Key Changes to Senior Promotions Process and Criteria 2012/13

Summary of Key Changes to Senior Promotions Process and Criteria
The following changes have been incorporated into the UCL Senior
promotions process documentation and criteria for the 2012/13 academic
The whole process for 2012/13 will be electronic and therefore:
a) All applications, supporting documentation and details of
referees must be submitted via the web-based Web Based
Application and Referee Submission Form
(See Annexure E Checklist for Candidate & HoD).
b) Paper copies of the supporting documentation are no longer
needed but candidates need to continue to forward copies plus
list of referees to the School Dean.
c) Promotion Committees will receive their cases electronically.
The criteria (Annexure A) has been updated to:
a) reflect that we are not a Beacon anymore and the way HEFCE
and RCUK define impact.
b) provide further guidance in respect of presenting research
content of non-textual outputs by adding new sections to 1.5.
c) to allow recognition of work outside the UK for last two bullets of
Note: The actual changes are indicated at attached appendix as
tracked changes.
A new template and guidance has been incorporated into
Annexure B (Curriculum Vitae preparation and CV template).
The text has been slightly up dated in Annexure C Publications list.
The HoD checklist at Annexure E of the Process Document has
been replaced with a new Candidate and HoD Checklist /
Summary including mention of some common errors.
A new Annexure F (Head of Department Supporting Statement –
Guidance for writing) was added to the Process Document after
the launch of the Senior Promotions 2013 round on 19 November
following discussion with the Deans.
Academic Promotion .............................................................................. 1
Senior Lecturer (grade 9) .......................................................... 1.6
Reader (grade 9) ...................................................................... 1.7
Professor (grade 10) ................................................................. 1.8
Research Promotion ............................................................................... 2
Principal Research Associate (grade 9) .................................... 2.1
Professorial Research Associate (grade 10) ............................. 2.2
Teaching Fellow Promotion .................................................................... 3
Principal Teaching Fellow (grade 9).......................................... 3.1
N.B. Promotion criteria for academic, research and teaching grades 7 and 8
are detailed in the relevant promotions procedure on the HR website.
Consideration of all proposals for promotion should involve assessing the
individual's overall contributions to UCL. These can best be judged under the
following headings:
 Research: contribution to the advancement of a subject by research
and scholarship (defined as commitment to, and practice in, the
acquisition and synthesis of knowledge and understanding);
 Teaching: contribution to the advancement of a particular subject area through
teaching and / or by educational innovation;
 Knowledge transfer/exchange and engaging communities:
contribution to quality of life or the economy through application of
knowledge in practice to the benefit of the broader community (i.e.
commerce, industry and the public domain); involvement in UCL
projects to enhance engagement with the general public; and
 Enabling: contribution to management or administration or other
significant contribution to the achievement of UCL’s wider goals and
aims, which furthers the discipline, and / or facilitates and enhances
the personal contributions of academic colleagues.
Promotion through the academic grades of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader
and Professor requires, by definition, evidence of scholarship. Promotion
cannot be achieved on the grounds of performance in the categories of either
enabling or knowledge transfer / exchange alone.
Individuals successful in application for promotion to Professorial (grade 10)
level should be aware of UCL’s expectations of staff at this level. These
expectations are detailed in a set of agreed competencies which can be found
Evidence of contribution
1.1 Judgement of Research Contribution will require evidence for
example, of all or some of the following:
 Seminal contribution(s) to the body of knowledge
 Substantial record of output in the form of books, articles in refereed
journals, and (in appropriate areas) exhibitions, or other outputs
appropriate to the discipline
 Invitations to give seminars and lectures and to participate as
principal speaker / discussant at international meetings
 Membership of peer review bodies / committees
 Leadership role in professional organisations where appropriate
 Strong record of support through grants for research and travel
 Established record of supervision of research students and research
1.2 Judgement of Teaching Contribution will require evidence both of
excellence and of innovative contributions in all or some of the following:
 Excellence in teaching from peer review, from student assessments
and / or from examination results
 Significant contribution to the subject through outstanding scholarship,
the development of teaching and/or learning aids in the form of books,
videos, computer assisted learning materials etc
 Development of new modes of delivery of the curriculum
 Enhancement of teaching and learning within and beyond the
candidate’s department
 Receipt of a Distinguished Teacher Award.
1.3 Judgement of Knowledge Transfer/Exchange Contribution to those
outside the academic community will require evidence of significant
impact achieved in all or some of the following:
 Application of knowledge to improve the performance of business,
commerce or industry, through, e.g., consultancy, invention
disclosures, intellectual property (patent applications, provisional
patents, or patents awarded), licensing of intellectual property, or
spin-out companies
 Activities which increase the engagement between the public and the
discipline through dissemination to, consultation of or collaboration
with public groups.
 Application of knowledge to improve the performance of public sector
organisations e.g. by informing public policy, government, or by
engaging with the heritage or cultural sector; such applications of
knowledge may include building code standards, ICT / computing
standards, engineering or other standards, artistic standards, or new
surgical and other medical procedures not otherwise protectable as
intellectual property
 The development of practice to achieve significant enhancement of
the quality of life of a community through improving safety and
sustainability and protecting the environment
 Innovation in the development of organisational mechanisms to assist
or support transfer and application of knowledge to the benefit of
society e.g., industry-sponsored contract research, schemes for
employing students in industry, KTPs (Knowledge Transfer
Partnerships) and industrial secondments and training provision
 The exercise of skill and craft in pursuing the highest level of
excellence in a field of practice
 Innovation in technique or procedure in the exercise of a field of
 Involvement in and development of projects supported by the UCL
Public Engagement Unit.
1.4 Judgement of Enabling Contribution will require evidence for example,
of:  A significant contribution to the management or administration of a
department which benefits the UCL and enhances the activities of its
 Providing an organisational framework which maximises the
effectiveness of other researchers and teachers in the department
 External activity in relation to Learned Societies, Research Councils,
Government Committees etc.
 Establishing and maintaining a clinical research activity of importance
to the work of the department or others in UCL.
Creative output
Whilst creative output can be produced, or practice undertaken as an integral
part of a research process, in disciplines such as Fine Arts, Architecture and
the Performing Arts, applicants for promotion must be able to demonstrate
evidence of scholarship which contextualises and supports their artistic
output, for example by published material, lectures, papers, commentaries
It is essential that applicants present the research content of non-textual
outputs. In evaluating such work in research terms consideration should be
given to:
What were the key research methods used as part of the
What is the precise nature of the research content within the
Are the research methods and content interdisciplinary, and if
so, how?
In what ways does the research content offer an original
contribution to artistic knowledge?
How was this original contribution to knowledge disseminated to
In what ways was the significance of the research content
acknowledged by external bodies?
What wider impacts have been achieved by the work?
1.6 Criteria for Promotion to Senior Lecturer (grade 9)
All activities are taken into account and evidence of achievement in both
teaching and research is normally required. Promotion may be based
primarily on outstanding excellence and innovation in teaching, or on
excellence in research at a national level together with excellence in teaching,
knowledge transfer / exchange and enabling. The promotions committee will
take into account:
 Effective innovation in curriculum development, course design or the
development of teaching materials and use of a range of appropriate
assessment techniques
 Evidence of the successful use of a range of teaching and learning
methodologies appropriate to the discipline and evaluation of their
impact on student learning
 Evidence of sharing skills and experience in relation to teaching and
learning within the Institution
 Evidence of a substantial contribution to the management or
administration of the department, faculty or UCL
 An appropriate contribution to the advancement of a subject by
research or scholarship
 Evidence of the application of knowledge through practice and / or
engagement with communities, including public groups.
1.7 Criteria for Promotion to Reader (grade 9)
The predominant criterion is the research record. International recognition of
achievement is expected, together with evidence that the potential already
shown will lead to continued research achievement. The promotions
committee will take into account:
 Evidence of an outstanding contribution to a body of knowledge and
an international research profile with commensurate, sustained
research or other outcomes appropriate to the discipline
 As appropriate to the discipline, evidence of successful collaboration
with other research teams / Institutions and significant and sustained
success in obtaining research grants (and plans for further grant
 An appropriate number of research students successfully supervised
and, as appropriate to the discipline, proven success in research
leadership and / or management of a research team
 Evidence (as appropriate to the discipline) of the impact of knowledge
transfer / exchange on practice, quality of life, society or culture
through ongoing engagement with communities
 When appropriate given the candidate’s current appointment,
evidence of excellence in teaching and / or evidence of a significant
contribution to the management or administration of the department,
faculty or UCL.
1.8 Criteria for Promotion to Professor (grade 10)
There are two routes for promotion to Professor. Promotion is on the basis
outstanding research coupled with a strong record of teaching,
knowledge transfer / exchange and enabling
 exceptionally innovative / creative contributions to teaching
coupled with a satisfactory record of research, knowledge
transfer / exchange and enabling.
In the latter case, evidence is required that the contribution is
outstanding, that it is recognised nationally and / or internationally as
such, and that it has been widely effective in improving or enhancing
teaching practice (diligent and skilful teaching practice and / or an
intensive teaching schedule are not, per se, an adequate basis for
promotion in this context).
It is recognised therefore that not all candidates for promotion to Professor will
meet all of the criteria. The promotions committee will take into account:
 An outstanding international research profile with substantial seminal
contributions to knowledge or other outcomes appropriate to the
 As appropriate to the discipline, evidence of successful collaborations
with other research teams / Institutions and significant and sustained
success in obtaining research grants
 An appropriate number of research students successfully supervised
and, as appropriate to the discipline, proven and sustained success in
research leadership and / or management of a research team
 Evidence of contributions to peer review bodies / committees,
professional organisations, learned societies, government committees
or Research Councils etc
 Evidence of developing and delivering challenging and innovative
learning activities / teaching materials and of evaluating their impact
on student learning
 Experience of introducing innovative changes to the curriculum and of
a significant contribution to the skills / knowledge base in relation to
teaching and learning within an Institution and / or discipline
 Evidence (as appropriate to the discipline) of a significant impact of
knowledge transfer / exchange on practice, quality of life or wider
social or cultural issues through ongoing engagement with
 Evidence of academic leadership and a proven ability to lead, develop
and motivate colleagues, working as part of a team to achieve
departmental / faculty,/ UCL or other university / educational
establishment goals
 Well-developed enabling skills and evidence of a significant
contribution to the management / administration of a department /
faculty at UCL or other university / educational establishment.
Consideration of proposals for promotion involves primarily assessing
achievement in research, i.e. contribution to the advancement of a subject by
research and scholarship (defined as commitment to the synthesis of
knowledge and continued learning in a broad field), or by equivalent creative
and / or knowledge transfer / exchange activity.
In addition, but not mandatory, support can be gained from the individual's
contribution to the Department.
All criteria in the individual grades will not be met by all candidates but will be
dependent on the subject area of research.
Individuals successful in application for promotion to Professorial Research
Associate (grade 10) level should be aware of UCL’s expectations of staff at
this level. These expectations are detailed in a set of agreed competencies
which can be found here.
2.1 Criteria for promotion to Principal Research Associate (grade 9)
In terms of research and knowledge transfer / exchange achievement,
promotion to Grade 9 should be considered broadly equivalent to promotion of
an academic staff member to Reader. However, consideration must be given
in each case to the opportunity that the candidate has had to build a CV of
standard equivalent to this grade in view of the possible constraints that may
have been experienced due to the method of funding.
The candidate would be expected to demonstrate all the criteria for research
grades 7 and 8, but with the potential realised and evidenced by some or all
an extensive publication record
a record of service on peer review and policy making Committees
evidence of having attracted funding from external bodies
experience of heading a team of researchers
evidence of a significant role in the management and / or
administration of a research group or unit / department
 evidence (as appropriate to the discipline) of the impact of knowledge
transfer / exchange on practice, quality of life, social or cultural issues
through ongoing engagement with communities.
2.2 Criteria for promotion to Professorial Research Associate (grade 10)
In terms of research and knowledge transfer / exchange achievement,
promotion to grade 10 should be considered broadly equivalent to promotion
of an academic staff member to Professor. However, consideration must be
given in each case to the opportunity that the candidate has had to build a CV
of standard equivalent to this grade in view of the possible constraints that
may have been experienced due to the method of funding.
The candidate would be expected to provide evidence of the criteria listed
above but, in addition, the candidate would be expected to be recognised
internationally in his / her field of research. In addition evidence (as
appropriate to the discipline) of a significant impact of knowledge transfer /
exchange on practice or on quality of life through ongoing engagement with
communities would need to be provided.
Cases would need to provide evidence of well developed enabling skills and a
significant role in the management and / or administration of a research group
or unit / department.
Consideration of proposals for promotion involves primarily assessing
achievement in teaching, i.e. contribution to, or leadership of the strategic
development and management of a subject and / or teaching programme. At
a senior level this may involve the co-ordination of the work of a teaching
team, and the creation of cross-faculty and cross-institutional teaching
3.1 Criteria for promotion to Principal Teaching Fellow (grade 9)
In terms of teaching achievement, promotion to Grade 9 should be considered
broadly equivalent in complexity to promotion of an academic staff member to
Senior Lecturer or Reader, or a research member of staff to Principal
Research Fellow (grade 9).
As well as meeting the Senior Teaching Fellow (grade 8) promotion criteria
applicants are expected to provide evidence to show how they fulfil some or
all of the following grade 9 promotion criteria:
 Evidence of academic leadership and a proven ability to lead, develop
and motivate colleagues, working as part of a team to achieve
departmental, faculty and UCL goals
 Making a leading contribution to the formulation, monitoring,
administration and review of departmental, faculty and institutional
teaching and learning related strategies e.g. responsibility for the
strategic development of a series of course modules and / or course
programme; involvement in driving forward international teaching and
learning strategies; designing and managing peer observation within
the faculty
 Experience of introducing innovative / transformational changes to the
curriculum and of a significant contribution to the skills / knowledge
base in relation to teaching and learning within UCL and / or discipline
 Active involvement at institutional level in strategy development in
relation to teaching and learning and involvement in / chairing of
working parties as requested e.g. IQR Panels, actively engaging in
furthering the work of CALT and the Graduate School, participating in
external quality audit teams
 Managing and developing the admissions process in the department
and / or faculty
 Active membership of a Subject Centre. A national leadership role
and / or recognition as a national authority on the teaching of their
subject, and dissemination of scholarship e.g. through organising
national seminars, workshops and / or conferences; regular
contributions as a referee for journals in the area of teaching; sitting
on editorial boards of appropriate journals; advising relevant
professionals / professional bodies; publishing on practical,
conceptual and theoretical aspects of own work
 Leadership of widening participation and / or public engagement
initiatives in the faculty and on behalf of UCL
 Leading on equality action initiatives related to teaching and learning
in the department / faculty
 Proven track record of co-ordinating / drafting bids for both internal
and external funding
 Contribution to national conferences in relation to the pedagogy of
own work and that of others and involvement in bodies such as the
HE Academy
 Undertaking and overseeing a range of enabling and administrative
tasks necessary to support the above duties.