The doctors, nurses and administration team seeks to provide

Practice Staff
Practice GPs
Dr Lucia Grun
Dr Sarah Scott
Dr Sara Hoffbrand
Dr Eunice Laleye
Dr Irwin Nazareth
Dr Barbara Rasburn
Dr Jonathan Sheldon
Dr David Price
Dr Kate Walters
GP Registrars
Dr Emma Fall
(GP Trainer: Dr Lucia Grun)
Dr Sam Boulis
(GP Trainer: Dr Jonathan Sheldon)
Dr Elinor Gunning
(GP Trainer: Dr Eunice Laleye)
Dr Tania Ba-Obeid
(GP Trainer: Dr Eunice Laleye)
Nurse Practitioner
Mary De Kauwe
BSc (Hons) Primary Health Care
Practice Nurses
Anne Ignatius
RN; Adv Dip Women’s Health
Joanna Cowley
Health Care Assistant
Sarah Francis
Practice Counsellor
Sheila Gill
Child Health
Healthcare for
the Elderly
Heart Disease
Family Planning
The Keats Group Practice
1b Downshire Hill
London NW3 1NR
Tel: 020 3435 4672
Fax: 020 7431 8501
CPC Reg’d Counsellor & Supervisor; MBACP (Snr.Accred);
UKRCP Reg. Ind Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Practice Manager
Patient Services Manager
Patient Services Supervisor
Patient Services Supervisor
Patient Services Team
Office Assistant
Data Quality Coordinator
Data & IT Assistant
Donna Joseph
Maxine Lawson
Gerry Porter
Jackie McHugh
Helen Kersey
Sarah Smith
Anne Storton
Julie Johnson
Debra Mathews
Carl Pratley
Natalie Bradshaw
Rebecca Lawson
For details of the primary medical services in the area to register with please visit
NHS Choices website, or contact the
Camden GP Registration Team on
(T) 020 7685 6647 or email:
This practice is within the Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
Updated: October 2013
Welcome to the Keats Group Practice. The doctors, nurses and
administration team seek to provide services that promote health, to detect
and prevent ill health and offer treatment and total care for all patients
registered at the practice. We will provide this care regardless of race,
colour, ethnic or national origins, age, gender, sexuality, employment
status, mental health status, homelessness, class, HIV status or religion.
We welcome diversity and aim to be non-judgemental and open minded
about differing philosophies of health care.
Practice Boundary
Frequently Asked Questions
“I had to wait half an hour, why?”
We never know what kind of problem is going to come through our surgery door. Some
can take a lot of sorting out and require longer than the allotted time. We cannot just
ask a patient to leave because “Your 15 minutes are up”. We would give that time to
you if you needed it. Please be patient with others.
“Why i never see the doctor on my medical card”
We are a group practice and the name on your NHS card is just for administration
purposes. We will offer you an appointment with the first available clinician. However
you can request an appointment with the clinician you are most comfortable with,
depending on their availability.
“Why I can never get through. They won’t answer the telephone”
However many telephone lines we have, however many receptionists, there will never
be enough for the busiest times of the week and we cannot always tell when those
busiest times will be! Afternoons are generally quieter. If you ring to get an appointment
just after 8.00am on a Monday morning you will quite likely find the number engaged. If
the matter is not urgent leave it until a little later when the phones are less busy.
You can also book & cancel appointments on our website. Further information can be
found on Appointments Page.
“Why i had to make an appointment; all I wanted was a prescription.”
In some cases by issuing a prescription the Doctor has to be satisfied that you need
what is written on it. Unless fully satisfied, we are required by law to obtain further
information. Patients are asked to obtain medication from chemists where possible.
Doctors have been instructed not to issue prescriptions for antibiotics over the
“I wanted antibiotics and the doctor wouldn’t give me any! Why”
Antibiotics are issued on prescription to Patients with bacterial infections. When used
properly they can save your life. If used repeatedly for more minor ailments, resistance
becomes more common making them less effective for all when they are really needed.
"Why do I have to pay!"
Most services offered carry no charge. But some do involve a fee as set down by the
BMA. These include private medicals, HGV, pre-employment, fitness for sporting
activities such as sub-aqua diving etc, private certificates, private medical care forms,
some vaccinations and vaccination certificates, passports and various other
documentation not covered under NHS contracts.
Medical Records
Surgery Hours
How do I access my medical records?
The Data Protection Act allows you to ask to see any records containing information
about you; this includes your medical records. If you want to see your records you will
need to complete an application for access to medical records, which can be requested
through our reception team. Your complete form must be forwarded to the Practice
Manager for consideration.
Monday, Tuesday &
Please be aware that you can be refused access to your medical records if a doctor
thinks seeing your records will adversely affect your mental health or upset you too
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 7:30pm
8:00am - 7:30pm
8.00am - 6.30pm
8:00am -7.30pm
8.00am - 6.30pm
The Surgery & Telephone line is closed from 1pm-2pm
Accessing the records of deceased patients
To access the records of someone who has died you need to apply under the Access to
Medical Records Act, 1990. You will only be able to access the records if:
Doctor’s and Nurse Practitioner appointments are scheduled between
8.00am - 12.00pm for the morning sessions. Afternoon sessions are
between 3pm - 7.30pm.
you are the next of kin or legal executor
you have the permission of the next of kin
you have written permission from the deceased person given before they died
You will need to state which records you want to access and if you are taking or intend
to take legal action. The same charges apply as under the Data Protection Act.
How much will I be charged to access my medical records?
£10.00 to view your computer records
Up to £50.00 for a copy of your paper and computer medical records
Only pre-booked appointments are seen between 8:00am-9.00am
and 6.30pm-8.00pm.There are no walk-in or emergency
appointments during those times.
If you cannot attend for your booked appointment please ring the
surgery to cancel as early as possible, so that your appointment can
be offered to another patient.
Test Results - Patients are requested to telephone for test results after
Out of Hours - In the case of a genuine medical emergency, which
cannot wait until the surgery is next open, please telephone the out of
hours service on 111.
General Information
Patient Confidentiality - We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health
The Keats Group Practice is a ‘training practice’. This means hospital doctors wanting to
enter general practice spend a year with us in order to gain the experience they need to
become family doctors. The doctors and nurses also undertake the training of student
doctors and nurses.
From time to time students, attached to the practice, will be taking part in consultations
with the doctors, nurse practitioner or practice nurses or directly with patients.
information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and upto-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can give you
the best possible advice and care. This information is only available to those involved in
your care and you should never be asked for personal medical information by anyone
not involved in your care.
You have a right to know what information we hold about you. If you would like to see
your records pick up a medical records leaflet from reception which will explain what to
do next.
If you would prefer that a student were not present, please let a member of the reception
staff know or inform the doctor or the nurse.
If you would like to see your records, please make a written request to the Practice
Manager. You are entitled to receive a copy but please note a charge will be made.
As a training practice, your medical records may be used for educational purposes.
Because of this, we ask patients registering with us to sign a consent form giving
permission for their records to be used in this way.
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
To understand your rights and responsibilities as a patient please ask at reception for a
copy of our practice charter. You can also visit the practice website on
This leaflet is for both existing patients and those considering registering with us. It tells
you about our services, how to access them and some general information about how
our practice operates.
Suggestions and Complaints
Please refer to our Comments, Complaints and Suggestions Leaflet.
Please note, we do have a Patient Participation Group and welcome new additions. If
you are interested in becoming involved in this or require further information, please
obtain details from our receptionists.
We aim to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. However, if you
have any concerns or suggestions about any aspect of our service, please let us know
by either speaking or writing to our Practice Manager who will be happy to help. In the
Disabled Access -The surgery is accessible to disabled patients. There is a ramp
at the front entrance and a lift to all floors. Most consulting rooms are on the ground
majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily. However, if you feel we have
not dealt with the issues you have raised as you would wish, you can escalate it with
NHS England, with support from the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service.
floor and are accessible to wheelchair users.
NHS England, PO Box 16728, Redditch, B97 9PT
Telephone: 0300 311 22 33 (this is charged as a local rate call)
Travel Immunisation – The provision of travel immunisations is not an NHS
How To Register - If you live within our practice area and would like to register with
service. However the practice does provide travel advice and some vaccinations
us, please speak with one of our receptionists who will provide further details and
free of charge. Please visit our website or enquire with a member of our reception
registration form for completion. You will be registering with the practice rather than an
team as to what vaccinations are available.
individual GP.
For current vaccination recommendations and comprehensive travel advice,
please check the free NHS website,
New Patient Health Check – Any new patient aged 16 and over on regular
medication or with a significant health problem will be required to book a new patient
New patients will have to have been registered with the practice for at least 4
health check.
weeks before travel immunisations can be provided.
Travel Immunisations are not considered as an emergency and so if no
appointment is available please contact a travel clinic:
RFH Travel Centre – 020 7830 2885
St. Pancras Travel Clinic – 020 7388 8989
Masta Travel Clinic – 0845 600 2236
Trail finders – 020 7938 3999 (website:
Carers – If you are a carer for someone and need advice or support, please feel free
to make an appointment with a doctor or nurse practitioner to discuss what help is
Appointments – The GPs and Practice Nurses are available to see a specific
number of patients by appointment. GP and Nurse Practitioner appointments are
offered on the same day or up to two weeks in advance. It is the Practice policy that if
Zero Tolerance
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to
you are more than 10 minutes late you may have to re-book an appointment. On arrival
at the practice please ensure you use the self check-in facility or inform a member of the
reception team of your arrival.
treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening,
abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is
violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour and we reserve the
right to ask them leave the surgery. If they persist, we may exercise our right to
take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of
How you can help us help you.
Be on time for your appointment
Tell us if you need to cancel an appointment
Call for home visits or urgent appointments before 10am (where possible)
Ring for test results after 3pm
You can also book a GP / Nurse Practitioner appointment online via our website
( up to two weeks in advance. To sign up for this
service, please come in person to the practice, bringing with you one form of photo-ID;
we can sign you up on the spot. To use the service you will need a unique username
and password which the reception staff will give you when you sign up.
You can cancel your appointment either by calling the surgery or by using our online
booking system.
We ask that you are patient during your time at the surgery. Often sessions are
very busy and you may have to wait. However, the staff will do all they can to
Clinics – Antenatal Clinic
This clinic is held every week by the Community Midwife and is by appointment only.
ensure that you are seen as soon as possible.
Telephone Consultations - In many cases patients find that they only need to
6 Week Checks
speak with a clinician rather than come in to meet face to face. This option is now
available to all of our patients each morning between 9am and 11.30am. Please
mention that you would like a telephone consultation when you speak with reception.
If you and your baby have been given a 6-week check appointment, then you need to
attend 15-30 minutes before your appointment time so that your baby can be weighed
by the health visitor prior to seeing the doctor. Please allow even more time if you need
to register the baby too.
Seeing the Doctor or Nurse Practitioner as an Emergency - If there are
Postnatal Checks: This will involve a general examination of the baby and
no more appointments on the day you call, and you have an urgent medical problem
discussion with the mother. Any issues arising will be dealt with in this session. All
session are an hour long.
that cannot wait until the next day we will do our best to see you on the same day by
appointment. If the surgery is very busy, this may sometimes mean you have to wait to
be seen, and we would appreciate your patience if this is the case.
Immunisation Clinic
Nurses - The Practice Nurses provide a number of clinical services. If you need a
The Immunisation Clinic runs from 2:00pm until 3:40pm on the ground floor here at The
cervical smear, contraception, blood pressure check, vaccination, travel advice, or
Keats Group Practice on Tuesday afternoons only. It operates on an appointment
wound dressing please ask for an appointment with a nurse. Many of these nurse
basis and appointments can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
appointments can be booked in advance.
Home Visits - Home visits are for those patients who are housebound and unable to
attend the surgery. If you think you need an urgent visit, please telephone before 11am
Please note that all babies will have to have had their 6 week check before having their
to discuss your situation with the duty doctor.
first immunisation. This would be a booked appointment outside of Baby Clinic.
Repeat Prescriptions - Repeat prescription requests can be handed in at the
Reception Desk, left in our letter box or faxed to us on 020 7431 8501. Alternatively,
send in requests with a stamped-addressed-envelope to the surgery. You can also
request prescriptions via our website (, Boots
Hampstead, Ritz Pharmacy and Keats Pharmacy will collect your prescription, if
requested. Please allow two working days after 3.30pm for collection or return.
We are unable to accept telephone requests. If a medication requested is not on the
repeat prescription slip you may be asked to book an appointment to see the doctor.
Health Visitor
The Health Visitor is available, on the first floor, between 2:00pm – 3:30pm for baby
weighing and advice. Health visitors are also available directly on a daily basis on 020
3317 3800. Common areas that will be covered include the list below but will be
dependent on individual circumstances:
Feeding your baby
Coping postnatal
Monitoring the growth of your baby
Advice regarding immunisations