1. Adoption of Previous Minutes – Liverpool 31 March 2011
The Minutes of the meeting of 31 March 2011 were accepted as a true record
2. Matters Arising
2.1 The BSCCP Secretariat – Liz Dollery will retire on the 27th April but will
remain employed on a consultancy basis for a further 12 months. Sharon Parisi
and Debbie Lewis will take joint responsibility for running the secretariat and
Elaine Radford has been employed as a Society Administrator and started with the
Society on 2nd April. The staff now has pension plans in place. A lump sum
payment of £25,000 will be made to Liz Dollery in lieu of the lack of pension
provision over the last 21 years and this will be placed into a stakeholder pension
plan by the Society.
2.2 Research Committee up-date – P Martin-Hirsch reported that a second
application for less money to conduct a randomised trial on the Obstetric Outcome
of Ablation –v- Excision had been submitted to the HTA. This application had
also been rejected. The Committee are in discussion with the HTA.
3. Honorary Secretary’s report
John Tidy reported on the current membership. There are 2400 members of the
Society of which 465 are Trainees. 155 people registered to train in 2011. There
are 1700 certified colposcopists, 223 of which are nurse colposcopists. 140
trainees sat the OSCE in 2011 and 109 passed the exam making an overall pass
rate of 77.86%.
4. Certification and Training Matters
4.1 OSCE’s – John Cullimore stated that, in view of past problems, there will be a
change in the method by which a trainee can book a place on the OSCE in future.
After January 2013 nobody will be allowed to register for the OSCE before
submitting his/her Log Book and accompanying paperwork.
4.2 Quality Assurance of Trainers – The Society has a responsibility to ensure that
Trainers produce a good quality of training. Therefore from September 2012 all
Trainers should become accredited and a BSCCP Register of Trainers will be
placed on the website.
4.3 Recertification – John Cullimore reminded the membership of the new criteria
for recertification which will commence in September 2012. An individual
colposcopist should see a caseload of 50 new cases in a 12 month period, this will
include a proportion of patients seen with abnormal cervices and incorporates new
cases which arise as a result of the introduction of HPV and Test of Cure. It
should also assist the more senior colposcopists who take tertiary referrals.
4.4 Regional Representatives – Job Description – John Tidy will draft out a Job
Description for Regional Representatives which will clarify the role and make use
of their talents appropriately.
5. NHSCSP Quality Assurance working Group
5.1 Role out of HPV Triage and Test of Cure – The new programme for role out
of HPV Triage and Test of cure is now established in several hospitals. John Tidy
reported that meetings to educate people are going well.
5.2 Up-date of KC65 – No progress.
5.3 Up-date of NHSCSP Documents 1, 10 and 20 – ABC 3 Document 1 is in the
final editorial phase. The NHSCSP have appointed an editor to ensure that all
documents adhere to the same style. Document 20 is currently being rewritten.
Julietta Patnick wishes to complete the up-dates by autumn/winter 2012. This
applies to English practice only.
5.4 Failsafe arrangements for women discharged to primary care for ToC –
John Tidy pointed out that failsafe arrangements must be robust. He stated that
once a patient is discharged back into the community she becomes the
responsibility of primary care and not the colposcopy services. Appropriate
mechanisms must, therefore, be put in place to advise the call and recall officer
when the patient is discharged.
6.8.1 ‘Outcomes of FIGO stage 1A1 cervical cancer and early
stromal invasion type. Is re-excision always performed on a
background of incompletely excised CIN’ – The audit study
has been completed but the response rate was poor.
There has been a persistent poor response rate from the Lead Colposcopists which
is affecting the publication of audits. The Executive has suggested that the Lead
Colposcopists Job description should be modified to include a clause stating that it
is the responsibility of the lead colposcopist to participate in the national audits on
behalf of the Trust. The job description will be amended and placed in the updated edition of Document 20.
6. BSCCP Website
The BSCCP website is to be redesigned. The new website will be fully automated
and will make life easier for both the secretariat and the members. Work on the
new website is ongoing and should be completed later this year. The President
thanked Grainne Flannelly and the IT Committee for all their hard work in
organising this project.
7. European Federation for Colposcopy
Joe Jordan confirmed that the EFC is going from strength to strength. The next
Congress will be held in Prague in September 2013 by which time the Federation
should have moved forward considerably towards the introduction of a European
Diploma in Colposcopy and reviewing the European Standards of Quality
Assurance in Colposcopy.
The IFCPC Congress was held in Rio de Janeiro in July 2011. The next Congress
will be hosted by the BSCCP and held in London in May 2014. Walter
Prendiville is now the President Elect of the IFCPC and is working on distance
learning courses in Africa and India. He is looking for members of the BSCCP to
mentor emerging colposcopists in other under developed countries.
9. Future Meetings
9.1 2013 – Glasgow 25-26 April 2013 – Arrangements for the meeting in
Glasgow are in hand and will be circulated later in the year.
9.2 2014 – London 26-30 May (Joint BSCCP/IFCPC Congress Meeting) – The
BSCCP will be hosting this meeting which will be held in the QEII Centre in
9.3 2015 – Bids to host the 2015 meeting are invited
10. Honorary Treasurer’s Report
P Martin-Hirsch reported that the finances remain sound. The current funds stand
at £413,000. The Society made a surplus of £23,339 in 2011. The Liverpool
meeting last year realised a profit of £13,000. He confirmed that main outgoings
in 2012/2013 will include the cost of the new website and a retirement package for
Liz Dollery. The accounts were adopted by the membership.
11. President’s Report
11.1 Election Results
J Tidy P Martin-Hirsch T Freeman Wang N Myerson L Pickford E Crosbie M Hanneman M Nathan V Coneley -
President elect
Chair of CTC Committee
Welsh Representative
North West Representative
South West Representative
Nurse Representative
11.2 Jo’s Cervical Trust up-date
The BSCCP donated £5,000 to Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to assist with their
educational programme and a very successful free help-line has been set up. The
BSCCP will continue to collaborate with Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and monitor
their progress.
11.3 Affiliation of the Colposcopy Nurses to the BSCCP - The Chair of the RCN
Colposcopy Nurses Group has requested formal affiliation to the BSCCP and
applied for a grant to assist in the formation of a new Colposcopy Nurses Group.
The Executive has agreed in principle and is prepared to make a loan of £1000,
but wish to make further enquiries before the decision is final. The affiliation of
the Nurses Group to the BSCCP will be placed on the Agenda for ratification at
the AGM in Glasgow next year and the constitution will be amended to
incorporate a clause regarding Affiliated Membership of the BSCCP.
11.4 Donation - A philanthropic donation of £3,000 has been awarded to the
BSCCP to support a guest lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting for the next
few years. The lecture is to be entitled the ‘Liz Dollery & Jo’s Cervical Trust
11.5 Handover of Presidency to Dr M Cruickshank - Mr Shafi handed over the
Chain of Office to Dr Cruickshank and thanked the secretariat, Executive and the
Trustees for their support over the last 3 years. Dr Cruickshank thanked Mr Shafi
for his excellent leadership and outstanding contribution.
12. Any Other Business
13. Date and place of next meeting
Glasgow 25th April 2013