry is used for quantitative analysis of hydrocianic acid?
A. bromatometry
B. argentometry *
C. iodometry
D. protolytometry
E. permanganatometry
You may use titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Bromatometry is used for
quantitative analysis of which poison.
hydrocianic acid, alkyl halides
acetic acid
phenol *
formaldehyde, acetone
Preliminary reaction for detection ethylene glycol in distillate is reaction with:
formation of an ester
iodoform formation
ethyl benzoate formation
with sodium nitroprusside
potassium periodate *
Aldehyde of isovaleric acid is metabolite of … poison.
acetic acid
isoamyl alcohol *
hydrocianic acid *
acetic acid
Which reaction isn’t used for detection of ethanol?
formation of ethyl acetate
formation of acetaldehyde
iodoform formation
with benzoic acid *
with benzoyl chloride
You may use spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which "volatile"
poison may be defined by this method?
lead tetraethyl
acetic acid
formaldehyde *
Choose sustaining reaction for detection of acetone in distillate is reaction with:
formation of an ester
iodoform formation
ethyl benzoate formation
sodium nitroprusside *
potassium periodate
You may use gravimetry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
tetrachlormethane *
acetic acid
Which reaction isn’t used for detection of isoamyl alcohol?
formation of isoamyl acetate
formation of isovaleric acid aldehyde
with n-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
with o-nitrobenzaldehyde *
with salicylaldehyde
Choose especially of lead tetraethyl isolation.
usage of benzene as a selective transporter
distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
acidification biological material by 10 % solution of sulfuric acid
collected in alcoholic solution of iodine *
without especially
You may use gravimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which "volatile" poison may
be defined by this method?
You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
reagent (reaction) is used for definition of chloral hydrate?
formation of polymethine dye
with fuchsine sulfurous acid
with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
Fujiwara reaction *
with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
Preliminary reaction for detection acetic acid in distillate is reaction with:
formation of an ester
iodoform formation
ethyl benzoate formation
with sodium nitroprusside
iron (III) chloride *
formation of polymethine dye *
with fuchsine sulfurous acid
with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
Fujiwara reaction
with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 8СН3СОО- +
3Fe3+ + 2Н2О  [Fe3(ОН)2(СН3СОО)6]+ + 2СН3СООН
blue colour
orange color
red color *
violet color
Which “volatile” poison is used as antifreeze?
acetic acid
isoamyl alcohol
ethylene glicol *
Choose part of gas chromatograph:
column, data system, photo cell;
injector, column, detector; *
data system, detector, photomultiplier;
monochromator, detector, column;
prism, diffraction grating, detector.
You may use spectrophotometry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
tetrachlormethane *
acetic acid
Which "volatile" poison does cause incurable blindness?
acetic acid
methanol *
You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
reagent (reaction) is used for definition of hydrocianic acid?
Choose sustaining reaction for detection of ethylene glycol in distillate is reaction with:
formation of formaldehyde
methyl salicylate formation
Oxidation by nitric acid and detection of oxalic acid *
sodium nitroprusside
potassium periodate
Mobile phase are in gas chromatography:
A. N2, Ar, He;
B. H2, He, NH3, SO2;
C. He, SO3, CO2, H2;
D. O2, N2, Ar, He;
E. H2, He, N2, Ar. *
476. Choose especially of acetic acid isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
C. acidification biological material by 10 % solution of sulfuric acid *
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially
477. Which method of titrimetry is used for quantitative analysis of phenol?
A. bromatometry *
B. argentometry
C. iodometry
D. protolytometry
E. permanganatometry
478. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of methanol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of formaldehyde
B. methyl salicylate formation *
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. sodium nitroprusside
E. potassium periodate
479. Which reaction isn’t used for detection of acetic acid?
A. formation of ethyl acetate
B. formation of indigo
C. iodoform formation *
D. with iron (III) chloride
E. with o-nitrobenzaldehyde
480. You may use titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Iodometry is used for
quantitative analysis of which poison.
A. hydrocianic acid, alkyl halides
B. acetic acid
C. phenol
D. formaldehyde, acetone *
E. methanol
481. Choose especially of methanol isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice *
C. acidification biological material by 10 % solution of sulfuric acid
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially
482. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: Н2С2О4 +
Са2+  СаС2О4 + 2Н+
A. smell
B. blue colour
C. orange color
D. red color
E. white precipitate *
483. You may use gravimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which "volatile"
poison may be defined by this method?
A. ethanol
B. acetic acid
C. phenol *
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
484. Which poison is used in the technique as a lubricant for ball bearings?
A. tetrachlormethane
B. acetic acid
C. isoamyl alcohol
D. formaldehyde
E. ethylene glicol *
485. You may use gravimetry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
A. chloroform *
B. acetic acid
C. ethanol
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
486. Acetaldehyde is metabolite of … poison.
A. acetic acid
B. ethanol *
C. acetone
D. formaldehyde
E. methanol
487. Which reaction isn’t used for detection of acetone?
A. with furfurol
B. formation of indigo
C. iodoform formation
D. with iron (III) chloride *
E. with o-nitrobenzaldehyde
488. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
A. smell *
B. blue colour
C. orange color
D. red color
E. white precipitate
489. You may use spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by this method?
A. lead tetraethyl
B. acetic acid
C. acetone
D. phenol
E. hydrocianic acid *
490. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of ethanol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of formaldehyde
B. iodoform formation
C. ethyl benzoate formation *
D. sodium nitroprusside
E. potassium periodate
491. You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which reagent (reaction) is used for definition of chloroform?
A. formation of polymethine dye
B. with fuchsine sulfurous acid
C. with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
D. Fujiwara reaction *
E. with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
492. Preliminary reaction for detection ethylene glycol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of an ester
B. iodoform formation
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. sodium nitroprusside
E. oxidation to formaldehyde *
493. You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which reagent (reaction) is used for definition of ethanol?
A. formation of polymethine dye
B. with fuchsine sulfurous acid
C. with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid *
D. Fujiwara reaction
E. with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
494. Choose especially of acetone isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
C. salting out by sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium carbonate *
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially
495. Which “volatile” poison is used as antifreeze?
A. tetrachlormethane
B. acetic acid
C. isoamyl alcohol
D. formaldehyde
E. methanol *
496. You may use spectrophotometry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which "volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
A. formaldehyde *
acetic acid
497. As detectors in gas chromatography use:
A. flame ionization, katharometer; *
B. spectrophotometric detector;
C. conductometric detector;
D. amperometric detector;
E. flame ionization, chemiluminescent.
498. Preliminary reaction for detection isoamyl alcohol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of an ester *
B. iodoform formation
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. with sodium nitroprusside
E. with potassium permanganate
499. Alcohol separation in mix occur in … in gas chromatography:
at first in injector, then in detector;
column; *
E. data system.
500. Which method of titrimetry is used for quantitative analysis of acetic acid?
A. bromatometry
B. argentometry
C. iodometry
D. protolytometry *
E. permanganatometry
501. Which reaction isn’t used for detection of acetic acid?
A. formation of indigo
B. with methanol *
C. with ethanol
D. with iron (III) chloride
E. with lanthanum nitrate and iodine
502. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis:
2CH3COONa + 2С2Н5ОН + H2SO4  2СН3СООС2Н5 + Na2SO4 + 2Н2О
A. smell *
B. blue colour
C. orange color
D. red color
E. white precipitate
503. Which poison is used as antiknock?
A. lead tetraethyl *
B. acetic acid
C. acetone
D. phenol
E. ethylen glycol
504. You may use titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Argentometry is used for
quantitative analysis of which poison.
A. hydrocianic acid, alkyl halides *
B. acetic acid
C. phenol
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
505. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of isoamyl alchol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of formaldehyde
B. salicylaldehyde *
C. Oxidation by nitric acid and detection of oxalic acid
D. copper sulfate
E. potassium periodate
506. You may use gravimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which "volatile" poison
may be defined by this method?
A. acetic acid
B. chloroform *
C. ethanol
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
507. Choose especially of acetic acid isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
C. acidification biological material by 10 % solution of phosphoric acid *
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially
508. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: 5СН3ОН +
2КМnО4 + 3H2SO4  5НСНО + 2MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 8Н2О.
A. smell
B. blue colour
C. orange color
D. red color
E. colourless solution *
509. You may use gravimetry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
A. hydrocianic acid *
B. acetic acid
C. ethanol
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
510. Formaldehyde is metabolite of … poison.
A. acetic acid
B. isoamyl alcohol
C. acetone
D. isovaleric acid
E. methanol *
511. Which reaction isn’t used for detection of acetone?
A. formation of indigo
B. formation of isovaleric acid aldehyde *
C. with furfurol
D. with o-nitrobenzaldehyde
E. with sodium nitroprusside
512. You may use spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which "volatile"
poison may be defined by this method?
A. lead tetraethyl
B. acetic acid
C. acetone
D. phenol
E. ethylen glycol *
513. Which “volatile” poison has reek and used in for the preparation of essences with pleasant
fruity smell?
A. tetrachlormethane
B. acetic acid
C. isoamyl alcohol *
D. formaldehyde
E. methanol
514. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of ethylene glicol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of formaldehyde
B. salicylaldehyde
C. furfurol
D. copper sulfate *
E. potassium periodate
515. You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which reagent (reaction) is used for definition of dichlorethane?
A. formation of polymethine dye
B. with fuchsine sulfurous acid
C. with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
D. Fujiwara reaction *
E. with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
516. Preliminary reaction for detection methanol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of an ester
B. iodoform formation
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. with sodium nitroprusside
E. with potassium permanganate *
517. You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which reagent (reaction) is used for definition of formaldehyde?
A. formation of polymethine dye
B. with fuchsine sulfurous acid *
C. with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
D. Fujiwara reaction
E. with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
518. Choose especially of ethylene glycol isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter *
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
C. salting out by sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium carbonate
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially
519. You may use spectrophotometry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which "volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
A. hydrocianic acid *
B. acetic acid
C. acetone
D. ethanol
E. methanol
520. For separation substance in mix we use chromatography. This method is based on
redistribution of substance between:
A. Liquid and firm phases.
B. Two liquid phases.
C. Stationary and mobile phase. *
D. Liquid and gas phases.
E. Gas and firm phases.
521. Preliminary reaction for detection ethanol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of an ester
B. iodoform formation *
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. with sodium nitroprusside
E. oxidation to formaldehyde
522. Quantitive analysis in gas chromatography is based on dependence:
A. height (area) of chromatographic peak and substance concentration. *
B. Retention time and substance concentration.
C. retention volume and substance concentration.
D. Peak width and substance concentration.
E. the height equivalent to a theoretical plate and substance concentration.
523. Which method of titrimetry is used for quantitative analysis of formaldehyde?
A. bromatometry
B. argentometry
C. iodometry *
D. protolytometry
E. permanganatometry
524. Choose especially of ethanol isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
C. salting out by sodium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium carbonate
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially *
You may use titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Protolytometry is used
for quantitative analysis of which poison.
A. hydrocianic acid, alkyl halides
B. acetic acid *
C. phenol
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
526. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of acetone in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of formaldehyde
B. salicylaldehyde
C. furfurol *
D. copper sulfate
E. potassium periodate
527. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: HO-СН2СН2-ОН + KIO4 + Н+  2НСНО + HIO3 + Н2О + К+ at addition 3-5 drops of sulfurous acid
solution and then 4 drops of fuchsine sulfurous solution.
A. red-purple
B. blue colour *
C. orange color
D. dark-red color
E. colourless solution
528. You may use gravimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which "volatile"
poison may be defined by this method?
A. tetrachlormethane *
B. acetic acid
C. isoamyl alcohol
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
529. Which poison is used as vinegar?
A. lead tetraethyl
B. acetic acid *
C. acetone
D. phenol
E. ethylen glycol
530. Choose analytical signal of reaction which use in chemical-toxicological analysis: І3С-СОСН3 + ОН-  СНІ3 + СН3СООA. yellow precipitate *
B. blue colour
C. orange color
D. dark-red color
E. colourless solution
531. You may use gravimetry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
A. acetone
B. acetic acid
C. phenol *
D. formaldehyde
E. methanol
532. Choose especially of isoamyl alcohol isolation.
A. usage of benzene as a selective transporter
B. distillate must be cooled by cold water or ice
C. extraction from the distillate by diethyl ether *
D. collected in alcoholic solution of iodine
E. without especially
533. You may use spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis. Which
"volatile" poison may be defined by this method?
A. lead tetraethyl
B. acetic acid
C. acetone
D. phenol
E. ethanol *
534. Which reaction is used for detection of ethylene glycol?
A. formation of acetaldehyde
B. copper sulfate *
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. with potassium dichromate
E. oxidation to aldehyde
535. Glycolic acid is metabolite of … poison.
A. acetic acid
B. etylene glicol *
C. acetone
D. formaldehyde
E. methanol
536. You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which reagent (reaction) is used for definition of tetrachlormethane?
A. formation of polymethine dye
B. with fuchsine sulfurous acid
C. with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
D. Fujiwara reaction *
E. with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
537. Preliminary reaction for detection acetone in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of an ester
B. iodoform formation *
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. with sodium nitroprusside
E. oxidation to formaldehyde
538. Choose sustaining reaction for detection of acetic acid in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of formaldehyde
B. salicylaldehyde
C. furfurol
D. lanthanum nitrate and iodine *
E. potassium periodate
539. You use colour reaction in spectrophotometry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which reagent (reaction) is used for definition of ethylen glycol?
A. formation of polymethine dye
B. with fuchsine sulfurous acid
C. with potassium dichromate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid
D. Fujiwara reaction
E. with potassium permanganate in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid *
540. Which “volatile” poison doesn’t dissolve in water?
A. tetrachlormethane
B. acetic acid
C. isoamyl alcohol *
D. formaldehyde, acetone
E. methanol
541. You may use spectrophotometry and titrimetry as method of poisons quantitative analysis.
Which "volatile" poison may be defined by both methods?
A. alkyl halides *
B. acetic acid
C. acetone
D. ethanol
E. methanol
542. Which gas isn’t used in GLH as mobile phase?
A. He
B. H2
C. Ne
D. Cl2 *
E. Ar
543. Preliminary reaction for detection methanol in distillate is reaction with:
A. formation of an ester
B. iodoform formation
C. ethyl benzoate formation
D. with sodium nitroprusside
E. oxidation to formaldehyde *
544. Qualitative analysis in gas and liquid chromatography is based on dependence of
substance nature and:
A. Retention time and retention volume; *
B. Peak width;
C. Peak width µ0,5;
D. height of chromatographic peak;
E. area of chromatographic peak.
545. Which reaction isn’t used for detection of ethylene glycol?
A. formation of oxalic acid
B. copper sulfate
C. ethyl benzoate formation *
D. with potassium periodate
E. oxidation to formaldehyde