Water Bottle Rockets - Wikispaces : Space-Academy

Bottle Rockets
Overview: Students use scientific process skills to accomplish this rocketry project that requires them to
think and learn about motion and forces. Students are divided into small groups. Each group will design,
build, test and launch a bottle rocket. The rocket, when launched, should be stable. As part of this project,
each group will have a budget of one million dollars to purchase materials for constructing the rocket.
Groups will project their total cost for the rocket, as well as keep a continuous record of expenditure once
they begin construction. It is best to be as close as possible to the projected figure once the rocket is
complete. As students prepare for launch, they predict how their rocket will perform and predict how much
fuel (water) they should use. After the launch, students will evaluate their rocket’s performance and discuss
why it performed the way that it did. Learning from their first launch, students may want to change some
variables to test or improve their ideas about rocketry.
Students will:
 Design and launch a stable rocket
 Demonstrate an understanding of scientific concepts and vocabulary by using them correctly in
discussions and recorded information
 Create a scale drawing of their rocket
 Find the center of mass and center of pressure on their rocket
 Use the scientific method to test their ideas about rocketry
 Create and work within a budget
 Work as a team to accomplish their objectives
Grade Level: The lesson is suitable for grades 5-8. It can be modified for different grade levels.
National Standards:
National Science Content
Standards (grades 5-8):
Science as Inquiry
Physical Science
- Position and motion of
Science and Technology
- Abilities of
technological design
Science in Personal and
Social Perspectives
- Science and
technology in local
Science Process Skills
Collecting Data
Making Models
Interpreting Data
Controlling Variables
Defining Operationally
National Mathematics
Mathematics as Problem
Mathematics as
Mathematics as Reasoning
Mathematics Connections
Computation and Estimation
Number and Number
Scientific Principles: gravity, motion, force, friction, mass
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
Rocket packets for each
Completed packets to
use as examples
2-Liter plastic bottles
20 oz. (or smaller)
plastic bottles
Poster board
Construction paper
Plastic spoons
Aluminum cans
Permanent markers
Low temp. glue sticks
Glue guns
Duct tape
Masking tape
Plastic sandwich bags
Plastic freezer bags
Water pitchers
Rocket launcher
Bicycle pump (preferably
with PSI gauge)
Rocket launchers can be made or purchased. Several different science supply companies offer simple rocket
launcher kits. They can be found at:
Arbor Scientific - $26.00
Science Kit - $25.95
Ward’s Natural Science - $23.50
Offer students an incentive for bringing in their own materials. Give students a “price break” on materials
they bring from home by charging them only 20% of the material cost. This would allow students to use an
“outside materials contractor.”
Other connected subject areas: math, art, writing and social studies can be
easily integrated into this activity.
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
Vocabulary Terms:
Note: The teacher does not have to cover all of these terms in the lesson. He or she may choose
developmentally appropriate terms and concepts to teach. This vocabulary list also serves as a reference
guide for the teacher.
Rocket – a device that is shot through the air which usually carries some payload
Payload – the cargo (scientific instruments, satellites, spacecraft, etc.) carried by a rocket
Nose Cone – the cone-shaped front end of a rocket
Fins – arrow-like wings usually located at the lower end of a rocket that stabilize the rocket in flight
Canards – small movable fins located towards the nose cone of a rocket
Propulsion – a force that pushes or drives forward
Thrust – the forward force produced by the gases forced from a rocket
Aerodynamics– the study of the interaction between air and moving objects
Mass – the amount of matter contained within an object
Center of Mass (CM) – the point on an object where it balances relative to gravity
This is the point on a rocket where all gravitational forces are assumed to act.
Pressure – the force pressing against a surface, stated in weight per unit of area
PSI – pounds per square inch; a measurement of pressure (weight per unit of area where weight is
measured in the unit of pounds)
Center of Pressure (CP) – the center of aerodynamic pressure; the point on an object where the surface
area on one side equals the surface area on the other side (simplistic definition)
This is the place that is the center of all aerodynamic forces on a moving body.
Force – a push or a pull
Gravity – force that pulls objects towards the earth
Friction – the force that resists motion between two objects in contact
Inertia – the natural force in matter that makes it stay at rest or keep on moving in a fixed direction unless
it is acted on by an outside force
Action – a force (push or pull) acting on an object
Reaction – resistance or opposition to a force or movement
Sir Isaac Newton – (1642-1727) English mathematician
Newton’s First Law of Motion – An object at rest will tend to stay at rest, and an object in motion will
remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion – For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Drag (pertaining to rockets) – resistance between air and the surface of the moving rocket
Stage – an independently powered section of a rocket, separates when no longer needed
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
Students need to have some idea of what a rocket is and what they are used for. Provide pictures of actual
rockets. Point out the parts of the rocket such as the nosecone, body tube, and fins. Rockets are
transportation vehicles. They help deliver things to a location. They may launch a weapon to a target. They
are used to launch satellites into space, parts of the international space station into space, and people into
space. Students may have launched a rocket on the 4th of July since rockets are used to launch explosives into
the air that amaze us with their beautiful, sparkling colors. Go over scientific concepts and terms such as
aerodynamics, mass, center of mass, etc. related to this lesson either prior to or during the lesson. Practice
any skills with which students may be unfamiliar such as scale drawings.
Phase I: Intro 1.5 hours
Materials: rocket packets, finished packets to use as examples, example of a finished rocket, example of
silhouette, examples of supplies indicated on page 5 of the rocket packet
 Students will understand the goal and basic processes needed to complete the rocket project.
 Students will complete their rocket checklist.
 Students will complete the company name sheet.
 Students will complete their budget projection sheet.
1. Divide students into groups of no more than four.
2. Provide a focus. (Perhaps ask what you can do with an empty 2 L bottle, and lead up to
making rockets out of a bottle. Another idea is to actually launch an empty bottle rocket
and discuss it. That will definitely get their attention and get them excited about the
3. Distribute the journal packets and example books. (one per each group)
4. Discuss the overview of the project. Students will design and build a launchable rocket
within a given budget. Explain that this is the only instruction time they will receive.
After this rocket briefing, any additional information will cost them money; therefore, it
is imperative that students be attentive to the information and ask questions if needed.
5. Start with page 1 of the rocket packet and explain each page.
1. Blank page- Cover page. Students need to create a decorative cover page for their
rocket journal packet.
2. Academy Project X-35 Rocket- This outlines the phases of the project and what the
kids are suppose to do in each. If students forget what they are supposed to be
working on during any part of the project, they can refer to this page, as well as the
checklist page.
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
3. Checklist- On this page, students within the group decide who
wants to be responsible for various parts of their project.
4. Certificate of Assumed Name- Students create their company
name, company number, and state. They can give themselves
whatever title they choose.
5. Materials and price list- Explain to the students that they have a
budget of 1 million dollars. This page lists the amount of money
they will spend if they choose to use any of the items listed.
6. Budget Projection Sheet- Write everything needed to build the
rocket and the cost for each item. Total the prices. Once this
sheet is completed, students cannot change it.
7. Balance Sheet- This works like a checkbook. Remind students to
subtract on this page.
8. Checks- Don’t cut these out! Once a check is written and the
group needs the item, the person in charge of checks may go to
the teacher or aide, and that person will initial the check and make
sure the group gets the item.
9. Rocket Measurements- Measure parts of the rocket in
10. Scale drawing- Go over an example with the kids. Remind them
that each square equals 2 centimeters!
11. Rocket Stability Determination- Remind students not to
permanently attach the nosecone until they have completed the
tests. Go over the tests with kids. Explain that it is very
important for the kids to read this page. It will help them
determine if their rocket will be stable during flight. Discuss how
to find the center of mass and center of pressure. Practice finding
the center of mass on straws and spoons. Point out that the center
of mass should be above the center pressure. Have an example of
a silhouette to show them. Also, demonstrate a swing test for
them. (The directions on how to perform these tasks are written
on the stability determination page.) Also, if the results of their
tests do not meet the needed results, the solution can be found on
this page.
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
-Launch Analysis
Rocket Specifications
Total Mass:
Number ofgFins:
Total Length:
cm Length of Nose
cm Cone:
Width (widest
part): of Rocket Fuel to be used on
Rocket Stability
Center of Mass
of Pressure (CP)
Distance from
Nose: from
Distance from
Tail: from
cm Tail:
CM from
of cm
12. Preflight Analysis- Complete prior to launch.
13. Flight Day Log- This will be completed on the day of the launch.
14. Grade Sheet- Notice that the project is graded on numerous criteria, not just how good the rocket looks
or how well it flies.
Now, students should complete their checklist, certificate of assumed name, and budget projection sheet.
Phase II: Construction 2.0 hrs
Materials: journal packets, rocket building materials
1. Groups will keep accurate balance sheet.
2. Groups will write checks to purchase materials.
3. Each group will construct a rocket.
4. Students within each group will record measurements of the rocket.
Each question addressed to a NASA consultant (teacher) will cost $3,000.
1. After the budget projection sheet is completed, the teacher should check it. Once it is checked,
the group’s “accountant” can use the checks and balance sheet to buy and record the balance as
materials are bought.
2. Groups will build their rocket.
3. When the rocket is complete, they will complete the measurement sheet in their journal packet.
4. Each team should have a creative cover for the journal. A trainee or two could be working on this while
the “accountant” takes care of the finances and the “engineers” build the rocket.
5. Clean up, and make sure all information is in the journal (rocket packet).
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
Phase III: Test and Revision 1.5 hrs
Materials: journal packets, building materials
1. Students will make scale drawing of rocket.
2. Groups will continue to keep accurate balance sheet.
3. Trainees will conduct stability test that includes finding the center mass and center of pressure.
4. They will conduct a swing test and record results.
5. Groups should make any modeling corrections.
1. The groups should use the graph sheet in their packet to make a scale drawing.
2. Students will refer to the stability test and swing test instructions.
3. Students may purchase materials as necessary. Remind them to record it on their balance sheet.
4. Clean up.
Phase IV Rocket Launch: 1.0 hrs
Materials: rockets, rocket packets, launcher, pump, altitude trackers (optional)
1. Groups will fill out the flight day log sheet.
2. Groups will present their rockets.
3. Groups will launch their rocket.
4. Groups will observe their rocket and record information.
5. Students will discuss and draw conclusions about rocket performances.
Determine how the flight will be assessed. Will you measure height traveled, amount of time in the air, etc.
Also set a standard of measurement for the time the rockets are in the air (1-1000, 2-1000, 3-1000…)
1. Groups should get their rocket and packet. Go to the launch site where the launcher is assembled and
ready for use.
2. Have the groups complete the flight day log sheet.
3. As each group is ready to launch, allow them to present their rockets.
4. Allow each group to launch using just air. (They then can make any minor corrections.)
5. After the air launch, each group gets to launch using water. They should decide how much fuel they
want. (Do not fill bottle beyond ½ full.)
6. Record altitude (optional.)
7. Complete the rocket result portion of the flight day log sheet.
8. After rocket launch, groups should prepare rocket packet to be turned in to be graded.
9. As time permits, allow students to test other ideas about rocketry. Use the scientific method to test these
ideas. Here are some ideas:
 How does the amount of water in the bottle affect the launch? (Does more water make the rocket
heavier, preventing it from going higher? Does more water create more pressure allowing it to go
 Which is better: 3 small triangular fins or three large triangular fins? (Does the size of the fins make
a difference in rocket performance?)
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
Which is better: 3 triangular fins or three fins of another shape? (Does the shape of fins make a
Does the number of fins make a difference in the launch performance?
Does a smaller size bottle perform better, worse, or the same as a larger bottle if they have the same
kind of nosecone, fins, and amount of water relative to their size?
Will a bottle with no nosecone or fins travel as high as or higher than a rocket constructed correctly?
Why or why not?
Will a bottle with no nosecone or fins be stable when launched? Why or why not?
10. Discuss rocket performance.
 What caused the rocket to fly? Newton’s Third Law of Motion helps explain why the rocket flew.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The action that occurred was pressure
escaping through the end of the rocket. This caused the rocket to soar into the air.
 What caused the rocket to slow down and return to earth? Friction caused by the air against the
rocket caused it to slow down and stop. Gravity caused it to return to the ground.
 Why did some rockets flip, tumble, and spin? Possible contributing factors:
- Unbalanced: When the rocket was built, it should have been top heavy. Adding clay (weight) to
the nosecone area of the rocket helps it to fly straight when launched.
The center of mass should have been close to the nosecone above the center of pressure when the
stability tests were performed prior to launch. If the center of pressure was too close to or above
the center of mass, it would cause the rocket to spin around its center of mass. The correct
position of the center of pressure acts as a counterbalance to prevent the rocket from tumbling
around its center of mass.
- Rocket design: Was the nosecone aerodynamic? Were the fins aerodynamic? Did fins fall off?
How were fins placed on the rocket? Were fins large or small? Were fins spaced evenly on the
 Why did some rockets fly higher than others?
- Weight and fuel relationship (Weight of rocket? Water used? Amount of pressure (PSI)?
- Design of rocket (Was it aerodynamic? Did the design create drag?)
- Wind
USSRC Proprietary 2011
Bottle Rockets
Teacher observation
Teacher questioning
Rocket journal packets
- Journal packets will be used to determine a group’s final grade on the project. The project will be
graded on the criteria listed at the end of the packet.
The teacher may create a test from this project that covers terms, explanations, and other objectives
accomplished during this project.
Remedial/Supplemental work:
Students may create concept definition charts for other vocabulary words as needed.
Students may practice finding the center of mass in other objects.
Students may conduct an action/reaction experiment that requires students to fill ¼ of a film canister
with water, drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet in it, close the lid, turn it upside down, and wait for the reaction.
It is easy to understand and see the action; the fizzing of the Alka-Seltzer as it reacts with the water. This
creates pressure inside the canister. Once the pressure becomes too great, the canister will pop open,
leaving the lid on the ground and sending the container flying into the air.
Use jigsaw groups to research early rocketry leaders such as Constantin Tsiolkovsky, Robert Goddard,
Hermann Oberth, Sergei Korolev, and Wernher Von Braun. Ask groups to find the following
information about the early rocketry leaders: From what country were they? When did they live? What
is a childhood story? What barriers did they face and what accomplishments did they make?
If no time was available to allow students to change various variables to test their rocketry ideas, allow
the class to form a question about rocketry. Using the scientific method, form an experiment to test the
question. Conduct the experiment, analyze the information, and form conclusions.
This lesson was modified by Angie St. John at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
The lesson was adapted from an activity called “Project X-35” that can be found in a 1996 NASA
educational publication, Rockets: A Teacher’s Guide with Activities in Science, Mathematics, and
Technology. The publication contains background information about rocket history, how rockets work,
and many activities related to rocketry. The “Project X-35” activity can be found on pages 95-114. The
publication can be obtained on-line free at the following website hosted by NASA Spacelink, a service of
the education division of NASA:
Websites that give additional information on how a rocket works:
USSRC Proprietary 2006/ updated 2011