Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Listing Alphabetizing Rules Overview A telephone directory listing is made up of of four parts, i.e., name, designation, address and telephone number. In determining the sequence of listings in the directory, each part is looked at separately. The following rules are used to determine how listings sort in the directory. Name • Surname or finding word of a firm name. • First and successive given names (or initials) or additional words of a firm name. Title • A title is a term commonly used in addressing an individual to indicate his social, military, professional, genealogical or honorary status. Designation • A designation is a term used to describe either the customer's profession, the nature of his business, or his location (ofc., etc.) Address • • • • • Street number and name (or equivalent) Thoroughfare designation Directional designation Building name in lieu of a street number and name Locality name (if required) Telephone Number • Two letters plus five numerals • Seven numerals All punctuation marked shall be omitted except hyphens and apostrophes. In the examples in the following sections the portion of the listing which determines the location of the listing has been se in bold face type. Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Words Letters Used As Names One or more single letters used as names are treated as words, the single letter or combination of single letters being considered a surname. Such listings are grouped at the beginning of their respective alphabets, the group containing one single letter, preceding the group beginning with a combination of two single letters, etc. Names made up of single letters and numbers or words joined with hyphens will be treated as separate words as though the hyphens were not used and the numbers will be treated as though they were spelled out in full. Example: A-Ace Insurance A Mill Supply Co A-1 Supply Co A-Veri-Best Milling Co A'S Tavern A A Club A & A Delivery A A A Club A B C Washers A & F Garage A & P Grocery Co A & Z Bottling Corp AAron Neal Dr 114 North 100 E Main 142 Grant 1014 Tyler 120 E Main 50 Congress . 114 W Market 1130 S Washingtn 461 Cherry 514 Orchard 230 State Lafayette Pike 24 North ......................628-1784 ......................548-1000 ......................268-4312 ......................628-6714 ......................628-6714 ......................628-0320 ......................628-1122 ......................268-9124 ......................628-9132 ......................548-1234 ......................628-1988 ......................548-1222 ......................938-1866 __________________________________________________________________ Words The sequence of words shall be controlled by the alphabetical precedence of the first letter of each word, or of the second letters when the first are alike, or of the third when the first and second are alike, etc. Example: Azar Ball BEll BeSs Words of Unequal Length When two words of unequal length are spelled alike up to and including the last letter of the shorter word, the shorter word shall precede the longer word. Example: John J L meats JohnS Frank L JohnsTon Chas JohnstonE Geo C 55 Beacon 323 Arnold 324 Arnold 108 Clark ......................548-2281 ......................238-1821 ......................238-4812 ......................628-0281 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Words - cont’d Abbreviations Words which are abbreviated in accordance with Telephone Company practices, as shown in the following examples, take the same alphabetical sequence as though the words were spelled in full. The finding words of a listing should not be abbreviated, however, when the state name is abbreviated by initials N Y for New York; S C for South Carolina the listings should be filed as the beginning of the alpha the same way as we file listings, such as R C A etc. If the state name is abbreviated so that the part of it is shown such as Wisc for Wisconsin; Pa or Penna for Pennsylvania the listing should be filed in the same sequence as if it were spelled out. Words whose abbreviated forms are also recognized as words will be alphabetized according to their spelling and not treated as abbreviations (example: auto, apt, lab, litho, photo, and taxi) unless the publisher indicates that it is an abbreviation and is to be alphabetized as if it were spelled in full. When the alphabetical location of the word as spelled out is widely separated from the abbreviated form, a reference listing may be placed at the alphabetical position of the abbreviated or spelled out position. (N Y - See New York; U S - See United States; Unites States - See U S, etc.). Example: Aug(ust) Benj(amin) Cha(rle)s Dan(ie)l Edw(ard) Fred(eric)k Geo(rge) Ja(me)s Jos(eph) Lawr(ence) M(oun)t Nath(anie)l Pat(ric)k Rob(er)t S(ain)t Sam(uel)l Tho(ma)s W(illia)m __________________________________________________________________ Words Containing An Apostrophe The use of an apostrophe to denote possession shall not affect the precedence of listings. Example: B Careful Laundry B’S Tavern BrookS A B Brook's Bakery Brooks' Garage 120 Park Av 112 Main 76 Tyler 12 Park Av 55 Beacon ..................................938-2746 ..................................938-7258 ..................................648-7369 ..................................238-0704 ..................................938-5678 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Names Containing Numbers Numerals which make up or are contained in names are, with one exception, placed in alphabetical sequence as commonly pronounced as though spelled in full, unless specifically indicated otherwise by the publisher. Where a number as pronounced forms a compound word (such as "two-forty"), the first word controls the alphabetical sequence. The expectation to the above rule is where a group of numbers begins with the same word as pronounced. In this situation the numbers are alphabetized under the first word (e.g., "two") but are arranged in numerical sequence within the group. Numbers in radio station call letters and numbers designating the locals, districts, lodges, etc., of such organizations as Unions, Lodges and Clubs are arranged in numerical sequence if the listings are alphabetically the same up to the numbers. Example: 12 O'Clock Club 20 N Main Bldg TwIn Drug Co 2-Spot Restaurant 2 Way Inn 210 240 265 280 299 Bldg Corp Club Park Hotel Main St Co Club 2000 Lincoln Bldg Elk Decorators Elks Lodge No 250 Elks Lodge No 761 Elks Novelty Co Ampersand symbol (&) or the word "and" The ampersand symbol (&) or the word "and" shall not affect the precedence of listings. Example: BroWn A D Brown & ALdrich Co Brown and AlLen attys Brown B C 1334 Jefferson Av 1629 Colb Rd Cobb Bldg 10 Poole .......................938-7292 .......................978-7554 .......................628-1211 .......................698-0070 __________________________________________________________________ Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Articles, Prepositions and Conjunctions The definite article (The) is generally omitted from directory listings when it is the first word, except in cases where it is necessary for identification purposes or is specifically requested by the customer. Example: MIller T Miller THe Jeweler Miller ThOmas Pastry Shop The The Style Shop 683 Grant 328 Walnut 2432 Arnold 144 Central 745 Main ...................................538-7141 ...................................628-2419 ...................................238-3244 ...................................378-2000 ...................................238-0668 The indefinite article (A, An) is used only where it is part of the name. When it is the first letter in a name, it is considered as the surname. Example: A Better Shade Co A BIt of Moscow A Kings Palace A Mexican Gift Shop Prepositions (By, For, Of, etc.) are treated the same as any other word in the name in determining alphabetical sequence. Example: Society For the Blind Society Of Arts Society of Elec Engs Conjunctions (Or, As, etc.) are treated the same as any other word in the name determining alphabetical sequence. Example: Rain Control Enterprises Rain Or shine Boot Co __________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Names Names of Unequal Length When two or more names of unequal length contain the same words up to and including the last word of the shorter name, the shorter name shall precede the longer name. Example: Brown G Brown GEo gro Brown Geo A 437 Park Rd 2427 - 1st Av 1220 - 8th ...................................258-1707 ...................................768-1209 ...................................938-5920 __________________________________________________________________ Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Organization or Institution Names The sequence of names of organizations or public institutions named after individuals shall be determined by the order of the letters or words comprising their legal names. Example: Henry Ford Hospital Woodrow Wilson Club 17 W 24 1410 Bdway ...................................928-0723 ...................................268-2746 __________________________________________________________________ Firm Names The sequence of firm names is determined by the first word of the firm name or by the second word (or initial) when the first word of two or more listings is the same or by the third when the first and second are the same, etc. Example: LIncoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln A A A A A A A A 12 Grant Av B 833 Grant B Art Co 329 North BC 1918 Beacon B & CO 427 Beacon B & Son 30 Clark Creamery Co 144 Walnut Inc 220 Allen .................................238-2421 .................................238-9763 .................................268-3932 .................................628-0266 .................................548-1565 .................................668-3315 .................................928-1043 .................................548-0706 __________________________________________________________________ Individuals' Name Without Titles The sequence of individuals' names without titles shall be determined by the surname or by the first given name (or initial) when the surnames are the same or by the second given name (or initial) when the surnames are first given names (or initials) are the same, etc. See Individual's Names With Titles. Example: Colby C Samuel CoOper Jas B Cooper Leonard B Cooper Leonard C 31 Walnut 23 Clark 8148 Beacon 1638 North .................................238-5687 .................................238-3104 .................................268-3630 .................................698-2095 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Individuals' Name Without Titles (cont’d) In Chinese names, the first word in the name as submitted shall be treated as the surname, except in cases where Chinese names include an English name which is definitely known to be a given name. In such instances the English given name shall be treated as a given name. Example: On Sing SHong Bink Lndry SIng Charlie Sing Fong Lung Sing Ling Lndry 45 Clark 65 State 841 Park Av 814 Beacon 814 Clark .......................938-5210 .......................938-4789 .......................238-1393 .......................628-5410 ......................548-4821 __________________________________________________________________ Words Joined Together By Hyphens Words, letters or numbers joined by hyphens are regarded as separate words, and are to be alphabetized as thought the hyphen were a space. This rule does not apply to surnames and assumed names containing a hyphen between those prefixes specified in Names With Prefixes. Example: Miczal Andrew R MiD-America Corp Mid-Century Mkt Mid CLarence R Mid COntinent Co Mid-Day Club Mid Town Key Shop Mid-Way Tavrn MidDa August K MidLand Mining Co __________________________________________________________________ Same Names Spelled as One or Two Words Names which are spelled as both one and two words are alphabetized as spelled: That is, as one word or as two words. Example: Lock Port Fisheries LockE R S LockPort Engine Co New Castle Apts NewCastle Hotel NOrth Eastern Security Co North Packing Co NorthEastern Body Co 501 Beacon 14 Main 781 Walnut 16 Lorain 24 Lorain 2417 Clark 48 Beacon 208 Arnold ......................................238-3932 ......................................938-7400 ......................................698-2401 ......................................548-7293 ......................................548-0070 ......................................938-4289 ......................................238-4910 ......................................238-4271 __________________________________________________________________ Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Names With Prefixes When the alphabetizing word is composed of a multi-part surname or assumed name, the first part of which is one of the following prefixes, all parts shall be treated as forming a single word; the apostrophe, hyphen, or capitalization within the word being disregarded and all the letters joined into a word without spaces. When hyphens are used and these prefixes are not involved refer to Words Joined Together By hyphens. Bou Ciz D’ Da Das De Del Dela De La Dell’ Della Der Des Di Du El Fa Fitz Ge Im Demand Sam DeMaR C K Demar Emil DeMarCo Angelo DemarEst Stanley K’ L’ La Le Les Li Lo los M’ Mac Mc O’ EL-Bar Fabric ElbOw Inn Elmer Rita M ElRad John El-RaNcho Bar Re Ros San Santa Te Van VenDe VanDen Van Der VanOs Ver Von VonDen VonDer ElRancho Club El-Wiggins Daisy ElWOod Dan __________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Listings Individual's Names With Titles The sequence of individuals' names with titles shall be determined primarily as in Individuals' Name Without Titles. Listings with titles will follow similar listings without titles. Titles include words which indicate social, military, professional, genealogical or honorary status of an individual, such as: Miss, Mrs, Mme, Sister, Rev, Dr, Prof, Capt, Col, Brig, Gen, Adm, Comdr, Jr, 2d, 3d, 4th, etc. The titles are placed after the entire name, and where more than on title is used the one normally spoken before the name shall be shown following the one spoken after the surname. Names containing titles of lineage such as 2d, 3d, 4th, will follow all listings of the same name with other titles and arranged in numerical sequence. In certain unusual cases the title may be treated as the primary indexing word and as such is alphabetized as if spelled in full. Example: Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Wm W Brig Gen Wm Dr Wm Jr Wm Jr Dr Wm Jr Mrs Wm Mrs Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Rev Sr 2d 3d B B Jr B Sr Jones Wm B C Madamba Jos M(ada)mE Louise MEyer John Sister Mary Sister Rug Shop __________________________________________________________________ Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Listings - cont’d Designations Designations include words which describe either the subscriber’s profession, the nature of his business or his location, such as: ofc, brokr, chiropdst, flst, lwyr, prntr, whol groc, etc. (considered as spelled in full). Designations also include letters which describe the subscriber’s profession, such as: MD, DDS, PHD, CPA, RN (considered as letters). When two or more listings are alike up to the designation the sequence of such listings is determined by the designations. Listings with designations will precede similar listings without designations. If residence listings are alike up to the designations, the sequence of the listings is determined by the designations with the main residence appearing first and the additional residences (cottage, farm, summer res, etc.) placed in alpha order. Example: Jones A Jones A Jones A Jones A Jones A Jones A Jones A dresses DDS Lwyr Lmbr R est Dr Mrs Jones A Mrs RN Jones A B restrnt Jones A B Tinsmth Jones A B Jones A B Jr Jon es A B & Co Jones A & Bros Jones Henr y CPA Res 14 Bedford Jones Henry Miller Geo Miller Geo Cottage Miller Geo Farm Miller Geo Summer Res __________________________________________________________________ Address When two or more listings are exactly alike up to the address, the sequence of the listings shall be determined by: 1. Numbered streets (1st Av) will precede named streets (Oakwood Dr). Numbered streets will be listed numerically. Named streets will be listed alphabetically. Example: Bennett Wm groc 33 Poplar Bennett Wm groc 21 Sycamore Columbia Cigar Stores 1121 Alpine 3 Charles 21 4th 6 5th ....................628-7138 ....................698-0509 ....................268-0804 ....................678-2765 ....................568-0076 ....................698-2726 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Listings - cont’d Address (cont’d) 2. The thoroughfare designation (Av., Blvd., Rd., Etc.) in cases where the street names are the same. Listings without thoroughfare designations preceding those with designations. Example: Swift Bros 66 Houlton 81 Houlton Av 61 Houlton Ct .......................548-0509 .......................548-3423 .......................548-2766 3. The directional designation E(East), W (West), etc., in cases where the street names and thoroughfare designations are the same. Example: Walthers W A 35 E Pine Walthers W A 18 W Pine Webster's Chain Stores 24 Belmont 14 S Elm 48 W Elm ....................378-2463 ....................378-3721 Butler A M groc Butler A M groc Butler Bros 101 W Spruce Av 1106 W Spruce Av ....................668-0730 ....................668-2345 10 N Main 180 N Main 3176 N Main ....................788-3720 ....................788-2943 ....................788-7361 .....................778-0710 .....................938-2221 .....................938-0040 4. The street number numerically in cases where the street name, thoroughfare and directional designation are the same. Example: __________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number When two or more listings are alike up to the telephone number, the arrangement of such listings is determined by the alphabetical precedence of the lettered prefixes then numerically by the telephone number when lettered prefixes are the same. Example: Darnell Bros 81 Houlton Av 81 Houton Av 410 Main 410 Main 410 Main .....................228-3423 .....................548-2424 .....................548-3425 .....................668-2555 .....................668-2556 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Precedence of Listings - cont’d Class Alphabetizing Class headings will be alphabetized left to right the same as listings, ignoring the ampersand "&", the word, "and", and the en dash. • Word "Auto" (Automobile) will alphabetize as spelled out in class Headings only. • Cross references alphabetize only to the word "see". • Trade Mark headings will be placed in alphabetical sequence based on the finding line. • Trade Marks will alphabetize before an Informational when TM finding line and the IL firm names are the same. • Informationals will precede a BT or RT when names are the same. • Disregard EL's and AF's when alphabetizing, also "nr" and "rr". Example: School Directory SchoolS-Academy Schools and Colleges Schools-CoNsolidated Schools & Universities Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Listing Examples A-Ace Insurance A Mill Supply Co A-1 Supply Co A-Veri-Best Milling Co A A club A & A Delivery A B C Washers A & P Grocery Co A & Z Bottling Corp AAron Neal Dr ABbot Louis A atty AbLey N M ADams John L ALden Morris Mrs nurse AU Werter John T ofc B Careful Laundry B’S Tailoring Serv Beech-Nut Mfg Co BeNnett Wm groc Bennett Wm gro BRook W B BrookE A L BrookeS’ Restaurant Brookes S M BrookS A B Brooks’ Bakery Brooks’ Garage BroWn A D Brown & ALdrich Co Brown B C Brown G Brown GEor groc Brown Geo A Brown Henry Jr Brown Henry III Brown Henry A BrownE H A BrowneS Bakery BrownIng D S Ofc Brown’S Garage Browns GEoffrey Browns GEO BUtler A M groc Butler Bros Colby C Samuel 114 North 100 E Main 142 Grant 1014 Tyler 50 Congress 114 Market 461 Cherry 230 State Lafayette Pike 24 North 501 Main 158 Putnam Av 23 Belden 15 Orange UnTr bld Res 20 Clark 120 Park Av 6717 Haven 857 Beacon 33 Poplar 21 Sycamore 16 Poole 27 Brown Av 33 Walnut 42 Tyler 76 Tyler 12 Park Av 55 Beacon 1334 Jefferson Av 1629 Colb Rd 10 Poole 537 Park Rd 2427 1st Av 1220 - 8th 22 Vermont 212 Maple Av 66 Park Av 3803 Huntington 326-9th Av 199 Walnut 55 Beacon 27 Park Av 4869 Grant Av 101 W Spruce Av .......................628-1784 .......................548-1000 .......................268-4312 .......................628-6714 .......................628-9132 .......................628-9124 .......................628-9132 .......................628-1988 .......................548-1222 .......................938-1866 .......................768-1962 .......................268-9030 .......................268-8106 .......................728-9155 .......................628-9439 .......................768-2173 .......................938-2746 .......................558-7513 .......................538-3740 .......................628-7138 .......................698-0509 .......................698-0509 .......................548-2643 .......................238-0719 .......................648-2792 .......................648-7369 .......................348-0704 .......................938-5678 .......................938-7292 .......................378-7554 .......................698-0070 .......................258-1707 .......................768-1209 .......................938-5920 .......................626-3217 .......................744-2248 .......................238-1548 .......................268-2382 .......................668-4857 .......................548-4968 .......................938-5698 .......................238-1924 .......................238-1924 .......................668-2345 10 N Main 180 N Main 3176 N Main 4 10th 301 10th 31 Walnut .......................788-3720 .......................788-2943 .......................788-7361 .......................348-0703 .......................348-7423 .......................238-5687 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Listing Examples cont’d ColUmbia Cigar Stores CoOper Jas B Cooper Leornard B Cooper Leonard C Damata J meats D’AmatO P D’aRcy A C DarNell Bros DE Lamar A D atty De La MarE A D DeRamer C H Der Amerlkaner Inn Eighty-Sixth St Garage EVers-Harper Co Evers Harper D Dr Evers-Harper M L EversHarp Product Inc Fitzpatrick T M furn Fitz-Patrick W K FiVe Hundred Twelve Main Street Co Henry Ford Hospital John J L meats JohnS Frank L JohnsTon Chas Johnston L C JohnstonE Geo C JoNes Wm Jones Wm Mrs Jones Wm B Jones Wm B Rev Jones Wm B Sr Jones Wm B A Laigle A D L’AigleOn Restraurant LIncoln A Lincoln A B Lincoln A B Art Co Lincoln A B C Lincoln A B CO Lincoln A B & Son Lincoln A Creamery Co Lincoln A Inc 1121 Alpine 24 Bennett 3 Charles 21 4th 6 5th 23 Clark 8148 Beacon 1638 North 1417 Arnold 366 North 7701 Walnut .......................268-0704 .......................368-2920 .......................678-2765 .......................568-0076 .......................698-2726 .......................238-3104 .......................268-3630 .......................698-2095 .......................648-0515 .......................938-8375 .......................698-2736 81 Houlton Av 81 Haulton Av 81 Houlton Av 81 Houlton Av 876 Pack Av 934 Walnut 312 E 112 175 Bdwy 21 Arnold 985 Clark 2358 Park Av 89 Walnut 2851 77 Arnold 621 North 512 Main 17 W 24 55 Beacon 323 Arnold 324 Arnold 841 North 108 Clark 440 Arnold 6 Main 12 Main 14 Main 24 Main 127 North 431 Beacon 711 Nroth 12 Grant Av 833 Grant 329 North 1918 Beacon 427 Beacon 30 Clark 144 Walnut 220 Allen .......................548-3423 .......................548-3424 .......................668-1786 .......................668-2555 .......................548-7586 .......................938-7564 .......................538-0712 .......................268-7250 .......................928-7245 .......................238-4953 .......................668-9845 .......................938-2761 .......................238-9541 .......................238-4691 .......................628-4447 .......................628-0025 .......................928-0723 .......................548-8821 .......................238-1821 .......................238-4812 .......................628-4812 .......................628-0281 .......................238-7342 .......................698-7245 .......................698-2739 .......................698-0040 .......................698-0040 .......................268-7492 .......................238-2441 .......................938-1336 .......................238-2421 .......................238-9763 .......................268-3932 .......................628-0266 .......................548-1565 .......................668-3315 .......................928-1043 .......................548-1565 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Listing Examples cont’d Lincoln ARt Co LOck Port Fisheries LockPort Engine Co MacDonald B J groc MacDonald E W MaRsfield Walter atty MCCall Richard McCall Richard JR Mrs McDonald C M McDonald Wm M Donald D E lwyr MIller T Miller THe Jeweler Miller ThOmas MT Wachusett Observatory New Castle Apts NewCastle Hotel NOrth Eastern Security Co North Packing Co NorthEastern Body On Sing St. Agnes Church Saint George Hotel St. Jean John L StE Claire Salt Works SaNi-Pkt Corp SHong Bink Lndry SIng Charlie Sing Fong Lung Sing Ling Lndry SOciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Society Of Arts and Sciences SWift Bros Thirty-Day Business College 12 O’Clock Club 20 North Main Bldg TwIn Drug Co 2-Spot Restaurant 2 Way Inn 240 Club 2000 Lincoln Bldg U-Drive-It Garage U-Need- A Cleaners UKraniun Book Co UP-Stairs Dress Shop Up-To-Date Vulcnzg Co 864 Pearson 501 Beacon 781 Walnut 51 State 27 Beacon 1210 Park Av 427 North 1422 Main 97 State 93 Beacon 44 Park Av 683 Grant 328-Walnut 2432 Arnold 56 Park Av 6 Lorain 24 Lorain 2417 Clark 48 Beacon 208 Arnold 45 Clark 94 Beacon 23 State 741Walnut 705 State 411 Beacon 85 State 841 Park Av 814 Beacon 814 Clark 27 Main .......................628-7847 .......................238-3932 .......................698-2401 .......................238-4632 .......................938-2741 .......................328-5934 .......................548-1819 .......................548-7149 .......................238-7163 .......................938-7428 .......................548-7923 .......................538-7141 .......................628-2419 .......................238-1078 .......................238-3244 .......................548-7293 .......................548-0070 .......................938-4289 .......................238-4940 .......................238-4271 .......................938-5761 .......................628-7942 .......................938-0101 .......................668-3815 .......................238-7200 .......................238-4544 .......................938-4799 .......................238-1393 .......................548-4821 .......................548-4821 .......................628-1791 725 Beacon .......................238-4736 81 Houlton 61 Houlton Av 101 Houlton Ct 121 Pine 980 N Baltimore 20 N Main 608 Park 1880 Clermont 1770 W Prospect 240 Bdway 2000 Lincoln 951 Clark 100 Grant Av 415 Beacon 15 State 25 Beacon .......................548-3423 .......................548-2766 .......................548-4463 .......................378-0506 .......................668-4782 .......................628-3268 .......................238-1840 .......................928-9978 .......................238-6330 .......................628-2400 .......................938-8300 .......................668-1592 .......................548-2814 .......................628-1528 .......................238-1582 .......................628-1528 Listing Alphabetizing Rules _____________________________________________________________________ Listing Examples cont’d Walthers W A Walthers W A WEbster’s Chain Stores WeEd H V lwyr Weed H V Ri est Weed H V Ri est Weed H V Survyr Weed HV WOodrow Wilson Club 35 E Pine 18 W Pine .......................378-2463 .......................378-3721 24 Belmont 31 S Dunlop 14 S Elm 48 W Elm 34 N 5th Av 32 S 5th Av 26 3rd Av 4 Main Av Res 7 Bedford Rd 6 Pine Rd 81 26th 112 Main 1410 Bdway .......................778-0710 .......................548-2721 .......................938-2221 .......................938-0040 .......................678-4521 .......................678-3725 .......................628-4604 .......................628-3604 .......................548-9841 .......................548-0305 .......................628-0430 .......................528-6704 .......................268-2746 Letter Sequence Indicator _____________________________________________________________________ Letter Sequence Indicator The Letter Sequence indicator is used to sort a name in Letter position rather than word position Listing ABC; Variety Stores J B’s; Health Club A & B; Beverage Mart A-Z; Plumbing Svc MADD; Organization SAL’s; Place A-1; Construction A; -1 Construction A;-1 Construction A;ONE Construction ABF;CLARK Enterprises AVS;CLS Financial WGEA; 1150 AM A;Ability ________________________________________________________________ File As & Letter Sequence The File As field overrides the system generated filing of words. If both File As and Letter Sequence fields are populated, the Letter Sequence field will override the File As field. Listing File As/Letter Sequence Matrix File As Key As Field Letter Sequence Value of 1 N Y Y N N N N A; 1 Plumbing Y A One Plumbing Verizon; N Leave Blank AAA; Auto N Leave Blank A A A; N Leave Blank A B C; Towing N Leave Blank 4th; St Station Y Fourth Street Station St Elmo’s; Place N Leave Blank The Keyword Table recognizes St as Saint and no File As is required. 1; Melrose Place Y One Melrose Place N NOTE: Do not enter special characters and/or punctuation in the File As field. File As with Numerics in the Name All names with numerics will be spelled out in full as pronounced by the customer. Example: 888 Inn will be listed as File As EIGHT EIGHTY EIGHT INN. __________________________________________________________________ Letter Sequence Indicator _____________________________________________________________________ Letter Sequence Indicator cont’d The only exception to this rule is for listing names that have specific numbers that they want to file by. Example: Quick Stop Store No. 1 Quick Stop Store No. 2 Quick Stop Store No. 3 Numerics should not be used in the File As field. File As (PLA) Logic For NY/NE Telco passes to VIS a ‘full name’ for every listing (ex: 1595 Broadway would have a full name of One Five Nine Five Broadway). The full name field is used to store the PLA if there is one. White page extract uses the text in the ‘full name’ field for determining where the listing should appear. In the example above for 1595 without a PLA, this listing would file as One Five Nine Five in the Oís. There are no rejects for a missing PLA. Semi Colon Placement _____________________________________________________________________ Semi Colon Placement The Semi-Colon is used to determine how a listing will file alphabetically in the directory. The Semi-Colon is placed on a listing based on the following rules: Listing U-Haul Semi-Colon placement U-Haul; Le Chin Fred Le Chin; Fred A H Hanson A H; Hanson Action The semi-colon is always placed after the second word of a hyphenated name. The word can be re-keyed to show the semi-colon after the U. Example: U;-Haul Since Le is in the Keyword Table as a prefix to a second word, the system places the semi-colon after the word Chin. If the service order shows the word Le in the LN= field and is not followed by a second word, the name should be rekeyed to show the semi-colon after the word Le. Example: Le; Chin Fred The semi-colon is always placed after the last single letter if the name contains 1 or more single letters. The semi-colon can be changed to agree with the service order. Example: A; H Hanson Semi Colon Placement _____________________________________________________________________ Semi Colon Placement cont’d When a listing name begins with one of the following prefixes, the semi-colon placement is always after word following the prefix. Example: de la Rosa, Mark will appear as de la Rosa; Mark Prefixes Au B’, Be, Bel, Ben, Bou Ciz, Corte D’, d’, Da, da, daa, dae, De, de, Di, di, Dela, Della, De La, de la, de La, Del, del, Del’, del’, Dell’, Der, Die, Das, Des, des, Don, Du, du El Fa, Fitz, Ft Gay’, Ge Im, Isla K’, Ka, Ki L’, La, la, Las, Le, le, Les, Les’, Lo, Los M’, Ma, Mac, Mc, Mt Nu O’ Re, Ros, Ru S’, San, Santa, St Te, Ten, Ter’, TerUp de Van Der, Van der, Vander, vander, VanDer, van-der, van, Van, Van de, van de, vande, Vande, VanDe, Vanos, VanOs, Ver, von, Von, Von Den, VonDen, VonDer,Vonder, Von Der Zu, Zum, zur, Zur _____________________________________________________________________ The following chart identifies some examples of how the semi-colon is placed on the listing. When a name is made up of single letters, the semi-colon always comes after the last single letter providing there are no other words in between. Hyphens are treated as a space and are ignored. The ampersand symbol and the word AND should be treated the same and should be ignored for filing purposes. Example: A & E; A AND E; A ‘N E; __________________________________________________________________ NOTE: To file correctly, ‘N as an abbreviation of AND requires a “file as” __________________________________________________________________ Semi Colon Placement _____________________________________________________________________ Semi Colon Placement - cont’d Listing Semi-Colon Placement A-1 Supply Co A-1; Supply Co A-Ace Insurance A-Ace; Insurance A & Z Bottling Corp A & Z; Bottling Corp A La Carte Office A La Carte; Office A Mill Supply Co A; Mill Supply Co A-Very-Best Billing Co A-Very-Best; Billing Co A A Club A A; Club A & A Delivery A & A; Delivery A A A Club A A A; Club A & H Co A & H; Co Bush A & B Bush, A & B A Hop Skip & A Co A; Hop Skip & A Co A & H Skip & D Co A & H; Skip & D Co A-1 & B Co A-1; & B Co Bush & A Co Bush; & A Co ABC & D Co ABC; & D Co A to Z Company A; to Z Company A 2 Z Company A; 2 Z Company Ft Wayne Plumbing Ft Wayne; Plumbing St Anthony Hospital St Anthony; Hospital Mt Prospect Pharmacy Mt Prospect; Pharmacy Internet address - The semi-colon should be placed after the full internet address. Example:; __________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The Semi-colon is placed according to the examples listed above, but can be changed if necessary. Semi Colon in Items The semi colon is an acceptable printable character, and is not used for filing purposes in the text of the following items: • LI - Line Of Information • RJ - Right Justified Text • EL’s - Extra Lines • AC’s - Alternate Calls • 1SR - Caption Indents • Indent Text