LSU SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - SHREVEPORT Teaching Portfolio Example Packet Pat Doe, MD This packet is for demonstration purposes only. It contains examples and explanations for creating your Teaching Portfolio. Summary tables are also examples, and in this sample portfolio it will not the match data listed. Adjust the dates in each table to match your personal data. When 2 identical tables are present on the same page, use the second one to continue dates from the first one. The second table may be deleted if it is unused. Use the blank packet to develop your own portfolio, not the sample packet. I. Teaching Responsibilities and Skills I. Teaching Responsibilities A. List teaching activities to date grouped chronologically using the following format: Repetitive Ongoing Teaching Responsibilities at LSUHSC Dates 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1990 – present 1992 – present Activity Title SAHP 3116 - Allied Health Medical Conditions Course Osteomyelitis Cellulitis Infections I Infections II Clinical Teaching - Junior and Senior Clinical Precepting Medical Students in LSUMC – S Outpatient Clinic CCC 211 Course (Medical Students): Biopsychosocial Model of Medicine CCC 231 Course (Medical Students): Pelvic exam and vaginal infections Attending Residents and Students on the LSUMC Family Practice Wards Clinical Teaching and Precepting – Residents Clinical Precepting in the LSUMC-S Medicine Clinic Family Medicine Colposcopy Clinical Clinical Precepting Teaching and Precepting of Residents Ob/Gyn Resident Introduction Lectures: The Papanicolaou Smear The Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory Contact Hours Method 1 hour/ year 1 hour/ year 1 hour/ year 1 hour/ year 200 hours/ year 1 hour / year Slides Slides Slides Slides Guided Instruction 5 hours/ year 112 hours/ year 200 hours/ year 200 hours/ year Slides, Small Group Discussion Teaching for ward teams Guided Instruction 1 hour / year 1 hour / year Slides Case-Based Learning Neurosurgery Grand Rounds 5 hours/year Slides Slides & Group Discussion Slides Colposcopy Training Series (Residents) 20 hours/ year Slides & Casebased Non-LSUHSC and Nonrepetitive Teaching Dates 11/1992 9/1993 5/1993 6/1993 Activity Title Louisiana Internal Medicine Retreat - Guest Speaker. "LEEP in Practice." Alexandria LA Participant in the "Call 3 Community Help Line" program at KTBS television American Academy of Physicians - Basic and Advanced Colposcopy Course: Including Cryotherapy and Loop Electrosurgery. New Orleans LA. The Papanicolaou Smear LEEP - History and Basic Electrosurgical Principles Post-menopause / Post-cryotherapy Treatment of Non-cervical HPV LEEP - Case Discussions Testing - Written Test American Academy of Physicians - Basic and Advanced Colposcopy Course: Including Cryotherapy and Loop Electrosurgery. Seattle WA The Papanicolaou Smear LEEP - History and Basic Electrosurgical Principles Contact Hours Method 1 hour Slides 1 hour Lay media 1 hour ½ hour 3 hours ½ hour ½ hour 3 hours Slides Slides Case Discussion Slides Case Discussion Written Test 1 hour ½ hour Slides Slides 1994 12/1994 12/1994 1995 1/1995 9/1995 11/1995 12/1995 12/1995 12/1995 1996 4/15/96 4/10/96 8/1996 11/8/96 12/4/96 4/20/97 8/14/97 10/16/97 Post-menopause / Post-cryotherapy Treatment of Non-cervical HPV LEEP - Case Discussions Testing - Written Test Guest on "Talk of the Town" radio program concerning health care issues Red River Pharmacists Association Quarterly Meeting CME: Advances in Oral Contraceptives, Shreveport, LA Northwest Society of Surgeons CME: Hormone Replacement Therapy, Shreveport, LA (Practicing physicians) Guest on "Talk of the Town" radio program concerning health care issues Willis-Knighton Dept. of Family Physician CME: Hormone Replacement Therapy, Shreveport, LA (Practicing physicians) Procedural Faculty - American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly. Anaheim CA Basic Colposcopy - Abnormal Cervical Findings Cervical Electrosurgery Panel Discussion with Questions and Answers Contraception Update: Norplant Contraception Update: Hands-on Breakout Cervical LEEP - Equipment, Preperation, and Safety Cervical Loop Electrosurgery - Hands-on Breakout Colposcopy Skills Testing Station 3 hours ½ hour ½ hour 3 hours 4 hours Case Discussion Slides Case Discussion Written Test Lay Media 1 hour Slides 1 hour Slides 7 hours Lay Media 1 hour Slides 1 hour 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours 2 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours Procedures Equipment Station - Colposcopy Barksdale Air Force Base Medical CME - Hormone Replacement Therapy WK Rural Fellowship Program CME The Pap Smear and Cervical Dysplasia NorthWest Society of Physicians Depo-Provera Contraception Gregg County Medical Society The New Progentins in Contraception Guest on "Talk of the Town" radio program concerning health care issues Medicine 222 - Souphmore Clinical Diagnosis Class - Sexually Transmitted Diseases American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Update and Review Course: St. Petersburg, FL Course Chairman How to perform LEEP Difficult Case Discussions Post-menopause / Post-cryotherapy How to Teach Colposcopy Louisiana AHEC Resident and Student Job Fair. Medical Student EGD and Colposcopy Workshops. New Orleans, LA Colposcopy: A Step Beyond the Basics What’s New in Cervical Cytological Screening Distinguishing LG-CIN from HG-CIN Colposcopy of the Pregnant, Postmenopausal and Post treatment Patient Nursing CME: Women Forever: Women’s Health Throughout the Life Span. Tx & Follow-up of Abnormal Pap Smears North La. Seminar for Pharmacists. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Oral Contraceptive Pills Schumpert Department of Family Medicine CME - Follow-Up of The Abnormal Pap Smear Univerity of Texas Ob/Gyn Journal Club Lecture. Tyler, Texas 3 hours 1 hour Slides Slides Group Discussion Slides Lab /Models Slides Lab with Models Hands-on Skill Testing Demonstration Slides, Discussion 1 hour Slides 1 hour Slides, Discussion 1 hour Slides, Discussion 5 hours Lay Media 1 hour Slides 45 minutes 40 minutes 3 hours 45 minutes 2 hours Slides Case Discussion Case Discussion Group Discussion Slides & Lab with models 1 hour 1 hour 3 hours Slides Slides Workshop 1 hour Slides and Discussion Slides and Discussion Slides Discussion Slides / Discussion 1 hour 0.5 Hours 1 hour B. List teaching materials development activities to date grouped chronologically by using the following format: Date 1990now 1993now 1994now 1994now 1994 1995 1995now 4/15/96 1996now 1996now 8/1996 11/8/96 12/4/96 2/97 4/20/97 1997-9 1998-9 1998 Title of Activity Course Handouts for: SAHP 3116 - Allied Health Medical Conditions Course; Osteomyelitis, Cellulitis, Infections I, Infections II; CCC 211 Course: Biosocial Models of Medicine; CCC 231 Course: Pelvic Exam and Vaginal Infections; Obstetrics and Gynecology Student Lecture: The Papanicoloaou Smear; Family Practice Resident Introduction Lectures: The Papanicolaou Smear; Computers in Medicine, The Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, Introduction to Procedures - Colposcopy, Endoscopy, and LEEP; Family Medicine Grand Rounds; and Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds Doe, J. Pelvic exam and vaginal infections. In: Outpatient Management Manual, Comprehensive Care Clinic. LSUMC-S 1993: 179-87. Revised and reprinted in 1994 to present Developed and instituted the "LSUMC-S Clinical and Academic Server" on the Internet. It is a growing pool of information on procedures, patient education, educational aids for medical students, internet resources, and LSUMC-S residency information. The World Wide Web address is "HTTP://LIBSH.LSUMC.EDU/fammed/default.html". Project started in 1994 and is ongoing. American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly. Handouts and Workshops Basic Colposcopy and Cervical Cryotherapy, Abnormal Cervical Findings, Cervical Electrosurgery, Cervical Loop Electrosurgery - Equipment, Preperation, and Safety, Cervical LEEP - Hands-on Breakout Contraception Update: Norplant. 1994. Modified and reprinted in 1995 Doe, J. "Treatment of non-cervical HPV infection." in Colposcopy, Cryotherapy, Androscopy, and Loop Electrosurgery: An Ilustrated Syllabus. Newkirk G (ed), American Academy of Physicians, Kansas City, MO. Used as handouts for AAFP Scientific Assembly Doe, J. American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly: Colposcopy Skills Testing Station - Procedures Equipment Station and Written Test- development of standardised skills testing Medicine 222 - Souphmore Clinical Diagnosis Class Handouts: Sexually Transmitted Diseases American Academy of Surgery Colposcopy Update and Review Course: Course Chairman, Handouts& workshops: How to perform LEEP, Post-menopause / Post-cryotherapy, How to Teach Colposcopy, Dificult Case Discussions, Colposcopy of the Pregnant Patient, Cervical and Uterine Cancer, HPV Diagnosis and Treatment, New Technology American Academy of Internal Medicine - Primary Care in Women’s Health Course: Handouts & Workshops: The Abnormal Papanicolaou Smear, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Choosing Birth Control , Menopause/Perimenopause, Cervical and Uterine Cancer, How to Perform LEEP, HPV Diagnosis and Treatment, Eating Disorders, Birth Control Issues Louisiana AHEC Resident and Student Job Fair. Medical Student EGD and Colposcopy Workshops Colposcopy: A Step Beyond the Basics - Handout materials and workshop models: What’s New in Cervical Cytological Screening, Distinguishing LG-CIN from HG-CIN, Colposcopy of the Pregnant, Postmenopausal and Post treatment Patient Nursing CME: Women Forever: Women’s Handouts: Health Throughout the Life Span American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Comprehensive Colposcopy Course. Handouts and Workshops. Colposcopy - The Procedure, Rational Approach to HPV Treatment, Colposcopy in Pregnancy, Colposcopy of the Male Patient, Electrosurgical Loop Excision of the Cervical Transformation Zone, Colpo, Biopsy, ECC and instuments, Case Studies, HPV, LGSIL, HGSIL, CA, Slides, Assessing and Grading Cervical lesions, LEEP Hands on North La. Seminar for Prarmacists Handouts: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Oral Contraceptive Pills Medical College of Wisconsin Colposcopy Update Course. Handouts and Workshops. New colposcopic Technologies, LEEP has replaced Cryotherapy for CIN Tx, The ECC is not part of the Colpo Exam, Cerviography is a valable adjunct to the Pap smear, LEEP: Practical Pointers for the Practioner, HPV Update, Debate: HPV testing is clinically useful, Colposcopy in Pregnancy, Colposcopy Review: Normal to Cancer, Colposcopy Pearls National Procedures Institute Office Gyn Courses: Handouts and Workshops. Optimizing the Pap Smear, New Cervical Screening Techniques,Diagnosing Ectopic Pregnancy,Cervical LEEP and Cryotherapy, Optimizing the Pap Smear, Cercical Polyps, Oral Contraceptive Pills, Vulvar and Vaginal Lesions, Vaginitis, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Understanding Pap Smear Reports, Depo-Provera, Bartholins Cysts and Word Catheters, EMB Workshop, Barrier Contraceptives, IUDs, Norplant American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Comprehensive Colposcopy Course: Handouts and Workshops. Cervical Cancer & Bethesda System, Colposcopy on DES Daughters, Rational Approach to HPV Treatment, Colposcopy of the Male Patient, Case Studies, VAIN, VIN, DES, Patient Education & Psychosocial Issues, Case Studies, Normal Cervix, Assessing and Grading Cervical lesions, Hands on Practicum SECTION I A LSUMC Teaching Activity Summary Report by Academic Year List conference contact hours (not including hospital rounds) for each category of teaching activity (Hospital attending activities are credited in the service portion of the CV packet.) Activity Type Lay Media H.S./ College Medical Student Teaching Rounds House Staff / Graduates Faculty State Meeting Regional Meeting National Meeting Prior 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02* Years - - - - 1 4 7 6 5 4 6 8 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 55 56 54 65 112 224 224 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 - 24 66 66 66 66 88 88 67 55 66 66 88 5 5 5 5 5 9 9 6 8 7 6 6 8 - - - - - - - 2 - 3.75 - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 28.5 37 15.3 28.5 49 41 46.5 48.75 <<Use table below for additional dates>> Activity Type Lay Media H.S./ College Medical Student Teaching Rounds House Staff / Graduates Faculty State Meeting Regional Meeting National Meeting * Year to date as of submission. 62.75 45.25 SECTION I A LSUMC Teaching Method Summary Report by Academic Year List contact hours for each category. Only include actual time in direct teaching - not assigned or preparation hours. Activity Type Prior 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02* years Lecture 16 16 26 16 36 23 43.5 38 39.5 ~ video - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 ~demonstration - - - - - - - - - 4.5 4 4 4 ~ Problem/ Case Based - - 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 26 26.75 20 27 ~ Discussion 2 2 2 3 10 1.5 17.5 21 34 33 18.75 19.75 ~ Lab - - - - 2 1 2 13 10 22.5 7.5 15 14 224 224 224 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 122 114 114 114 114 116 114 118 - - - - 22 22 13 16 9 2 7 9 10 ~ slides/OH 44.25 40.75 37.25 37.5 Small Group ~ Hospital Rounds 22.5 One-onOne ~ Clinical Precepting ~ Guided Instruction OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: * Year to date as of submission. SECTION I B LSUMC Teaching Materials Development Summary Report by Academic Year Place an 'X' for each category. Activity Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02* Type years Course X X X X X X X X X X X X Handout Co-author X X X X X X Syllabus Edit Syllabus Author Syllabus Educational X X X X X X X X Software Educational X Video See attached example of educational software. Activity Type Course Handout Co-author Syllabus Edit Syllabus Author Syllabus Educational Software Educational Video * Year to date as of submission. II. ASSESSMENT -HOW TO EVALUATE YOUR SUCCESS AS AN INSTRUCTOR I. Please submit an example of an evaluation form for any or all of the activities listed in Section I. A., complete with a synopsis of all the learner evaluations received for that particular activity. CCC 331 Course: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree (See attached) Pertinent topic for a junior medical student. mean = 4.83 sd = 0.68 Presented in a concise, practical, and stimulating manner. mean = 4.88 sd = 0.52 II. Please list written examinations you have had a substantial role in creating and administering in chronological order. Please submit an example of an evaluation form for one of the exams listed below, complete with a synopsis of all the learner evaluations received for that particular exam. Date 1990-5 1990-5 1993-5 1995-6 Type # Contributors SAHP 3116 - Medical Conditions Course; 12 CCC 211, 221, 223 Course American Academy of Physicians Basic and Advanced Colposcopy Course: Including Cryotherapy and Loop Electrosurgery - Written Test American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly. Anaheim CA Colposcopy Skills Testing Station; Learner 8 12 4 Allied Health Medical Students Practicing Physicians 3 Practicing Physicians III. Please list any oral examinations you have had a substantial role in creating and administering in chronological order. Please submit an example of an exam plus an evaluation form for that exam, complete with a synopsis of all the learner evaluations received for that particular exam. Date Type Learner None IV. Please list any computer based testing you have created and administered in chronological order. Please submit an evaluation form for that test, complete with a synopsis of all the learner evaluations received for that particular test. Date Type Learner None V. Please list any written/oral examination questions submitted for regional/national testing in chronological order. Date Type 1993-7 American Academy of Physicians Basic and Advanced Colposcopy Course: Including Cryotherapy and Loop Electrosurgery -Testing - Written Test American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly. Anaheim CA Colposcopy Skills Testing Station; Hands-on Skill Testing 9/1995 9/1996 Learner Practicing Physicians Practicing Physicians VI. Please list any CME lectures/programs you have given in chronological order. Please provide a sample evaluation form, completed as a synopsis of the evaluations received for one of the referenced CMEs. September 1995-2001; Procedural Faculty - American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly. Anaheim CA - Colposcopy Skills Testing Station; 3 hours; hands-on skill testing. This is a new project by the AAFP to allow physicians to perform standardized skill testing in selected procedures. I was involved in the development of the written test (87 items) and the proctored hands-on case scenario. It was planned as a 1 year project but was repeated because it was highly successful. The test has been reevaluated and updated yearly. III. Advisor A. In chronological order (academic year) within the following format, list any person(s) that you formally advise. Dates 1991 1992 1992 1992-94 1993 1993-96 1993 1994 1994-6 1994 1995-99 1995 1995 1995-6 1996 1996 Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Learner’s Name Status Resident Med Student Med Student Resident Med Student Resident Med Student Med Student Med Student Med Student Resident Med Student Med Student Faculty Med Student Med Student Your Role Advisor Advisor Research Supervisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Research Supervisor Advisor Advisor Research Supervisor Advisor Research Supervisor Research Supervisor Colposcopy Preceptor Advisor Advisor Position of Advisee Private Practice Private Practice Deceased Private Practice Private Practice Private Practice Private Practice Private Practice Private Practice Private Practice Private Practice Academic Practice Private Practice Academic Practice Private Practice Private Practice B. List publications, posters, projects, or other materials prepared by students that you mentored in a research setting. If appropriate, provide a representative publication(s). *Doe, J, Student S. The reliability of repeat cervical smears compared to colposcopy in patients with abnormal cervical cytology. J Medicine, 1995; 40:57-62. **February 1994; Student B. EGD efficacy and safety in family practice: Experience at a university medical center. [Poster] Louisiana State University Medical Center Student Research Program. Shreveport, LA. Student B, Doe, J EGD efficacy: Experience at a university medical center. J La State Med Soc 1994; 146:319-20. Section III LSUMC Advisor by Academic Year Indicate the number of students of each type you formally advise. Activity Type Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02* years Premedical - - - - - - Medical - 3 3 4 5 7 Resident - 2 3 3 3 3 Medical Fellow - - - - - Graduate - - - - - - - - - - Postdoc. Fellow Junior Faculty - - - - - 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 5 5 3 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 1 0 1 1 Activity Type Premedical Medical Resident Medical Fellow Graduate Postdoc. Fellow Junior Faculty * Year to date as of submission. 2 IV. EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION A. List in chronological order by academic year, any position you have held on educational committees, your involvement with courses/programs, and the role you played. DATE(S) 1990 - present 1992 – 1993 1992 1993 - present 5/1993 10/1993 1994-95 1994 - 1997 10/1994 1995-6 9/1995 4/10/96 4/11/96 9/1996 4/10/97 4/11/97 TITLE OF COMMITTEE/COURSE OR PROGRAM Associate Residency Program Director CME Committee, LSUMC-S Medical School American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly Colposcopy Course: San Diego CA. Director of Research Program. American Academy of Physicians - Basic and Advanced Colposcopy Course: Including Cryotherapy and Loop Electrosurgery. Seattle WA. American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly Colposcopy Course: San Diego CA. Assisted in development and implementation of student selected learning in CCC221. National Library of Medicine South Central Region Council of Physicians American Academy of Physicians Scientific Course Assembly Colposcopy Course: New Orleans, LA LSUMC-S Goal 1 Task Force American Academy of Physicians Scientific Course Assembly Colposcopy Course and Develop Cryotherapy/Electrosurgery Course : Anaheim, CA American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Update and Review Course: St. Petersburg, FL American Academy of Physicians – Primary Care in Women’s Health Course: St. Petersburg, FL American Academy of Physicians Scientific Assembly Colposcopy Course and Cryotherapy/Electrosurgery Course : New Orleans, LA American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Update and Review Course: Hilton Head, SC American Academy of Physicians – Primary Care in Women’s Health Course: Hilton Head, SC ROLE Associate Director Member Course Development Director Course Development Course Development Member Member Course Development Member Chaiman & Coordinator Program Committee Course Development Chaiman & Coordinator Program Committee Section IV LSUMC Educational Administration Activity Report (Please summarize the information provided in section IVA above) Activity Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 Type years Committee X X X X X X X Member: Department Committee X X X X X X Member: LSUHSC-S Coordinator Co-Director X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Director Activity Type Committee Member: Department Committee Member: LSUHSC-S Coordinator Co-Director Director * Year to date as of submission. V. Demonstration of Scholarly Activity in Teaching and Educational Techniques A. In chronological order by academic year within the following format, list any publications on teaching and educational techniques or other topics related to education that you have published. Indicate peer-reviewed articles, invited articles, and book chapters. (Note: only publications on educational topics, not other publications.) Journal Date Publication Title Peer reviewed (Yes/No) Invited (Yes/No) Book / Chapter 1993 Doe, J, Arnold J. Why family medicine first-year residents choose their programs. Fam Med 1993; 25:253-6. Professor, M, Doe, J, Professor, M, Goel R. Procedural training in family practice residencies. Current status and impact on resident recruitment. J Am Bd Fam Pract 1995; 8:189-94. Professor, M, Doe, J, Professor, M. EGD efficacy and safety in family practice: Experience at a university medical center. Med 1995; 27:506-11. Professor, M, Professor, M, Doe, J. Colonoscopy experience at a family practice residency. Med 1997; 29:575-9. Doe, J. Parent comprehension of polio vaccine information pamphlets. Pediatrics 1996; 97:804-10. Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No 1995 1995 1996 1996 B. List in chronological order by academic year, presentations at meetings such as posters, lectures and invited plenary lectures that you have presented in the area of teaching techniques or educational approaches. Indicate specifically if the meeting was an international, national, or regional meeting and indicate the focus of the meeting. (Note: only presentations on educational topics, not other publications.) Dates 6/92 6/93 6/94 4/10/96 4/10/97 Presentation Title Recruiting (Roundtable) - Residency Assistance Program Workshop for Program Directors, Kansas City MO. Issues concerning procedures in family practice residencies (Roundtable) Residency Assistance Program Workshop for Program Directors, Kansas City MO. Innovative Ideas Showcase: Successful development of a family practice residency procedural program. (lecture) Residency Assistance Program Workshop for Program Directors, Kansas City MO. American Academy of Surgery Colposcopy Update and Review Course: St. Petersburg, FL How to Teach Colposcopy. American Academy of Pediatrics Update and Review Course: Hilton Head, SC Meeting Type National Meeting Focus Residencies National Residencies National Residencies National Residencies National Residencies C. List in chronological order by academic year any funding such as grants, contracts, scholarships, etc. you have received that involved education. None D. List in chronological order by academic year any meetings, conferences, symposia, or other related activities you have organized or chaired at the international, national, or regional level. Indicate your specific role in each. Dates 4/1996 Event American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Review and Update Level National 4/1996 American Academy of Physicians – Primary Care in Women’s Health Course: St. Petersburg, FL American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Review and Update National American Academy of Physicians – Primary Care in Women’s Health Course: St. Petersburg, FL American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Update and Review Course: San Francisco, CA American Academy of Physicians – Primary Care in Women’s Health Course: San Francisco, CA National Procedures Institute Contraceptive Update: Orlando FL National 4/1997 4/1997 4/22/98 4/22/98 6/24/98 National National National National Role Chaiman & Coordinator Program Committee Chaiman & Coordinator Program Committee Chaiman & Coordinator Program Committee Chairman E. List the education-related professional organizations or societies of which you are a member. Indicate the dates of membership/service. Indicate if you hold an appointed or elected office/position in these organizations. Dates 1994 present 1995 present Association of Residency Directors Appointed / Elected No/No Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics No/No Organization / Society Section V LSUMC-S Educational Scholarship Activity Report # = Please provide total NUMBER per year across row. X = Please indicate YES or NO across row. Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02* years Activity Type Presentations # - - 1 1 1 - - - - - - Poster Sessions # - - - - - - - - - - - Publications # - - - 1 - 1 Grants X No No No No No No No No No No No No X No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes X No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes X No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes X No No No No No No No No No No No No Education Related Org. Committee Member Committee Chair Elected Position # = Please provide total NUMBER per year across row. Activity Type Presentations # Poster Sessions # Publications # Grants X Education Related Org. Committee Member Committee Chair Elected Position * Year X X X X to date as of submission. X = Please indicate YES or NO across row. VI. Continuing Education to Improve Your Teaching A. In chronological order by academic year, list all activities that you have participated in that were to improve your teaching skills or educational administrative activities. Indicate if these activities are seminars, courses, workshops, or other activities. Also, in the activity column, indicate the educational role(s) (lecturer, small group mentor, clinical teaching, graduate student / resident mentor, etc.) to which this activity best relates. Date(s) 1991-5 4/10/96 1996 4/10/97 1997 2001 Activity American Academy of Physicians Residency Assistance Program Workshop for Program Directors, Kansas City MO. American Academy of Physicians Colposcopy Update and Review Course: St. Petersburg, FL How to Teach Colposcopy. American Academy of Physicians Residency Assistance Program Workshop for Program Directors, Kansas City MO. American Academy of Physicians workshop Colposcopy Update and Review Course: Hilton Head, SC How to Teach Colposcopy. American Academy of Physicians seminars Residency Assistance Program Workshop for Program Directors, Kansas City MO. How to be a More Effective Speaker. Wonewok, MN Seminar / Workshop / Course / Other Seminars, courses, workshops Workshop Seminars, courses, workshops Workshop Seminars, courses, workshops Workshop Role CME Relates To Educator, mentor, administrator Educator Educator, mentor, administrator Educator Educator, mentor, administrator Educator VII. Honors and Awards A. In chronological order by academic year, list any recognition of excellence in teaching that you have received. Indicate the specific aspect of your teaching responsibilities that was recognized, such as clinical teaching, classroom teaching, etc. Indicate the source of the recognition, such as the professional organization, university committee, etc. Also indicate if the award is local, regional, national, or international. Dates Recognized June 1990 March 2000 Aspect of Teaching & Source Society of Teachers of Medicine Resident Teacher Award. Given for clinical teaching. The source of the recognition is a university committee of faculty American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Award of Merit given for service and dedication to basic colposcopy education clinical teaching. The source of the recognition is a multispecialty professional organization Please see attached documents. Recognition Type Local award National award